import sys import os import textwrap import warnings import re import inspect import uuid from mako.template import Template from sqlalchemy.engine import url from sqlalchemy import __version__ from .compat import callable, exec_, load_module_py, load_module_pyc, binary_type class CommandError(Exception): pass def _safe_int(value): try: return int(value) except: return value _vers = tuple([_safe_int(x) for x in re.findall(r'(\d+|[abc]\d)', __version__)]) sqla_07 = _vers > (0, 7, 2) sqla_08 = _vers >= (0, 8, 0, 'b2') sqla_09 = _vers >= (0, 9, 0) sqla_092 = _vers >= (0, 9, 2) sqla_094 = _vers >= (0, 9, 4) if not sqla_07: raise CommandError( "SQLAlchemy 0.7.3 or greater is required. ") from sqlalchemy.util import format_argspec_plus, update_wrapper from sqlalchemy.util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec try: import fcntl import termios import struct ioctl = fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0)) _h, TERMWIDTH, _hp, _wp = struct.unpack('HHHH', ioctl) if TERMWIDTH <= 0: # can occur if running in emacs pseudo-tty TERMWIDTH = None except (ImportError, IOError): TERMWIDTH = None def template_to_file(template_file, dest, **kw): with open(dest, 'w') as f: f.write( Template(filename=template_file).render(**kw) ) def create_module_class_proxy(cls, globals_, locals_): """Create module level proxy functions for the methods on a given class. The functions will have a compatible signature as the methods. A proxy is established using the ``_install_proxy(obj)`` function, and removed using ``_remove_proxy()``, both installed by calling this function. """ attr_names = set() def _install_proxy(obj): globals_['_proxy'] = obj for name in attr_names: globals_[name] = getattr(obj, name) def _remove_proxy(): globals_['_proxy'] = None for name in attr_names: del globals_[name] globals_['_install_proxy'] = _install_proxy globals_['_remove_proxy'] = _remove_proxy def _create_op_proxy(name): fn = getattr(cls, name) spec = inspect.getargspec(fn) if spec[0] and spec[0][0] == 'self': spec[0].pop(0) args = inspect.formatargspec(*spec) num_defaults = 0 if spec[3]: num_defaults += len(spec[3]) name_args = spec[0] if num_defaults: defaulted_vals = name_args[0 - num_defaults:] else: defaulted_vals = () apply_kw = inspect.formatargspec( name_args, spec[1], spec[2], defaulted_vals, formatvalue=lambda x: '=' + x) def _name_error(name): raise NameError( "Can't invoke function '%s', as the proxy object has "\ "not yet been " "established for the Alembic '%s' class. " "Try placing this code inside a callable." % ( name, cls.__name__ )) globals_['_name_error'] = _name_error func_text = textwrap.dedent("""\ def %(name)s(%(args)s): %(doc)r try: p = _proxy except NameError: _name_error('%(name)s') return _proxy.%(name)s(%(apply_kw)s) e """ % { 'name': name, 'args': args[1:-1], 'apply_kw': apply_kw[1:-1], 'doc': fn.__doc__, }) lcl = {} exec_(func_text, globals_, lcl) return lcl[name] for methname in dir(cls): if not methname.startswith('_'): if callable(getattr(cls, methname)): locals_[methname] = _create_op_proxy(methname) else: attr_names.add(methname) def write_outstream(stream, *text): encoding = getattr(stream, 'encoding', 'ascii') or 'ascii' for t in text: if not isinstance(t, binary_type): t = t.encode(encoding, 'replace') t = t.decode(encoding) try: stream.write(t) except IOError: # suppress "broken pipe" errors. # no known way to handle this on Python 3 however # as the exception is "ignored" (noisily) in TextIOWrapper. break def coerce_resource_to_filename(fname): """Interpret a filename as either a filesystem location or as a package resource. Names that are non absolute paths and contain a colon are interpreted as resources and coerced to a file location. """ if not os.path.isabs(fname) and ":" in fname: import pkg_resources fname = pkg_resources.resource_filename(*fname.split(':')) return fname def status(_statmsg, fn, *arg, **kw): msg(_statmsg + " ...", False) try: ret = fn(*arg, **kw) write_outstream(sys.stdout, " done\n") return ret except: write_outstream(sys.stdout, " FAILED\n") raise def err(message): msg(message) sys.exit(-1) def obfuscate_url_pw(u): u = url.make_url(u) if u.password: u.password = 'XXXXX' return str(u) def asbool(value): return value is not None and \ value.lower() == 'true' def warn(msg): warnings.warn(msg) def msg(msg, newline=True): if TERMWIDTH is None: write_outstream(sys.stdout, msg) if newline: write_outstream(sys.stdout, "\n") else: # left indent output lines lines = textwrap.wrap(msg, TERMWIDTH) if len(lines) > 1: for line in lines[0:-1]: write_outstream(sys.stdout, " ", line, "\n") write_outstream(sys.stdout, " ", lines[-1], ("\n" if newline else "")) def load_python_file(dir_, filename): """Load a file from the given path as a Python module.""" module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", filename) path = os.path.join(dir_, filename) _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".py": if os.path.exists(path): module = load_module_py(module_id, path) elif os.path.exists(simple_pyc_file_from_path(path)): # look for sourceless load module = load_module_pyc(module_id, simple_pyc_file_from_path(path)) else: raise ImportError("Can't find Python file %s" % path) elif ext in (".pyc", ".pyo"): module = load_module_pyc(module_id, path) del sys.modules[module_id] return module def simple_pyc_file_from_path(path): """Given a python source path, return the so-called "sourceless" .pyc or .pyo path. This just a .pyc or .pyo file where the .py file would be. Even with PEP-3147, which normally puts .pyc/.pyo files in __pycache__, this use case remains supported as a so-called "sourceless module import". """ if sys.flags.optimize: return path + "o" # e.g. .pyo else: return path + "c" # e.g. .pyc def pyc_file_from_path(path): """Given a python source path, locate the .pyc. See #detecting-pep-3147-availability """ import imp has3147 = hasattr(imp, 'get_tag') if has3147: return imp.cache_from_source(path) else: return simple_pyc_file_from_path(path) def rev_id(): val = int(uuid.uuid4()) % 100000000000000 return hex(val)[2:-1] class memoized_property(object): """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.""" def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return None obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) return result class immutabledict(dict): def _immutable(self, *arg, **kw): raise TypeError("%s object is immutable" % self.__class__.__name__) __delitem__ = __setitem__ = __setattr__ = \ clear = pop = popitem = setdefault = \ update = _immutable def __new__(cls, *args): new = dict.__new__(cls) dict.__init__(new, *args) return new def __init__(self, *args): pass def __reduce__(self): return immutabledict, (dict(self), ) def union(self, d): if not self: return immutabledict(d) else: d2 = immutabledict(self) dict.update(d2, d) return d2 def __repr__(self): return "immutabledict(%s)" % dict.__repr__(self) def _with_legacy_names(translations): def decorate(fn): spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn) metadata = dict(target='target', fn='fn') metadata.update(format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False)) has_keywords = bool(spec[2]) if not has_keywords: metadata['args'] += ", **kw" metadata['apply_kw'] += ", **kw" def go(*arg, **kw): names = set(kw).difference(spec[0]) for oldname, newname in translations: if oldname in kw: kw[newname] = kw.pop(oldname) names.discard(oldname) warnings.warn( "Argument '%s' is now named '%s' for function '%s'" % (oldname, newname, fn.__name__)) if not has_keywords and names: raise TypeError("Unknown arguments: %s" % ", ".join(names)) return fn(*arg, **kw) code = 'lambda %(args)s: %(target)s(%(apply_kw)s)' % ( metadata) decorated = eval(code, {"target": go}) decorated.__defaults__ = getattr(fn, '__func__', fn).__defaults__ update_wrapper(decorated, fn) if hasattr(decorated, '__wrapped__'): # update_wrapper in py3k applies __wrapped__, which causes # inspect.getargspec() to ignore the extra arguments on our # wrapper as of Python 3.4. We need this for the # "module class proxy" thing though, so just del the __wrapped__ # for now. See #175 as well as del decorated.__wrapped__ return decorated return decorate