2016-02-03 14:45:09 +05:30

195 lines
7.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile
import re
from urllib.parse import unquote
import lxml.html
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from ox import strip_tags, decode_html, normalize_name
from utils import find_isbns, get_language, to_isbn13
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_ratio(data):
img =
return img.size[0]/img.size[1]
return -1
def normpath(path):
return '/'.join(os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep))
def cover(path):
logger.debug('cover %s', path)
data = None
z = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
logger.debug('invalid epub file %s', path)
return data
def use(filename):
logger.debug('using %s', filename)
data =
r = get_ratio(data)
if r < 0.3 or r > 2:
return None
return data
files = []
for f in z.filelist:
if f.filename == 'calibre-logo.png':
if 'cover' in f.filename.lower() and f.filename.split('.')[-1] in ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'):
return use(f.filename)
opf = [f for f in files if f.endswith('opf')]
if opf:
#logger.debug('opf: %s',[0]).decode())
info = ET.fromstring([0]))
metadata = info.findall('{}metadata')
if metadata:
metadata = metadata[0]
manifest = info.findall('{}manifest')
if manifest:
manifest = manifest[0]
if metadata and manifest:
for e in metadata.getchildren():
if e.tag == '{}meta' and e.attrib.get('name') == 'cover':
cover_id = e.attrib['content']
for e in manifest.getchildren():
if e.attrib['id'] == cover_id:
filename = unquote(e.attrib['href'])
filename = normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opf[0]), filename))
if filename in files:
return use(filename)
if manifest:
images = [e for e in manifest.getchildren() if 'image' in e.attrib['media-type']]
if images:
image_data = []
for e in images:
filename = unquote(e.attrib['href'])
filename = normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opf[0]), filename))
if filename in files:
if image_data:
image_data.sort(key=lambda name: z.getinfo(name).file_size)
return use(image_data[-1])
for e in manifest.getchildren():
if 'html' in e.attrib['media-type']:
filename = unquote(e.attrib['href'])
filename = normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opf[0]), filename))
html ='utf-8', 'ignore')
img = re.compile('<img.*?src="(.*?)"').findall(html)
#svg image
img += re.compile('<image.*?href="(.*?)"').findall(html)
if img:
img = unquote(img[0])
img = normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), img))
if img in files:
return use(img)
return data
def info(epub):
data = {}
z = zipfile.ZipFile(epub)
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
logger.debug('invalid epub file %s', epub)
return data
files = [f.filename for f in z.filelist]
opf = [f for f in files if f.endswith('opf')]
if opf:
info = ET.fromstring([0]))
metadata = info.findall('{}metadata')
if metadata:
metadata = metadata[0]
for e in metadata.getchildren():
if e.text and e.text.strip() and e.text not in ('unknown', 'none'):
key = e.tag.split('}')[-1]
key = {
'creator': 'author',
}.get(key, key)
value = e.text.strip()
if key == 'identifier':
value = to_isbn13(value)
if value:
data['isbn'] = value
elif key == 'author':
data[key] = value.split(', ')
if len(data[key]) == 2 and max(len(d.split(' ')) for d in data[key]) == 1:
data[key] = [normalize_name(', '.join(data[key]))]
data[key] = value
toc = [f for f in files if 'toc.ncx' in f]
if toc:
_toc = ET.fromstring([0]))
nav_map = _toc.find('{}navMap')
logger.debug('failed to parse toc', exc_info=True)
nav_map = None
if nav_map:
contents = []
for point in nav_map.findall('{}navPoint'):
label = point.find('{}navLabel')
if label:
txt = label.getchildren()[0].text
if txt:
if contents:
data['tableofcontents'] = '\n'.join(contents).strip()
if not 'tableofcontents' in data:
guide = info.find('{}guide')
if guide:
for ref in guide.findall('{}reference'):
if ref.attrib.get('type') == 'toc':
filename = unquote(ref.attrib['href']).split('#')[0]
filename = normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opf[0]), filename))
if filename in files:
toc =
if toc:
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(toc)
data['tableofcontents'] = '\n'.join([a.text_content() for a in doc.xpath('//a')]).strip()
if 'description' in data:
data['description'] = strip_tags(decode_html(data['description']))
text = extract_text(epub)
data['textsize'] = len(text)
if not 'isbn' in data:
isbn = extract_isbn(text)
if isbn:
data['isbn'] = isbn
if 'date' in data and 'T' in data['date']:
data['date'] = data['date'].split('T')[0]
if 'language' in data and isinstance(data['language'], str):
data['language'] = get_language(data['language'])
return data
def extract_text(path):
data = ''
z = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
for f in z.filelist:
if '/._' in f.filename or f.filename.startswith('._'):
if 'META-INF' in f.filename:
if f.filename.split('.')[-1] in ('html', 'xml', 'htm'):
data +='utf-8', 'ignore')
return data
def extract_isbn(data):
isbns = find_isbns(data)
if isbns:
return isbns[0]