
191 lines
7.1 KiB
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2013-10-11 19:28:32 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
2014-10-01 11:05:08 +02:00
from six import PY2
from .utils import json
2013-10-11 19:28:32 +02:00
def minify(source, comment=''):
# see
def get_next_non_whitespace_token():
2014-09-30 23:27:54 +02:00
# python2 performance with unicode string is terrible
2014-10-01 11:05:08 +02:00
if PY2:
2014-09-30 23:27:54 +02:00
if isinstance(source, unicode):
source = source.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(comment, unicode):
comment = comment.encode('utf-8')
2013-10-11 19:28:32 +02:00
tokens = tokenize(source)
length = len(tokens)
minified = '/*' + comment + '*/' if comment else ''
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if token['type'] in ['linebreak', 'whitespace']:
prevToken = None if i == 0 else tokens[i - 1]
next = i + 1
while next < length and tokens[next]['type'] in ['comment', 'linebreak', 'whitespace']:
next += 1
nextToken = None if next == length else tokens[next]
if token['type'] == 'linebreak':
# replace a linebreak between two tokens that are identifiers or
# numbers or strings or unary operators or grouping operators
# with a single newline, otherwise remove it
if prevToken and nextToken\
and (prevToken['type'] in ['identifier', 'number', 'string']\
or prevToken['value'] in ['++', '--', ')', ']', '}'])\
and (nextToken['type'] in ['identifier', 'number', 'string']\
or nextToken['value'] in ['+', '-', '++', '--', '~', '!', '(', '[', '{']):
minified += '\n'
elif token['type'] == 'whitespace':
# replace whitespace between two tokens that are identifiers or
# numbers, or between a token that ends with "+" or "-" and one that
# begins with "+" or "-", with a single space, otherwise remove it
if prevToken and nextToken\
and ((prevToken['type'] in ['identifier', 'number']\
and nextToken['type'] in ['identifier', 'number'])
or (prevToken['value'] in ['+', '-', '++', '--']
and nextToken['value'] in ['+', '-', '++', '--'])):
minified += ' '
elif token['type'] != 'comment':
# remove comments and leave all other tokens untouched
minified += token['value']
return minified
def parse_JSONC(source):
return json.loads(minify(source))
def tokenize(source):
# see
'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue',
'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do',
'else', 'enum', 'export', 'extends',
'finally', 'for', 'function',
'if', 'implements', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'interface',
'let', 'module',
'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public',
'super', 'switch', 'static',
'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof',
'var', 'void',
'while', 'with'
LINEBREAK = '\n\r'
NUMBER = '01234567890'
# arithmetic
'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '++', '--',
# assignment
'=', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=',
'&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=', '>>>=',
# bitwise
'&', '|', '^', '~', '<<', '>>', '>>>',
# comparison
'==', '!=', '===', '!==', '>', '>=', '<', '<=',
# conditional
'?', ':',
# grouping
'(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}',
# logical
'&&', '||', '!',
# other
'.', ',', ';'
REGEXP = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
STRING = '\'"'
def is_regexp():
# checks if a forward slash is the beginning of a regexp,
# as opposed to the beginning of an operator
i = len(tokens) - 1
# scan back to the previous significant token,
# or to the beginnig of the source
while i >= 0 and tokens[i]['type'] in ['comment', 'linebreak', 'whitespace']:
i -= 1
if i == -1:
# source begins with forward slash
is_regexp = True
token = tokens[i]
is_regexp = (
token['type'] == 'identifier' and token['value'] in KEYWORD
) or (
token['type'] == 'operator' and not token['value'] in ['++', '--', ')', ']', '}']
return is_regexp
column = 1
cursor = 0
length = len(source)
tokens = []
line = 1
while cursor < length:
char = source[cursor]
start = cursor
cursor += 1
if char == '/' and cursor < length - 1 and source[cursor] in '/*':
type = 'comment'
cursor += 1
while cursor < length:
cursor += 1
if source[start + 1] == '/' and source[cursor] == '\n':
elif source[start + 1] == '*' and source[cursor:cursor + 2] == '*/':
cursor += 2
elif char in IDENTIFIER:
type = 'identifier'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] in IDENTIFIER + NUMBER:
cursor += 1
elif char in LINEBREAK:
type = 'linebreak'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] in LINEBREAK:
cursor += 1
elif char in NUMBER:
type = 'number'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] in NUMBER + '.':
cursor += 1
elif char == '/' and is_regexp():
type = 'regexp'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] != '/':
cursor += (2 if source[cursor] == '\\' else 1)
cursor += 1
while cursor < length and source[cursor] in REGEXP:
cursor += 1
elif char in OPERATOR:
type = 'operator'
if cursor < length:
string = char + source[cursor]
while cursor < length and string in OPERATOR:
cursor += 1
string += source[cursor]
elif char in STRING:
type = 'string'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] != source[start]:
cursor += (2 if source[cursor] == '\\' else 1)
cursor += 1
elif char in WHITESPACE:
type = 'whitespace'
while cursor < length and source[cursor] in WHITESPACE:
cursor += 1
value = source[start:cursor]
'column': column,
'line': line,
'type': type,
'value': value
if type == 'comment':
lines = value.split('\n');
column = len(lines[-1])
line += len(lines) - 1
elif type == 'linebreak':
column = 1
column = 1
line += len(value)
column += len(value)
return tokens