2014-05-16 01:20:41 +02:00

407 lines
13 KiB

# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_amp.TLSTest,twisted.test.test_iosim -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Utilities and helpers for simulating a network
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
from OpenSSL.SSL import Error as NativeOpenSSLError
except ImportError:
from zope.interface import implementer, directlyProvides
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.internet import error
from twisted.internet import interfaces
class TLSNegotiation:
def __init__(self, obj, connectState):
self.obj = obj
self.connectState = connectState
self.sent = False
self.readyToSend = connectState
def __repr__(self):
return 'TLSNegotiation(%r)' % (self.obj,)
def pretendToVerify(self, other, tpt):
# Set the transport problems list here? disconnections?
# hmmmmm... need some negative path tests.
if not self.obj.iosimVerify(other.obj):
tpt.disconnectReason = NativeOpenSSLError()
class FakeAddress(object):
The default address type for the host and peer of L{FakeTransport}
class FakeTransport:
A wrapper around a file-like object to make it behave as a Transport.
This doesn't actually stream the file to the attached protocol,
and is thus useful mainly as a utility for debugging protocols.
_nextserial = staticmethod(lambda counter=itertools.count(): next(counter))
closed = 0
disconnecting = 0
disconnected = 0
disconnectReason = error.ConnectionDone("Connection done")
producer = None
streamingProducer = 0
tls = None
def __init__(self, protocol, isServer, hostAddress=None, peerAddress=None):
@param protocol: This transport will deliver bytes to this protocol.
@type protocol: L{IProtocol} provider
@param isServer: C{True} if this is the accepting side of the
connection, C{False} if it is the connecting side.
@type isServer: L{bool}
@param hostAddress: The value to return from C{getHost}. C{None}
results in a new L{FakeAddress} being created to use as the value.
@type hostAddress: L{IAddress} provider or L{NoneType}
@param peerAddress: The value to return from C{getPeer}. C{None}
results in a new L{FakeAddress} being created to use as the value.
@type peerAddress: L{IAddress} provider or L{NoneType}
self.protocol = protocol
self.isServer = isServer = []
self.serial = self._nextserial()
if hostAddress is None:
hostAddress = FakeAddress()
self.hostAddress = hostAddress
if peerAddress is None:
peerAddress = FakeAddress()
self.peerAddress = peerAddress
def __repr__(self):
return 'FakeTransport<%s,%s,%s>' % (
self.isServer and 'S' or 'C', self.serial,
def write(self, data):
if self.tls is not None:
def _checkProducer(self):
# Cheating; this is called at "idle" times to allow producers to be
# found and dealt with
if self.producer:
def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
"""From abstract.FileDescriptor
self.producer = producer
self.streamingProducer = streaming
if not streaming:
def unregisterProducer(self):
self.producer = None
def stopConsuming(self):
def writeSequence(self, iovec):
def loseConnection(self):
self.disconnecting = True
def abortConnection(self):
For the time being, this is the same as loseConnection; no buffered
data will be lost.
self.disconnecting = True
def reportDisconnect(self):
if self.tls is not None:
# We were in the middle of negotiating! Must have been a TLS problem.
err = NativeOpenSSLError()
err = self.disconnectReason
def logPrefix(self):
Identify this transport/event source to the logging system.
return "iosim"
def getPeer(self):
return self.peerAddress
def getHost(self):
return self.hostAddress
def resumeProducing(self):
# Never sends data anyways
def pauseProducing(self):
# Never sends data anyways
def stopProducing(self):
def startTLS(self, contextFactory, beNormal=True):
# Nothing's using this feature yet, but startTLS has an undocumented
# second argument which defaults to true; if set to False, servers will
# behave like clients and clients will behave like servers.
connectState = self.isServer ^ beNormal
self.tls = TLSNegotiation(contextFactory, connectState)
self.tlsbuf = []
def getOutBuffer(self):
Get the pending writes from this transport, clearing them from the
pending buffer.
@return: the bytes written with C{transport.write}
@rtype: L{bytes}
S =
if S: = []
return b''.join(S)
elif self.tls is not None:
if self.tls.readyToSend:
# Only _send_ the TLS negotiation "packet" if I'm ready to.
self.tls.sent = True
return self.tls
return None
return None
def bufferReceived(self, buf):
if isinstance(buf, TLSNegotiation):
assert self.tls is not None # By the time you're receiving a
# negotiation, you have to have called
# startTLS already.
if self.tls.sent:
self.tls.pretendToVerify(buf, self)
self.tls = None # we're done with the handshake if we've gotten
# this far... although maybe it failed...?
# TLS started! Unbuffer...
b, self.tlsbuf = self.tlsbuf, None
directlyProvides(self, interfaces.ISSLTransport)
# We haven't sent our own TLS negotiation: time to do that!
self.tls.readyToSend = True
def makeFakeClient(clientProtocol):
Create and return a new in-memory transport hooked up to the given protocol.
@param clientProtocol: The client protocol to use.
@type clientProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider
@return: The transport.
@rtype: L{FakeTransport}
return FakeTransport(clientProtocol, isServer=False)
def makeFakeServer(serverProtocol):
Create and return a new in-memory transport hooked up to the given protocol.
@param serverProtocol: The server protocol to use.
@type serverProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider
@return: The transport.
@rtype: L{FakeTransport}
return FakeTransport(serverProtocol, isServer=True)
class IOPump:
"""Utility to pump data between clients and servers for protocol testing.
Perhaps this is a utility worthy of being in
def __init__(self, client, server, clientIO, serverIO, debug):
self.client = client
self.server = server
self.clientIO = clientIO
self.serverIO = serverIO
self.debug = debug
def flush(self, debug=False):
"""Pump until there is no more input or output.
Returns whether any data was moved.
result = False
for x in range(1000):
if self.pump(debug):
result = True
assert 0, "Too long"
return result
def pump(self, debug=False):
"""Move data back and forth.
Returns whether any data was moved.
if self.debug or debug:
print('-- GLUG --')
sData = self.serverIO.getOutBuffer()
cData = self.clientIO.getOutBuffer()
if self.debug or debug:
# XXX slightly buggy in the face of incremental output
if cData:
print('C: ' + repr(cData))
if sData:
print('S: ' + repr(sData))
if cData:
if sData:
if cData or sData:
return True
if (self.serverIO.disconnecting and
not self.serverIO.disconnected):
if self.debug or debug:
print('* C')
self.serverIO.disconnected = True
self.clientIO.disconnecting = True
return True
if self.clientIO.disconnecting and not self.clientIO.disconnected:
if self.debug or debug:
print('* S')
self.clientIO.disconnected = True
self.serverIO.disconnecting = True
return True
return False
def connect(serverProtocol, serverTransport,
clientProtocol, clientTransport, debug=False):
Create a new L{IOPump} connecting two protocols.
@param serverProtocol: The protocol to use on the accepting side of the
@type serverProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider
@param serverTransport: The transport to associate with C{serverProtocol}.
@type serverTransport: L{FakeTransport}
@param clientProtocol: The protocol to use on the initiating side of the
@type clientProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider
@param clientTransport: The transport to associate with C{clientProtocol}.
@type clientTransport: L{FakeTransport}
@param debug: A flag indicating whether to log information about what the
L{IOPump} is doing.
@type debug: L{bool}
@return: An L{IOPump} which connects C{serverProtocol} and
C{clientProtocol} and delivers bytes between them when it is pumped.
@rtype: L{IOPump}
pump = IOPump(
clientProtocol, serverProtocol, clientTransport, serverTransport, debug
# kick off server greeting, etc
return pump
def connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass, ClientClass,
Connect a given server and client class to each other.
@param ServerClass: a callable that produces the server-side protocol.
@type ServerClass: 0-argument callable returning L{IProtocol} provider.
@param ClientClass: like C{ServerClass} but for the other side of the
@type ClientClass: 0-argument callable returning L{IProtocol} provider.
@param clientTransportFactory: a callable that produces the transport which
will be attached to the protocol returned from C{ClientClass}.
@type clientTransportFactory: callable taking (L{IProtocol}) and returning
@param serverTransportFactory: a callable that produces the transport which
will be attached to the protocol returned from C{ServerClass}.
@type serverTransportFactory: callable taking (L{IProtocol}) and returning
@param debug: Should this dump an escaped version of all traffic on this
connection to stdout for inspection?
@type debug: L{bool}
@return: the client protocol, the server protocol, and an L{IOPump} which,
when its C{pump} and C{flush} methods are called, will move data
between the created client and server protocol instances.
@rtype: 3-L{tuple} of L{IProtocol}, L{IProtocol}, L{IOPump}
c = ClientClass()
s = ServerClass()
cio = clientTransportFactory(c)
sio = serverTransportFactory(s)
return c, s, connect(s, sio, c, cio, debug)