# Copyright 2012-2015, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project # See LICENSE for licensing information """ Connection and networking based utility functions. **Module Overview:** :: get_connections - quieries the connections belonging to a given process system_resolvers - provides connection resolution methods that are likely to be available port_usage - brief description of the common usage for a port is_valid_ipv4_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address is_valid_ipv6_address - checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address is_valid_port - checks if something is a valid representation for a port is_private_address - checks if an IPv4 address belongs to a private range or not expand_ipv6_address - provides an IPv6 address with its collapsed portions expanded get_mask_ipv4 - provides the mask representation for a given number of bits get_mask_ipv6 - provides the IPv6 mask representation for a given number of bits .. data:: Resolver (enum) Method for resolving a process' connections. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 Added **NETSTAT_WINDOWS**. ==================== =========== Resolver Description ==================== =========== **PROC** /proc contents **NETSTAT** netstat **NETSTAT_WINDOWS** netstat command under Windows **SS** ss command **LSOF** lsof command **SOCKSTAT** sockstat command under *nix **BSD_SOCKSTAT** sockstat command under FreeBSD **BSD_PROCSTAT** procstat command under FreeBSD ==================== =========== """ import collections import hashlib import hmac import os import platform import re import stem.util.proc import stem.util.system from stem import str_type from stem.util import conf, enum, log # Connection resolution is risky to log about since it's highly likely to # contain sensitive information. That said, it's also difficult to get right in # a platform independent fashion. To opt into the logging requried to # troubleshoot connection resolution set the following... LOG_CONNECTION_RESOLUTION = False Resolver = enum.Enum( ('PROC', 'proc'), ('NETSTAT', 'netstat'), ('NETSTAT_WINDOWS', 'netstat (windows)'), ('SS', 'ss'), ('LSOF', 'lsof'), ('SOCKSTAT', 'sockstat'), ('BSD_SOCKSTAT', 'sockstat (bsd)'), ('BSD_PROCSTAT', 'procstat (bsd)') ) Connection = collections.namedtuple('Connection', [ 'local_address', 'local_port', 'remote_address', 'remote_port', 'protocol', ]) FULL_IPv4_MASK = '' FULL_IPv6_MASK = 'FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF' CRYPTOVARIABLE_EQUALITY_COMPARISON_NONCE = os.urandom(32) PORT_USES = None # port number => description RESOLVER_COMMAND = { Resolver.PROC: '', # -n = prevents dns lookups, -p = include process Resolver.NETSTAT: 'netstat -np', # -a = show all TCP/UDP connections, -n = numeric addresses and ports, -o = include pid Resolver.NETSTAT_WINDOWS: 'netstat -ano', # -n = numeric ports, -p = include process, -t = tcp sockets, -u = udp sockets Resolver.SS: 'ss -nptu', # -n = prevent dns lookups, -P = show port numbers (not names), -i = ip only, -w = no warnings # (lsof provides a '-p ' but oddly in practice it seems to be ~11-28% slower) Resolver.LSOF: 'lsof -wnPi', Resolver.SOCKSTAT: 'sockstat', # -4 = IPv4, -c = connected sockets Resolver.BSD_SOCKSTAT: 'sockstat -4c', # -f = process pid Resolver.BSD_PROCSTAT: 'procstat -f {pid}', } RESOLVER_FILTER = { Resolver.PROC: '', # tcp 0 586 ESTABLISHED 15843/tor Resolver.NETSTAT: '^{protocol}\s+.*\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}\s+ESTABLISHED\s+{pid}/{name}\s*$', # tcp 586 ESTABLISHED 15843 Resolver.NETSTAT_WINDOWS: '^\s*{protocol}\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}\s+ESTABLISHED\s+{pid}\s*$', # tcp ESTAB 0 0 users:(("tor",15843,9)) Resolver.SS: '^{protocol}\s+ESTAB\s+.*\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}\s+users:\(\("{name}",{pid},[0-9]+\)\)$', # tor 3873 atagar 45u IPv4 40994 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) Resolver.LSOF: '^{name}\s+{pid}\s+.*\s+{protocol}\s+{local_address}:{local_port}->{remote_address}:{remote_port} \(ESTABLISHED\)$', # atagar tor 15843 tcp4 ESTABLISHED Resolver.SOCKSTAT: '^\S+\s+{name}\s+{pid}\s+{protocol}4\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}\s+ESTABLISHED$', # _tor tor 4397 12 tcp4 Resolver.BSD_SOCKSTAT: '^\S+\s+{name}\s+{pid}\s+\S+\s+{protocol}4\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}$', # 3561 tor 4 s - rw---n-- 2 0 TCP Resolver.BSD_PROCSTAT: '^\s*{pid}\s+{name}\s+.*\s+{protocol}\s+{local_address}:{local_port}\s+{remote_address}:{remote_port}$', } def get_connections(resolver, process_pid = None, process_name = None): """ Retrieves a list of the current connections for a given process. This provides a list of Connection instances, which have five attributes... * **local_address** (str) * **local_port** (int) * **remote_address** (str) * **remote_port** (int) * **protocol** (str, generally either 'tcp' or 'udp') .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 :param Resolver resolver: method of connection resolution to use :param int process_pid: pid of the process to retrieve :param str process_name: name of the process to retrieve :returns: **list** of Connection instances :raises: * **ValueError** if using **Resolver.PROC** or **Resolver.BSD_PROCSTAT** and the process_pid wasn't provided * **IOError** if no connections are available or resolution fails (generally they're indistinguishable). The common causes are the command being unavailable or permissions. """ def _log(msg): if LOG_CONNECTION_RESOLUTION: log.debug(msg) _log('=' * 80) _log('Querying connections for resolver: %s, pid: %s, name: %s' % (resolver, process_pid, process_name)) if isinstance(process_pid, str): try: process_pid = int(process_pid) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Process pid was non-numeric: %s' % process_pid) if process_pid is None and process_name and resolver == Resolver.NETSTAT_WINDOWS: process_pid = stem.util.system.pid_by_name(process_name) if process_pid is None and resolver in (Resolver.NETSTAT_WINDOWS, Resolver.PROC, Resolver.BSD_PROCSTAT): raise ValueError('%s resolution requires a pid' % resolver) if resolver == Resolver.PROC: return [Connection(*conn) for conn in stem.util.proc.connections(process_pid)] resolver_command = RESOLVER_COMMAND[resolver].format(pid = process_pid) try: results = stem.util.system.call(resolver_command) except OSError as exc: raise IOError("Unable to query '%s': %s" % (resolver_command, exc)) resolver_regex_str = RESOLVER_FILTER[resolver].format( protocol = '(?P\S+)', local_address = '(?P[0-9.]+)', local_port = '(?P[0-9]+)', remote_address = '(?P[0-9.]+)', remote_port = '(?P[0-9]+)', pid = process_pid if process_pid else '[0-9]*', name = process_name if process_name else '\S*', ) _log('Resolver regex: %s' % resolver_regex_str) _log('Resolver results:\n%s' % '\n'.join(results)) connections = [] resolver_regex = re.compile(resolver_regex_str) for line in results: match = resolver_regex.match(line) if match: attr = match.groupdict() local_addr = attr['local_address'] local_port = int(attr['local_port']) remote_addr = attr['remote_address'] remote_port = int(attr['remote_port']) protocol = attr['protocol'].lower() if remote_addr == '': continue # procstat response for unestablished connections if not (is_valid_ipv4_address(local_addr) and is_valid_ipv4_address(remote_addr)): _log('Invalid address (%s or %s): %s' % (local_addr, remote_addr, line)) elif not (is_valid_port(local_port) and is_valid_port(remote_port)): _log('Invalid port (%s or %s): %s' % (local_port, remote_port, line)) elif protocol not in ('tcp', 'udp'): _log('Unrecognized protocol (%s): %s' % (protocol, line)) conn = Connection(local_addr, local_port, remote_addr, remote_port, protocol) connections.append(conn) _log(str(conn)) _log('%i connections found' % len(connections)) if not connections: raise IOError('No results found using: %s' % resolver_command) return connections def system_resolvers(system = None): """ Provides the types of connection resolvers likely to be available on this platform. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0 Renamed from get_system_resolvers() to system_resolvers(). The old name still works as an alias, but will be dropped in Stem version 2.0.0. :param str system: system to get resolvers for, this is determined by platform.system() if not provided :returns: **list** of :data:`~stem.util.connection.Resolver` instances available on this platform """ if system is None: if stem.util.system.is_gentoo(): system = 'Gentoo' else: system = platform.system() if system == 'Windows': resolvers = [Resolver.NETSTAT_WINDOWS] elif system in ('Darwin', 'OpenBSD'): resolvers = [Resolver.LSOF] elif system == 'FreeBSD': # Netstat is available, but lacks a '-p' equivalent so we can't associate # the results to processes. The platform also has a ss command, but it # belongs to a spreadsheet application. resolvers = [Resolver.BSD_SOCKSTAT, Resolver.BSD_PROCSTAT, Resolver.LSOF] else: # Sockstat isn't available by default on ubuntu. resolvers = [Resolver.NETSTAT, Resolver.SOCKSTAT, Resolver.LSOF, Resolver.SS] # remove any that aren't in the user's PATH resolvers = [r for r in resolvers if stem.util.system.is_available(RESOLVER_COMMAND[r])] # proc resolution, by far, outperforms the others so defaults to this is able if stem.util.proc.is_available() and os.access('/proc/net/tcp', os.R_OK) and os.access('/proc/net/udp', os.R_OK): resolvers = [Resolver.PROC] + resolvers return resolvers def port_usage(port): """ Provides the common use of a given port. For example, 'HTTP' for port 80 or 'SSH' for 22. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 :param int port: port number to look up :returns: **str** with a description for the port, **None** if none is known """ global PORT_USES if PORT_USES is None: config = conf.Config() config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ports.cfg') try: config.load(config_path) port_uses = {} for key, value in config.get('port', {}).items(): if key.isdigit(): port_uses[int(key)] = value elif '-' in key: min_port, max_port = key.split('-', 1) for port_entry in range(int(min_port), int(max_port) + 1): port_uses[port_entry] = value else: raise ValueError("'%s' is an invalid key" % key) PORT_USES = port_uses except Exception as exc: log.warn("BUG: stem failed to load its internal port descriptions from '%s': %s" % (config_path, exc)) if not PORT_USES: return None if isinstance(port, str) and port.isdigit(): port = int(port) return PORT_USES.get(port) def is_valid_ipv4_address(address): """ Checks if a string is a valid IPv4 address. :param str address: string to be checked :returns: **True** if input is a valid IPv4 address, **False** otherwise """ if not isinstance(address, (bytes, str_type)): return False # checks if theres four period separated values if address.count('.') != 3: return False # checks that each value in the octet are decimal values between 0-255 for entry in address.split('.'): if not entry.isdigit() or int(entry) < 0 or int(entry) > 255: return False elif entry[0] == '0' and len(entry) > 1: return False # leading zeros, for instance in '' return True def is_valid_ipv6_address(address, allow_brackets = False): """ Checks if a string is a valid IPv6 address. :param str address: string to be checked :param bool allow_brackets: ignore brackets which form '[address]' :returns: **True** if input is a valid IPv6 address, **False** otherwise """ if allow_brackets: if address.startswith('[') and address.endswith(']'): address = address[1:-1] # addresses are made up of eight colon separated groups of four hex digits # with leading zeros being optional # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6#Address_format colon_count = address.count(':') if colon_count > 7: return False # too many groups elif colon_count != 7 and '::' not in address: return False # not enough groups and none are collapsed elif address.count('::') > 1 or ':::' in address: return False # multiple groupings of zeros can't be collapsed for entry in address.split(':'): if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-f]{0,4}$', entry): return False return True def is_valid_port(entry, allow_zero = False): """ Checks if a string or int is a valid port number. :param list,str,int entry: string, integer or list to be checked :param bool allow_zero: accept port number of zero (reserved by definition) :returns: **True** if input is an integer and within the valid port range, **False** otherwise """ try: value = int(entry) if str(value) != str(entry): return False # invalid leading char, e.g. space or zero elif allow_zero and value == 0: return True else: return value > 0 and value < 65536 except TypeError: if isinstance(entry, (tuple, list)): for port in entry: if not is_valid_port(port, allow_zero): return False return True else: return False except ValueError: return False def is_private_address(address): """ Checks if the IPv4 address is in a range belonging to the local network or loopback. These include: * Private ranges: 10.*, 172.16.* - 172.31.*, 192.168.* * Loopback: 127.* .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 :param str address: string to be checked :returns: **True** if input is in a private range, **False** otherwise :raises: **ValueError** if the address isn't a valid IPv4 address """ if not is_valid_ipv4_address(address): raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid IPv4 address" % address) # checks for any of the simple wildcard ranges if address.startswith('10.') or address.startswith('192.168.') or address.startswith('127.'): return True # checks for the 172.16.* - 172.31.* range if address.startswith('172.'): second_octet = int(address.split('.')[1]) if second_octet >= 16 and second_octet <= 31: return True return False def expand_ipv6_address(address): """ Expands abbreviated IPv6 addresses to their full colon separated hex format. For instance... :: >>> expand_ipv6_address('2001:db8::ff00:42:8329') '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' >>> expand_ipv6_address('::') '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000' :param str address: IPv6 address to be expanded :raises: **ValueError** if the address can't be expanded due to being malformed """ if not is_valid_ipv6_address(address): raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid IPv6 address" % address) # expands collapsed groupings, there can only be a single '::' in a valid # address if '::' in address: missing_groups = 7 - address.count(':') address = address.replace('::', '::' + ':' * missing_groups) # inserts missing zeros for index in range(8): start = index * 5 end = address.index(':', start) if index != 7 else len(address) missing_zeros = 4 - (end - start) if missing_zeros > 0: address = address[:start] + '0' * missing_zeros + address[start:] return address def get_mask_ipv4(bits): """ Provides the IPv4 mask for a given number of bits, in the dotted-quad format. :param int bits: number of bits to be converted :returns: **str** with the subnet mask representation for this many bits :raises: **ValueError** if given a number of bits outside the range of 0-32 """ if bits > 32 or bits < 0: raise ValueError('A mask can only be 0-32 bits, got %i' % bits) elif bits == 32: return FULL_IPv4_MASK # get the binary representation of the mask mask_bin = _get_binary(2 ** bits - 1, 32)[::-1] # breaks it into eight character groupings octets = [mask_bin[8 * i:8 * (i + 1)] for i in range(4)] # converts each octet into its integer value return '.'.join([str(int(octet, 2)) for octet in octets]) def get_mask_ipv6(bits): """ Provides the IPv6 mask for a given number of bits, in the hex colon-delimited format. :param int bits: number of bits to be converted :returns: **str** with the subnet mask representation for this many bits :raises: **ValueError** if given a number of bits outside the range of 0-128 """ if bits > 128 or bits < 0: raise ValueError('A mask can only be 0-128 bits, got %i' % bits) elif bits == 128: return FULL_IPv6_MASK # get the binary representation of the mask mask_bin = _get_binary(2 ** bits - 1, 128)[::-1] # breaks it into sixteen character groupings groupings = [mask_bin[16 * i:16 * (i + 1)] for i in range(8)] # converts each group into its hex value return ':'.join(['%04x' % int(group, 2) for group in groupings]).upper() def _get_masked_bits(mask): """ Provides the number of bits that an IPv4 subnet mask represents. Note that not all masks can be represented by a bit count. :param str mask: mask to be converted :returns: **int** with the number of bits represented by the mask :raises: **ValueError** if the mask is invalid or can't be converted """ if not is_valid_ipv4_address(mask): raise ValueError("'%s' is an invalid subnet mask" % mask) # converts octets to binary representation mask_bin = _get_address_binary(mask) mask_match = re.match('^(1*)(0*)$', mask_bin) if mask_match: return 32 - len(mask_match.groups()[1]) else: raise ValueError('Unable to convert mask to a bit count: %s' % mask) def _get_binary(value, bits): """ Provides the given value as a binary string, padded with zeros to the given number of bits. :param int value: value to be converted :param int bits: number of bits to pad to """ # http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216539.html return ''.join([str((value >> y) & 1) for y in range(bits - 1, -1, -1)]) def _get_address_binary(address): """ Provides the binary value for an IPv4 or IPv6 address. :returns: **str** with the binary representation of this address :raises: **ValueError** if address is neither an IPv4 nor IPv6 address """ if is_valid_ipv4_address(address): return ''.join([_get_binary(int(octet), 8) for octet in address.split('.')]) elif is_valid_ipv6_address(address): address = expand_ipv6_address(address) return ''.join([_get_binary(int(grouping, 16), 16) for grouping in address.split(':')]) else: raise ValueError("'%s' is neither an IPv4 or IPv6 address" % address) def _hmac_sha256(key, msg): """ Generates a sha256 digest using the given key and message. :param str key: starting key for the hash :param str msg: message to be hashed :returns: sha256 digest of msg as bytes, hashed using the given key """ return hmac.new(key, msg, hashlib.sha256).digest() def _cryptovariables_equal(x, y): """ Compares two strings for equality securely. :param str x: string to be compared. :param str y: the other string to be compared. :returns: **True** if both strings are equal, **False** otherwise. """ return ( _hmac_sha256(CRYPTOVARIABLE_EQUALITY_COMPARISON_NONCE, x) == _hmac_sha256(CRYPTOVARIABLE_EQUALITY_COMPARISON_NONCE, y)) # TODO: drop with stem 2.x # We renamed our methods to drop a redundant 'get_*' prefix, so alias the old # names for backward compatability. get_system_resolvers = system_resolvers