# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_syslog -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Classes and utility functions for integrating Twisted and syslog. You probably want to call L{startLogging}. """ syslog = __import__('syslog') from twisted.python import log # These defaults come from the Python syslog docs. DEFAULT_OPTIONS = 0 DEFAULT_FACILITY = syslog.LOG_USER class SyslogObserver: """ A log observer for logging to syslog. See L{twisted.python.log} for context. This logObserver will automatically use LOG_ALERT priority for logged failures (such as from C{log.err()}), but you can use any priority and facility by setting the 'C{syslogPriority}' and 'C{syslogFacility}' keys in the event dict. """ openlog = syslog.openlog syslog = syslog.syslog def __init__(self, prefix, options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS, facility=DEFAULT_FACILITY): """ @type prefix: C{str} @param prefix: The syslog prefix to use. @type options: C{int} @param options: A bitvector represented as an integer of the syslog options to use. @type facility: C{int} @param facility: An indication to the syslog daemon of what sort of program this is (essentially, an additional arbitrary metadata classification for messages sent to syslog by this observer). """ self.openlog(prefix, options, facility) def emit(self, eventDict): """ Send a message event to the I{syslog}. @param eventDict: The event to send. If it has no C{'message'} key, it will be ignored. Otherwise, if it has C{'syslogPriority'} and/or C{'syslogFacility'} keys, these will be used as the syslog priority and facility. If it has no C{'syslogPriority'} key but a true value for the C{'isError'} key, the B{LOG_ALERT} priority will be used; if it has a false value for C{'isError'}, B{LOG_INFO} will be used. If the C{'message'} key is multiline, each line will be sent to the syslog separately. """ # Figure out what the message-text is. text = log.textFromEventDict(eventDict) if text is None: return # Figure out what syslog parameters we might need to use. priority = syslog.LOG_INFO facility = 0 if eventDict['isError']: priority = syslog.LOG_ALERT if 'syslogPriority' in eventDict: priority = int(eventDict['syslogPriority']) if 'syslogFacility' in eventDict: facility = int(eventDict['syslogFacility']) # Break the message up into lines and send them. lines = text.split('\n') while lines[-1:] == ['']: lines.pop() firstLine = True for line in lines: if firstLine: firstLine = False else: line = '\t' + line self.syslog(priority | facility, '[%s] %s' % (eventDict['system'], line)) def startLogging(prefix='Twisted', options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS, facility=DEFAULT_FACILITY, setStdout=1): """ Send all Twisted logging output to syslog from now on. The prefix, options and facility arguments are passed to C{syslog.openlog()}, see the Python syslog documentation for details. For other parameters, see L{twisted.python.log.startLoggingWithObserver}. """ obs = SyslogObserver(prefix, options, facility) log.startLoggingWithObserver(obs.emit, setStdout=setStdout)