# Copyright 2011-2015, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project # See LICENSE for licensing information """ Tor versioning information and requirements for its features. These can be easily parsed and compared, for instance... :: >>> from stem.version import get_system_tor_version, Requirement >>> my_version = get_system_tor_version() >>> print(my_version) >>> my_version >= Requirement.TORRC_CONTROL_SOCKET True **Module Overview:** :: get_system_tor_version - gets the version of our system's tor installation Version - Tor versioning information .. data:: Requirement (enum) Enumerations for the version requirements of features. ===================================== =========== Requirement Description ===================================== =========== **AUTH_SAFECOOKIE** SAFECOOKIE authentication method **DROPGUARDS** DROPGUARDS requests **EVENT_AUTHDIR_NEWDESCS** AUTHDIR_NEWDESC events **EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET** BUILDTIMEOUT_SET events **EVENT_CIRC_MINOR** CIRC_MINOR events **EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN** CLIENTS_SEEN events **EVENT_CONF_CHANGED** CONF_CHANGED events **EVENT_DESCCHANGED** DESCCHANGED events **EVENT_GUARD** GUARD events **EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT** HS_DESC_CONTENT events **EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS** NEWCONSENSUS events **EVENT_NS** NS events **EVENT_SIGNAL** SIGNAL events **EVENT_STATUS** STATUS_GENERAL, STATUS_CLIENT, and STATUS_SERVER events **EVENT_STREAM_BW** STREAM_BW events **EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED** TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED events **EVENT_CONN_BW** CONN_BW events **EVENT_CIRC_BW** CIRC_BW events **EVENT_CELL_STATS** CELL_STATS events **EVENT_TB_EMPTY** TB_EMPTY events **EVENT_HS_DESC** HS_DESC events **EXTENDCIRCUIT_PATH_OPTIONAL** EXTENDCIRCUIT queries can omit the path if the circuit is zero **FEATURE_EXTENDED_EVENTS** 'EXTENDED_EVENTS' optional feature **FEATURE_VERBOSE_NAMES** 'VERBOSE_NAMES' optional feature **GETINFO_CONFIG_TEXT** 'GETINFO config-text' query **HSFETCH** HSFETCH requests **HSPOST** HSPOST requests **ADD_ONION** ADD_ONION and DEL_ONION requests **LOADCONF** LOADCONF requests **MICRODESCRIPTOR_IS_DEFAULT** Tor gets microdescriptors by default rather than server descriptors **TAKEOWNERSHIP** TAKEOWNERSHIP requests **TORRC_CONTROL_SOCKET** 'ControlSocket ' config option **TORRC_PORT_FORWARDING** 'PortForwarding' config option **TORRC_DISABLE_DEBUGGER_ATTACHMENT** 'DisableDebuggerAttachment' config option **TORRC_VIA_STDIN** Allow torrc options via 'tor -f -' (:trac:`13865`) ===================================== =========== """ import os import re import stem.util.enum import stem.util.system try: # added in python 3.2 from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: from stem.util.lru_cache import lru_cache # cache for the get_system_tor_version function VERSION_CACHE = {} def get_system_tor_version(tor_cmd = 'tor'): """ Queries tor for its version. This is os dependent, only working on linux, osx, and bsd. :param str tor_cmd: command used to run tor :returns: :class:`~stem.version.Version` provided by the tor command :raises: **IOError** if unable to query or parse the version """ if tor_cmd not in VERSION_CACHE: version_cmd = '%s --version' % tor_cmd try: version_output = stem.util.system.call(version_cmd) except OSError as exc: # make the error message nicer if this is due to tor being unavialable if 'No such file or directory' in str(exc): if os.path.isabs(tor_cmd): exc = "Unable to check tor's version. '%s' doesn't exist." % tor_cmd else: exc = "Unable to run '%s'. Mabye tor isn't in your PATH?" % version_cmd raise IOError(exc) if version_output: # output example: # Oct 21 07:19:27.438 [notice] Tor v0.2.1.30. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686) # Tor version last_line = version_output[-1] if last_line.startswith('Tor version ') and last_line.endswith('.'): try: version_str = last_line[12:-1] VERSION_CACHE[tor_cmd] = Version(version_str) except ValueError as exc: raise IOError(exc) else: raise IOError("Unexpected response from '%s': %s" % (version_cmd, last_line)) else: raise IOError("'%s' didn't have any output" % version_cmd) return VERSION_CACHE[tor_cmd] @lru_cache() def _get_version(version_str): return Version(version_str) class Version(object): """ Comparable tor version. These are constructed from strings that conform to the 'new' style in the `tor version-spec `_, such as "0.1.4" or " (git-7dcd105be34a4f44)". :var int major: major version :var int minor: minor version :var int micro: micro version :var int patch: patch level (**None** if undefined) :var str status: status tag such as 'alpha' or 'beta-dev' (**None** if undefined) :var str extra: extra information without its parentheses such as 'git-8be6058d8f31e578' (**None** if undefined) :var str git_commit: git commit id (**None** if it wasn't provided) :param str version_str: version to be parsed :raises: **ValueError** if input isn't a valid tor version """ def __init__(self, version_str): self.version_str = version_str version_parts = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(-\S*)?( \(\S*\))?$', version_str) self._hash = None if version_parts: major, minor, micro, patch, status, extra = version_parts.groups() # The patch and status matches are optional (may be None) and have an extra # proceeding period or dash if they exist. Stripping those off. if patch: patch = int(patch[1:]) if status: status = status[1:] if extra: extra = extra[2:-1] self.major = int(major) self.minor = int(minor) self.micro = int(micro) self.patch = patch self.status = status self.extra = extra if extra and re.match('^git-[0-9a-f]{16}$', extra): self.git_commit = extra[4:] else: self.git_commit = None else: raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a properly formatted tor version" % version_str) def __str__(self): """ Provides the string used to construct the version. """ return self.version_str def _compare(self, other, method): """ Compares version ordering according to the spec. """ if not isinstance(other, Version): return False for attr in ('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'patch'): my_version = getattr(self, attr) other_version = getattr(other, attr) if my_version is None: my_version = 0 if other_version is None: other_version = 0 if my_version != other_version: return method(my_version, other_version) # According to the version spec... # # If we *do* encounter two versions that differ only by status tag, we # compare them lexically as ASCII byte strings. my_status = self.status if self.status else '' other_status = other.status if other.status else '' return method(my_status, other_status) def __eq__(self, other): return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o) def __gt__(self, other): """ Checks if this version meets the requirements for a given feature. We can be compared to either a :class:`~stem.version.Version` or :class:`~stem.version._VersionRequirements`. """ if isinstance(other, _VersionRequirements): for rule in other.rules: if rule(self): return True return False return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s > o) def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _VersionRequirements): for rule in other.rules: if rule(self): return True return False return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s >= o) def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: my_hash = 0 for attr in ('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'patch', 'status'): my_hash *= 1024 attr_value = getattr(self, attr) if attr_value is not None: my_hash += hash(attr_value) self._hash = my_hash return self._hash class _VersionRequirements(object): """ Series of version constraints that can be compared to. For instance, this allows for comparisons like 'if I'm greater than version X in the 0.2.2 series, or greater than version Y in the 0.2.3 series'. This is a logical 'or' of the series of rules. """ def __init__(self): self.rules = [] def greater_than(self, version, inclusive = True): """ Adds a constraint that we're greater than the given version. :param stem.version.Version version: version we're checking against :param bool inclusive: if comparison is inclusive or not """ if inclusive: self.rules.append(lambda v: version <= v) else: self.rules.append(lambda v: version < v) def less_than(self, version, inclusive = True): """ Adds a constraint that we're less than the given version. :param stem.version.Version version: version we're checking against :param bool inclusive: if comparison is inclusive or not """ if inclusive: self.rules.append(lambda v: version >= v) else: self.rules.append(lambda v: version > v) def in_range(self, from_version, to_version, from_inclusive = True, to_inclusive = False): """ Adds constraint that we're within the range from one version to another. :param stem.version.Version from_version: beginning of the comparison range :param stem.version.Version to_version: end of the comparison range :param bool from_inclusive: if comparison is inclusive with the starting version :param bool to_inclusive: if comparison is inclusive with the ending version """ if from_inclusive and to_inclusive: new_rule = lambda v: from_version <= v <= to_version elif from_inclusive: new_rule = lambda v: from_version <= v < to_version else: new_rule = lambda v: from_version < v < to_version self.rules.append(new_rule) safecookie_req = _VersionRequirements() safecookie_req.in_range(Version(''), Version('')) safecookie_req.greater_than(Version('')) Requirement = stem.util.enum.Enum( ('AUTH_SAFECOOKIE', safecookie_req), ('DROPGUARDS', Version('')), ('EVENT_AUTHDIR_NEWDESCS', Version('')), ('EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET', Version('')), ('EVENT_CIRC_MINOR', Version('')), ('EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN', Version('')), ('EVENT_CONF_CHANGED', Version('')), ('EVENT_DESCCHANGED', Version('')), ('EVENT_GUARD', Version('')), ('EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT', Version('')), ('EVENT_NS', Version('')), ('EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS', Version('')), ('EVENT_SIGNAL', Version('')), ('EVENT_STATUS', Version('')), ('EVENT_STREAM_BW', Version('')), ('EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED', Version('')), ('EVENT_CONN_BW', Version('')), ('EVENT_CIRC_BW', Version('')), ('EVENT_CELL_STATS', Version('')), ('EVENT_TB_EMPTY', Version('')), ('EVENT_HS_DESC', Version('')), ('EXTENDCIRCUIT_PATH_OPTIONAL', Version('')), ('FEATURE_EXTENDED_EVENTS', Version('')), ('FEATURE_VERBOSE_NAMES', Version('')), ('GETINFO_CONFIG_TEXT', Version('')), ('HSFETCH', Version('')), ('HSPOST', Version('')), ('ADD_ONION', Version('')), ('LOADCONF', Version('')), ('MICRODESCRIPTOR_IS_DEFAULT', Version('')), ('TAKEOWNERSHIP', Version('')), ('TORRC_CONTROL_SOCKET', Version('')), ('TORRC_PORT_FORWARDING', Version('')), ('TORRC_DISABLE_DEBUGGER_ATTACHMENT', Version('')), ('TORRC_VIA_STDIN', Version('')), )