# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_mail -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Support for relaying mail. """ from twisted.mail import smtp from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet.address import UNIXAddress import os try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle class DomainQueuer: """ An SMTP domain which add messages to a queue intended for relaying. """ def __init__(self, service, authenticated=False): self.service = service self.authed = authenticated def exists(self, user): """ Check whether mail can be relayed to a user. @type user: L{User} @param user: A user. @rtype: no-argument callable which returns L{IMessage } provider @return: A function which takes no arguments and returns a message receiver for the user. @raise SMTPBadRcpt: When mail cannot be relayed to the user. """ if self.willRelay(user.dest, user.protocol): # The most cursor form of verification of the addresses orig = filter(None, str(user.orig).split('@', 1)) dest = filter(None, str(user.dest).split('@', 1)) if len(orig) == 2 and len(dest) == 2: return lambda: self.startMessage(user) raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(user) def willRelay(self, address, protocol): """ Check whether we agree to relay. The default is to relay for all connections over UNIX sockets and all connections from localhost. """ peer = protocol.transport.getPeer() return (self.authed or isinstance(peer, UNIXAddress) or peer.host == '') def startMessage(self, user): """ Create an envelope and a message receiver for the relay queue. @type user: L{User} @param user: A user. @rtype: L{IMessage } @return: A message receiver. """ queue = self.service.queue envelopeFile, smtpMessage = queue.createNewMessage() try: log.msg('Queueing mail %r -> %r' % (str(user.orig), str(user.dest))) pickle.dump([str(user.orig), str(user.dest)], envelopeFile) finally: envelopeFile.close() return smtpMessage class RelayerMixin: # XXX - This is -totally- bogus # It opens about a -hundred- -billion- files # and -leaves- them open! def loadMessages(self, messagePaths): self.messages = [] self.names = [] for message in messagePaths: fp = open(message + '-H') try: messageContents = pickle.load(fp) finally: fp.close() fp = open(message + '-D') messageContents.append(fp) self.messages.append(messageContents) self.names.append(message) def getMailFrom(self): if not self.messages: return None return self.messages[0][0] def getMailTo(self): if not self.messages: return None return [self.messages[0][1]] def getMailData(self): if not self.messages: return None return self.messages[0][2] def sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log): """Since we only use one recipient per envelope, this will be called with 0 or 1 addresses. We probably want to do something with the error message if we failed. """ if code in smtp.SUCCESS: # At least one, i.e. all, recipients successfully delivered os.remove(self.names[0] + '-D') os.remove(self.names[0] + '-H') del self.messages[0] del self.names[0] class SMTPRelayer(RelayerMixin, smtp.SMTPClient): """ A base class for SMTP relayers. """ def __init__(self, messagePaths, *args, **kw): """ @type messagePaths: L{list} of L{bytes} @param messagePaths: The base filename for each message to be relayed. @type args: 1-L{tuple} of (0) L{bytes} or 2-L{tuple} of (0) L{bytes}, (1) L{int} @param args: Positional arguments for L{SMTPClient.__init__} @type kw: L{dict} @param kw: Keyword arguments for L{SMTPClient.__init__} """ smtp.SMTPClient.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.loadMessages(messagePaths) class ESMTPRelayer(RelayerMixin, smtp.ESMTPClient): """ A base class for ESMTP relayers. """ def __init__(self, messagePaths, *args, **kw): """ @type messagePaths: L{list} of L{bytes} @param messagePaths: The base filename for each message to be relayed. @type args: 3-L{tuple} of (0) L{bytes}, (1) L{NoneType } or L{ClientContextFactory }, (2) L{bytes} or 4-L{tuple} of (0) L{bytes}, (1) L{NoneType } or L{ClientContextFactory }, (2) L{bytes}, (3) L{int} @param args: Positional arguments for L{ESMTPClient.__init__} @type kw: L{dict} @param kw: Keyword arguments for L{ESMTPClient.__init__} """ smtp.ESMTPClient.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.loadMessages(messagePaths)