################################################################################ # # Configuration data used by Stem's interpreter prompt. # ################################################################################ ################## # GENERAL MESSAGES # ################## msg.multiline_unimplemented_notice Multi-line control options like this are not yet implemented. msg.help |Interactive interpreter for Tor. This provides you with direct access |to Tor's control interface via either python or direct requests. | | -i, --interface [ADDRESS:]PORT change control interface from {address}:{port} | -s, --socket SOCKET_PATH attach using unix domain socket if present, | SOCKET_PATH defaults to: {socket} | --no-color disables colorized output | -h, --help presents this help | msg.startup_banner |Welcome to Stem's interpreter prompt. This provides you with direct access to |Tor's control interface. | |This acts like a standard python interpreter with a Tor connection available |via your 'controller' variable... | | >>> controller.get_info('version') | ' (git-245ecfff36c0cecc)' | |You can also issue requests directly to Tor... | | >>> GETINFO version | 250-version= (git-245ecfff36c0cecc) | 250 OK | |For more information run '/help'. | msg.tor_unavailable Tor isn't running and the command currently isn't in your PATH. msg.starting_tor |Tor isn't running. Starting a temporary Tor instance for our interpreter to |interact with. This will have a minimal non-relaying configuration, and be |shut down when you're done. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ################# # OUTPUT OF /HELP # ################# # Response for the '/help' command without any arguments. help.general |Interpretor commands include: | /help - provides information for interpreter and tor commands | /events - prints events that we've received | /info - general information for a relay | /python - enable or disable support for running python commands | /quit - shuts down the interpreter | |Tor commands include: | GETINFO - queries information from tor | GETCONF, SETCONF, RESETCONF - show or edit a configuration option | SIGNAL - issues control signal to the process (for resetting, stopping, etc) | SETEVENTS - configures the events tor will notify us of | | USEFEATURE - enables custom behavior for the controller | SAVECONF - writes tor's current configuration to our torrc | LOADCONF - loads the given input like it was part of our torrc | MAPADDRESS - replaces requests for one address with another | POSTDESCRIPTOR - adds a relay descriptor to our cache | EXTENDCIRCUIT - create or extend a tor circuit | SETCIRCUITPURPOSE - configures the purpose associated with a circuit | CLOSECIRCUIT - closes the given circuit | ATTACHSTREAM - associates an application's stream with a tor circuit | REDIRECTSTREAM - sets a stream's destination | CLOSESTREAM - closes the given stream | ADD_ONION - create a new hidden service | DEL_ONION - delete a hidden service that was created with ADD_ONION | HSFETCH - retrieve a hidden service descriptor, providing it in a HS_DESC_CONTENT event | HSPOST - uploads a hidden service descriptor | RESOLVE - issues an asynchronous dns or rdns request over tor | TAKEOWNERSHIP - instructs tor to quit when this control connection is closed | PROTOCOLINFO - queries version and controller authentication information | QUIT - disconnect the control connection | |For more information use '/help [OPTION]'. # Usage of tor and interpreter commands. help.usage HELP => /help [OPTION] help.usage EVENTS => /events [types] help.usage INFO => /info [relay fingerprint, nickname, or IP address] help.usage PYTHON => /python [enable,disable] help.usage QUIT => /quit help.usage GETINFO => GETINFO OPTION help.usage GETCONF => GETCONF OPTION help.usage SETCONF => SETCONF PARAM[=VALUE] help.usage RESETCONF => RESETCONF PARAM[=VALUE] help.usage SIGNAL => SIGNAL SIG help.usage SETEVENTS => SETEVENTS [EXTENDED] [EVENTS] help.usage USEFEATURE => USEFEATURE OPTION help.usage SAVECONF => SAVECONF help.usage LOADCONF => LOADCONF... help.usage MAPADDRESS => MAPADDRESS SOURCE_ADDR=DESTINATION_ADDR help.usage POSTDESCRIPTOR => POSTDESCRIPTOR [purpose=general/controller/bridge] [cache=yes/no]... help.usage EXTENDCIRCUIT => EXTENDCIRCUIT CircuitID [PATH] [purpose=general/controller] help.usage SETCIRCUITPURPOSE => SETCIRCUITPURPOSE CircuitID purpose=general/controller help.usage CLOSECIRCUIT => CLOSECIRCUIT CircuitID [IfUnused] help.usage ATTACHSTREAM => ATTACHSTREAM StreamID CircuitID [HOP=HopNum] help.usage REDIRECTSTREAM => REDIRECTSTREAM StreamID Address [Port] help.usage CLOSESTREAM => CLOSESTREAM StreamID Reason [Flag] help.usage ADD_ONION => KeyType:KeyBlob [Flags=Flag] (Port=Port [,Target])... help.usage DEL_ONION => ServiceID help.usage HSFETCH => HSFETCH (HSAddress/v2-DescId) [SERVER=Server]... help.usage HSPOST => [SERVER=Server] DESCRIPTOR help.usage RESOLVE => RESOLVE [mode=reverse] address help.usage TAKEOWNERSHIP => TAKEOWNERSHIP help.usage PROTOCOLINFO => PROTOCOLINFO [ProtocolVersion] # Longer description of what tor and interpreter commands do. help.description.help |Provides usage information for the given interpreter, tor command, or tor |configuration option. | |Example: | /help info # provides a description of the '/info' option | /help GETINFO # usage information for tor's GETINFO controller option help.description.events |Provides events that we've received belonging to the given event types. If |no types are specified then this provides all the messages that we've |received. | |You can also run '/events clear' to clear the backlog of events we've |received. help.description.info |Provides information for a relay that's currently in the consensus. If no |relay is specified then this provides information on ourselves. help.description.python |Enables or disables support for running python commands. This determines how |we treat commands this interpreter doesn't recognize... | |* If enabled then unrecognized commands are executed as python. |* If disabled then unrecognized commands are passed along to tor. help.description.quit |Terminates the interpreter. help.description.getinfo |Queries the tor process for information. Options are... | help.description.getconf |Provides the current value for a given configuration value. Options include... | help.description.setconf |Sets the given configuration parameters. Values can be quoted or non-quoted |strings, and reverts the option to 0 or NULL if not provided. | |Examples: | * Sets a contact address and resets our family to NULL | SETCONF MyFamily ContactInfo=foo@bar.com | | * Sets an exit policy that only includes port 80/443 | SETCONF ExitPolicy=\"accept *:80, accept *:443, reject *:*\"\ help.description.resetconf |Reverts the given configuration options to their default values. If a value |is provided then this behaves in the same way as SETCONF. | |Examples: | * Returns both of our accounting parameters to their defaults | RESETCONF AccountingMax AccountingStart | | * Uses the default exit policy and sets our nickname to be 'Goomba' | RESETCONF ExitPolicy Nickname=Goomba help.description.signal |Issues a signal that tells the tor process to reload its torrc, dump its |stats, halt, etc. help.description.setevents |Sets the events that we will receive. This turns off any events that aren't |listed so sending 'SETEVENTS' without any values will turn off all event reporting. | |For Tor versions between and adding 'EXTENDED' causes some |events to give us additional information. After version this is |always on. | |Events include... | help.description.usefeature |Customizes the behavior of the control port. Options include... | help.description.saveconf |Writes Tor's current configuration to its torrc. help.description.loadconf |Reads the given text like it belonged to our torrc. | |Example: | +LOADCONF | # sets our exit policy to just accept ports 80 and 443 | ExitPolicy accept *:80 | ExitPolicy accept *:443 | ExitPolicy reject *:* | . help.description.mapaddress |Replaces future requests for one address with another. | |Example: | MAPADDRESS help.description.postdescriptor |Simulates getting a new relay descriptor. help.description.extendcircuit |Extends the given circuit or create a new one if the CircuitID is zero. The |PATH is a comma separated list of fingerprints. If it isn't set then this |uses Tor's normal path selection. help.description.setcircuitpurpose |Sets the purpose attribute for a circuit. help.description.closecircuit |Closes the given circuit. If "IfUnused" is included then this only closes |the circuit if it isn't currently being used. help.description.attachstream |Attaches a stream with the given built circuit (tor picks one on its own if |CircuitID is zero). If HopNum is given then this hop is used to exit the |circuit, otherwise the last relay is used. help.description.redirectstream |Sets the destination for a given stream. This can only be done after a |stream is created but before it's attached to a circuit. help.description.closestream |Closes the given stream, the reason being an integer matching a reason as |per section 6.3 of the tor-spec. help.description.add_onion |Creates a new hidden service. Unlike 'SETCONF HiddenServiceDir...' this |doesn't persist the service to disk. help.description.del_onion |Delete a hidden service that was created with ADD_ONION. help.description.hsfetch |Retrieves the descriptor for a hidden service. This is an asynchronous |request, with the descriptor provided by a HS_DESC_CONTENT event. help.description.hspost |Uploads a descriptor to a hidden service directory. help.description.resolve |Performs IPv4 DNS resolution over tor, doing a reverse lookup instead if |"mode=reverse" is included. This request is processed in the background and |results in a ADDRMAP event with the response. help.description.takeownership |Instructs Tor to gracefully shut down when this control connection is closed. help.description.protocolinfo |Provides bootstrapping information that a controller might need when first |starting, like Tor's version and controller authentication. This can be done |before authenticating to the control port. help.signal.options RELOAD / HUP => reload our torrc help.signal.options SHUTDOWN / INT => gracefully shut down, waiting 30 seconds if we're a relay help.signal.options DUMP / USR1 => logs information about open connections and circuits help.signal.options DEBUG / USR2 => makes us log at the DEBUG runlevel help.signal.options HALT / TERM => immediately shut down help.signal.options CLEARDNSCACHE => clears any cached DNS results help.signal.options NEWNYM => clears the DNS cache and uses new circuits for future connections ################ # TAB COMPLETION # ################ # Commands we'll autocomplete when the user hits tab. This is just the start of # our autocompletion list - more are determined dynamically by checking what # tor supports. autocomplete /help autocomplete /events autocomplete /info autocomplete /quit autocomplete SAVECONF autocomplete MAPADDRESS autocomplete EXTENDCIRCUIT autocomplete SETCIRCUITPURPOSE autocomplete SETROUTERPURPOSE autocomplete ATTACHSTREAM #autocomplete +POSTDESCRIPTOR # TODO: needs multi-line support autocomplete REDIRECTSTREAM autocomplete CLOSESTREAM autocomplete CLOSECIRCUIT autocomplete QUIT autocomplete RESOLVE autocomplete PROTOCOLINFO #autocomplete +LOADCONF # TODO: needs multi-line support autocomplete TAKEOWNERSHIP autocomplete AUTHCHALLENGE autocomplete DROPGUARDS autocomplete ADD_ONION NEW:BEST autocomplete ADD_ONION NEW:RSA1024 autocomplete ADD_ONION RSA1024: autocomplete DEL_ONION autocomplete HSFETCH autocomplete HSPOST