# vim: sw=4:expandtab:foldmethod=marker # # Copyright (c) 2006, Mathieu Fenniak # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ Implementation of generic PDF objects (dictionary, number, string, and so on) """ __author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak" __author_email__ = "biziqe@mathieu.fenniak.net" import re from utils import readNonWhitespace, RC4_encrypt import filters import utils import decimal import codecs def readObject(stream, pdf): tok = stream.read(1) stream.seek(-1, 1) # reset to start if tok == 't' or tok == 'f': # boolean object return BooleanObject.readFromStream(stream) elif tok == '(': # string object return readStringFromStream(stream) elif tok == '/': # name object return NameObject.readFromStream(stream) elif tok == '[': # array object return ArrayObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf) elif tok == 'n': # null object return NullObject.readFromStream(stream) elif tok == '<': # hexadecimal string OR dictionary peek = stream.read(2) stream.seek(-2, 1) # reset to start if peek == '<<': return DictionaryObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf) else: return readHexStringFromStream(stream) elif tok == '%': # comment while tok not in ('\r', '\n'): tok = stream.read(1) tok = readNonWhitespace(stream) stream.seek(-1, 1) return readObject(stream, pdf) else: # number object OR indirect reference if tok == '+' or tok == '-': # number return NumberObject.readFromStream(stream) peek = stream.read(20) stream.seek(-len(peek), 1) # reset to start if re.match(r"(\d+)\s(\d+)\sR[^a-zA-Z]", peek) != None: return IndirectObject.readFromStream(stream, pdf) else: return NumberObject.readFromStream(stream) class PdfObject(object): def getObject(self): """Resolves indirect references.""" return self class NullObject(PdfObject): def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write("null") def readFromStream(stream): nulltxt = stream.read(4) if nulltxt != "null": raise utils.PdfReadError, "error reading null object" return NullObject() readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class BooleanObject(PdfObject): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): if self.value: stream.write("true") else: stream.write("false") def readFromStream(stream): word = stream.read(4) if word == "true": return BooleanObject(True) elif word == "fals": stream.read(1) return BooleanObject(False) assert False readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class ArrayObject(list, PdfObject): def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write("[") for data in self: stream.write(" ") data.writeToStream(stream, encryption_key) stream.write(" ]") def readFromStream(stream, pdf): arr = ArrayObject() tmp = stream.read(1) if tmp != "[": raise utils.PdfReadError, "error reading array" while True: # skip leading whitespace tok = stream.read(1) while tok.isspace(): tok = stream.read(1) stream.seek(-1, 1) # check for array ending peekahead = stream.read(1) if peekahead == "]": break stream.seek(-1, 1) # read and append obj arr.append(readObject(stream, pdf)) return arr readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class IndirectObject(PdfObject): def __init__(self, idnum, generation, pdf): self.idnum = idnum self.generation = generation self.pdf = pdf def getObject(self): return self.pdf.getObject(self).getObject() def __repr__(self): return "IndirectObject(%r, %r)" % (self.idnum, self.generation) def __eq__(self, other): return ( other != None and isinstance(other, IndirectObject) and self.idnum == other.idnum and self.generation == other.generation and self.pdf is other.pdf ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write("%s %s R" % (self.idnum, self.generation)) def readFromStream(stream, pdf): idnum = "" while True: tok = stream.read(1) if tok.isspace(): break idnum += tok generation = "" while True: tok = stream.read(1) if tok.isspace(): break generation += tok r = stream.read(1) if r != "R": raise utils.PdfReadError("error reading indirect object reference") return IndirectObject(int(idnum), int(generation), pdf) readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class FloatObject(decimal.Decimal, PdfObject): def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None): return decimal.Decimal.__new__(cls, str(value), context) def __repr__(self): if self == self.to_integral(): return str(self.quantize(decimal.Decimal(1))) else: # XXX: this adds useless extraneous zeros. return "%.5f" % self def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write(repr(self)) class NumberObject(int, PdfObject): def __init__(self, value): int.__init__(value) def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write(repr(self)) def readFromStream(stream): name = "" while True: tok = stream.read(1) if tok != '+' and tok != '-' and tok != '.' and not tok.isdigit(): stream.seek(-1, 1) break name += tok if name.find(".") != -1: return FloatObject(name) else: return NumberObject(name) readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) ## # Given a string (either a "str" or "unicode"), create a ByteStringObject or a # TextStringObject to represent the string. def createStringObject(string): if isinstance(string, unicode): return TextStringObject(string) elif isinstance(string, str): if string.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE): retval = TextStringObject(string.decode("utf-16")) retval.autodetect_utf16 = True return retval else: # This is probably a big performance hit here, but we need to # convert string objects into the text/unicode-aware version if # possible... and the only way to check if that's possible is # to try. Some strings are strings, some are just byte arrays. try: retval = TextStringObject(decode_pdfdocencoding(string)) retval.autodetect_pdfdocencoding = True return retval except UnicodeDecodeError: return ByteStringObject(string) else: raise TypeError("createStringObject should have str or unicode arg") def readHexStringFromStream(stream): stream.read(1) txt = "" x = "" while True: tok = readNonWhitespace(stream) if tok == ">": break x += tok if len(x) == 2: txt += chr(int(x, base=16)) x = "" if len(x) == 1: x += "0" if len(x) == 2: txt += chr(int(x, base=16)) return createStringObject(txt) def readStringFromStream(stream): tok = stream.read(1) parens = 1 txt = "" while True: tok = stream.read(1) if tok == "(": parens += 1 elif tok == ")": parens -= 1 if parens == 0: break elif tok == "\\": tok = stream.read(1) if tok == "n": tok = "\n" elif tok == "r": tok = "\r" elif tok == "t": tok = "\t" elif tok == "b": tok = "\b" elif tok == "f": tok = "\f" elif tok == "(": tok = "(" elif tok == ")": tok = ")" elif tok == "\\": tok = "\\" elif tok.isdigit(): # "The number ddd may consist of one, two, or three # octal digits; high-order overflow shall be ignored. # Three octal digits shall be used, with leading zeros # as needed, if the next character of the string is also # a digit." (PDF reference, p 16) for i in range(2): ntok = stream.read(1) if ntok.isdigit(): tok += ntok else: break tok = chr(int(tok, base=8)) elif tok in "\n\r": # This case is hit when a backslash followed by a line # break occurs. If it's a multi-char EOL, consume the # second character: tok = stream.read(1) if not tok in "\n\r": stream.seek(-1, 1) # Then don't add anything to the actual string, since this # line break was escaped: tok = '' else: raise utils.PdfReadError("Unexpected escaped string") txt += tok return createStringObject(txt) ## # Represents a string object where the text encoding could not be determined. # This occurs quite often, as the PDF spec doesn't provide an alternate way to # represent strings -- for example, the encryption data stored in files (like # /O) is clearly not text, but is still stored in a "String" object. class ByteStringObject(str, PdfObject): ## # For compatibility with TextStringObject.original_bytes. This method # returns self. original_bytes = property(lambda self: self) def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): bytearr = self if encryption_key: bytearr = RC4_encrypt(encryption_key, bytearr) stream.write("<") stream.write(bytearr.encode("hex")) stream.write(">") ## # Represents a string object that has been decoded into a real unicode string. # If read from a PDF document, this string appeared to match the # PDFDocEncoding, or contained a UTF-16BE BOM mark to cause UTF-16 decoding to # occur. class TextStringObject(unicode, PdfObject): autodetect_pdfdocencoding = False autodetect_utf16 = False ## # It is occasionally possible that a text string object gets created where # a byte string object was expected due to the autodetection mechanism -- # if that occurs, this "original_bytes" property can be used to # back-calculate what the original encoded bytes were. original_bytes = property(lambda self: self.get_original_bytes()) def get_original_bytes(self): # We're a text string object, but the library is trying to get our raw # bytes. This can happen if we auto-detected this string as text, but # we were wrong. It's pretty common. Return the original bytes that # would have been used to create this object, based upon the autodetect # method. if self.autodetect_utf16: return codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + self.encode("utf-16be") elif self.autodetect_pdfdocencoding: return encode_pdfdocencoding(self) else: raise Exception("no information about original bytes") def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): # Try to write the string out as a PDFDocEncoding encoded string. It's # nicer to look at in the PDF file. Sadly, we take a performance hit # here for trying... try: bytearr = encode_pdfdocencoding(self) except UnicodeEncodeError: bytearr = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + self.encode("utf-16be") if encryption_key: bytearr = RC4_encrypt(encryption_key, bytearr) obj = ByteStringObject(bytearr) obj.writeToStream(stream, None) else: stream.write("(") for c in bytearr: if not c.isalnum() and c != ' ': stream.write("\\%03o" % ord(c)) else: stream.write(c) stream.write(")") class NameObject(str, PdfObject): delimiterCharacters = "(", ")", "<", ">", "[", "]", "{", "}", "/", "%" def __init__(self, data): str.__init__(data) def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write(self) def readFromStream(stream): name = stream.read(1) if name != "/": raise utils.PdfReadError, "name read error" while True: tok = stream.read(1) if tok.isspace() or tok in NameObject.delimiterCharacters: stream.seek(-1, 1) break name += tok return NameObject(name) readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class DictionaryObject(dict, PdfObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: self.update(kwargs) elif len(args) == 1: arr = args[0] # If we're passed a list/tuple, make a dict out of it if not hasattr(arr, "iteritems"): newarr = {} for k, v in arr: newarr[k] = v arr = newarr self.update(arr) else: raise TypeError("dict expected at most 1 argument, got 3") def update(self, arr): # note, a ValueError halfway through copying values # will leave half the values in this dict. for k, v in arr.iteritems(): self.__setitem__(k, v) def raw_get(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, PdfObject): raise ValueError("key must be PdfObject") if not isinstance(value, PdfObject): raise ValueError("value must be PdfObject") return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def setdefault(self, key, value=None): if not isinstance(key, PdfObject): raise ValueError("key must be PdfObject") if not isinstance(value, PdfObject): raise ValueError("value must be PdfObject") return dict.setdefault(self, key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key).getObject() ## # Retrieves XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) data relevant to the # this object, if available. #

# Stability: Added in v1.12, will exist for all future v1.x releases. # @return Returns a {@link #xmp.XmpInformation XmlInformation} instance # that can be used to access XMP metadata from the document. Can also # return None if no metadata was found on the document root. def getXmpMetadata(self): metadata = self.get("/Metadata", None) if metadata == None: return None metadata = metadata.getObject() import xmp if not isinstance(metadata, xmp.XmpInformation): metadata = xmp.XmpInformation(metadata) self[NameObject("/Metadata")] = metadata return metadata ## # Read-only property that accesses the {@link # #DictionaryObject.getXmpData getXmpData} function. #

# Stability: Added in v1.12, will exist for all future v1.x releases. xmpMetadata = property(lambda self: self.getXmpMetadata(), None, None) def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): stream.write("<<\n") for key, value in self.items(): key.writeToStream(stream, encryption_key) stream.write(" ") value.writeToStream(stream, encryption_key) stream.write("\n") stream.write(">>") def readFromStream(stream, pdf): tmp = stream.read(2) if tmp != "<<": raise utils.PdfReadError, "dictionary read error" data = {} while True: tok = readNonWhitespace(stream) if tok == ">": stream.read(1) break stream.seek(-1, 1) key = readObject(stream, pdf) tok = readNonWhitespace(stream) stream.seek(-1, 1) value = readObject(stream, pdf) if data.has_key(key): # multiple definitions of key not permitted raise utils.PdfReadError, "multiple definitions in dictionary" data[key] = value pos = stream.tell() s = readNonWhitespace(stream) if s == 's' and stream.read(5) == 'tream': eol = stream.read(1) # odd PDF file output has spaces after 'stream' keyword but before EOL. # patch provided by Danial Sandler while eol == ' ': eol = stream.read(1) assert eol in ("\n", "\r") if eol == "\r": # read \n after stream.read(1) # this is a stream object, not a dictionary assert data.has_key("/Length") length = data["/Length"] if isinstance(length, IndirectObject): t = stream.tell() length = pdf.getObject(length) stream.seek(t, 0) data["__streamdata__"] = stream.read(length) e = readNonWhitespace(stream) ndstream = stream.read(8) if (e + ndstream) != "endstream": # (sigh) - the odd PDF file has a length that is too long, so # we need to read backwards to find the "endstream" ending. # ReportLab (unknown version) generates files with this bug, # and Python users into PDF files tend to be our audience. # we need to do this to correct the streamdata and chop off # an extra character. pos = stream.tell() stream.seek(-10, 1) end = stream.read(9) if end == "endstream": # we found it by looking back one character further. data["__streamdata__"] = data["__streamdata__"][:-1] else: stream.seek(pos, 0) raise utils.PdfReadError, "Unable to find 'endstream' marker after stream." else: stream.seek(pos, 0) if data.has_key("__streamdata__"): return StreamObject.initializeFromDictionary(data) else: retval = DictionaryObject() retval.update(data) return retval readFromStream = staticmethod(readFromStream) class StreamObject(DictionaryObject): def __init__(self): self._data = None self.decodedSelf = None def writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key): self[NameObject("/Length")] = NumberObject(len(self._data)) DictionaryObject.writeToStream(self, stream, encryption_key) del self["/Length"] stream.write("\nstream\n") data = self._data if encryption_key: data = RC4_encrypt(encryption_key, data) stream.write(data) stream.write("\nendstream") def initializeFromDictionary(data): if data.has_key("/Filter"): retval = EncodedStreamObject() else: retval = DecodedStreamObject() retval._data = data["__streamdata__"] del data["__streamdata__"] del data["/Length"] retval.update(data) return retval initializeFromDictionary = staticmethod(initializeFromDictionary) def flateEncode(self): if self.has_key("/Filter"): f = self["/Filter"] if isinstance(f, ArrayObject): f.insert(0, NameObject("/FlateDecode")) else: newf = ArrayObject() newf.append(NameObject("/FlateDecode")) newf.append(f) f = newf else: f = NameObject("/FlateDecode") retval = EncodedStreamObject() retval[NameObject("/Filter")] = f retval._data = filters.FlateDecode.encode(self._data) return retval class DecodedStreamObject(StreamObject): def getData(self): return self._data def setData(self, data): self._data = data class EncodedStreamObject(StreamObject): def __init__(self): self.decodedSelf = None def getData(self): if self.decodedSelf: # cached version of decoded object return self.decodedSelf.getData() else: # create decoded object decoded = DecodedStreamObject() decoded._data = filters.decodeStreamData(self) for key, value in self.items(): if not key in ("/Length", "/Filter", "/DecodeParms"): decoded[key] = value self.decodedSelf = decoded return decoded._data def setData(self, data): raise utils.PdfReadError, "Creating EncodedStreamObject is not currently supported" class RectangleObject(ArrayObject): def __init__(self, arr): # must have four points assert len(arr) == 4 # automatically convert arr[x] into NumberObject(arr[x]) if necessary ArrayObject.__init__(self, [self.ensureIsNumber(x) for x in arr]) def ensureIsNumber(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (NumberObject, FloatObject)): value = FloatObject(value) return value def __repr__(self): return "RectangleObject(%s)" % repr(list(self)) def getLowerLeft_x(self): return self[0] def getLowerLeft_y(self): return self[1] def getUpperRight_x(self): return self[2] def getUpperRight_y(self): return self[3] def getUpperLeft_x(self): return self.getLowerLeft_x() def getUpperLeft_y(self): return self.getUpperRight_y() def getLowerRight_x(self): return self.getUpperRight_x() def getLowerRight_y(self): return self.getLowerLeft_y() def getLowerLeft(self): return self.getLowerLeft_x(), self.getLowerLeft_y() def getLowerRight(self): return self.getLowerRight_x(), self.getLowerRight_y() def getUpperLeft(self): return self.getUpperLeft_x(), self.getUpperLeft_y() def getUpperRight(self): return self.getUpperRight_x(), self.getUpperRight_y() def setLowerLeft(self, value): self[0], self[1] = [self.ensureIsNumber(x) for x in value] def setLowerRight(self, value): self[2], self[1] = [self.ensureIsNumber(x) for x in value] def setUpperLeft(self, value): self[0], self[3] = [self.ensureIsNumber(x) for x in value] def setUpperRight(self, value): self[2], self[3] = [self.ensureIsNumber(x) for x in value] def getWidth(self): return self.getUpperRight_x() - self.getLowerLeft_x() def getHeight(self): return self.getUpperRight_y() - self.getLowerLeft_x() lowerLeft = property(getLowerLeft, setLowerLeft, None, None) lowerRight = property(getLowerRight, setLowerRight, None, None) upperLeft = property(getUpperLeft, setUpperLeft, None, None) upperRight = property(getUpperRight, setUpperRight, None, None) def encode_pdfdocencoding(unicode_string): retval = '' for c in unicode_string: try: retval += chr(_pdfDocEncoding_rev[c]) except KeyError: raise UnicodeEncodeError("pdfdocencoding", c, -1, -1, "does not exist in translation table") return retval def decode_pdfdocencoding(byte_array): retval = u'' for b in byte_array: c = _pdfDocEncoding[ord(b)] if c == u'\u0000': raise UnicodeDecodeError("pdfdocencoding", b, -1, -1, "does not exist in translation table") retval += c return retval _pdfDocEncoding = ( u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u0000', u'\u02d8', u'\u02c7', u'\u02c6', u'\u02d9', u'\u02dd', u'\u02db', u'\u02da', u'\u02dc', u'\u0020', u'\u0021', u'\u0022', u'\u0023', u'\u0024', u'\u0025', u'\u0026', u'\u0027', u'\u0028', u'\u0029', u'\u002a', u'\u002b', u'\u002c', u'\u002d', u'\u002e', u'\u002f', u'\u0030', u'\u0031', u'\u0032', u'\u0033', u'\u0034', u'\u0035', u'\u0036', u'\u0037', u'\u0038', u'\u0039', u'\u003a', u'\u003b', u'\u003c', u'\u003d', u'\u003e', u'\u003f', u'\u0040', u'\u0041', u'\u0042', u'\u0043', u'\u0044', u'\u0045', u'\u0046', u'\u0047', u'\u0048', u'\u0049', u'\u004a', u'\u004b', u'\u004c', u'\u004d', u'\u004e', u'\u004f', u'\u0050', u'\u0051', u'\u0052', u'\u0053', u'\u0054', u'\u0055', u'\u0056', u'\u0057', u'\u0058', u'\u0059', u'\u005a', u'\u005b', u'\u005c', u'\u005d', u'\u005e', u'\u005f', u'\u0060', u'\u0061', u'\u0062', u'\u0063', u'\u0064', u'\u0065', u'\u0066', u'\u0067', u'\u0068', u'\u0069', u'\u006a', u'\u006b', u'\u006c', u'\u006d', u'\u006e', u'\u006f', u'\u0070', u'\u0071', u'\u0072', u'\u0073', u'\u0074', u'\u0075', u'\u0076', u'\u0077', u'\u0078', u'\u0079', u'\u007a', u'\u007b', u'\u007c', u'\u007d', u'\u007e', u'\u0000', u'\u2022', u'\u2020', u'\u2021', u'\u2026', u'\u2014', u'\u2013', u'\u0192', u'\u2044', u'\u2039', u'\u203a', u'\u2212', u'\u2030', u'\u201e', u'\u201c', u'\u201d', u'\u2018', u'\u2019', u'\u201a', u'\u2122', u'\ufb01', u'\ufb02', u'\u0141', u'\u0152', u'\u0160', u'\u0178', u'\u017d', u'\u0131', u'\u0142', u'\u0153', u'\u0161', u'\u017e', u'\u0000', u'\u20ac', u'\u00a1', u'\u00a2', u'\u00a3', u'\u00a4', u'\u00a5', u'\u00a6', u'\u00a7', u'\u00a8', u'\u00a9', u'\u00aa', u'\u00ab', u'\u00ac', u'\u0000', u'\u00ae', u'\u00af', u'\u00b0', u'\u00b1', u'\u00b2', u'\u00b3', u'\u00b4', u'\u00b5', u'\u00b6', u'\u00b7', u'\u00b8', u'\u00b9', u'\u00ba', u'\u00bb', u'\u00bc', u'\u00bd', u'\u00be', u'\u00bf', u'\u00c0', u'\u00c1', u'\u00c2', u'\u00c3', u'\u00c4', u'\u00c5', u'\u00c6', u'\u00c7', u'\u00c8', u'\u00c9', u'\u00ca', u'\u00cb', u'\u00cc', u'\u00cd', u'\u00ce', u'\u00cf', u'\u00d0', u'\u00d1', u'\u00d2', u'\u00d3', u'\u00d4', u'\u00d5', u'\u00d6', u'\u00d7', u'\u00d8', u'\u00d9', u'\u00da', u'\u00db', u'\u00dc', u'\u00dd', u'\u00de', u'\u00df', u'\u00e0', u'\u00e1', u'\u00e2', u'\u00e3', u'\u00e4', u'\u00e5', u'\u00e6', u'\u00e7', u'\u00e8', u'\u00e9', u'\u00ea', u'\u00eb', u'\u00ec', u'\u00ed', u'\u00ee', u'\u00ef', u'\u00f0', u'\u00f1', u'\u00f2', u'\u00f3', u'\u00f4', u'\u00f5', u'\u00f6', u'\u00f7', u'\u00f8', u'\u00f9', u'\u00fa', u'\u00fb', u'\u00fc', u'\u00fd', u'\u00fe', u'\u00ff' ) assert len(_pdfDocEncoding) == 256 _pdfDocEncoding_rev = {} for i in xrange(256): char = _pdfDocEncoding[i] if char == u"\u0000": continue assert char not in _pdfDocEncoding_rev _pdfDocEncoding_rev[char] = i