457 lines
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457 lines
16 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from datetime import datetime
import json
import sqlalchemy as sa
from utils import datetime2ts, ts2datetime
from websocket import trigger_event
import db
import settings
import state
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Changelog(db.Model):
additem itemid metadata from file (info) + OLID
edititem itemid name->id (i.e. olid-> OL...M)
removeitem itemid
addlist name
editlist name {name: newname}
orderlists [name, name, name]
removelist name
addlistitems listname [ids]
removelistitems listname [ids]
editusername username
editcontact string
addpeer peerid peername
removepeer peerid peername
editmeta key, value data (i.e. 'isbn', '0000000000', {title: 'Example'})
resetmeta key, value
__tablename__ = 'changelog'
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
created = sa.Column(sa.DateTime())
timestamp = sa.Column(sa.BigInteger())
user_id = sa.Column(sa.String(43))
revision = sa.Column(sa.BigInteger())
data = sa.Column(sa.Text())
sig = sa.Column(sa.String(96))
def record(cls, user, action, *args):
c = cls()
c.created = datetime.utcnow()
c.timestamp = datetime2ts(c.created)
c.user_id = user.id
c.revision = cls.query.filter_by(user_id=user.id).count()
c.data = json.dumps([action] + list(args), ensure_ascii=False)
_data = str(c.revision) + str(c.timestamp) + c.data
_data = _data.encode()
logger.debug('record change: %s', c.json())
def record_ts(cls, user, ts, action, *args):
# fixme remove
c = cls()
c.created = datetime.utcnow()
if ts:
c.timestamp = datetime2ts(ts)
c.timestamp = datetime2ts(c.created)
c.user_id = user.id
c.revision = cls.query.filter_by(user_id=user.id).count()
c.data = json.dumps([action] + list(args), ensure_ascii=False)
_data = str(c.revision) + str(c.timestamp) + c.data
_data = _data.encode()
logger.debug('record change: %s', c.json())
def apply_changes(cls, user, changes):
trigger = changes
for change in changes:
if user.id in state.removepeer:
del state.removepeer[user.id]
return False
if not cls.apply_change(user, change, trigger=False):
logger.debug('FAIL %s', change)
trigger = False
return False
if trigger:
trigger_event('change', {});
return True
def apply_change(cls, user, change, trigger=True):
revision, timestamp, data = change
last = cls.query.filter_by(user_id=user.id).order_by('-revision').first()
next_revision = last.revision + 1 if last else 0
if revision >= next_revision:
c = cls()
c.created = datetime.utcnow()
c.timestamp = timestamp
c.user_id = user.id
c.revision = revision
c.data = data
args = json.loads(data)
logger.debug('apply change from %s: %s(%s)', user.name, args[0], args[1:])
if getattr(c, 'action_' + args[0])(user, timestamp, *args[1:]):
logger.debug('change applied')
if trigger:
trigger_event('change', {});
return True
logger.debug('could not apply change')
logger.debug('revsion does not match! got %s expecting %s', revision, next_revision)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return self.data
def json(self):
timestamp = self.timestamp or datetime2ts(self.created)
return [self.revision, timestamp, self.data]
def restore(cls, user_id, path=None):
from user.models import User
user = User.get_or_create(user_id)
if not path:
path = '/tmp/oml_changelog_%s.json' % user_id
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
for change in fd:
change = json.loads(change)
cls.apply_change(user, change, user_id == settings.USER_ID)
def export(cls, user_id, path=None):
if not path:
path = '/tmp/oml_changelog_%s.json' % user_id
with open(path, 'w') as fd:
for c in cls.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id).order_by('revision'):
fd.write(json.dumps(c.json(), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
def action_additem(self, user, timestamp, itemid, info):
from item.models import Item
i = Item.get(itemid)
if i:
if user not in i.users:
i = Item.get_or_create(itemid, info)
i.modified = ts2datetime(timestamp)
if user not in i.users:
i.info['_from'] = user.id
return True
def action_edititem(self, user, timestamp, itemid, meta):
from user.models import Metadata
m = Metadata.get_or_create(user.id, itemid)
#FIXME: "sometimes" update item too...
from item.models import Item
i = Item.get(itemid)
if i:
update = False
if len(i.users) == 1 and user in i.users:
update = True
if i.info.get('_from') == user.id:
update = True
if update:
i.edit(meta, ts2datetime(timestamp))
return True
def action_removeitem(self, user, timestamp, itemid):
from item.models import Item
from user.models import Metadata
i = Item.get(itemid)
if i:
if user in i.users:
if i.users:
Metadata.query.filter_by(user_id=user.id, item_id=itemid).delete()
return True
def action_addlist(self, user, timestamp, name, query=None):
from user.models import List
if name == '':
return True
l = List.create(user.id, name)
trigger_event('addlist', {'id': l.public_id, 'user': user.id})
return True
def action_editlist(self, user, timestamp, name, new):
from user.models import List
l = List.get_or_create(user.id, name)
if 'name' in new:
l.name = new['name']
trigger_event('editlist', {'id': l.public_id, 'user': user.id})
return True
def action_orderlists(self, user, timestamp, lists):
from user.models import List
idx = 0
for name in lists:
l = List.get_or_create(user.id, name)
l.index_ = idx
idx += 1
trigger_event('orderlists', {'user': user.id})
return True
def action_removelist(self, user, timestamp, name):
from user.models import List
l = List.get(user.id, name)
if l:
trigger_event('removelist', {'id': l.public_id})
return True
def action_addlistitems(self, user, timestamp, name, ids):
from user.models import List
l = List.get_or_create(user.id, name)
return True
def action_removelistitems(self, user, timestamp, name, ids):
from user.models import List
l = List.get(user.id, name)
if l:
return True
def action_editusername(self, user, timestamp, username):
from user.models import List
old = user.nickname
user.info['username'] = username
if old != user.nickname:
List.rename_user(old, user.nickname)
return True
def action_editcontact(self, user, timestamp, contact):
user.info['contact'] = contact
return True
def action_addpeer(self, user, timestamp, peerid, username):
if len(peerid) == 16:
from user.models import User
if not 'users' in user.info:
user.info['users'] = {}
user.info['users'][peerid] = username
peer = User.get_or_create(peerid)
if not 'username' in peer.info:
peer.info['username'] = username
return True
def action_removepeer(self, user, timestamp, peerid):
if 'users' in user.info and peerid in user.info['users']:
del user.info['users'][peerid]
#fixme, remove from User table if no other connection exists
return True
def action_editmeta(self, user, timestamp, key, value, data):
return True
'''>> Metadata no longer tracked per isbn'''
from item.models import Metadata
m = Metadata.get(key, value)
if not m or m.timestamp < timestamp:
if not m:
m = Metadata.get_or_create(key, value)
if m.edit(data, False):
return True
def action_resetmeta(self, user, timestamp, key, value):
return True
from item.models import Metadata
m = Metadata.get(key, value)
if m and m.timestamp < timestamp:
return True
def aggregated_changes(cls, since=None, user_id=None):
from item.models import Item
from user.models import List
if not user_id:
user_id = settings.USER_ID
qs = cls.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
qs = Changelog.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id)
if since:
qs = qs.filter(Changelog.revision>=since)
changes = {}
orderlists = False
for c in qs.order_by('timestamp'):
revision = c.revision
timestamp = c.timestamp
data = json.loads(c.data)
op = data[0]
if op in ('editmeta', 'resetmeta'):
action = changes.setdefault(op, {})
if op == 'additem':
item_id = data[1]
info = data[2]
action[item_id] = [revision, timestamp, info]
if item_id in changes.get('removeitem', []):
del changes['removeitem'][item_id]
i = Item.get(item_id)
if i:
changes.setdefault('edititem', {})[item_id] = [revision+1, timestamp, i.meta]
elif op == 'edititem':
item_id = data[1]
meta = data[2]
if not item_id in action:
action[item_id] = [revision, timestamp, meta]
action[item_id][0] = revision
action[item_id][1] = timestamp
elif op == 'removeitem':
item_id = data[1]
if item_id in changes.get('additem', []):
del changes['additem'][item_id]
action[item_id] = [revision, timestamp]
if item_id in changes.get('edititem', []):
del changes['edititem'][item_id]
elif op == 'addlist':
list_id = data[1]
if list_id:
ids = data[2] if len(data) > 2 else []
action[list_id] = [revision, timestamp, ids]
elif op == 'editlist':
old_id = data[1]
new_id = data[2]['name']
r = revision
if old_id not in changes.get('addlist', []):
action[old_id] = [revision, timestamp, {'name': new_id}]
r += 1
for a in ('addlist', 'addlistitems', 'removelistitems'):
if a in changes and old_id in changes[a]:
changes[a][new_id] = changes[a].pop(old_id)
changes[a][new_id][0] = r
elif op == 'orderlists':
orderlists = True
elif op == 'removelist':
list_id = data[1]
if list_id not in changes.get('addlist', []):
action[list_id] = [revision, timestamp]
for a in ('addlist', 'addlistitems', 'removelistitems'):
if a in changes and list_id in changes[a]:
del changes[a][list_id]
elif op == 'addlistitems':
list_id = data[1]
if not list_id:
listitems = data[2]
if list_id not in action:
action[list_id] = [revision, timestamp, []]
action[list_id][0] = revision
action[list_id][1] = timestamp
action[list_id][2] += listitems
#remove from removelistitems!
if list_id in changes.get('remvelistitems', {}):
changes['remvelistitems'][list_id] = [
i for i in changes['remvelistitems'][list_id] if i not in listitems
elif op == 'removelistitems':
list_id = data[1]
listitems = data[2]
#remove from additemlists
removed = []
if list_id in changes.get('addlistitems',{}):
removed = [
i for i in changes['addlistitems'][list_id] if i in listitems
changes['addlistitems'][list_id] = [
i for i in changes['addlistitems'][list_id] if i not in listitems
#remove remaining items
listitems = [
i for i in listitems if i not in removed
if listitems:
action[list_id] = [revision, timestamp, listitems]
elif op == 'editusername':
old_name = data[1]
new_name = data[2]
#fixme merge multiple edits
action[old_name] = [revision, timestamp, new_name]
elif op == 'editcontact':
old_contact = data[1]
new_contact = data[2]
#fixme merge multiple edits
action[old_contact] = [revision, timestamp, new_contact]
elif op == 'addpeer':
peer = data[1]
username = data[2]
action[peer] = [revision, timestamp, username]
if peer in changes.get('removepeer', []):
del changes['removepeer'][peer]
elif op == 'removepeer':
peer = data[1]
if peer in changes.get('addpeer', []):
del changes['addpeer'][peer]
action[peer] = [revision, timestamp]
elif op == 'editmeta':
elif op == 'resetmeta':
print('unknonw action', data)
_changes = []
for op in list(changes):
if not changes[op]:
del changes[op]
for id in changes[op]:
data = changes[op][id]
rv = data[0]
ts = data[1]
data = [op, id] + data[2:]
_changes.append([rv, ts, json.dumps(data)])
_changes.sort(key=lambda change: (change[0], change[1]))
if orderlists:
ids = [l.name for l in List.query.filter_by(user_id=user_id,type='static').order_by('index_') if l.name]
if len(ids) > 1:
_changes.append([-1, timestamp, json.dumps(['orderlists', ids])])
if _changes:
r = revision
for c in reversed(_changes):
c[0] = r
r -= 1
return _changes