# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_loopback -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Testing support for protocols -- loopback between client and server. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import # system imports import tempfile from zope.interface import implementer # Twisted Imports from twisted.protocols import policies from twisted.internet import interfaces, protocol, main, defer from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from twisted.python import failure from twisted.internet.interfaces import IAddress class _LoopbackQueue(object): """ Trivial wrapper around a list to give it an interface like a queue, which the addition of also sending notifications by way of a Deferred whenever the list has something added to it. """ _notificationDeferred = None disconnect = False def __init__(self): self._queue = [] def put(self, v): self._queue.append(v) if self._notificationDeferred is not None: d, self._notificationDeferred = self._notificationDeferred, None d.callback(None) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self._queue) __bool__ = __nonzero__ def get(self): return self._queue.pop(0) @implementer(IAddress) class _LoopbackAddress(object): pass @implementer(interfaces.ITransport, interfaces.IConsumer) class _LoopbackTransport(object): disconnecting = False producer = None # ITransport def __init__(self, q): self.q = q def write(self, data): if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError("Can only write bytes to ITransport") self.q.put(data) def writeSequence(self, iovec): self.q.put(b''.join(iovec)) def loseConnection(self): self.q.disconnect = True self.q.put(None) def getPeer(self): return _LoopbackAddress() def getHost(self): return _LoopbackAddress() # IConsumer def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): assert self.producer is None self.producer = producer self.streamingProducer = streaming self._pollProducer() def unregisterProducer(self): assert self.producer is not None self.producer = None def _pollProducer(self): if self.producer is not None and not self.streamingProducer: self.producer.resumeProducing() def identityPumpPolicy(queue, target): """ L{identityPumpPolicy} is a policy which delivers each chunk of data written to the given queue as-is to the target. This isn't a particularly realistic policy. @see: L{loopbackAsync} """ while queue: bytes = queue.get() if bytes is None: break target.dataReceived(bytes) def collapsingPumpPolicy(queue, target): """ L{collapsingPumpPolicy} is a policy which collapses all outstanding chunks into a single string and delivers it to the target. @see: L{loopbackAsync} """ bytes = [] while queue: chunk = queue.get() if chunk is None: break bytes.append(chunk) if bytes: target.dataReceived(b''.join(bytes)) def loopbackAsync(server, client, pumpPolicy=identityPumpPolicy): """ Establish a connection between C{server} and C{client} then transfer data between them until the connection is closed. This is often useful for testing a protocol. @param server: The protocol instance representing the server-side of this connection. @param client: The protocol instance representing the client-side of this connection. @param pumpPolicy: When either C{server} or C{client} writes to its transport, the string passed in is added to a queue of data for the other protocol. Eventually, C{pumpPolicy} will be called with one such queue and the corresponding protocol object. The pump policy callable is responsible for emptying the queue and passing the strings it contains to the given protocol's C{dataReceived} method. The signature of C{pumpPolicy} is C{(queue, protocol)}. C{queue} is an object with a C{get} method which will return the next string written to the transport, or C{None} if the transport has been disconnected, and which evaluates to C{True} if and only if there are more items to be retrieved via C{get}. @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the connection has been closed and both sides have received notification of this. """ serverToClient = _LoopbackQueue() clientToServer = _LoopbackQueue() server.makeConnection(_LoopbackTransport(serverToClient)) client.makeConnection(_LoopbackTransport(clientToServer)) return _loopbackAsyncBody( server, serverToClient, client, clientToServer, pumpPolicy) def _loopbackAsyncBody(server, serverToClient, client, clientToServer, pumpPolicy): """ Transfer bytes from the output queue of each protocol to the input of the other. @param server: The protocol instance representing the server-side of this connection. @param serverToClient: The L{_LoopbackQueue} holding the server's output. @param client: The protocol instance representing the client-side of this connection. @param clientToServer: The L{_LoopbackQueue} holding the client's output. @param pumpPolicy: See L{loopbackAsync}. @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the connection has been closed and both sides have received notification of this. """ def pump(source, q, target): sent = False if q: pumpPolicy(q, target) sent = True if sent and not q: # A write buffer has now been emptied. Give any producer on that # side an opportunity to produce more data. source.transport._pollProducer() return sent while 1: disconnect = clientSent = serverSent = False # Deliver the data which has been written. serverSent = pump(server, serverToClient, client) clientSent = pump(client, clientToServer, server) if not clientSent and not serverSent: # Neither side wrote any data. Wait for some new data to be added # before trying to do anything further. d = defer.Deferred() clientToServer._notificationDeferred = d serverToClient._notificationDeferred = d d.addCallback( _loopbackAsyncContinue, server, serverToClient, client, clientToServer, pumpPolicy) return d if serverToClient.disconnect: # The server wants to drop the connection. Flush any remaining # data it has. disconnect = True pump(server, serverToClient, client) elif clientToServer.disconnect: # The client wants to drop the connection. Flush any remaining # data it has. disconnect = True pump(client, clientToServer, server) if disconnect: # Someone wanted to disconnect, so okay, the connection is gone. server.connectionLost(failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE)) client.connectionLost(failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE)) return defer.succeed(None) def _loopbackAsyncContinue(ignored, server, serverToClient, client, clientToServer, pumpPolicy): # Clear the Deferred from each message queue, since it has already fired # and cannot be used again. clientToServer._notificationDeferred = None serverToClient._notificationDeferred = None # Schedule some more byte-pushing to happen. This isn't done # synchronously because no actual transport can re-enter dataReceived as # a result of calling write, and doing this synchronously could result # in that. from twisted.internet import reactor return deferLater( reactor, 0, _loopbackAsyncBody, server, serverToClient, client, clientToServer, pumpPolicy) @implementer(interfaces.ITransport, interfaces.IConsumer) class LoopbackRelay: buffer = '' shouldLose = 0 disconnecting = 0 producer = None def __init__(self, target, logFile=None): self.target = target self.logFile = logFile def write(self, data): self.buffer = self.buffer + data if self.logFile: self.logFile.write("loopback writing %s\n" % repr(data)) def writeSequence(self, iovec): self.write("".join(iovec)) def clearBuffer(self): if self.shouldLose == -1: return if self.producer: self.producer.resumeProducing() if self.buffer: if self.logFile: self.logFile.write("loopback receiving %s\n" % repr(self.buffer)) buffer = self.buffer self.buffer = '' self.target.dataReceived(buffer) if self.shouldLose == 1: self.shouldLose = -1 self.target.connectionLost(failure.Failure(main.CONNECTION_DONE)) def loseConnection(self): if self.shouldLose != -1: self.shouldLose = 1 def getHost(self): return 'loopback' def getPeer(self): return 'loopback' def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): self.producer = producer def unregisterProducer(self): self.producer = None def logPrefix(self): return 'Loopback(%r)' % (self.target.__class__.__name__,) class LoopbackClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): def __init__(self, protocol): self.disconnected = 0 self.deferred = defer.Deferred() self.protocol = protocol def buildProtocol(self, addr): return self.protocol def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): self.disconnected = 1 self.deferred.callback(None) class _FireOnClose(policies.ProtocolWrapper): def __init__(self, protocol, factory): policies.ProtocolWrapper.__init__(self, protocol, factory) self.deferred = defer.Deferred() def connectionLost(self, reason): policies.ProtocolWrapper.connectionLost(self, reason) self.deferred.callback(None) def loopbackTCP(server, client, port=0, noisy=True): """Run session between server and client protocol instances over TCP.""" from twisted.internet import reactor f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory()) serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server) f.noisy = noisy f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(port, f, interface='') clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client) clientF.noisy = noisy reactor.connectTCP('', serverPort.getHost().port, clientF) d = clientF.deferred d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred) d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening()) return d def loopbackUNIX(server, client, noisy=True): """Run session between server and client protocol instances over UNIX socket.""" path = tempfile.mktemp() from twisted.internet import reactor f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory()) serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server) f.noisy = noisy f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper serverPort = reactor.listenUNIX(path, f) clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client) clientF.noisy = noisy reactor.connectUNIX(path, clientF) d = clientF.deferred d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred) d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening()) return d