Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/ Twisted Core 14.0.0 (2014-05-08) ================================ Features -------- - twisted.internet.interfaces.IUDPTransport - and that interface's implementations in Twisted - now supports enabling broadcasting. (#454) - trial's TestCase will now report a test method as an error if that test method is a generator function, preventing an issue when a user forgets to decorate a test method with defer.inlineCallbacks, causing the test method to not run. (#3917) - twisted.positioning, a new API for positioning systems such as GPS, has been added. It comes with an implementation of NMEA, the most common wire protocol for GPS devices. It will supersede twisted.protoocols.gps. (#3926) - The new interface twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint StringParserWithReactor will supply the reactor to its parseStreamClient method, passed along from twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString. (#5069) - IReactorUDP.listenUDP, IUDPTransport.write and IUDPTransport.connect now accept ipv6 address literals. (#5086) - A new API, twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS, allows clients to specify and verify the identity of the peer they're communicating with. When used with the service_identity library from PyPI, this provides support for service identity verification from RFC 6125, as well as server name indication from RFC 6066. (#5190) - Twisted's TLS support now provides a way to ask for user-configured trust roots rather than having to manually configure such certificate authority certificates yourself. twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now accepts a new argument, trustRoot, which combines verification flags and trust sources, as well as a new function that provides a value for that argument, twisted.internet.ssl.platformTrust, which allows using the trusted platform certificate authorities from OpenSSL for certificate verification. (#5446) - Constants are now comparable/orderable based on the order in which they are defined. (#6523) - "setup.py install" and "pip install" now work on Python 3.3, installing the subset of Twisted that has been ported to Python 3. (#6539) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports ECDHE for servers by default on pyOpenSSL 0.14 and later, if the underlying versions of cryptography.io and OpenSSL support it. (#6586) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now allows the user to set acceptable ciphers and uses secure ones by default. (#6663) - The Deferred returned by twisted.internet.defer.DeferredFilesystemLock.deferUntilLocked can now be cancelled. (#6720) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now enables TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 by default (in addition to TLSv1.0) if the underlying version of OpenSSL supports these protocol versions. (#6772) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports Diffie-Hellman key exchange. (#6799) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now disables TLS compression to avoid CRIME attacks and, for servers, uses server preference to choose the cipher. (#6801) - SSL server endpoint string descriptions now support the specification of Diffie-Hellman key exchange parameter files. (#6924) - twisted.python.reflect.requireModule was added to handle conditional imports of python modules and work around pyflakes warnings of unused imports code. (#7014) Bugfixes -------- - If a ProcessProtocol.processExited method raised an exception a broken process handler would be left in the global process state leading to errors later on. This has been fixed and now an error will be logged instead. (#5151) - Twisted now builds on Solaris. Note that lacking a Buildbot slave (see http://buildbot.twistedmatrix.com/boxes-supported) Solaris is not a supported Twisted platform. (#5728) - twisted.internet.utils is now correctly installed on Python 3. (#6929) - twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool no longer starts new workers when its pool size is changed while the pool is not running. (#7011) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Twisted now uses the Sphinx documentation generator for its narrative documentation, which means that the source format for narrative documentation has been converted to ReStructuredText. (#4500) - The Sphinx documentation is now also configured to allow intersphinx links to standard library documentation. (#4582) - The docstring for twisted.internet.task.react now better documents the main parameter (#6071) - The writing standard now explicitly mandates the usage of ungendered pronouns. (#6858) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - test_import.py was removed as it was redundant. (#2053) - Support for versions of pyOpenSSL older than 0.10 has been removed. Affected users should upgrade pyOpenSSL. (#5014) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpointStringParser is now deprecated in favor of twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClien tEndpointStringParserWithReactor. (#5069) - unsignedID and setIDFunction, previously part of twisted.python.util and deprecated since 13.0, have now been removed. (#6707) - FTPClient.changeDirectory was deprecated in 8.2 and is now removed. (#6759) - twisted.internet.stdio.StandardIO.closeStdin, an alias for loseWriteConnection only available on POSIX and deprecated since 2.1, has been removed. (#6785) - twisted.python.reflect.getcurrent is now deprecated and must not be used. twisted.python.reflect.isinst is now deprecated in favor of the built-in isinstance. (#6859) Other ----- - #1822, #5929, #6239, #6537, #6565, #6614, #6632, #6690, #6784, #6792, #6795, #6821, #6843, #6846, #6854, #6856, #6857, #6872, #6892, #6902, #6906, #6922, #6926, #6936, #6941, #6942, #6943, #6944, #6945, #6946, #6948, #6979, #7001, #7049, #7051, #7094, #7098 Twisted Core 13.2.0 (2013-10-29) ================================ Features -------- - twistd now waits for the application to start successfully before exiting after daemonization. (#823) - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides HostnameEndpoint, a TCP client endpoint that connects to a hostname as quickly as possible. (#4859) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket now has a new adoptDatagramPort method which is implemented by some reactors allowing them to listen on UDP sockets set up by external software (eg systemd or launchd). (#5574) - trial now accepts an --order option that specifies what order to run TestCase methods in. (#5787) - Port twisted.python.lockfile to Python 3, enabling twisted.python.defer.DeferredFilesystemLock and tests. (#5960) - Returning a Deferred from a callback that's directly returned from that Deferred will now produce a DeprecationWarning, to notify users of the buggy behavior. (#6164) - SSL server endpoint string descriptions now support the specification of chain certificates. (#6499) - twisted.application.reactors.installReactor now returns the just- installed reactor. (#6596) - twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList now has a new cancel method. And twisted.internet.defer.gatherResults now returns a cancellable result. (#6639) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver no longer passes incorrect data (a buffer missing a delimiter) to lineLengthExceeded in certain cases. (#6536) - twisted.cred.digest.DigestCredentialFactory now supports decoding challenge responses with field values including ",". (#6609) - twisted.internet.endpoints.TCP6ClientEndpoint now establishes connections when constructed with a hostname. (#6633) - twisted.application.internet.TimerService is now pickleable in all cases. (#6657) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The howto document page of Deferred now has documentation about cancellation. (#4320) - Docstrings for twisted.internet.task.Cooperator and cooperate. (#6213) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Returning a Deferred from a callback that's directly returned from that Deferred will now produce a DeprecationWarning, to notify users of the buggy behavior. (#6164) - Accessor, AccessorType, OriginalAccessor, PropertyAccessor, Settable and Summer in twisted.python.reflect, deprecated since Twisted 12.1.0, are now removed. (#6689) Other ----- - #5001, #5312, #5387, #5442, #5634, #6221, #6393, #6406, #6485, #6570, #6575, #6610, #6674, #6684, #6685, #6715, #6729, #6731, #6736, #6773, #6788, #6793 Twisted Core 13.1.0 (2013-06-23) ================================ Features -------- - trial now has an --exitfirst flag which stops the test run after the first error or failure. (#1518) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports chain certificates. (#2061) - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides ProcessEndpoint, a child process endpoint. (#4696) - Factory now has a forProtocol classmethod that constructs an instance and sets its protocol attribute. (#5016) - twisted.internet.endpoints.connectProtocol allows connecting to a client endpoint using only a protocol instance, rather than requiring a factory. (#5270) - twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase.assertNoResult no longer swallows the result, if the assertion succeeds. (#6291) - twisted.python.constants.FlagConstant implements __iter__ so that it can be iterated upon to find the flags that went into a flag set, and implements __nonzero__ to test as false when empty. (#6302) - assertIs and assertIsNot have now been added to twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase. (#6350) - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.failureResultOf now takes an optional expected failure type argument. (#6380) - The POSIX implementation of twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess now does not change the parent process UID or GID in order to run child processes with a different UID or GID. (#6443) Bugfixes -------- - self.transport.resumeProducing() will no longer raise an AssertionError if called after self.transport.loseConnection() (#986) - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP now supports IFTPShell implementations which return non-ASCII filenames as unicode strings. (#5411) - twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now disables SSLv2 if SSLv23 is selected, allowing only SSLv3 and TLSv1. (#6337) - trial dist support now gets sys.path from an environment variable passed to it. (#6390) - twisted.test.proto_helpers.StringTransportWithDisconnection now correctly passes Failure instead of an exception to connectionLost through loseConnection. (#6521) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The Application howto now provides an example of writing a custom Service. (#5586) - The -j flag to trial (introduced in 12.3.0) is now documented. (#5994) - The SSL howto now covers twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions instead of the older context factories it replaces. (#6273) - The Constants HOWTO documents iteration and truth testing of flags, as well as previously undocumented boolean operations. (#6302) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - twisted.trial.runner.suiteVisit and PyUnitTestCase as well as visitor methods, all deprecated since Twisted 8.0, have been removed. (#3231) - twisted.python._epoll bindings were removed; the epoll reactor now uses the stdlib-provided epoll support. (#5847) - The deprecated LENGTH, DATA, COMMA, and NUMBER NetstringReceiver parser state attributes in t.protocols.basic are removed now. (#6321) - twisted.trial.runner.DryRunVisitor is now deprecated. Trial uses a different method to handle --dry-run now. (#6333) - twisted.python.hashlib is now deprecated in favor of hashlib from stdlib. (#6342) - twisted.web.server's Session.loopFactory, lifetime parameter of Session.startCheckingExpiration and Session.checkExpired attributes, deprecated since Twisted 9.0, have been removed. (#6514) Other ----- - #2380, #5197, #5228, #5386, #5459, #5578, #5801, #5952, #5955, #5981, #6051, #6189, #6228, #6240, #6284, #6286, #6299, #6316, #6353, #6354, #6368, #6377, #6378, #6381, #6389, #6400, #6403, #6407, #6416, #6417, #6418, #6419, #6430, #6433, #6438, #6439, #6440, #6441, #6444, #6459, #6465, #6468, #6477, #6480, #6498, #6508, #6510, #6525 Twisted Core 13.0.0 (2013-03-19) ================================ Features -------- - The twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP server now treats "LIST -La", "LIST -al", and all other combinations of ordering and case of the "-l" and "-a" flags the same: by ignoring them rather than treating them as a pathname. (#1333) - twisted.python.log.FileLogObserver now uses `datetime.strftime` to format timestamps, adding support for microseconds and timezone offsets to the `timeFormat` string. (#3513) - trial now deterministically runs tests in the order in which they were specified on the command line, instead of quasi-randomly according to dictionary key ordering. (#5520) - Cooperator.running can be used to determine the current cooperator status. (#5937) - twisted.python.modules.PythonPath now implements `__contains__` to allow checking, by name, whether a particular module exists within it. (#6198) - twisted.application.internet.TimerService.stopService now waits for any currently running call to finish before firing its deferred. (#6290) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP now recognizes all glob expressions supported by fnmatch. (#4181) - Constant values defined using twisted.python.constants can now be set as attributes of other classes without triggering an unhandled AttributeError from the constants implementation. (#5797) - Fixed problem where twisted.names.client.Resolver was not closing open file handles which can lead to an out of file descriptor error on PyPy. (#6216) - All reactors included in Twisted itself now gracefully handle a rare case involving delayed calls scheduled very far in the future. (#6259) - twisted.trial.reporter.Reporter._trimFrames correctly removes frames from twisted.internet.utils.runWithWarningsSuppressed again, after being broke in #6009. (#6282) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - A new "Deploying Twisted with systemd" howto document which demonstrates how to start a Twisted service using systemd socket activation. (#5601) - New "Introduction to Deferreds" howto. Old howto rebranded as reference documentation. (#6180) - "Components: Interfaces and Adapters" howto now uses zope.interface's decorator-based API. (#6269) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - twisted.python.util.unsignedID and setIDFunction are deprecated now. (#5544) - twisted.python.zshcomp deprecated since 11.1.0 has now been removed. Shell tab-completion is now handled by twisted.python.usage. (#5767) - python.runtime.Platform.isWinNT is deprecated now. Use Platform.isWindows instead. (#5925) - twisted.trial.util.findObject, deprecated since Twisted 10.1.0, has been removed. (#6260) Other ----- - #2915, #4009, #4315, #5909, #5918, #5953, #6026, #6046, #6165, #6201, #6207, #6208, #6211, #6235, #6236, #6247, #6265, #6272, #6288, #6297, #6309, #6322, #6323, #6324, #6327, #6332, #6338, #6349 Twisted Core 12.3.0 (2012-12-20) ================================ Features -------- - The new -j flag to trial provides a trial runner supporting multiple worker processes on the local machine, for parallel testing. (#1784) - twisted.internet.task.react, a new function, provides a simple API for running the reactor until a single asynchronous function completes. (#3270) - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP now handles FEAT and OPTS commands. (#4515) - trial now supports specifying a debugger other than pdb with the --debugger command line flag. (#5794) - twisted.python.util.runWithWarningsSuppressed has been added; it runs a function with specified warning filters. (#5950) - trial's skipping feature is now implemented in a way compatible with the standard library unittest's runner. (#6006) - The setup3.py script is now provided to provisionally support building and installing an experimental, incomplete version of Twisted in a Python 3 environment. (#6040) - twisted.python.util.FancyStrMixin now supports arbitrary callables to format attribute values. (#6063) - Several new methods of twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase - `successResultOf`, `failureResultOf`, and `assertNoResult` - have been added to make testing `Deferred`-using code easier. (#6105) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver now does not hit the maximum stack recursion depth when the line and data mode is switched many times. (#3050) - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTPFileListProtocol fixed to support files with space characters in their name. (#4986) - gireactor and gtk3reactor no longer prevent gi.pygtkcompat from working, and likewise can load if gi.pygtkcompat has previously been enabled. (#5676) - gtk2reactor now works again on FreeBSD, and perhaps other platforms that were broken by gi interactions. (#5737) - gireactor now works with certain older versions of gi that are missing the threads_init() function. (#5790) - Fixed a bug where twisted.python.sendmsg would sometimes fail with obscure errors including "Message too long" or "Invalid argument" on some 64-bit platforms. (#5867) - twisted.internet.endpoints.TCP6ClientEndpoint now provides twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint (#5876) - twisted.internet.endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint now provides twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamServerEndpoint. (#5878) - Spawning subprocesses with PTYs now works on OS X 10.8. (#5880) - twisted.internet.test.test_sigchld no longer incorrectly fails when run after certain other tests. (#6161) - twisted.internet.test.test_gireactor no longer fails when using pygobject 3.4 and gtk 3.6 when X11 is unavailable. (#6170) - twisted/python/sendmsg.c no longer fails to build on OpenBSD. (#5907) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The endpoint howto now lists TCP IPv6 server endpoint in the list of endpoints included with Twisted. (#5741) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - The minimum required version of zope.interface is now 3.6.0. (#5683) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorArbitrary and twisted.application.internet.GenericServer and GenericClient, deprecated since Twisted 10.1, have been removed. (#5943) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IFinishableConsumer, deprecated since Twisted 11.1, has been removed. (#5944) - twisted.python.failure has removed all support for string exceptions. (#5948) - assertTrue, assertEqual, and the other free-functions in twisted.trial.unittest for writing assertions, deprecated since prior to Twisted 2.3, have been removed. (#5963) - Ports, connectors, wakers and other reactor-related types no longer log a nice warning when they are erroneously pickled. Pickling of such objects continues to be unsupported. (#5979) - twisted.python.components.Componentized no longer inherits from Versioned. (#5983) - twisted.protocols.basic.NetstringReceiver.sendString no longer accepts objects other than bytes; the removed behavior was deprecated in Twisted 10.0. (#6025) - The lookupRecord method of twisted.internet.interfaces.IResolver, never implemented or called by Twisted, has been removed. (#6091) Other ----- - #4286, #4920, #5627, #5785, #5860, #5865, #5873, #5874, #5877, #5879, #5884, #5885, #5886, #5891, #5896, #5897, #5899, #5900, #5901, #5903, #5906, #5908, #5912, #5913, #5914, #5916, #5917, #5931, #5932, #5933, #5934, #5935, #5939, #5942, #5947, #5956, #5959, #5967, #5969, #5970, #5972, #5973, #5974, #5975, #5980, #5985, #5986, #5990, #5995, #6002, #6003, #6005, #6007, #6009, #6010, #6018, #6019, #6022, #6023, #6033, #6036, #6039, #6041, #6043, #6052, #6053, #6054, #6055, #6060, #6061, #6065, #6067, #6068, #6069, #6084, #6087, #6088, #6097, #6099, #6100, #6103, #6109, #6114, #6139, #6140, #6141, #6142, #6157, #6158, #6159, #6163, #6172, #6182, #6190, #6194, #6204, #6209 Twisted Core 12.2.0 (2012-08-26) ================================ Features -------- - twisted.protocols.sip.MessageParser now handles multiline headers. (#2198) - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides StandardIOEndpoint, a Standard I/O endpoint. (#4697) - If a FTPCmdError occurs during twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP.ftp_RETR sending the file (i.e. it is raised by the IReadFile.send method it invokes), then it will use that to return an error to the client rather than necessarily sending a 426 CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED error. (#4913) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection is implemented by some reactors as a way to add an existing established connection to them. (#5570) - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ServerEndpoint, an IPv6 TCP server endpoint. (#5694) - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ClientEndpoint, an IPv6 TCP client endpoint. (#5695) - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string description feature, can now be used to create IPv6 TCP servers. (#5699) - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string description feature, can now be used to create servers that run on Standard I/O. (#5729) - twisted.trial.unittest now offers SynchronousTestCase, a test case base class that provides usability improvements but not reactor- based testing features. (#5853) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.internet.Process.signalProcess now catches ESRCH raised by os.kill call and raises ProcessExitedAlready instead. (#2420) - TLSMemoryBIOProtocol (and therefore all SSL transports if pyOpenSSL >= 0.10) now provides the interfaces already provided by the underlying transport. (#5182) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Python 2.5 is no longer supported. (#5553) - The --extra option of trial, deprecated since 11.0, is removed now. (#3374) - addPluginDir and getPluginDirs in twisted.python.util are deprecated now. (#4533) - twisted.trial.runner.DocTestCase, deprecated in Twisted 8.0, has been removed. (#5554) - startKeepingErrors, flushErrors, ignoreErrors, and clearIgnores in twisted.python.log (deprecated since Twisted 2.5) are removed now. (#5765) - unzip, unzipIter, and countZipFileEntries in twisted.python.zipstream (deprecated in Twisted 11.0) are removed now. (#5766) - twisted.test.time_helpers, deprecated since Twisted 10.0, has been removed. (#5820) Other ----- - #4244, #4532, #4930, #4999, #5129, #5138, #5385, #5521, #5655, #5674, #5679, #5687, #5688, #5689, #5692, #5707, #5734, #5736, #5745, #5746, #5747, #5749, #5784, #5816, #5817, #5818, #5819, #5830, #5857, #5858, #5859, #5869, #5632 Twisted Core 12.1.0 (2012-06-02) ================================ Features -------- - The kqueue reactor has been revived. (#1918) - twisted.python.filepath now provides IFilePath, an interface for file path objects. (#2176) - New gtk3 and gobject-introspection reactors have been added. (#4558) - gtk and glib reactors now run I/O and scheduled events with lower priority, to ensure the UI stays responsive. (#5067) - IReactorTCP.connectTCP() can now accept IPv6 address literals (although not hostnames) in order to support connecting to IPv6 hosts. (#5085) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket, a new interface, is now supported by some reactors to listen on sockets set up by external software (eg systemd or launchd). (#5248) - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now also supports strings in the form of tcp:example.com:80 and ssl:example.com:4321 (#5358) - twisted.python.constants.Flags now provides a way to define collections of flags for bitvector-type uses. (#5384) - The epoll(7)-based reactor is now the default reactor on Linux. (#5478) - twisted.python.runtime.platform.isLinux can be used to check if Twisted is running on Linux. (#5491) - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString now recognizes a "systemd" endpoint type, for listening on a server port inherited from systemd. (#5575) - Connections created using twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX now support sending and receiving file descriptors between different processes. (#5615) - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now supports UNIX client endpoint strings with the path argument specified like "unix:/foo/bar" in addition to the old style, "unix:path=/foo/bar". (#5640) - twisted.protocols.amp.Descriptor is a new AMP argument type which supports passing file descriptors as AMP command arguments over UNIX connections. (#5650) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor implements twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer. twisted.internet.iocpreactor.abstract.FileHandle implements twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer. (#4386) - The epoll reactor now supports reading/writing to regular files on stdin/stdout. (#4429) - Calling .cancel() on any Twisted-provided client endpoint (TCP4ClientEndpoint, UNIXClientEndpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint) now works as documented, rather than logging an AlreadyCalledError. (#4710) - A leak of OVERLAPPED structures in some IOCP error cases has been fixed. (#5372) - twisted.internet._pollingfile._PollableWritePipe now checks for outgoing unicode data in write() and writeSequence() instead of checkWork(). (#5412) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - "Working from Twisted's Subversion repository" links to UQDS and Combinator are now updated. (#5545) - Added tkinterdemo.py, an example of Tkinter integration. (#5631) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - The 'unsigned' flag to twisted.scripts.tap2rpm.MyOptions is now deprecated. (#4086) - Removed the unreachable _fileUrandom method from twisted.python.randbytes.RandomFactory. (#4530) - twisted.persisted.journal is removed, deprecated since Twisted 11.0. (#4805) - Support for pyOpenSSL 0.9 and older is now deprecated. pyOpenSSL 0.10 or newer will soon be required in order to use Twisted's SSL features. (#4974) - backwardsCompatImplements and fixClassImplements are removed from twisted.python.components, deprecated in 2006. (#5034) - twisted.python.reflect.macro was removed, deprecated since Twisted 8.2. (#5035) - twisted.python.text.docstringLStrip, deprecated since Twisted 10.2.0, has been removed (#5036) - Removed the deprecated dispatch and dispatchWithCallback methods from twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool (deprecated since 8.0) (#5037) - twisted.scripts.tapconvert is now deprecated. (#5038) - twisted.python.reflect's Settable, AccessorType, PropertyAccessor, Accessor, OriginalAccessor and Summer are now deprecated. (#5451) - twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadSafeList (deprecated in 10.1) is removed. (#5473) - twisted.application.app.initialLog, deprecated since Twisted 8.2.0, has been removed. (#5480) - twisted.spread.refpath was deleted, deprecated since Twisted 9.0. (#5482) - twisted.python.otp, deprecated since 9.0, is removed. (#5493) - Removed `dsu`, `moduleMovedForSplit`, and `dict` from twisted.python.util (deprecated since 10.2) (#5516) Other ----- - #2723, #3114, #3398, #4388, #4489, #5055, #5116, #5242, #5380, #5392, #5447, #5457, #5484, #5489, #5492, #5494, #5512, #5523, #5558, #5572, #5583, #5593, #5620, #5621, #5623, #5625, #5637, #5652, #5653, #5656, #5657, #5660, #5673 Twisted Core 12.0.0 (2012-02-10) ================================ Features -------- - The interface argument to IReactorTCP.listenTCP may now be an IPv6 address literal, allowing the creation of IPv6 TCP servers. (#5084) - twisted.python.constants.Names now provides a way to define collections of named constants, similar to the "enum type" feature of C or Java. (#5382) - twisted.python.constants.Values now provides a way to define collections of named constants with arbitrary values. (#5383) Bugfixes -------- - Fixed an obscure case where connectionLost wasn't called on the protocol when using half-close. (#3037) - UDP ports handle socket errors better on Windows. (#3396) - When idle, the gtk2 and glib2 reactors no longer wake up 10 times a second. (#4376) - Prevent a rare situation involving TLS transports, where a producer may be erroneously left unpaused. (#5347) - twisted.internet.iocpreactor.iocpsupport now has fewer 64-bit compile warnings. (#5373) - The GTK2 reactor is now more responsive on Windows. (#5396) - TLS transports now correctly handle producer registration after the connection has been lost. (#5439) - twisted.protocols.htb.Bucket now empties properly with a non-zero drip rate. (#5448) - IReactorSSL and ITCPTransport.startTLS now synchronously propagate errors from the getContext method of context factories, instead of being capturing them and logging them as unhandled. (#5449) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The multicast documentation has been expanded. (#4262) - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now documents more return values. (#5399) - Show a better starting page at http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current (#5429) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.reflector. (#4108) - Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.row. (#4109) - Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.sqlreflector. (#4110) - Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.util, as well as twisted.enterprise.adbapi.safe. (#4111) - Python 2.4 is no longer supported on any platform. (#5060) - Removed printTraceback and noOperation from twisted.spread.pb, deprecated since Twisted 8.2. (#5370) Other ----- - #1712, #2725, #5284, #5325, #5331, #5362, #5364, #5371, #5407, #5427, #5430, #5431, #5440, #5441 Twisted Core 11.1.0 (2011-11-15) ================================ Features -------- - TCP and TLS transports now support abortConnection() which, unlike loseConnection(), always closes the connection immediately. (#78) - Failures received over PB when tracebacks are disabled now display the wrapped exception value when they are printed. (#581) - twistd now has a --logger option, allowing the use of custom log observers. (#638) - The default reactor is now poll(2) on platforms that support it. (#2234) - twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks(f) now raises TypeError when f returns something other than a generator or uses returnValue as a non-generator. (#2501) - twisted.python.usage.Options now supports performing Zsh tab- completion on demand. Tab-completion for Twisted commands is supported out-of-the-box on any recent zsh release. Third-party commands may take advantage of zsh completion by copying the provided stub file. (#3078) - twisted.protocols.portforward now uses flow control between its client and server connections to avoid having to buffer an unbounded amount of data when one connection is slower than the other. (#3350) - On Windows, the select, IOCP, and Gtk2 reactors now implement IReactorWin32Events (most notably adding support for serial ports to these reactors). (#4862) - twisted.python.failure.Failure no longer captures the state of locals and globals of all stack frames by default, because it is expensive to do and rarely used. You can pass captureVars=True to Failure's constructor if you want to capture this data. (#5011) - twisted.web.client now supports automatic content-decoding via twisted.web.client.ContentDecoderAgent, gzip being supported for now. (#5053) - Protocols may now implement ILoggingContext to customize their logging prefix. twisted.protocols.policies.ProtocolWrapper and the endpoints wrapper now take advantage of this feature to ensure the application protocol is still reflected in logs. (#5062) - AMP's raw message-parsing performance was increased by approximately 12%. (#5075) - Twisted is now installable on PyPy, because some incompatible C extensions are no longer built. (#5158) - twisted.internet.defer.gatherResults now accepts a consumeErrors parameter, with the same meaning as the corresponding argument for DeferredList. (#5159) - Added RMD (remove directory) support to the FTP client. (#5259) - Server factories may now implement ILoggingContext to customize the name that is logged when the reactor uses one to start listening on a port. (#5292) - The implementations of ITransport.writeSequence will now raise TypeError if passed unicode strings. (#3896) - iocp reactor now operates correctly on 64 bit Python runtimes. (#4669) - twistd ftp now supports the cred plugin. (#4752) - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now has an API to retrieve the permissions of the underlying file, and two methods to determine whether it is a block device or a socket. (#4813) - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase is now compatible with Python 2.7's assertDictEqual method. (#5291) Bugfixes -------- - The IOCP reactor now does not try to erroneously pause non- streaming producers. (#745) - Unicode print statements no longer blow up when using Twisted's logging system. (#1990) - Process transports on Windows now support the `writeToChild` method (but only for stdin). (#2838) - Zsh tab-completion of Twisted commands no longer relies on statically generated files, but instead generates results on-the- fly - ensuring accurate tab-completion for the version of Twisted actually in use. (#3078) - LogPublishers don't use the global log publisher for reporting broken observers anymore. (#3307) - trial and twistd now add the current directory to sys.path even when running as root or on Windows. mktap, tapconvert, and pyhtmlizer no longer add the current directory to sys.path. (#3526) - twisted.internet.win32eventreactor now stops immediately if reactor.stop() is called from an IWriteDescriptor.doWrite implementation instead of delaying shutdown for an arbitrary period of time. (#3824) - twisted.python.log now handles RuntimeErrors more gracefully, and always restores log observers after an exception is raised. (#4379) - twisted.spread now supports updating new-style RemoteCache instances. (#4447) - twisted.spread.pb.CopiedFailure will no longer be thrown into a generator as a (deprecated) string exception but as a twisted.spread.pb.RemoteException. (#4520) - trial now gracefully handles the presence of objects in sys.modules which respond to attributes being set on them by modifying sys.modules. (#4748) - twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute no longer spuriously warns twice when used to deprecate a module within a package. This should make it easier to write unit tests for deprecated modules. (#4806) - When pyOpenSSL 0.10 or newer is available, SSL support now uses Twisted for all I/O and only relies on OpenSSL for cryptography, avoiding a number of tricky, potentially broken edge cases. (#4854) - IStreamClientEndpointStringParser.parseStreamClient now correctly describes how it will be called by clientFromString (#4956) - twisted.internet.defer.Deferreds are 10 times faster at handling exceptions raised from callbacks, except when setDebugging(True) has been called. (#5011) - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath.copyTo now raises OSError(ENOENT) if the source path being copied does not exist. (#5017) - twisted.python.modules now supports iterating over namespace packages without yielding duplicates. (#5030) - reactor.spawnProcess now uses the resource module to guess the maximum possible open file descriptor when /dev/fd exists but gives incorrect results. (#5052) - The memory BIO TLS/SSL implementation now supports producers correctly. (#5063) - twisted.spread.pb.Broker no longer creates an uncollectable reference cycle when the logout callback holds a reference to the client mind object. (#5079) - twisted.protocols.tls, and SSL/TLS support in general, now do clean TLS close alerts when disconnecting. (#5118) - twisted.persisted.styles no longer uses the deprecated allYourBase function (#5193) - Stream client endpoints now start (doStart) and stop (doStop) the factory passed to the connect method, instead of a different implementation-detail factory. (#5278) - SSL ports now consistently report themselves as SSL rather than TCP when logging their close message. (#5292) - Serial ports now deliver connectionLost to the protocol when closed. (#3690) - win32eventreactor now behaves better in certain rare cases in which it previously would have failed to deliver connection lost notification to a protocol. (#5233) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Test driven development with Twisted and Trial is now documented in a how-to. (#2443) - A new howto-style document covering twisted.protocols.amp has been added. (#3476) - Added sample implementation of a Twisted push producer/consumer system. (#3835) - The "Deferred in Depth" tutorial now includes accurate output for the deferred_ex2.py example. (#3941) - The server howto now covers the Factory.buildProtocol method. (#4761) - The testing standard and the trial tutorial now recommend the `assertEqual` form of assertions rather than the `assertEquals` to coincide with the standard library unittest's preference. (#4989) - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath's methods now have more complete API documentation (docstrings). (#5027) - The Clients howto now uses buildProtocol more explicitly, hopefully making it easier to understand where Protocol instances come from. (#5044) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - twisted.internet.interfaces.IFinishableConsumer is now deprecated. (#2661) - twisted.python.zshcomp is now deprecated in favor of the tab- completion system in twisted.python.usage (#3078) - The unzip and unzipIter functions in twisted.python.zipstream are now deprecated. (#3666) - Options.optStrings, deprecated for 7 years, has been removed. Use Options.optParameters instead. (#4552) - Removed the deprecated twisted.python.dispatch module. (#5023) - Removed the twisted.runner.procutils module that was deprecated in Twisted 2.3. (#5049) - Removed twisted.trial.runner.DocTestSuite, deprecated in Twisted 8.0. (#5111) - twisted.scripts.tkunzip is now deprecated. (#5140) - Deprecated option --password-file in twistd ftp (#4752) - mktap, deprecated since Twisted 8.0, has been removed. (#5293) Other ----- - #1946, #2562, #2674, #3074, #3077, #3776, #4227, #4539, #4587, #4619, #4624, #4629, #4683, #4690, #4702, #4778, #4944, #4945, #4949, #4952, #4957, #4979, #4980, #4987, #4990, #4994, #4995, #4997, #5003, #5008, #5009, #5012, #5019, #5042, #5046, #5051, #5065, #5083, #5088, #5089, #5090, #5101, #5108, #5109, #5112, #5114, #5125, #5128, #5131, #5136, #5139, #5144, #5146, #5147, #5156, #5160, #5165, #5191, #5205, #5215, #5217, #5218, #5223, #5243, #5244, #5250, #5254, #5261, #5266, #5273, #5299, #5301, #5302, #5304, #5308, #5311, #5321, #5322, #5327, #5328, #5332, #5336 Twisted Core 11.0.0 (2011-04-01) ================================ Features -------- - The reactor is not restartable, but it would previously fail to complain. Now, when you restart an unrestartable reactor, you get an exception. (#2066) - twisted.plugin now only emits a short log message, rather than a full traceback, if there is a problem writing out the dropin cache file. (#2409) - Added a 'replacement' parameter to the 'twisted.python.deprecate.deprecated' decorator. This allows deprecations to unambiguously specify what they have been deprecated in favor of. (#3047) - Added access methods to FilePath for FilePath.statinfo's st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, and st_gid fields. This is in preparation for the deprecation of FilePath.statinfo. (#4712) - IPv4Address and UNIXAddress now have a __hash__ method. (#4783) - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP.ftp_STOR now catches `FTPCmdError`s raised by the file writer, and returns the error back to the client. (#4909) Bugfixes -------- - twistd will no longer fail if a non-root user passes --uid 'myuid' as a command-line argument. Instead, it will emit an error message. (#3172) - IOCPReactor now sends immediate completions to the main loop (#3233) - trial can now load test methods from multiple classes, even if the methods all happen to be inherited from the same base class. (#3383) - twisted.web.server will now produce a correct Allow header when a particular render_FOO method is missing. (#3678) - HEAD requests made to resources whose HEAD handling defaults to calling render_GET now always receive a response with no body. (#3684) - trial now loads decorated test methods whether or not the decorator preserves the original method name. (#3909) - t.p.amp.AmpBox.serialize will now correctly consistently complain when being fed Unicode. (#3931) - twisted.internet.wxreactor now supports stopping more reliably. (#3948) - reactor.spawnProcess on Windows can now handle ASCII-encodable Unicode strings in the system environment (#3964) - When C-extensions are not complied for twisted, on python2.4, skip a test in twisted.internet.test.test_process that may hang due to a SIGCHLD related problem. Running 'python setup.py build_ext --inplace' will compile the extension and cause the test to both run and pass. (#4331) - twisted.python.logfile.LogFile now raises a descriptive exception when passed a log directoy which does not exist. (#4701) - Fixed a bug where Inotify will fail to add a filepatch to watchlist after it has been added/ignored previously. (#4708) - IPv4Address and UNIXAddress object comparison operators fixed (#4817) - twisted.internet.task.Clock now sorts the list of pending calls before and after processing each call (#4823) - ConnectionLost is now in twisted.internet.error.__all__ instead of twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.__all__. (#4856) - twisted.internet.process now detects the most appropriate mechanism to use for detecting the open file descriptors on a system, getting Twisted working on FreeBSD even when fdescfs is not mounted. (#4881) - twisted.words.services referenced nonexistent twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRC_NOSUCHCHANNEL. This has been fixed. Related code has also received test cases. (#4915) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The INSTALL file now lists all of Twisted's dependencies. (#967) - Added the stopService and startService methods to all finger example files. (#3375) - Missing reactor.run() calls were added in the UDP and client howto documents. (#3834) - The maxRetries attribute of twisted.internet.protocols.RetryingClientFactory now has API documentation. (#4618) - Lore docs pointed to a template that no longer existed, this has been fixed. (#4682) - The `servers` argument to `twisted.names.client.createResolver` now has more complete API documentation. (#4713) - Linked to the Twisted endpoints tutorial from the Twisted core howto list. (#4773) - The Endpoints howto now links to the API documentation. (#4774) - The Quotes howto is now more clear in its PYTHONPATH setup instructions. (#4785) - The API documentation for DeferredList's fireOnOneCallback parameter now gives the correct order of the elements of the result tuple. (#4882) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - returning a value other than None from IProtocol.dataReceived was deprecated (#2491) - Deprecated the --extra option in trial. (#3372) - twisted.protocols._c_urlarg has been removed. (#4162) - Remove the --report-profile option for twistd, deprecated since 2007. (#4236) - Deprecated twisted.persisted.journal. This library is no longer maintained. (#4298) - Removed twisted.protocols.loopback.loopback, which has been deprecated since Twisted 2.5. (#4547) - __getitem__ __getslice__ and __eq__ (tuple comparison, indexing) removed from twisted.internet.address.IPv4Address and twisted.internet.address.UNIXAddress classes UNIXAddress and IPv4Address properties _bwHack are now deprecated in twisted.internet.address (#4817) - twisted.python.reflect.allYourBase is now no longer used, replaced with inspect.getmro (#4928) - allYourBase and accumulateBases are now deprecated in favor of inspect.getmro. (#4946) Other ----- - #555, #1982, #2618, #2665, #2666, #4035, #4247, #4567, #4636, #4717, #4733, #4750, #4821, #4842, #4846, #4853, #4857, #4858, #4863, #4864, #4865, #4866, #4867, #4868, #4869, #4870, #4871, #4872, #4873, #4874, #4875, #4876, #4877, #4878, #4879, #4905, #4906, #4908, #4934, #4955, #4960 Twisted Core 10.2.0 (2010-11-29) ================================ Features -------- - twisted.internet.cfreactor has been significantly improved. It now runs, and passes, the test suite. Many, many bugs in it have been fixed, including several segfaults, as it now uses PyObjC and longer requires C code in Twisted. (#1833) - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTPRealm now accepts a parameter to override "/home" as the container for user directories. The new BaseFTPRealm class in the same module also allows easy implementation of custom user directory schemes. (#2179) - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath and twisted.python.zippath.ZipPath now have a descendant method to simplify code which calls the child method repeatedly. (#3169) - twisted.python.failure._Frame objects now support fake f_locals attribute. (#4045) - twisted.internet.endpoints now has 'serverFromString' and 'clientFromString' APIs for constructing endpoints from descriptive strings. (#4473) - The default trial reporter now combines reporting of tests with the same result to shorten its summary output. (#4487) - The new class twisted.protocols.ftp.SystemFTPRealm implements an FTP realm which uses system accounts to select home directories. (#4494) - twisted.internet.reactor.spawnProcess now wastes less time trying to close non-existent file descriptors on POSIX platforms. (#4522) - twisted.internet.win32eventreactor now declares that it implements a new twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorWin32Events interface. (#4523) - twisted.application.service.IProcess now documents its attributes using zope.interface.Attribute. (#4534) - twisted.application.app.ReactorSelectionMixin now saves the value of the --reactor option in the "reactor" key of the options object. (#4563) - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString and clientFromString, and therefore also twisted.application.strports.service, now support plugins, so third parties may implement their own endpoint types. (#4695) Bugfixes -------- - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now handles chains iteratively instead of recursively, preventing RuntimeError due to excessive recursion when handling long Deferred chains. (#411) - twisted.internet.cfreactor now works with trial. (#2556) - twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool.close may now be called even if the connection pool has not yet been started. This will prevent the pool from ever starting. (#2680) - twisted.protocols.basic.NetstringReceiver raises NetstringParseErrors for invalid netstrings now. It handles empty netstrings ("0:,") correctly, and the performance for receiving netstrings has been improved. (#4378) - reactor.listenUDP now returns an object which declares that it implements IListeningPort. (#4462) - twisted.python.randbytes no longer uses PyCrypto as a secure random number source (since it is not one). (#4468) - twisted.internet.main.installReactor now blocks installation of another reactor when using python -O (#4476) - twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute now emits only one warning when used to deprecate a package attribute which is a module. (#4492) - The "brief" mode of twisted.python.failure.Failure.getTraceback now handles exceptions raised by the underlying exception's __str__ method. (#4501) - twisted.words.xish.domish now correctly parses XML with namespaces which include whitespace. (#4503) - twisted.names.authority.FileAuthority now generates correct negative caching hints, marks its referral NS RRs as non- authoritative, and correctly generates referrals for ALL_RECORDS requests. (#4513) - twisted.internet.test.reactormixins.ReactorBuilder's attribute `requiredInterface` (which should an interface) is now `requiredInterfaces` (a list of interfaces) as originally described per the documentation. (#4527) - twisted.python.zippath.ZipPath.__repr__ now correctly formats paths with ".." in them (by including it). (#4535) - twisted.names.hosts.searchFileFor has been fixed against refcounting dependency. (#4540) - The POSIX process transports now declare that they implement IProcessTransport. (#4585) - Twisted can now be built with the LLVM clang compiler, with 'CC=clang python setup.py build'. C code that caused errors with this compiler has been removed. (#4652) - trial now puts coverage data in the path specified by --temp- directory, even if that option comes after --coverage on the command line. (#4657) - The unregisterProducer method of connection-oriented transports will now cause the connection to be closed if there was a prior call to loseConnection. (#4719) - Fixed an issue where the new StreamServerEndpointService didn't log listen errors. (This was a bug not present in any previous releases, as this class is new.) (#4731) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - The trial man page now documents the meaning of the final line of output of the default reporter. (#1384) - The API documentation for twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList now goes into more depth about the effects each of the __init__ flags that class accepts. (#3595) - There is now narrative documentation for the endpoints APIs, in the 'endpoints' core howto, as well as modifications to the 'writing clients' and 'writing servers' core howto documents to indicate that endpoints are now the preferred style of listening and connecting. (#4478) - trial's man page now documents the --disablegc option in more detail. (#4511) - trial's coverage output format is now documented in the trial man page. (#4512) - Broken links and spelling errors in the finger tutorial are now fixed. (#4516) - twisted.internet.threads.blockingCallFromThread's docstring is now explicit about Deferred support. (#4517) - twisted.python.zippath.ZipPath.child now documents its handling of ".." (which is not special, making it different from FilePath.child). (#4535) - The API docs for twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now cover several more of its (less interesting) attributes. (#4538) - LineReceiver, NetstringReceiver, and IntNStringReceiver from twisted.protocols.basic now have improved API documentation for read callbacks and write methods. (#4542) - Tidied up the Twisted Conch documentation for easier conversion. (#4566) - Use correct Twisted version for when cancellation was introduced in the Deferred docstring. (#4614) - The logging howto is now more clear about how the standard library logging module and twisted.python.log can be integrated. (#4642) - The finger tutorial still had references to .tap files. This reference has now been removed. The documentation clarifies "finger.tap" is a module and not a filename. (#4679) - The finger tutorial had a broken link to the twisted.application.service.Service class, which is now fixed. Additionally, a minor typo ('verison') was fixed. (#4681) - twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin now has clearer API documentation. (#4684) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred.setTimeout has been removed, after being deprecated since Twisted 2.0. (#1702) - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.cancelCallLater (deprecated since 2007) and twisted.internet.interfaces.base.ReactorBase.cancelCallLater (deprecated since 2002) have been removed. (#4076) - Removed twisted.cred.util.py, which has been deprecated since Twisted 8.3. (#4107) - twisted.python.text.docstringLStrip was deprecated. (#4328) - The module attributes `LENGTH`, `DATA`, `COMMA`, and `NUMBER` of twisted.protocols.basic (previously used by `NetstringReceiver`) are now deprecated. (#4541) - twisted.protocols.basic.SafeNetstringReceiver, deprecated since 2001 (before Twisted 2.0), was removed. (#4546) - twisted.python.threadable.whenThreaded, deprecated since Twisted 2.2.0, has been removed. (#4550) - twisted.python.timeoutqueue, deprecated since Twisted 8.0, has been removed. (#4551) - iocpreactor transports can no longer be pickled. (#4617) Other ----- - #4300, #4475, #4477, #4504, #4556, #4562, #4564, #4569, #4608, #4616, #4617, #4626, #4630, #4650, #4705 Twisted Core 10.1.0 (2010-06-27) ================================ Features -------- - Add linux inotify support, allowing monitoring of file system events. (#972) - Deferreds now support cancellation. (#990) - Added new "endpoint" interfaces in twisted.internet.interfaces, which abstractly describe stream transport endpoints which can be listened on or connected to. Implementations for TCP and SSL clients and servers are present in twisted.internet.endpoints. Notably, client endpoints' connect() methods return cancellable Deferreds, so code written to use them can bypass the awkward "ClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed" and "Connector.stopConnecting" methods, and handle errbacks from or cancel the returned deferred, respectively. (#1442) - twisted.protocols.amp.Integer's documentation now clarifies that integers of arbitrary size are supported and that the wire format is a base-10 representation. (#2650) - twisted.protocols.amp now includes support for transferring timestamps (amp.DateTime) and decimal values (amp.Decimal). (#2651) - twisted.protocol.ftp.IWriteFile now has a close() method, which can return a Deferred. Previously a STOR command would finish immediately upon the receipt of the last byte of the uploaded file. With close(), the backend can delay the finish until it has performed some other slow action (like storing the data to a virtual filesystem). (#3462) - FilePath now calls os.stat() only when new status information is required, rather than immediately when anything changes. For some applications this may result in fewer stat() calls. Additionally, FilePath has a new method, 'changed', which applications may use to indicate that the FilePath may have been changed on disk and therefore the next status information request must fetch a new stat result. This is useful if external systems, such as C libraries, may have changed files that Twisted applications are referencing via a FilePath. (#4130) - Documentation improvements are now summarized in the NEWS file. (#4224) - twisted.internet.task.deferLater now returns a cancellable Deferred. (#4318) - The connect methods of twisted.internet.protocol.ClientCreator now return cancellable Deferreds. (#4329) - twisted.spread.pb now has documentation covering some of its limitations. (#4402) - twisted.spread.jelly now supports jellying and unjellying classes defined with slots if they also implement __getstate__ and __setstate__. (#4430) - twisted.protocols.amp.ListOf arguments can now be specified as optional. (#4474) Bugfixes -------- - On POSIX platforms, reactors now support child processes in a way which doesn't cause other syscalls to sometimes fail with EINTR (if running on Python 2.6 or if Twisted's extension modules have been built). (#733) - Substrings are escaped before being passed to a regular expression for searching to ensure that they don't get interpreted as part of the expression. (#1893) - twisted.internet.stdio now supports stdout being redirected to a normal file (except when using epollreactor). (#2259) - (#2367) - The tap2rpm script now works with modern versions of RPM. (#3292) - twisted.python.modules.walkModules will now handle packages explicitly precluded from importing by a None placed in sys.modules. (#3419) - ConnectedDatagramPort now uses stopListening when a connection fails instead of the deprecated loseConnection. (#3425) - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath.setContent is now safe for multiple processes to use concurrently. (#3694) - The mode argument to the methods of twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX is no longer deprecated. (#4078) - Do not include blacklisted projects when generating NEWS. (#4190) - When generating NEWS for a project that had no significant changes, include a section for that project and say that there were no interesting changes. (#4191) - Redundant 'b' mode is no longer passed to calls to FilePath.open and FilePath.open itself now corrects the mode when multiple 'b' characters are present, ensuring only one instance of 'b' is provided, as a workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue7686. (#4207) - HTML tags inside
 tags in the code snippets are now escaped.
 - twisted.protocols.amp.CommandLocator now allows subclasses to
   override responders inherited from base classes. (#4343)
 - Fix a bunch of small but important defects in the INSTALL, README
   and so forth. (#4346)
 - The poll, epoll, glib2, and gtk2 reactors now all support half-
   close in the twisted.internet.stdio.StandardIO transport. (#4352)
 - twisted.application.internet no longer generates an extra and
   invalid entry in its __all__ list for the nonexistent
   MulticastClient. (#4373)
 - Choosing a reactor documentation now says that only the select-
   based reactor is a truly cross-platform reactor. (#4384)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now no longer leaves files open,
   to be closed by the garbage collector, when an exception is raised
   in the implementation of setContent, getContent, or copyTo. (#4400)
 - twisted.test.proto_helpers.StringTransport's getHost and getPeer
   methods now return IPv4Address instances by default. (#4401)
 - twisted.protocols.amp.BinaryBoxProtocol will no longer deliver an
   empty string to a switched-to protocol's dataReceived method when
   the BinaryBoxProtocol's buffer happened to be empty at the time of
   the protocol switch. (#4405)
 - IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX implementations now support abstract
   namespace sockets on Linux. (#4421)
 - Files opened with FilePath.create() (and therefore also files
   opened via FilePath.open() on a path with alwaysCreate=True) will
   now be opened in binary mode as advertised, so that they will
   behave portably across platforms. (#4453)
 - The subunit reporter now correctly reports import errors as errors,
   rather than by crashing with an unrelated error. (#4496)

Improved Documentation
 - The finger tutorial example which introduces services now avoids
   double-starting the loop to re-read its users file. (#4420)
 - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred.callback's docstring now mentions
   the implicit chaining feature. (#4439)
 - doc/core/howto/listing/pb/chatclient.py can now actually send a
   group message. (#4459)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorArbitrary,
   twisted.application.internet.GenericServer, and
   twisted.application.internet.GenericClient are now deprecated.
 - twisted.internet.gtkreactor is now deprecated. (#2833)
 - twisted.trial.util.findObject has been deprecated. (#3108)
 - twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadSafeList is deprecated and Jython
   platform detection in Twisted core removed (#3725)
 - twisted.internet.interfaces.IUDPConnectedTransport has been removed
   (deprecated since Twisted 9.0). (#4077)
 - Removed twisted.application.app.runWithProfiler, which has been
   deprecated since Twisted 8.0. (#4090)
 - Removed twisted.application.app.runWithHotshot, which has been
   deprecated since Twisted 8.0. (#4091)
 - Removed twisted.application.app.ApplicationRunner.startLogging,
   which has been deprecated (doesn't say since when), as well as
   support for the legacy
   twisted.application.app.ApplicationRunner.getLogObserver method.
 - twisted.application.app.reportProfile has been removed. (#4093)
 - twisted.application.app.getLogFile has been removed. (#4094)
 - Removed twisted.cred.util.py, which has been deprecated since
   Twisted 8.3. (#4107)
 - twisted.python.util.dsu is now deprecated. (#4339)
 - In twisted.trial.util: FailureError, DirtyReactorWarning,
   DirtyReactorError, and PendingTimedCallsError, which have all been
   deprecated since Twisted 8.0, have been removed. (#4505)

 - #1363, #1742, #3170, #3359, #3431, #3738, #4088, #4206, #4221,
   #4239, #4257, #4272, #4274, #4287, #4291, #4293, #4309, #4316,
   #4319, #4324, #4332, #4335, #4348, #4358, #4394, #4399, #4409,
   #4418, #4443, #4449, #4479, #4485, #4486, #4497

Twisted Core 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - The twistd man page now has a SIGNALS section. (#689)

 - reactor.spawnProcess now will not emit a PotentialZombieWarning
   when called before reactor.run, and there will be no potential for
   zombie processes in this case. (#2078)

 - High-throughput applications based on Perspective Broker should now
   run noticably faster thanks to the use of a more efficient decoding
   function in Twisted Spread. (#2310)

 - Documentation for trac-post-commit-hook functionality in svn-dev
   policy. (#3867)

 - twisted.protocols.socks.SOCKSv4 now supports the SOCKSv4a protocol.

 - Trial can now output test results according to the subunit
   protocol, as long as Subunit is installed (see
   https://launchpad.net/subunit). (#4004)

 - twisted.protocols.amp now provides a ListOf argument type which can
   be composed with some other argument types to create a zero or more
   element sequence of that type. (#4116)

 - If returnValue is invoked outside of a function decorated with
   @inlineCallbacks, but causes a function thusly decorated to exit, a
   DeprecationWarning will be emitted explaining this potentially
   confusing behavior.  In a future release, this will cause an
   exception. (#4157)

 - twisted.python.logfile.BaseLogFile now has a reopen method allowing
   you to use an external logrotate mechanism. (#4255)

 - FTP.ftp_NLST now handles requests on invalid paths in a way
   consistent with RFC 959. (#1342)

 - twisted.python.util.initgroups now calls the low-level C initgroups
   by default if available: the python version can create lots of I/O
   with certain authentication setup to retrieve all the necessary
   information. (#3226)

 - startLogging now does nothing on subsequent invocations, thus
   fixing a terrible infinite recursion bug that's only on edge case.

 - Stringify non-string data to NetstringReceiver.sendString before
   calculating the length so that the calculated length is equal to
   the actual length of the transported data. (#3299)

 - twisted.python.win32.cmdLineQuote now correctly quotes empty
   strings arguments (#3876)

 - Change the behavior of the Gtk2Reactor to register only one source
   watch for each file descriptor, instead of one for reading and one
   for writing. In particular, it fixes a bug with Glib under Windows
   where we failed to notify when a client is connected. (#3925)

 - Twisted Trial no longer crashes if it can't remove an old
   _trial_temp directory.  (#4020)

 - The optional _c_urlarg extension now handles unquote("") correctly
   on platforms where malloc(0) returns NULL, such as AIX.  It also
   compiles with less warnings. (#4142)

 - On POSIX, child processes created with reactor.spawnProcess will no
   longer automatically ignore the signals which the parent process
   has set to be ignored. (#4199)

 - All SOCKSv4a tests now use a dummy reactor with a deterministic
   resolve method. (#4275)

 - Prevent extraneous server, date and content-type headers in proxy
   responses. (#4277)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.internet.error.PotentialZombieWarning is now deprecated.

 - twisted.test.time_helpers is now deprecated. (#3719)

 - The deprecated connectUDP method of IReactorUDP has now been
   removed. (#4075)

 - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase now ignores the previously
   deprecated setUpClass and tearDownClass methods. (#4175)

 - #917, #2406, #2481, #2608, #2689, #2884, #3056, #3082, #3199,
   #3480, #3592, #3718, #3935, #4066, #4083, #4154, #4166, #4169,
   #4176, #4183, #4186, #4188, #4189, #4194, #4201, #4204, #4209,
   #4222, #4234, #4235, #4238, #4240, #4245, #4251, #4264, #4268,
   #4269, #4282

Twisted Core 9.0.0 (2009-11-24)

 - LineReceiver.clearLineBuffer now returns the bytes that it cleared (#3573)
 - twisted.protocols.amp now raises InvalidSignature when bad arguments are
   passed to Command.makeArguments (#2808)
 - IArgumentType was added to represent an existing but previously unspecified
   interface in amp (#3468)
 - Obscure python tricks have been removed from the finger tutorials (#2110)
 - The digest auth implementations in twisted.web and twisted.protocolos.sip
   have been merged together in twisted.cred (#3575)
 - FilePath and ZipPath now has a parents() method which iterates up all of its
   parents (#3588)
 - reactors which support threads now have a getThreadPool method (#3591)
 - The MemCache client implementation now allows arguments to the "stats"
   command (#3661)
 - The MemCache client now has a getMultiple method which allows fetching of
   multiple values (#3171)
 - twisted.spread.jelly can now unserialize some new-style classes (#2950)
 - twisted.protocols.loopback.loopbackAsync now accepts a parameter to control
   the data passed between client and server (#3820)
 - The IOCP reactor now supports SSL (#593)
 - Tasks in a twisted.internet.task.Cooperator can now be paused, resumed, and
   cancelled (#2712)
 - AmpList arguments can now be made optional (#3891)
 - The syslog output observer now supports log levels (#3300)
 - LoopingCall now supports reporting the number of intervals missed if it
   isn't able to schedule calls fast enough (#3671)

 - The deprecated md5 and sha modules are no longer used if the stdlib hashlib
   module is available (#2763)
 - An obscure deadlock involving waking up the reactor within signal handlers
   in particular threads was fixed (#1997)
 - The passivePortRange attribute of FTPFactory is now honored (#3593)
 - TestCase.flushWarnings now flushes warnings even if they were produced by a
   file that was renamed since it was byte compiled (#3598)
 - Some internal file descriptors are now marked as close-on-exec, so these will
   no longer be leaked to child processes (#3576)
 - twisted.python.zipstream now correctly extracts the first file in a directory
   as a file, and not an empty directory (#3625)
 - proxyForInterface now returns classes which correctly *implement* interfaces
   rather than *providing* them (#3646)
 - SIP Via header parameters should now be correctly generated (#2194)
 - The Deferred returned by stopListening would sometimes previously never fire
   if an exception was raised by the underlying file descriptor's connectionLost
   method. Now the Deferred will fire with a failure (#3654)
 - The command-line tool "manhole" should now work with newer versions of pygtk
 - When a DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory is instantiated with invalid parameters,
   it will now raise an exception immediately instead of waiting for the first
   connection (#3700)
 - Twisted command line scripts should now work when installed in a virtualenv
 - Trial will no longer delete temp directories which it did not create (#3481)
 - Processes started on Windows should now be cleaned up properly in more cases
 - Certain misbehaving importers will no longer cause twisted.python.modules
   (and thus trial) to raise an exception, but rather issue a warning (#3913)
 - MemCache client protocol methods will now fail when the transport has been
   disconnected (#3643)
 - In the AMP method callRemoteString, the requiresAnswer parameter is now
   honored (#3999)
 - Spawning a "script" (a file which starts with a #! line) on Windows running
   Python 2.6 will now work instead of raising an exception about file mode
   "ru" (#3567)
 - FilePath's walk method now calls its "descend" parameter even on the first
   level of children, instead of only on grandchildren. This allows for better
   symlink cycle detection (#3911)
 - Attempting to write unicode data to process pipes on Windows will no longer
   result in arbitrarily encoded messages being written to the pipe, but instead
   will immediately raise an error (#3930)
 - The various twisted command line utilities will no longer print
   ModuleType.__doc__ when Twisted was installed with setuptools (#4030)
 - A Failure object will now be passed to connectionLost on stdio connections
   on Windows, instead of an Exception object (#3922)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.persisted.marmalade was deleted after a long period of deprecation
 - Some remaining references to the long-gone plugins.tml system were removed
 - SSLv2 is now disabled by default, but it can be re-enabled explicitly
 - twisted.python.plugin has been removed (#1911)
 - reactor.run will now raise a ReactorAlreadyRunning exception when it is
   called reentrantly instead of warning a DeprecationWarning (#1785)
 - twisted.spread.refpath is now deprecated because it is unmaintained,
   untested, and has dubious value (#3723)
 - The unused --quiet flag has been removed from the twistd command (#3003)

 - #3545, #3490, #3544, #3537, #3455, #3315, #2281, #3564, #3570, #3571, #3486,
   #3241, #3599, #3220, #1522, #3611, #3596, #3606, #3609, #3602, #3637, #3647,
   #3632, #3675, #3673, #3686, #2217, #3685, #3688, #2456, #506, #3635, #2153,
   #3581, #3708, #3714, #3717, #3698, #3747, #3704, #3707, #3713, #3720, #3692,
   #3376, #3652, #3695, #3735, #3786, #3783, #3699, #3340, #3810, #3822, #3817,
   #3791, #3859, #2459, #3677, #3883, #3894, #3861, #3822, #3852, #3875, #2722,
   #3768, #3914, #3885, #2719, #3905, #3942, #2820, #3990, #3954, #1627, #2326,
   #2972, #3253, #3937, #4058, #1200, #3639, #4079, #4063, #4050

Core 8.2.0 (2008-12-16)

 - Reactors are slowly but surely becoming more isolated, thus improving
   testability (#3198)
 - FilePath has gained a realpath method, and FilePath.walk no longer infinitely
   recurses in the case of a symlink causing a self-recursing filesystem tree
 - FilePath's moveTo and copyTo methods now have an option to disable following
   of symlinks (#3105)
 - Private APIs are now included in the API documentation (#3268)
 - hotshot is now the default profiler for the twistd --profile parameter and
   using cProfile is now documented (#3355, #3356)
 - Process protocols can now implement a processExited method, which is
   distinct from processEnded in that it is called immediately when the child
   has died, instead of waiting for all the file descriptors to be closed
 - twistd now has a --umask option (#966, #3024)
 - A new deferToThreadPool function exists in twisted.internet.threads (#2845)
 - There is now an example of writing an FTP server in examples/ftpserver.py
 - A new runAsEffectiveUser function has been added to twisted.python.util
 - twisted.internet.utils.getProcessOutput now offers a mechanism for
   waiting for the process to actually end, in the event of data received on
   stderr (#3239)
 - A fullyQualifiedName function has been added to twisted.python.reflect
 - strports now defaults to managing access to a UNIX socket with a lock;
   lockfile=0 can be included in the strports specifier to disable this
   behavior (#2295)
 - FTPClient now has a 'rename' method (#3335)
 - FTPClient now has a 'makeDirectory' method (#3500)
 - FTPClient now has a 'removeFile' method (#3491)
 - flushWarnings, A new Trial method for testing warnings, has been added
   (#3487, #3427, #3506)
 - The log observer can now be configured in .tac files (#3534)

 - TLS Session Tickets are now disabled by default, allowing connections to
   certain servers which hang when an empty session ticket is received (like
   GTalk) (#3463)
 - twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool's noisy attribute now defaults to
   False, as documented (#1806)
 - Error handling and logging in adbapi is now much improved (#3244)
 - TCP listeners can now be restarted (#2913)
 - Doctests can now be rerun with trial's --until-failure option (#2713)
 - Some memory leaks have been fixed in trial's --until-failure
   implementation (#3119, #3269)
 - Trial's summary reporter now prints correct runtime information and handles
   the case of 0 tests (#3184)
 - Trial and any other user of the 'namedAny' function now has better error
   reporting in the case of invalid module names (#3259)
 - Multiple instances of trial can now run in parallel in the same directory
   by creating _trial_temp directories with an incremental suffix (#2338)
 - Trial's failUnlessWarns method now works on Python 2.6 (#3223)
 - twisted.python.log now hooks into the warnings system in a way compatible
   with Python 2.6 (#3211)
 - The GTK2 reactor is now better supported on Windows, but still not passing
   the entire test suite (#3203)
 - low-level failure handling in spawnProcess has been improved and no longer
   leaks file descriptors (#2305, #1410)
 - Perspective Broker avatars now have their logout functions called in more
   cases (#392)
 - Log observers which raise exceptions are no longer removed (#1069)
 - transport.getPeer now always includes an IP address in the Address returned
   instead of a hostname (#3059)
 - Functions in twisted.internet.utils which spawn processes now avoid calling
   chdir in the case where no working directory is passed, to avoid some
   obscure permission errors (#3159)
 - twisted.spread.publish.Publishable no longer corrupts line endings on
   Windows (#2327)
 - SelectReactor now properly detects when a TLS/TCP connection has been
   disconnected (#3218)
 - twisted.python.lockfile no longer raises an EEXIST OSError and is much
   better supported on Windows (#3367)
 - When ITLSTransport.startTLS is called while there is data in the write
   buffer, TLS negotiation will now be delayed instead of the method raising
   an exception (#686)
 - The userAnonymous argument to FTPFactory is now honored (#3390)
 - twisted.python.modules no longer tries to "fix" sys.modules after an import
   error, which was just causing problems (#3388)
 - setup.py no longer attempts to build extension modules when run with Jython
 - AMP boxes can now be sent in IBoxReceiver.startReceivingBoxes (#3477)
 - AMP connections are closed as soon as a key length larger than 255 is
   received (#3478)
 - Log events with timezone offsets between -1 and -59 minutes are now
   correctly reported as negative (#3515)

Deprecations and Removals
 - Trial's setUpClass and tearDownClass methods are now deprecated (#2903)
 - problemsFromTransport has been removed in favor of the argument passed to
   connectionLost (#2874)
 - The mode parameter to methods of IReactorUNIX and IReactorUNIXDatagram are
   deprecated in favor of applications taking other security precautions, since
   the mode of a Unix socket is often not respected (#1068)
 - Index access on instances of twisted.internet.defer.FirstError has been
   removed in favor of the subFailure attribute (#3298)
 - The 'changeDirectory' method of FTPClient has been deprecated in favor of
   the 'cwd' method (#3491)


 - #3202, #2869, #3225, #2955, #3237, #3196, #2355, #2881, #3054, #2374, #2918,
   #3210, #3052, #3267, #3288, #2985, #3295, #3297, #2512, #3302, #1222, #2631,
   #3306, #3116, #3215, #1489, #3319, #3320, #3321, #1255, #2169, #3182, #3323,
   #3301, #3318, #3029, #3338, #3346, #1144, #3173, #3165, #685, #3357, #2582,
   #3370, #2438, #1253, #637, #1971, #2208, #979, #1790, #1888, #1882, #1793,
   #754, #1890, #1931, #1246, #1025, #3177, #2496, #2567, #3400, #2213, #2027,
   #3415, #1262, #3422, #2500, #3414, #3045, #3111, #2974, #2947, #3222, #2878,
   #3402, #2909, #3423, #1328, #1852, #3382, #3393, #2029, #3489, #1853, #2026,
   #2375, #3502, #3482, #3504, #3505, #3507, #2605, #3519, #3520, #3121, #3484,
   #3439, #3216, #3511, #3524, #3521, #3197, #2486, #2449, #2748, #3381, #3236,

8.1.0 (2008-05-18)


 - twisted.internet.error.ConnectionClosed is a new exception which is the
   superclass of ConnectionLost and ConnectionDone (#3137)
 - Trial's CPU and memory performance should be better now (#3034)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now has a chmod method (#3124)


 - Some reactor re-entrancy regressions were fixed (#3146, #3168)
 - A regression was fixed whereby constructing a Failure for an exception and
   traceback raised out of a Pyrex extension would fail (#3132)
 - CopyableFailures in PB can again be created from CopiedFailures (#3174)
 - FilePath.remove, when called on a FilePath representing a symlink to a
   directory, no longer removes the contents of the targeted directory, and
   instead removes the symlink (#3097)
 - FilePath now has a linkTo method for creating new symlinks (#3122)
 - The docstring for Trial's addCleanup method now correctly specifies when
   cleanup functions are run (#3131)
 - assertWarns now deals better with multiple identical warnings (#2904)
 - Various windows installer bugs were fixed (#3115, #3144, #3150, #3151, #3164)
 - API links in the howto documentation have been corrected (#3130)
 - The Win32 Process transport object now has a pid attribute (#1836)
 - A doc bug in the twistd plugin howto which would inevitably lead to
   confusion was fixed (#3183)
 - A regression breaking IOCP introduced after the last release was fixed

Deprecations and Removals

 - mktap is now fully deprecated, and will emit DeprecationWarnings when used

 - #3079, #3118, #3120, #3145, #3069, #3149, #3186, #3208, #2762

8.0.1 (2008-03-26)

 - README no longer refers to obsolete trial command line option
 - twistd no longer causes a bizarre DeprecationWarning about mktap

8.0.0 (2008-03-17)


 - The IOCP reactor has had many changes and is now greatly improved
   (#1760, #3055)
 - The main Twisted distribution is now easy_installable (#1286, #3110)
 - twistd can now profile with cProfile (#2469)
 - twisted.internet.defer contains a DeferredFilesystemLock which gives a
   Deferred interface to lock file acquisition (#2180)
 - twisted.python.modules is a new system for representing and manipulating
   module paths (i.e. sys.path) (#1951)
 - twisted.internet.fdesc now contains a writeToFD function, along with other
   minor fixes (#2419)
 - twisted.python.usage now allows optional type enforcement (#739)
 - The reactor now has a blockingCallFromThread method for non-reactor threads
   to use to wait for a reactor-scheduled call to return a result (#1042, #3030)
 - Exceptions raised inside of inlineCallbacks-using functions now have a
   better chance of coming with a meaningful traceback (#2639, #2803)
 - twisted.python.randbytes now contains code for generating secure random
   bytes (#2685)
 - The classes in twisted.application.internet now accept a reactor parameter
   for specifying the reactor to use for underlying calls to allow for better
   testability (#2937)
 - LoopingCall now allows you to specify the reactor to use to schedule new
   calls, allowing much better testing techniques (#2633, #2634)
 - twisted.internet.task.deferLater is a new API for scheduling calls and
   getting deferreds which are fired with their results (#1875)
 - objgrep now knows how to search through deque objects (#2323)
 - twisted.python.log now contains a Twisted log observer which can forward
   messages to the Python logging system (#1351)
 - Log files now include seconds in the timestamps (#867)
 - It is now possible to limit the number of log files to create during log
   rotation (#1095)
 - The interface required by the log context system is now documented as
   ILoggingContext, and abstract.FileDescriptor now declares that it implements
   it (#1272)
 - There is now an example cred checker that uses a database via adbapi (#460)
 - The epoll reactor is now documented in the choosing-reactors howto (#2539)
 - There were improvements to the client howto (#222)
 - Int8Receiver was added (#2315)
 - Various refactorings to AMP introduced better testability and public
   interfaces (#2657, #2667, #2656, #2664, #2810)
 - twisted.protocol.policies.TrafficLoggingFactory now has a resetCounter
   method (#2757)
 - The FTP client can be told which port range within which to bind passive
   transfer ports (#1904)
 - twisted.protocols.memcache contains a new asynchronous memcache client
   (#2506, #2957)
 - PB now supports anonymous login (#439, #2312)
 - twisted.spread.jelly now supports decimal objects (#2920)
 - twisted.spread.jelly now supports all forms of sets (#2958)
 - There is now an interface describing the API that process protocols must
   provide (#3020)
 - Trial reporting to core unittest TestResult objects has been improved (#2495)
 - Trial's TestCase now has an addCleanup method which allows easy setup of
   tear-down code (#2610, #2899)
 - Trial's TestCase now has an assertIsInstance method (#2749)
 - Trial's memory footprint and speed are greatly improved (#2275)
 - At the end of trial runs, "PASSED" and "FAILED" messages are now colorized
 - Tests which leave global state around in the reactor will now fail in
   trial. A new option, --unclean-warnings, will convert these errors back into
   warnings (#2091)
 - Trial now has a --without-module command line for testing code in an
   environment that lacks a particular Python module (#1795)
 - Error reporting of failed assertEquals assertions now has much nicer
   formatting (#2893)
 - Trial now has methods for monkey-patching (#2598)
 - Trial now has an ITestCase (#2898, #1950)
 - The trial reporter API now has a 'done' method which is called at the end of
   a test run (#2883)
 - TestCase now has an assertWarns method which allows testing that functions
   emit warnings (#2626, #2703)
 - There are now no string exceptions in the entire Twisted code base (#2063)
 - There is now a system for specifying credentials checkers with a string


 - Some tests which were asserting the value of stderr have been changed
   because Python uncontrollably writes bytes to stderr (#2405)
 - Log files handle time zones with DST better (#2404)
 - Subprocesses using PTYs on OS X that are handled by Twisted will now be able
   to more reliably write the final bytes before they exit, allowing Twisted
   code to more reliably receive them (#2371, #2858)
 - Trial unit test reporting has been improved (#1901)
 - The kqueue reactor handles connection failures better (#2172)
 - It's now possible to run "trial foo/bar/" without an exception: trailing
   slashes no longer cause problems (#2005)
 - cred portals now better deal with implementations of inherited interfaces
 - FTP error handling has been improved (#1160, 1107)
 - Trial behaves better with respect to file locking on Windows (#2482)
 - The FTP server now gives a better error when STOR is attempted during an
   anonymous session (#1575)
 - Trial now behaves better with tests that use the reactor's threadpool (#1832)
 - twisted.python.reload now behaves better with new-style objects (#2297)
 - LogFile's defaultMode parameter is now better implemented, preventing
   potential security exploits (#2586)
 - A minor obscure leak in thread pools was corrected (#1134)
 - twisted.internet.task.Clock now returns the correct DelayedCall from
   callLater, instead of returning the one scheduled for the furthest in the
   future (#2691)
 - twisted.spread.util.FilePager no longer unnecessarily buffers data in
   memory (#1843, 2321)
 - Asking for twistd or trial to use an unavailable reactor no longer prints a
   traceback (#2457)
 - System event triggers have fewer obscure bugs (#2509)
 - Plugin discovery code is much better behaved, allowing multiple
   installations of a package with plugins (#2339, #2769)
 - Process and PTYProcess have been merged and some minor bugs have been fixed
 - The reactor has less global state (#2545)
 - Failure can now correctly represent and format errors caused by string
   exceptions (#2830)
 - The epoll reactor now has better error handling which now avoids the bug
   causing 100% CPU usage in some cases (#2809)
 - Errors raised during trial setUp or tearDown methods are now handled better
 - A problem when deferred callbacks add new callbacks to the deferred that
   they are a callback of was fixed (#2849)
 - Log messages that are emitted during connectionMade now have the protocol
   prefix correctly set (#2813)
 - The string representation of a TCP Server connection now contains the actual
   port that it's bound to when it was configured to listen on port 0 (#2826)
 - There is better reporting of error codes for TCP failures on Windows (#2425)
 - Process spawning has been made slightly more robust by disabling garbage
   collection temporarily immediately after forking so that finalizers cannot
   be executed in an unexpected environment (#2483)
 - namedAny now detects import errors better (#698)
 - Many fixes and improvements to the twisted.python.zipstream module have
   been made (#2996)
 - FilePager no longer blows up on empty files (#3023)
 - twisted.python.util.FancyEqMixin has been improved to cooperate with objects
   of other types (#2944)
 - twisted.python.FilePath.exists now restats to prevent incorrect result
 - twisted.python.util.mergeFunctionMetadata now also merges the __module__
   attribute (#3049)
 - It is now possible to call transport.pauseProducing within connectionMade on
   TCP transports without it being ignored (#1780)
 - twisted.python.versions now understands new SVN metadata format for fetching
   the SVN revision number (#3058)
 - It's now possible to use reactor.callWhenRunning(reactor.stop) on gtk2 and
   glib2 reactors (#3011)

Deprecations and removals
 - twisted.python.timeoutqueue is now deprecated (#2536)
 - twisted.enterprise.row and twisted.enterprise.reflector are now deprecated
 - twisted.enterprise.util is now deprecated (#3022)
 - The dispatch and dispatchWithCallback methods of ThreadPool are now
   deprecated (#2684)
 - Starting the same reactor multiple times is now deprecated (#1785)
 - The visit method of various test classes in trial has been deprecated (#2897)
 - The --report-profile option to twistd and twisted.python.dxprofile are
   deprecated (#2908)
 - The upDownError method of Trial reporters is deprecated (#2883)


 - #2396, #2211, #1921, #2378, #2247, #1603, #2463, #2530, #2426, #2356, #2574,
 - #1844, #2575, #2655, #2640, #2670, #2688, #2543, #2743, #2744, #2745, #2746,
 - #2742, #2741, #1730, #2831, #2216, #1192, #2848, #2767, #1220, #2727, #2643,
 - #2669, #2866, #2867, #1879, #2766, #2855, #2547, #2857, #2862, #1264, #2735,
 - #942, #2885, #2739, #2901, #2928, #2954, #2906, #2925, #2942, #2894, #2793,
 - #2761, #2977, #2968, #2895, #3000, #2990, #2919, #2969, #2921, #3005, #421,
 - #3031, #2940, #1181, #2783, #1049, #3053, #2847, #2941, #2876, #2886, #3086,
 - #3095, #3109

2.5.0 (2006-12-29)

Twisted 2.5.0 is a major feature release, with several interesting new
developments and a great number of bug fixes. Some of the highlights

 * AMP, the Asynchronous Messaging Protocol, was introduced.  AMP is
   a protocol which provides request/response semantics over a
   persistent connection in a very simple and extensible manner.

 * An Epoll-based reactor was added, which can be used with twistd or
   trial by passing "-r epoll" on the command line. This may improve
   performance of certain high-traffic network applications.

 * The 'twistd' command can now accept sub-commands which name an
   application to run. For example, 'twistd web --path .' will start a
   web server serving files out of the current directory. This
   functionality is meant to replace the old way of doing things with
   'mktap' and 'twistd -f'.

 * Python 2.5 is now supported. Previous releases of Twisted were
   broken by changes in the release of Python 2.5.

 * 'inlineCallbacks' was added, which allows taking advantage of the
   new 'yield' expression syntax in Python 2.5 to avoid writing
   callbacks for Deferreds.

In addition to these changes, there are many other minor features and
a large number of bug fixes.

 - log.err can now take a second argument for specifying information
   about an error (#1399)
 - A time-simulating test helper class, twisted.internet.task.Clock,
   was added (#1757)
 - Trial docstring improvements were made (#1604, #2133)
 - New SSL features were added to twisted.internet.ssl, such as client
   validation (#302)
 - Python 2.5 is now supported (#1867)
 - Trial's assertFailure now provides more information on failure (#1869)
 - Trial can now be run on tests within a zipfile (#1940)
 - AMP, a new simple protocol for asynchronous messaging, was added (#1715)
 - Trial's colorful reporter now works on win32 (#1646)
 - Trial test modules may now dynamically construct TestSuites (#1638, #2165)
 - twistd can now make use of plugins to run applications (#1922, #2013)
 - Twisted now works with the latest (unreleased) zope.interface (#2160)
 - An epoll-based reactor, epollreactor, was added. It is selectable
   with the -r options to twistd and trial (#1953)
 - twistd and trial now use the plugin system to find reactors which
   can be selected (#719)
 - twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks was added. It takes
   advantage of Python 2.5's generators to offer a way to deal with
   Deferreds without callbacks (#2100)

 - Traceback formatting in Trial was improved (#1454, #1610)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath.islink now actually returns True when
   appropriate (#1773)
 - twisted.plugin now no longer raises spurious errors (#926)
 - twisted.pb Cacheables may now be new-style classes (#1324)
 - FileDescriptor now deals with producers in a more
   interface-compliant and robust manner (#2286, #811)
 - "setup.py build" and other setup.py commands which don't actually
   install the software now work (#1835)
 - wxreactor has had various fixes (#1235, #1574, #1688)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The old twisted.cred API (Perspectives, Identities and such) was
   removed (#1440)
 - twisted.spread.newjelly was removed (#1831)
 - Various deprecated things in twisted.python.components were
   removed: Interface, MetaInterface, getAdapterClass, and
   getAdapterClassWithInheritance (#1636)
 - twisted.enterprise.xmlreflector was removed (#661)
 - mktap is slowly on its way out, now that twistd supports plugins. It
   is not yet officially deprecated (#2013)
 - tkmktap was removed, because it wasn't working anyway (#2020)
 - reactor.iterate calls made inside of a Trial test case are
   deprecated (#2090)
 - twisted.internet.qtreactor was removed: It has been moved to a
   separate project. See http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/QTReactor
   (#2130, #2137)
 - threadedselectreactor is now not a directly usable reactor; it is
   only meant to help in writing other reactors (#2126)
 - twisted.python.reflect.funcinfo is deprecated (#2079)
 - twisted.spread.sturdy, which was already completely broken, was
   removed (#2299)

The following changes are minor or closely related to other changes.

 - #1783, #1786, #1788, #1648, #1734, #1609, #1800, #1818,
   #1629, #1829, #491, #1816, #1824, #1855, #1797, #1637, #1371,
   #1892, #1887, #1897, #1563, #1741, #1943, #1952, #1276,
   #1837, #1726, #1963, #1965, #1973, #1976, #1991, #1936, #1113,
   #630, #2002, #2040, #2044, #1617, #2045, #2055, #2056, #2022,
   #2052, #1552, #1999, #1507, #2054, #1970, #1968, #662, #1910,
   #1694, #1999, #1409, #2150, #2127, #2155, #1983, #2014, #2222,
   #1067, #2136, #2065, #1430, #2173, #2212, #1871, #2147, #1199,
   #2273, #428, #992, #815, #2024, #2292, #2125, #2139, #2291, #2174,
   #2306, #2228, #2309, #2319, #2317, #2313, #2154, #1985, #1201

2.4.0 (2006-05-21)

 - twisted.internet.task.Cooperator (Added along with #1701).

 - Errors in UDP protocols no longer unbind the UDP port (#1695).
 - Misc: #1717, #1705, #1563, #1719, #1721, #1722, #1728.

2.3.0 (2006-05-14)

 - twisted-dev-mode's F9 now uses trial's --testmodule feature, rather than
   trying to guess what tests to run.  This will break files using the "-x"
   test-case-name hack (just use a comma separated list instead).
 - API Documentation improvements.
 - A new Producer/Consumer guide (#53)
 - Better-defined error behavior in IReactorMulticast (#1578)
 - IOCP Multicast support (#1500)
 - Improved STDIO support on Windows. (#1553)
 - LoopingCall supports Deferreds such that it will wait until a
   Deferred has fired before rescheduling the next call (#1487)
 - Added twisted.python.versions.Version, a structured representation
   of Version information, including support for SVN revision numbers


 - Many trial fixes, as usual
 - All API documentation is now correctly formatted as epytext (#1545)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath.__repr__ is safer.
 - Fix trial's "until-failure" mode. (#1453)
 - deferredGenerator now no longer causes handled exceptions (or
   results) to propagate to the resulting Deferred (#1709).
 - Misc: #1483, #1495, #1503, #1532, #1539, #1559, #1509, #1538,
   #1571, #1331, #1561, #737, #1562, #1573, #1594, #1607, #1407, #1615,
   #1645, #1634, #1620, #1664, #1666, #1650, #1670, #1675, #1692, #1710,


 - Removal of already-deprecated trial APIs: the assertions module,
   util.deferredResult, util.deferredError, util.fireWhenDoneFunc,
   util.spinUntil, util.spinWhile, util.extract_tb,
   util.format_exception, util.suppress_warnings, unittest.wait,
 - The backwards compatibility layer of twisted.python.components
   (e.g., backwardsCompatImplements, fixClassImplements, etc) has been
   disabled. The functions still exist, but do nothing as to not break
   user code outright (#1511)
 - Deprecate the usage of the 'default' argument as a keyword argument
   in Interface.__call__. Passing a second positional argument to
   specify the default return value of the adaptation is still

2.2.0 (2006-02-12)

 - Twisted no longer works with Python 2.2
 - FTP server supports more clients
 - Process support on Windows
 - twisted.internet.stdio improved (including Windows support!)
 - Trial:
   - Continued Trial refactoring
   - Default trial reporter is verbose black&white when color isn't supported
   - Deferreds returned in trial tests that don't fire before the
     unittest timeout now have their errback fired with a TimeoutError
   - raising SkipTest in setUp and setUpClass skips tests
   - Test suites are failed if there are import errors

 - iocpreactor fixes
 - Threadpool fixes
 - Fixed infinite loops in datagramReceived edge cases
 - Issues resolved: 654, 773, 998, 1005, 1008, 1116, 1123, 1198, 1221,
   1232, 1233, 1236, 1240, 1244, 1258, 1263, 1265, 1266, 1271, 1275,
   1293, 1294, 1298, 1308, 1316, 1317, 1321, 1341, 1344, 1353, 1359,
   1372, 1374, 1377, 1379, 1380, 1385, 1388, 1389, 1413, 1422, 1426,
   1434, 1435, 1448, 1449, 1456

 - Trial:
   - spinWhile and spinUntil
   - util.wait
   - extract_tb and format_exception
   - util.suppressWarnings
   - runReactor is gone

2.1.0 (2005-11-06)

 - threadedselectreactor, a reactor which potentially makes
   integration with foreign event loops much simpler.
 - major improvements to twisted.conch.insults, including many new widgets.
 - adbapi ConnectionPools now have 'runWithConnection' which is
   similar to runInteraction but gives you a connection object instead of
   a transaction. [975]
 - __file__ is now usable in tac files
 - twisted.cred.pamauth now contains a PAM checker (moved from twisted.conch)
 - twisted.protocols.policies.LimitTotalConnectionsFactory now exists,
   which does as the name suggests
 - twisted.protocols.ident now uses /proc/net/tcp on Linux [233]
 - trial now recurses packages by default (a la the old -R parameter)
 - (PB) Calling a remote method that doesn't exist now raises
   NoSuchMethod instead of AttributeError.

 - FTP client and server improvements
 - Trial improvements: The code is now much simpler, and more stable.
 - twisted.protocols.basic.FileSender now works with empty files
 - Twisted should now be much more usable on Pythons without thread support.
 - minor improvements to process code in win32eventreactor
 - twistd -y (--python) now implies -o (--nosave). [539]
 - improved lockfile handling especially with respect to unix sockets.
 - deferredGenerator now no longer overuses the stack, which sometimes
   caused stack overflows.
 - Failure.raiseException now at least always raises the correct Exception.
 - minor improvements to serialport code

 - twisted.python.componts.getAdapter. Use IFoo(o) instead.
 - Adapter persistence (IFoo(x, persist=True)). Just don't use it.
 - log.debug. It was equivalent to log.msg(), just use that.
 - twisted.protocols.telnet. twisted.conch.telnet replaces it.
 - Setting a trial reporter using a flag to 'trial'. Instead of 'trial
   --bwverbose', for example, use 'trial --reporter=bwverbose'.
 - trial --coverage will become a flag in Twisted 2.2.
 - passing a fully-qualified python name to --reporter is
   deprecated. Pass only names of Reporter plugins.
 - trial --psyco.
 - trial -R (--recurse) is now the default, so passing it is deprecated.
 - trial --reporter-args. Use the plugin system to do this sort of thing.
 - trial.assertions.assertionMethod and trial.unittest.assertionMethod
   are both deprecated. Use instance methods on TestCases instead.
 - trial's deferredResult, deferredError, and wait functions. Return
   Deferreds from your test methods instead of using them.
 - Raising unittest.SkipTest with no arguments. Give a reason for your skip.
 - The Failure returned from a gatherResults and DeferredList is now
   of type FirstError instead of a tuple of (Exception, index). It
   supports a firstError[idx] syntax but that is deprecated. Use
   firstError.subFailure and firstError.index instead.
 - whenThreaded now simply calls the passed function synchronously.

2.0.1 (2005-05-09)
Minor bug fix release.

SVN rev (file) - [bug number] description
13307 (twisted/topfiles/README) - Mention support for python 2.4, too
13324 (twisted/internet/defer.py) - [947] Fix DeferredQueue backlog/size limit.
13354 (twisted/plugins/__init__.py) - Correct maintainer address.
13355 (twisted/test/test_defer.py) - improvements to DeferredQueue test case
13387 (setup.py) - add news to list of subprojects to install
13332 (twisted/internet/posixbase.py) - Fix spelling error
13366 (twisted/internet/qtreactor.py) - [957] [954] reactor.iterate fixes
13368 (twisted/test/test_internet.py) - Fix DelayedCall test case
13422 (twisted/internet/posixbase.py) - Remove log from _Win32Waker creation.
13437 (twisted/plugin.py) - [958] Only write cache if there were changes.
13666 (twisted/internet/gtkreactor.py,gtk2reactor.py) - Don't run callbacks
          until the reactor is actually up and running
13748 (twisted/internet/gtk2reactor.py) - [552] [994] Initialize threading properly.

2.0.0 (2005-03-25)

Major new features
 - Replaced home-grown components system with zope.interface.
 - Split Twisted into multiple pieces.
 - Relicensed: Now under the MIT license, rather than LGPL.
 - Python 2.4 compatibility fixes
 - Major efficiency improvements in TCP buffering algorithm.
 - Major efficiency improvements in reactor.callLater/DelayedCall.
 - Half-close support for TCP/SSL. (loseWriteConnection).

Miscellaneous features/fixes
 - New plugin system: twisted.plugin
 - Better debugging support. Control-C will break you into PDB.
 - The twistd command has --uid --gid command line arguments.
 - *Incompatibility: mktap defaults to not change UID/GID, instead of saving
   the invoking user's UID/GID.
 - Removed some functions that were deprecated since Twisted 1.0.
 - ZSH tab-completion for twisted commands.

 - More correct daemonization in twistd.
 - twisted.python.log: do not close the log because of invalid format string.
 - Disabled automatic import of cBanana.
 - Boolean support for twisted.persisted.marmalade.
 - Refactor of plugin and application HOWTO documentation
 - Async HOWTO expanded greatly.
 - twisted.python.usage outputs the actual defaults, not passed in values.

 - Rewritten, a bunch of bugs fixed, a few more added.

 - Multi-listen UDP multicast support
 - protocol.ClientCreator has a connectSSL.
 - defer.deferredGenerator: allows you to write Deferred code w/o callbacks.
 - Deferred.setTimeout is now deprecated.
 - New defer.DeferredLock/DeferredSemaphore/DeferredQueue.
 - Add utils.getProcessOutputAndValue to get stdout/err/value.

 - Default DNS resolver is now non-blocking.
 - Increased default TCP accept backlog from 5 to 50.
 - Make buffering large amounts of TCP data work on Windows.
 - Fixed SSL disconnect to not wait for remote host. Fixes issue with firefox.
 - Separate state for Deferred finalization so that GC-loops preventing
   finalization don't occur.
 - Many Process bugfixes
 - Processes spawned on windows can successfully use sockets
 - gtk2reactor can optionally use glib event loop instead of gtk
 - gtk2reactor notifies gobject to initialize thread support
 - Fix registering a streaming producer on a transport.
 - Close client sockets explicitly after failed connections.
 - ReconnectingClientFactory now continues attempting to reconnect after all
   errors, not just those which are not UserErrors.

 - Portforward doesn't start reading from a client until a connection is made.
 - Bugfixes in twisted.protocols.loopback
 - Improve speed of twisted.protocols.LineReceiver.
 - LineReceiver implements IProducer. (stop/pause/resumeProducing)
 - SOCKSv4 properly closes connections

 - Add "new connection" callback to adbapi.ConnectionPool to allow for
   custom db connection setup (cp_openfun)
 - adbapi.ConnectionPool automatic reconnection support
 - Don't log exceptions extraneously

1.3.0 (2004-05-14)

- Address objects for IPv4 and Unix addresses throughout twisted.internet.
- Improved connected UDP APIs.
- Refactored SSH client support.
- Initial implementation of Windows I/O Completion Ports event loop.
- Bug fixes and feature enhancements.
- Nevow support for Lore (so your Lore documents can use Nevow directives).
- This is the last release before Twisted begins splitting up.