# public Cython/C interface to lxml.etree from lxml.includes cimport tree from lxml.includes.tree cimport const_xmlChar cdef extern from "lxml-version.h": cdef char* LXML_VERSION_STRING cdef extern from "etree_defs.h": # test if c_node is considered an Element (i.e. Element, Comment, etc.) cdef bint _isElement(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil # return the namespace URI of the node or NULL cdef const_xmlChar* _getNs(tree.xmlNode* node) nogil # pair of macros for tree traversal cdef void BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(tree.xmlNode* tree_top, tree.xmlNode* start_node, int start_node_inclusive) nogil cdef void END_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(tree.xmlNode* start_node) nogil cdef extern from "lxml.etree_api.h": # first function to call! cdef int import_lxml__etree() except -1 ########################################################################## # public ElementTree API classes cdef class lxml.etree._Document [ object LxmlDocument ]: cdef tree.xmlDoc* _c_doc cdef class lxml.etree._Element [ object LxmlElement ]: cdef _Document _doc cdef tree.xmlNode* _c_node cdef class lxml.etree.ElementBase(_Element) [ object LxmlElementBase ]: pass cdef class lxml.etree._ElementTree [ object LxmlElementTree ]: cdef _Document _doc cdef _Element _context_node cdef class lxml.etree.ElementClassLookup [ object LxmlElementClassLookup ]: cdef object (*_lookup_function)(object, _Document, tree.xmlNode*) cdef class lxml.etree.FallbackElementClassLookup(ElementClassLookup) \ [ object LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup ]: cdef ElementClassLookup fallback cdef object (*_fallback_function)(object, _Document, tree.xmlNode*) ########################################################################## # creating Element objects # create an Element for a C-node in the Document cdef _Element elementFactory(_Document doc, tree.xmlNode* c_node) # create an ElementTree for an Element cdef _ElementTree elementTreeFactory(_Element context_node) # create an ElementTree subclass for an Element cdef _ElementTree newElementTree(_Element context_node, object subclass) # create a new Element for an existing or new document (doc = None) # builds Python object after setting text, tail, namespaces and attributes cdef _Element makeElement(tag, _Document doc, parser, text, tail, attrib, nsmap) # create a new SubElement for an existing parent # builds Python object after setting text, tail, namespaces and attributes cdef _Element makeSubElement(_Element parent, tag, text, tail, attrib, nsmap) # deep copy a node to include it in the Document cdef _Element deepcopyNodeToDocument(_Document doc, tree.xmlNode* c_root) # set the internal lookup function for Element/Comment/PI classes # use setElementClassLookupFunction(NULL, None) to reset it # note that the lookup function *must always* return an _Element subclass! cdef void setElementClassLookupFunction( object (*function)(object, _Document, tree.xmlNode*), object state) # lookup function that always returns the default Element class # note that the first argument is expected to be None! cdef object lookupDefaultElementClass(_1, _Document _2, tree.xmlNode* c_node) # lookup function for namespace/tag specific Element classes # note that the first argument is expected to be None! cdef object lookupNamespaceElementClass(_1, _Document _2, tree.xmlNode* c_node) # call the fallback lookup function of a FallbackElementClassLookup cdef object callLookupFallback(FallbackElementClassLookup lookup, _Document doc, tree.xmlNode* c_node) ########################################################################## # XML attribute access # return an attribute value for a C attribute on a C element node cdef object attributeValue(tree.xmlNode* c_element, tree.xmlAttr* c_attrib_node) # return the value of the attribute with 'ns' and 'name' (or None) cdef object attributeValueFromNsName(tree.xmlNode* c_element, const_xmlChar* c_ns, const_xmlChar* c_name) # return the value of attribute "{ns}name", or the default value cdef object getAttributeValue(_Element element, key, default) # return an iterator over attribute names (1), values (2) or items (3) # attributes must not be removed during iteration! cdef object iterattributes(_Element element, int keysvalues) # return the list of all attribute names (1), values (2) or items (3) cdef list collectAttributes(tree.xmlNode* c_element, int keysvalues) # set an attribute value on an element # on failure, sets an exception and returns -1 cdef int setAttributeValue(_Element element, key, value) except -1 # delete an attribute # on failure, sets an exception and returns -1 cdef int delAttribute(_Element element, key) except -1 # delete an attribute based on name and namespace URI # returns -1 if the attribute was not found (no exception) cdef int delAttributeFromNsName(tree.xmlNode* c_element, const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_name) ########################################################################## # XML node helper functions # check if the element has at least one child cdef bint hasChild(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil # find child element number 'index' (supports negative indexes) cdef tree.xmlNode* findChild(tree.xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index) nogil # find child element number 'index' starting at first one cdef tree.xmlNode* findChildForwards(tree.xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index) nogil # find child element number 'index' starting at last one cdef tree.xmlNode* findChildBackwards(tree.xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t index) nogil # return next/previous sibling element of the node cdef tree.xmlNode* nextElement(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil cdef tree.xmlNode* previousElement(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil ########################################################################## # iterators (DEPRECATED API, don't use in new code!) cdef class lxml.etree._ElementTagMatcher [ object LxmlElementTagMatcher ]: cdef char* _href cdef char* _name # store "{ns}tag" (or None) filter for this matcher or element iterator # ** unless _href *and* _name are set up 'by hand', this function *must* # ** be called when subclassing the iterator below! cdef void initTagMatch(_ElementTagMatcher matcher, tag) cdef class lxml.etree._ElementIterator(_ElementTagMatcher) [ object LxmlElementIterator ]: cdef _Element _node cdef tree.xmlNode* (*_next_element)(tree.xmlNode*) # store the initial node of the iterator if it matches the required tag # or its next matching sibling if not cdef void iteratorStoreNext(_ElementIterator iterator, _Element node) ########################################################################## # other helper functions # check if a C node matches a tag name and namespace # (NULL allowed for each => always matches) cdef int tagMatches(tree.xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_name) # convert a UTF-8 char* to a Python string or unicode string cdef object pyunicode(const_xmlChar* s) # convert the string to UTF-8 using the normal lxml.etree semantics cdef bytes utf8(object s) # split a tag into a (URI, name) tuple, return None as URI for '{}tag' cdef tuple getNsTag(object tag) # split a tag into a (URI, name) tuple, return b'' as URI for '{}tag' cdef tuple getNsTagWithEmptyNs(object tag) # get the "{ns}tag" string for a C node cdef object namespacedName(tree.xmlNode* c_node) # get the "{ns}tag" string for a href/tagname pair (c_ns may be NULL) cdef object namespacedNameFromNsName(const_xmlChar* c_ns, const_xmlChar* c_tag) # check if the node has a text value (which may be '') cdef bint hasText(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil # check if the node has a tail value (which may be '') cdef bint hasTail(tree.xmlNode* c_node) nogil # get the text content of an element (or None) cdef object textOf(tree.xmlNode* c_node) # get the tail content of an element (or None) cdef object tailOf(tree.xmlNode* c_node) # set the text value of an element cdef int setNodeText(tree.xmlNode* c_node, text) except -1 # set the tail text value of an element cdef int setTailText(tree.xmlNode* c_node, text) except -1 # append an element to the children of a parent element # deprecated: don't use, does not propagate exceptions! # use appendChildToElement() instead cdef void appendChild(_Element parent, _Element child) # added in lxml 3.3 as a safe replacement for appendChild() # return -1 for exception, 0 for ok cdef int appendChildToElement(_Element parent, _Element child) except -1 # recursively lookup a namespace in element or ancestors, or create it cdef tree.xmlNs* findOrBuildNodeNsPrefix( _Document doc, tree.xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* href, const_xmlChar* prefix) # find the Document of an Element, ElementTree or Document (itself!) cdef _Document documentOrRaise(object input) # find the root Element of an Element (itself!), ElementTree or Document cdef _Element rootNodeOrRaise(object input)