# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_util -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ An assortment of web server-related utilities. """ __all__ = [ "redirectTo", "Redirect", "ChildRedirector", "ParentRedirect", "DeferredResource", "htmlIndent", "FailureElement", "formatFailure"] from cStringIO import StringIO import linecache import types from twisted.python.reflect import fullyQualifiedName from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute from twisted.python.versions import Version from twisted.python.modules import getModule from twisted.web import html, resource from twisted.web.template import ( TagLoader, XMLFile, Element, renderer, flattenString) def redirectTo(URL, request): """ Generate a redirect to the given location. @param URL: A C{str} giving the location to which to redirect. @type URL: C{str} @param request: The request object to use to generate the redirect. @type request: L{IRequest} provider @raise TypeError: If the type of C{URL} a C{unicode} instead of C{str}. @return: A C{str} containing HTML which tries to convince the client agent to visit the new location even if it doesn't respect the I{FOUND} response code. This is intended to be returned from a render method, eg:: def render_GET(self, request): return redirectTo("http://example.com/", request) """ if isinstance(URL, unicode) : raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as URL") request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") request.redirect(URL) return """ click here """ % {'url': URL} class Redirect(resource.Resource): isLeaf = 1 def __init__(self, url): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.url = url def render(self, request): return redirectTo(self.url, request) def getChild(self, name, request): return self class ChildRedirector(Redirect): isLeaf = 0 def __init__(self, url): # XXX is this enough? if ((url.find('://') == -1) and (not url.startswith('..')) and (not url.startswith('/'))): raise ValueError("It seems you've given me a redirect (%s) that is a child of myself! That's not good, it'll cause an infinite redirect." % url) Redirect.__init__(self, url) def getChild(self, name, request): newUrl = self.url if not newUrl.endswith('/'): newUrl += '/' newUrl += name return ChildRedirector(newUrl) from twisted.python import urlpath class ParentRedirect(resource.Resource): """ I redirect to URLPath.here(). """ isLeaf = 1 def render(self, request): return redirectTo(urlpath.URLPath.fromRequest(request).here(), request) def getChild(self, request): return self class DeferredResource(resource.Resource): """ I wrap up a Deferred that will eventually result in a Resource object. """ isLeaf = 1 def __init__(self, d): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.d = d def getChild(self, name, request): return self def render(self, request): self.d.addCallback(self._cbChild, request).addErrback( self._ebChild,request) from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET return NOT_DONE_YET def _cbChild(self, child, request): request.render(resource.getChildForRequest(child, request)) def _ebChild(self, reason, request): request.processingFailed(reason) return reason stylesheet = "" def htmlrepr(x): return htmlReprTypes.get(type(x), htmlUnknown)(x) def saferepr(x): try: rx = repr(x) except: rx = "" % (x.__class__, id(x)) return rx def htmlUnknown(x): return ''+html.escape(saferepr(x))+'' def htmlDict(d): io = StringIO() w = io.write w('
Dictionary instance @ %s' % hex(id(d))) w('') for k, v in d.items(): if k == '__builtins__': v = 'builtin dictionary' w('' % (htmlrepr(k), htmlrepr(v))) w('
') return io.getvalue() def htmlList(l): io = StringIO() w = io.write w('
List instance @ %s' % hex(id(l))) for i in l: w('
' % htmlrepr(i)) w('
') return io.getvalue() def htmlInst(i): if hasattr(i, "__html__"): s = i.__html__() else: s = html.escape(saferepr(i)) return '''
%s instance @ %s %s
''' % (i.__class__, hex(id(i)), s) def htmlString(s): return html.escape(saferepr(s)) def htmlFunc(f): return ('
' + html.escape("function %s in file %s at line %s" % (f.__name__, f.func_code.co_filename, f.func_code.co_firstlineno))+ '
') htmlReprTypes = {types.DictType: htmlDict, types.ListType: htmlList, types.InstanceType: htmlInst, types.StringType: htmlString, types.FunctionType: htmlFunc} def htmlIndent(snippetLine): """ Strip trailing whitespace, escape HTML entitities and expand indentation whitespace to HTML non-breaking space. @param snippetLine: The line of input to indent. @type snippetLine: L{bytes} @return: The escaped and indented line. """ ret = (html.escape(snippetLine.rstrip()) .replace(' ', ' ') .replace('\t', '        ')) return ret class _SourceLineElement(Element): """ L{_SourceLineElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render a single line of source code. @ivar number: A C{int} giving the line number of the source code to be rendered. @ivar source: A C{str} giving the source code to be rendered. """ def __init__(self, loader, number, source): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.number = number self.source = source @renderer def sourceLine(self, request, tag): """ Render the line of source as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(self.source.replace(' ', u' \N{NO-BREAK SPACE}')) @renderer def lineNumber(self, request, tag): """ Render the line number as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(str(self.number)) class _SourceFragmentElement(Element): """ L{_SourceFragmentElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render several lines of source code near the line number of a particular frame object. @ivar frame: A L{Failure}-style frame object for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple holding some information from a frame object. See L{Failure.frames} for specifics. """ def __init__(self, loader, frame): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.frame = frame def _getSourceLines(self): """ Find the source line references by C{self.frame} and yield, in source line order, it and the previous and following lines. @return: A generator which yields two-tuples. Each tuple gives a source line number and the contents of that source line. """ filename = self.frame[1] lineNumber = self.frame[2] for snipLineNumber in range(lineNumber - 1, lineNumber + 2): yield (snipLineNumber, linecache.getline(filename, snipLineNumber).rstrip()) @renderer def sourceLines(self, request, tag): """ Render the source line indicated by C{self.frame} and several surrounding lines. The active line will be given a I{class} of C{"snippetHighlightLine"}. Other lines will be given a I{class} of C{"snippetLine"}. """ for (lineNumber, sourceLine) in self._getSourceLines(): newTag = tag.clone() if lineNumber == self.frame[2]: cssClass = "snippetHighlightLine" else: cssClass = "snippetLine" loader = TagLoader(newTag(**{"class": cssClass})) yield _SourceLineElement(loader, lineNumber, sourceLine) class _FrameElement(Element): """ L{_FrameElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render details about one frame from a L{Failure}. @ivar frame: A L{Failure}-style frame object for which to load a source line to render. This is really a tuple holding some information from a frame object. See L{Failure.frames} for specifics. """ def __init__(self, loader, frame): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.frame = frame @renderer def filename(self, request, tag): """ Render the name of the file this frame references as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(self.frame[1]) @renderer def lineNumber(self, request, tag): """ Render the source line number this frame references as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(str(self.frame[2])) @renderer def function(self, request, tag): """ Render the function name this frame references as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(self.frame[0]) @renderer def source(self, request, tag): """ Render the source code surrounding the line this frame references, replacing C{tag}. """ return _SourceFragmentElement(TagLoader(tag), self.frame) class _StackElement(Element): """ L{_StackElement} renders an L{IRenderable} which can render a list of frames. """ def __init__(self, loader, stackFrames): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.stackFrames = stackFrames @renderer def frames(self, request, tag): """ Render the list of frames in this L{_StackElement}, replacing C{tag}. """ return [ _FrameElement(TagLoader(tag.clone()), frame) for frame in self.stackFrames] class FailureElement(Element): """ L{FailureElement} is an L{IRenderable} which can render detailed information about a L{Failure}. @ivar failure: The L{Failure} instance which will be rendered. @since: 12.1 """ loader = XMLFile(getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling("failure.xhtml")) def __init__(self, failure, loader=None): Element.__init__(self, loader) self.failure = failure @renderer def type(self, request, tag): """ Render the exception type as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(fullyQualifiedName(self.failure.type)) @renderer def value(self, request, tag): """ Render the exception value as a child of C{tag}. """ return tag(str(self.failure.value)) @renderer def traceback(self, request, tag): """ Render all the frames in the wrapped L{Failure}'s traceback stack, replacing C{tag}. """ return _StackElement(TagLoader(tag), self.failure.frames) def formatFailure(myFailure): """ Construct an HTML representation of the given failure. Consider using L{FailureElement} instead. @type myFailure: L{Failure} @rtype: C{str} @return: A string containing the HTML representation of the given failure. """ result = [] flattenString(None, FailureElement(myFailure)).addBoth(result.append) if isinstance(result[0], str): # Ensure the result string is all ASCII, for compatibility with the # default encoding expected by browsers. return result[0].decode('utf-8').encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') result[0].raiseException() _twelveOne = Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0) for name in ["htmlrepr", "saferepr", "htmlUnknown", "htmlString", "htmlList", "htmlDict", "htmlInst", "htmlFunc", "htmlIndent", "htmlReprTypes", "stylesheet"]: deprecatedModuleAttribute( _twelveOne, "See twisted.web.template.", __name__, name) del name