
823 lines
30 KiB

# Copyright 2012-2015, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for licensing information
Parsing for Tor server descriptors, which contains the infrequently changing
information about a Tor relay (contact information, exit policy, public keys,
etc). This information is provided from a few sources...
* The control port via 'GETINFO desc/\*' queries.
* The 'cached-descriptors' file in Tor's data directory.
* Archived descriptors provided by CollecTor
* Directory authorities and mirrors via their DirPort.
**Module Overview:**
ServerDescriptor - Tor server descriptor.
|- RelayDescriptor - Server descriptor for a relay.
|- BridgeDescriptor - Scrubbed server descriptor for a bridge.
| |- is_scrubbed - checks if our content has been properly scrubbed
| +- get_scrubbing_issues - description of issues with our scrubbing
|- digest - calculates the upper-case hex digest value for our content
|- get_annotations - dictionary of content prior to the descriptor entry
+- get_annotation_lines - lines that provided the annotations
import functools
import hashlib
import re
import stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor
import stem.exit_policy
import stem.prereq
import stem.util.connection
import stem.util.str_tools
import stem.util.tor_tools
import stem.version
from stem import str_type
from stem.descriptor import (
# added in python 3.2
from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
from stem.util.lru_cache import lru_cache
# relay descriptors must have exactly one of the following
# optional entries that can appear at most once
DEFAULT_IPV6_EXIT_POLICY = stem.exit_policy.MicroExitPolicy('reject 1-65535')
REJECT_ALL_POLICY = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy('reject *:*')
def _parse_file(descriptor_file, is_bridge = False, validate = False, **kwargs):
Iterates over the server descriptors in a file.
:param file descriptor_file: file with descriptor content
:param bool is_bridge: parses the file as being a bridge descriptor
:param bool validate: checks the validity of the descriptor's content if
**True**, skips these checks otherwise
:param dict kwargs: additional arguments for the descriptor constructor
:returns: iterator for ServerDescriptor instances in the file
* **ValueError** if the contents is malformed and validate is True
* **IOError** if the file can't be read
# Handler for relay descriptors
# Cached descriptors consist of annotations followed by the descriptor
# itself. For instance...
# @downloaded-at 2012-03-14 16:31:05
# @source ""
# router caerSidi 9001 0 0
# platform Tor on Linux x86_64
# <rest of the descriptor content>
# router-signature
# <signature for the above descriptor>
# -----END SIGNATURE-----
# Metrics descriptor files are the same, but lack any annotations. The
# following simply does the following...
# - parse as annotations until we get to 'router'
# - parse as descriptor content until we get to 'router-signature' followed
# by the end of the signature block
# - construct a descriptor and provide it back to the caller
# Any annotations after the last server descriptor is ignored (never provided
# to the caller).
while True:
annotations = _read_until_keywords('router', descriptor_file)
if not is_bridge:
descriptor_content = _read_until_keywords('router-signature', descriptor_file)
# we've reached the 'router-signature', now include the pgp style block
block_end_prefix = PGP_BLOCK_END.split(' ', 1)[0]
descriptor_content += _read_until_keywords(block_end_prefix, descriptor_file, True)
descriptor_content = _read_until_keywords('router-digest', descriptor_file, True)
if descriptor_content:
if descriptor_content[0].startswith(b'@type'):
descriptor_content = descriptor_content[1:]
# strip newlines from annotations
annotations = list(map(bytes.strip, annotations))
descriptor_text = bytes.join(b'', descriptor_content)
if is_bridge:
yield BridgeDescriptor(descriptor_text, validate, annotations, **kwargs)
yield RelayDescriptor(descriptor_text, validate, annotations, **kwargs)
if validate and annotations:
orphaned_annotations = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(b'\n'.join(annotations))
raise ValueError('Content conform to being a server descriptor:\n%s' % orphaned_annotations)
break # done parsing descriptors
def _parse_router_line(descriptor, entries):
# "router" nickname address ORPort SocksPort DirPort
value = _value('router', entries)
router_comp = value.split()
if len(router_comp) < 5:
raise ValueError('Router line must have five values: router %s' % value)
elif not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_nickname(router_comp[0]):
raise ValueError("Router line entry isn't a valid nickname: %s" % router_comp[0])
elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(router_comp[1]):
raise ValueError("Router line entry isn't a valid IPv4 address: %s" % router_comp[1])
elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(router_comp[2], allow_zero = True):
raise ValueError("Router line's ORPort is invalid: %s" % router_comp[2])
elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(router_comp[3], allow_zero = True):
raise ValueError("Router line's SocksPort is invalid: %s" % router_comp[3])
elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(router_comp[4], allow_zero = True):
raise ValueError("Router line's DirPort is invalid: %s" % router_comp[4])
descriptor.nickname = router_comp[0]
descriptor.address = router_comp[1]
descriptor.or_port = int(router_comp[2])
descriptor.socks_port = None if router_comp[3] == '0' else int(router_comp[3])
descriptor.dir_port = None if router_comp[4] == '0' else int(router_comp[4])
def _parse_bandwidth_line(descriptor, entries):
# "bandwidth" bandwidth-avg bandwidth-burst bandwidth-observed
value = _value('bandwidth', entries)
bandwidth_comp = value.split()
if len(bandwidth_comp) < 3:
raise ValueError('Bandwidth line must have three values: bandwidth %s' % value)
elif not bandwidth_comp[0].isdigit():
raise ValueError("Bandwidth line's average rate isn't numeric: %s" % bandwidth_comp[0])
elif not bandwidth_comp[1].isdigit():
raise ValueError("Bandwidth line's burst rate isn't numeric: %s" % bandwidth_comp[1])
elif not bandwidth_comp[2].isdigit():
raise ValueError("Bandwidth line's observed rate isn't numeric: %s" % bandwidth_comp[2])
descriptor.average_bandwidth = int(bandwidth_comp[0])
descriptor.burst_bandwidth = int(bandwidth_comp[1])
descriptor.observed_bandwidth = int(bandwidth_comp[2])
def _parse_platform_line(descriptor, entries):
# "platform" string
_parse_bytes_line('platform', 'platform')(descriptor, entries)
# The platform attribute was set earlier. This line can contain any
# arbitrary data, but tor seems to report its version followed by the
# os like the following...
# platform Tor (git-73ff13ab3cc9570d) on Linux x86_64
# There's no guarantee that we'll be able to pick these out the
# version, but might as well try to save our caller the effort.
value = _value('platform', entries)
platform_match = re.match('^(?:node-)?Tor (\S*).* on (.*)$', value)
if platform_match:
version_str, descriptor.operating_system = platform_match.groups()
descriptor.tor_version = stem.version._get_version(version_str)
except ValueError:
def _parse_fingerprint_line(descriptor, entries):
# This is forty hex digits split into space separated groups of four.
# Checking that we match this pattern.
value = _value('fingerprint', entries)
fingerprint = value.replace(' ', '')
for grouping in value.split(' '):
if len(grouping) != 4:
raise ValueError('Fingerprint line should have groupings of four hex digits: %s' % value)
if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
raise ValueError('Tor relay fingerprints consist of forty hex digits: %s' % value)
descriptor.fingerprint = fingerprint
def _parse_hibernating_line(descriptor, entries):
# "hibernating" 0|1 (in practice only set if one)
value = _value('hibernating', entries)
if value not in ('0', '1'):
raise ValueError('Hibernating line had an invalid value, must be zero or one: %s' % value)
descriptor.hibernating = value == '1'
def _parse_hidden_service_dir_line(descriptor, entries):
value = _value('hidden-service-dir', entries)
if value:
descriptor.hidden_service_dir = value.split(' ')
descriptor.hidden_service_dir = ['2']
def _parse_uptime_line(descriptor, entries):
# We need to be tolerant of negative uptimes to accommodate a past tor
# bug...
# Changes in version - 2007-02-06
# - If our system clock jumps back in time, don't publish a negative
# uptime in the descriptor. Also, don't let the global rate limiting
# buckets go absurdly negative.
# After parsing all of the attributes we'll double check that negative
# uptimes only occurred prior to this fix.
value = _value('uptime', entries)
descriptor.uptime = int(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Uptime line must have an integer value: %s' % value)
def _parse_protocols_line(descriptor, entries):
value = _value('protocols', entries)
protocols_match = re.match('^Link (.*) Circuit (.*)$', value)
if not protocols_match:
raise ValueError('Protocols line did not match the expected pattern: protocols %s' % value)
link_versions, circuit_versions = protocols_match.groups()
descriptor.link_protocols = link_versions.split(' ')
descriptor.circuit_protocols = circuit_versions.split(' ')
def _parse_or_address_line(descriptor, entries):
all_values = _values('or-address', entries)
or_addresses = []
for entry in all_values:
line = 'or-address %s' % entry
if ':' not in entry:
raise ValueError('or-address line missing a colon: %s' % line)
address, port = entry.rsplit(':', 1)
is_ipv6 = address.startswith('[') and address.endswith(']')
if is_ipv6:
address = address[1:-1] # remove brackets
if not ((not is_ipv6 and stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address)) or
(is_ipv6 and stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address))):
raise ValueError('or-address line has a malformed address: %s' % line)
if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(port):
raise ValueError('or-address line has a malformed port: %s' % line)
or_addresses.append((address, int(port), is_ipv6))
descriptor.or_addresses = or_addresses
def _parse_history_line(keyword, history_end_attribute, history_interval_attribute, history_values_attribute, descriptor, entries):
value = _value(keyword, entries)
timestamp, interval, remainder = stem.descriptor.extrainfo_descriptor._parse_timestamp_and_interval(keyword, value)
if remainder:
history_values = [int(entry) for entry in remainder.split(',')]
history_values = []
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('%s line has non-numeric values: %s %s' % (keyword, keyword, value))
setattr(descriptor, history_end_attribute, timestamp)
setattr(descriptor, history_interval_attribute, interval)
setattr(descriptor, history_values_attribute, history_values)
def _parse_exit_policy(descriptor, entries):
if hasattr(descriptor, '_unparsed_exit_policy'):
if descriptor._unparsed_exit_policy == [str_type('reject *:*')]:
descriptor.exit_policy = REJECT_ALL_POLICY
descriptor.exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy(*descriptor._unparsed_exit_policy)
del descriptor._unparsed_exit_policy
_parse_contact_line = _parse_bytes_line('contact', 'contact')
_parse_published_line = _parse_timestamp_line('published', 'published')
_parse_extrainfo_digest_line = _parse_forty_character_hex('extra-info-digest', 'extra_info_digest')
_parse_read_history_line = functools.partial(_parse_history_line, 'read-history', 'read_history_end', 'read_history_interval', 'read_history_values')
_parse_write_history_line = functools.partial(_parse_history_line, 'write-history', 'write_history_end', 'write_history_interval', 'write_history_values')
_parse_ipv6_policy_line = lambda descriptor, entries: setattr(descriptor, 'exit_policy_v6', stem.exit_policy.MicroExitPolicy(_value('ipv6-policy', entries)))
_parse_allow_single_hop_exits_line = lambda descriptor, entries: setattr(descriptor, 'allow_single_hop_exits', 'allow_single_hop_exits' in entries)
_parse_caches_extra_info_line = lambda descriptor, entries: setattr(descriptor, 'extra_info_cache', 'extra_info_cache' in entries)
_parse_family_line = lambda descriptor, entries: setattr(descriptor, 'family', set(_value('family', entries).split(' ')))
_parse_eventdns_line = lambda descriptor, entries: setattr(descriptor, 'eventdns', _value('eventdns', entries) == '1')
_parse_onion_key_line = _parse_key_block('onion-key', 'onion_key', 'RSA PUBLIC KEY')
_parse_signing_key_line = _parse_key_block('signing-key', 'signing_key', 'RSA PUBLIC KEY')
_parse_router_signature_line = _parse_key_block('router-signature', 'signature', 'SIGNATURE')
_parse_ntor_onion_key_line = _parse_simple_line('ntor-onion-key', 'ntor_onion_key')
_parse_router_digest_line = _parse_forty_character_hex('router-digest', '_digest')
class ServerDescriptor(Descriptor):
Common parent for server descriptors.
:var str nickname: **\*** relay's nickname
:var str fingerprint: identity key fingerprint
:var datetime published: **\*** time in UTC when this descriptor was made
:var str address: **\*** IPv4 address of the relay
:var int or_port: **\*** port used for relaying
:var int socks_port: **\*** port used as client (deprecated, always **None**)
:var int dir_port: **\*** port used for descriptor mirroring
:var bytes platform: line with operating system and tor version
:var stem.version.Version tor_version: version of tor
:var str operating_system: operating system
:var int uptime: uptime when published in seconds
:var bytes contact: contact information
:var stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy exit_policy: **\*** stated exit policy
:var stem.exit_policy.MicroExitPolicy exit_policy_v6: **\*** exit policy for IPv6
:var set family: **\*** nicknames or fingerprints of declared family
:var int average_bandwidth: **\*** average rate it's willing to relay in bytes/s
:var int burst_bandwidth: **\*** burst rate it's willing to relay in bytes/s
:var int observed_bandwidth: **\*** estimated capacity based on usage in bytes/s
:var list link_protocols: link protocols supported by the relay
:var list circuit_protocols: circuit protocols supported by the relay
:var bool hibernating: **\*** hibernating when published
:var bool allow_single_hop_exits: **\*** flag if single hop exiting is allowed
:var bool extra_info_cache: **\*** flag if a mirror for extra-info documents
:var str extra_info_digest: upper-case hex encoded digest of our extra-info document
:var bool eventdns: flag for evdns backend (deprecated, always unset)
:var list or_addresses: **\*** alternative for our address/or_port
attributes, each entry is a tuple of the form (address (**str**), port
(**int**), is_ipv6 (**bool**))
Deprecated, moved to extra-info descriptor...
:var datetime read_history_end: end of the sampling interval
:var int read_history_interval: seconds per interval
:var list read_history_values: bytes read during each interval
:var datetime write_history_end: end of the sampling interval
:var int write_history_interval: seconds per interval
:var list write_history_values: bytes written during each interval
**\*** attribute is either required when we're parsed with validation or has
a default value, others are left as **None** if undefined
'nickname': (None, _parse_router_line),
'fingerprint': (None, _parse_fingerprint_line),
'contact': (None, _parse_contact_line),
'published': (None, _parse_published_line),
'exit_policy': (None, _parse_exit_policy),
'address': (None, _parse_router_line),
'or_port': (None, _parse_router_line),
'socks_port': (None, _parse_router_line),
'dir_port': (None, _parse_router_line),
'platform': (None, _parse_platform_line),
'tor_version': (None, _parse_platform_line),
'operating_system': (None, _parse_platform_line),
'uptime': (None, _parse_uptime_line),
'exit_policy_v6': (DEFAULT_IPV6_EXIT_POLICY, _parse_ipv6_policy_line),
'family': (set(), _parse_family_line),
'average_bandwidth': (None, _parse_bandwidth_line),
'burst_bandwidth': (None, _parse_bandwidth_line),
'observed_bandwidth': (None, _parse_bandwidth_line),
'link_protocols': (None, _parse_protocols_line),
'circuit_protocols': (None, _parse_protocols_line),
'hibernating': (False, _parse_hibernating_line),
'allow_single_hop_exits': (False, _parse_allow_single_hop_exits_line),
'extra_info_cache': (False, _parse_caches_extra_info_line),
'extra_info_digest': (None, _parse_extrainfo_digest_line),
'hidden_service_dir': (None, _parse_hidden_service_dir_line),
'eventdns': (None, _parse_eventdns_line),
'or_addresses': ([], _parse_or_address_line),
'read_history_end': (None, _parse_read_history_line),
'read_history_interval': (None, _parse_read_history_line),
'read_history_values': (None, _parse_read_history_line),
'write_history_end': (None, _parse_write_history_line),
'write_history_interval': (None, _parse_write_history_line),
'write_history_values': (None, _parse_write_history_line),
'router': _parse_router_line,
'bandwidth': _parse_bandwidth_line,
'platform': _parse_platform_line,
'published': _parse_published_line,
'fingerprint': _parse_fingerprint_line,
'contact': _parse_contact_line,
'hibernating': _parse_hibernating_line,
'extra-info-digest': _parse_extrainfo_digest_line,
'hidden-service-dir': _parse_hidden_service_dir_line,
'uptime': _parse_uptime_line,
'protocols': _parse_protocols_line,
'or-address': _parse_or_address_line,
'read-history': _parse_read_history_line,
'write-history': _parse_write_history_line,
'ipv6-policy': _parse_ipv6_policy_line,
'allow-single-hop-exits': _parse_allow_single_hop_exits_line,
'caches-extra-info': _parse_caches_extra_info_line,
'family': _parse_family_line,
'eventdns': _parse_eventdns_line,
def __init__(self, raw_contents, validate = False, annotations = None):
Server descriptor constructor, created from an individual relay's
descriptor content (as provided by 'GETINFO desc/*', cached descriptors,
and metrics).
By default this validates the descriptor's content as it's parsed. This
validation can be disables to either improve performance or be accepting of
malformed data.
:param str raw_contents: descriptor content provided by the relay
:param bool validate: checks the validity of the descriptor's content if
**True**, skips these checks otherwise
:param list annotations: lines that appeared prior to the descriptor
:raises: **ValueError** if the contents is malformed and validate is True
super(ServerDescriptor, self).__init__(raw_contents, lazy_load = not validate)
self._annotation_lines = annotations if annotations else []
# A descriptor contains a series of 'keyword lines' which are simply a
# keyword followed by an optional value. Lines can also be followed by a
# signature block.
# We care about the ordering of 'accept' and 'reject' entries because this
# influences the resulting exit policy, but for everything else the order
# does not matter so breaking it into key / value pairs.
entries, self._unparsed_exit_policy = _get_descriptor_components(stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(raw_contents), validate, ('accept', 'reject'))
if validate:
self._parse(entries, validate)
_parse_exit_policy(self, entries)
# if we have a negative uptime and a tor version that shouldn't exhibit
# this bug then fail validation
if validate and self.uptime and self.tor_version:
if self.uptime < 0 and self.tor_version >= stem.version.Version(''):
raise ValueError("Descriptor for version '%s' had a negative uptime value: %i" % (self.tor_version, self.uptime))
self._entries = entries
def digest(self):
Provides the hex encoded sha1 of our content. This value is part of the
network status entry for this relay.
:returns: **unicode** with the upper-case hex digest value for this server descriptor
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Operation: this should be implemented by the ServerDescriptor subclass')
def get_annotations(self):
Provides content that appeared prior to the descriptor. If this comes from
the cached-descriptors file then this commonly contains content like...
@downloaded-at 2012-03-18 21:18:29
@source ""
:returns: **dict** with the key/value pairs in our annotations
annotation_dict = {}
for line in self._annotation_lines:
if b' ' in line:
key, value = line.split(b' ', 1)
annotation_dict[key] = value
annotation_dict[line] = None
return annotation_dict
def get_annotation_lines(self):
Provides the lines of content that appeared prior to the descriptor. This
is the same as the
results, but with the unparsed lines and ordering retained.
:returns: **list** with the lines of annotation that came before this descriptor
return self._annotation_lines
def _check_constraints(self, entries):
Does a basic check that the entries conform to this descriptor type's
:param dict entries: keyword => (value, pgp key) entries
:raises: **ValueError** if an issue arises in validation
for keyword in self._required_fields():
if keyword not in entries:
raise ValueError("Descriptor must have a '%s' entry" % keyword)
for keyword in self._single_fields():
if keyword in entries and len(entries[keyword]) > 1:
raise ValueError("The '%s' entry can only appear once in a descriptor" % keyword)
expected_first_keyword = self._first_keyword()
if expected_first_keyword and expected_first_keyword != list(entries.keys())[0]:
raise ValueError("Descriptor must start with a '%s' entry" % expected_first_keyword)
expected_last_keyword = self._last_keyword()
if expected_last_keyword and expected_last_keyword != list(entries.keys())[-1]:
raise ValueError("Descriptor must end with a '%s' entry" % expected_last_keyword)
if not self.exit_policy:
raise ValueError("Descriptor must have at least one 'accept' or 'reject' entry")
# Constraints that the descriptor must meet to be valid. These can be None if
# not applicable.
def _required_fields(self):
def _single_fields(self):
def _first_keyword(self):
return 'router'
def _last_keyword(self):
return 'router-signature'
class RelayDescriptor(ServerDescriptor):
Server descriptor (`descriptor specification
:var str onion_key: **\*** key used to encrypt EXTEND cells
:var str ntor_onion_key: base64 key used to encrypt EXTEND in the ntor protocol
:var str signing_key: **\*** relay's long-term identity key
:var str signature: **\*** signature for this descriptor
**\*** attribute is required when we're parsed with validation
ATTRIBUTES = dict(ServerDescriptor.ATTRIBUTES, **{
'onion_key': (None, _parse_onion_key_line),
'ntor_onion_key': (None, _parse_ntor_onion_key_line),
'signing_key': (None, _parse_signing_key_line),
'signature': (None, _parse_router_signature_line),
PARSER_FOR_LINE = dict(ServerDescriptor.PARSER_FOR_LINE, **{
'onion-key': _parse_onion_key_line,
'ntor-onion-key': _parse_ntor_onion_key_line,
'signing-key': _parse_signing_key_line,
'router-signature': _parse_router_signature_line,
def __init__(self, raw_contents, validate = False, annotations = None):
super(RelayDescriptor, self).__init__(raw_contents, validate, annotations)
if validate:
if self.fingerprint:
key_hash = hashlib.sha1(_bytes_for_block(self.signing_key)).hexdigest()
if key_hash != self.fingerprint.lower():
raise ValueError('Fingerprint does not match the hash of our signing key (fingerprint: %s, signing key hash: %s)' % (self.fingerprint.lower(), key_hash))
if stem.prereq.is_crypto_available():
signed_digest = self._digest_for_signature(self.signing_key, self.signature)
if signed_digest != self.digest():
raise ValueError('Decrypted digest does not match local digest (calculated: %s, local: %s)' % (signed_digest, self.digest()))
def digest(self):
Provides the digest of our descriptor's content.
:returns: the digest string encoded in uppercase hex
:raises: ValueError if the digest canot be calculated
return self._digest_for_content(b'router ', b'\nrouter-signature\n')
def _compare(self, other, method):
if not isinstance(other, RelayDescriptor):
return False
return method(str(self).strip(), str(other).strip())
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self).strip())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o)
def __le__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o)
class BridgeDescriptor(ServerDescriptor):
Bridge descriptor (`bridge descriptor specification
ATTRIBUTES = dict(ServerDescriptor.ATTRIBUTES, **{
'_digest': (None, _parse_router_digest_line),
PARSER_FOR_LINE = dict(ServerDescriptor.PARSER_FOR_LINE, **{
'router-digest': _parse_router_digest_line,
def digest(self):
return self._digest
def is_scrubbed(self):
Checks if we've been properly scrubbed in accordance with the `bridge
descriptor specification
Validation is a moving target so this may not be fully up to date.
:returns: **True** if we're scrubbed, **False** otherwise
return self.get_scrubbing_issues() == []
def get_scrubbing_issues(self):
Provides issues with our scrubbing.
:returns: **list** of strings which describe issues we have with our
scrubbing, this list is empty if we're properly scrubbed
issues = []
if not self.address.startswith('10.'):
issues.append("Router line's address should be scrubbed to be '10.x.x.x': %s" % self.address)
if and != 'somebody':
issues.append("Contact line should be scrubbed to be 'somebody', but instead had '%s'" %
for address, _, is_ipv6 in self.or_addresses:
if not is_ipv6 and not address.startswith('10.'):
issues.append("or-address line's address should be scrubbed to be '10.x.x.x': %s" % address)
elif is_ipv6 and not address.startswith('fd9f:2e19:3bcf::'):
# TODO: this check isn't quite right because we aren't checking that
# the next grouping of hex digits contains 1-2 digits
issues.append("or-address line's address should be scrubbed to be 'fd9f:2e19:3bcf::xx:xxxx': %s" % address)
for line in self.get_unrecognized_lines():
if line.startswith('onion-key '):
issues.append('Bridge descriptors should have their onion-key scrubbed: %s' % line)
elif line.startswith('signing-key '):
issues.append('Bridge descriptors should have their signing-key scrubbed: %s' % line)
elif line.startswith('router-signature '):
issues.append('Bridge descriptors should have their signature scrubbed: %s' % line)
return issues
def _required_fields(self):
# bridge required fields are the same as a relay descriptor, minus items
# excluded according to the format page
excluded_fields = [
included_fields = [
return tuple(included_fields + [f for f in REQUIRED_FIELDS if f not in excluded_fields])
def _single_fields(self):
return self._required_fields() + SINGLE_FIELDS
def _last_keyword(self):
return None
def _compare(self, other, method):
if not isinstance(other, BridgeDescriptor):
return False
return method(str(self).strip(), str(other).strip())
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self).strip())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o)
def __le__(self, other):
return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o)