782 lines
30 KiB
782 lines
30 KiB
'use strict';
oml.ui.infoView = function(identifyData) {
var ui = oml.user.ui,
arrayKeys = ['author', 'place', 'publisher', 'language'],
iconSize = identifyData ? 256 : ui.iconSize,
css = getCSS(iconSize, oml.config.iconRatio),
ids = [
{key: 'isbn', url: 'https://google.com/search?q=ISBN+{0}'},
{key: 'asin', url: 'http://www.amazon.com/dp/{0}'},
{key: 'lccn', url: 'http://lccn.loc.gov/{0}'},
{key: 'oclc', url: 'https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/{0}'},
{key: 'olid', url: 'https://openlibrary.org/books/{0}'}
that = Ox.Element()
.css({overflowY: 'auto'})
oml_icons: function() {
that.updateElement(ui.item, [$icon])
oml_item: function() {
if (ui.item) {
oml_listselection: function(data) {
if (data.value && data.value.length) {
$icon = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: '16px',
top: '16px',
width: css.icon.width
$info = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: css.info.left,
right: !identifyData ? '176px' : 16 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 'px',
top: '16px'
[iconSize == 512 ? 'hide' : 'show']()
$image, $reflection, $reflectionImage;
if (!identifyData) {
$data = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
right: '16px',
top: '16px',
width: '128px'
function getCSS(size, ratio) {
var width = Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio),
height = Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
left = size == 256 ? Math.floor((size - width) / 2) : 0;
return {
icon: {
width: size + 'px'
info: {
left: (size == 256 ? size + 32 : width + 48) + 'px'
image: {
left: left + 'px',
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
reflection: {
top: height + 'px'
function getIconTooltip() {
return !identifyData
? 'Click to see ' + (ui.iconSize == 256 ? 'large' : 'small')
+ ' ' + ui.icons + ', doubleclick to see '
+ (ui.icons == 'cover' ? 'preview' : 'cover')
: '';
function formatLight(string) {
return '<span class="OxLight">' + string + '</span>';
function formatKey(key) {
var item = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, key);
return '<span style="font-weight: bold">'
+ Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(key)) + ':</span> ';
function formatValue(value, key) {
return value ? (Ox.isArray(value) ? value : [value]).map(function(value) {
if (key == 'date' && value) {
value = value.slice(0, 4);
return key && !identifyData ?
'<a href="/' + key + '==' + value + '">' + value + '</a>'
: value;
}).join('; ') : '';
function identify(data) {
oml.$ui.identifyDialog = oml.ui.identifyDialog(data).open();
function renderIdentifyButton(data) {
return Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
disabled: data.mediastate != 'available',
title: Ox._('Identify Book...'),
width: 112
click: function() {
data.mediastate == 'available' && data.primaryid
? Ox.Select({
items: Ox.flatten(ids.map(function(id) {
return (data[id.key] || []).map(function(value) {
return {
id: id.key + ':' + value,
title: '<b>' + Ox.getObjectById(
oml.config.itemKeys, id.key
).title + ':</b> ' + value
{id: '', title: '<b>No ID</b>'}
max: 1,
min: 1,
overlap: 'left',
title: 'select',
tooltip: Ox._('Set Primary ID'),
type: 'image',
value: data.primaryid.join(':')
click: function(data) {
// ...
change: function(data) {
id: ui.item,
primaryid: data.value ? data.value.split(':') : ''
}, function(result) {
that.updateElement(result.data, [$info, $data]);
: Ox.Button({
disabled: true,
overlap: 'left',
title: 'select',
type: 'image'
float: 'right'
.css({marginTop: '16px'});
function renderOpenButton(data) {
return data.mediastate == 'available'
? Ox.Button({
title: Ox._('Open Folder'),
width: 128
.css({marginTop: '16px'})
click: function() {
oml.api.openFolder({id: oml.user.ui.item});
}) : Ox.Element();
function renderMediaButton(data) {
function getListItems() {
var items = [];
if (ui._lists) {
items = ui._lists.filter(function(list) {
return list.user == oml.user.preferences.username
&& list.type != 'smart';
}).map(function(list) {
return {
id: list.id,
title: Ox._('Download to {0}', [list.name])
items.splice(1, 0, [{}]);
return items;
function setListItems() {
if ($element && ui._lists) {
disabled: false
items: getListItems()
} else {
setTimeout(setListItems, 100);
if (data.mediastate == 'unavailable' && !ui._lists) {
var $element = (data.mediastate == 'unavailable' || Ox.isUndefined(data.mediastate))
? Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
title: Ox._('Download Book'),
width: 112
click: function() {
data.mediastate = 'transferring';
that.updateElement(data, $data);
oml.api.download({id: ui.item}, function(result) {
// ...
disabled: !ui._lists,
items: getListItems(),
overlap: 'left',
title: 'select',
tooltip: Ox._('Download Book to a List'),
type: 'image'
click: function(data) {
data.mediastate = 'transferring';
that.updateElement(data, $data);
id: ui.item,
}, data.id == ':' ? {} : {
list: data.id.slice(1)
}), function(result) {
// ...
float: 'right'
: data.mediastate == 'transferring'
? Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
title: Ox._('Transferring...'),
width: 112
click: function() {
oml.UI.set({page: 'transfers'});
overlap: 'left',
title: 'close',
tooltip: Ox._('Cancel Transfer'),
type: 'image'
click: function() {
data.mediastate = 'unavailable';
that.updateElement(data, $data);
oml.api.cancelDownloads({ids: [ui.item]}, function() {
that.updateElement(ui.item, $data);
float: 'right'
: Ox.Button({
title: Ox._('Read Book'),
width: 128
click: function() {
oml.UI.set({itemView: 'book'});
return $element;
function splitValue(value) {
return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value).split('; '));
function toggleCoverSize(ratio) {
var css;
iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256,
css = getCSS(iconSize, ratio);
//$icon.animate(css.icon, 250);
$info.animate(css.info, 250);
$image.animate(css.image, 250);
$reflectionImage.animate(css.image, 250);
$reflection.animate(css.reflection, 250);
oml.UI.set({iconSize: iconSize});
function updateCover(ratio) {
var css = getCSS(iconSize, ratio);
that.updateElement = function(idOrData, $elements) {
var data = Ox.isObject(idOrData) ? idOrData : null,
id = data ? null : idOrData,
$elements = $elements
? Ox.makeArray($elements)
: [$icon, $info, $data];
(data ? Ox.noop : oml.api.get)({
id: id,
keys: []
}, function(result) {
if (!identifyData && id && id != ui.item) {
if (result) {
data = result.data;
Ox.print('BOOK DATA', data)
var $div,
isEditable = data.mediastate == 'available' && !identifyData,
src = !identifyData
? '/' + data.id + '/' + ui.icons + '512.jpg?' + data.modified
: data.cover,
ratio = (
ui.icons == 'cover' || identifyData
? data.coverRatio : data.previewRatio
) || oml.config.iconRatio,
size = iconSize,
reflectionSize = Math.round(size / 2);
$elements.forEach(function($element) {
if ($element == $icon) {
$image = Ox.Element({
element: '<img>',
tooltip: getIconTooltip()
error: function() {
if (size == 512) {
load: function() {
ratio = $image[0].width / $image[0].height;
if (size == 512) {
left: getCSS(512, ratio).info.left
.attr({src: src})
position: 'absolute'
doubleclick: function() {
if (!identifyData) {
icons: ui.icons == 'cover'
? 'preview' : 'cover'
singleclick: function() {
if (!identifyData) {
$reflection = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
width: size + 'px',
height: reflectionSize + 'px',
overflow: 'hidden'
$reflectionImage = $('<img>')
.attr({src: src})
position: 'absolute'
position: 'absolute',
width: size + 'px',
height: reflectionSize + 'px'
} else if ($element == $info) {
// -------- Title
marginTop: '-2px'
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: data.title ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.title) : 'No Title'
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '13px'
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('title', Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value));
// -------- Author
marginTop: '2px'
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
format: function(value) {
return formatValue(splitValue(value), 'author');
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._('Unknown Author')),
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: data.author ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.author.join('; ')) : ''
marginBottom: '-3px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '13px'
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('author', Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value));
// -------- Place, Publisher, Date
$div = $('<div>')
marginTop: '4px',
['place', 'publisher', 'date'].forEach(function(key, index) {
if (index) {
$('<span>').html(', ').appendTo($div);
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
format: function(value) {
return formatValue(
Ox.contains(arrayKeys, key)
? splitValue(value) : value,
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._('unknown')),
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: data[key] ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(
Ox.contains(arrayKeys, key)
? data[key].join('; ') : data[key]
) : ''
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata(key, Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value));
// -------- Edition, Language, Pages
$div = $('<div>')
marginTop: '4px',
['edition', 'language', 'pages'].forEach(function(key, index) {
if (index) {
$('<span>').html(', ').appendTo($div);
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
format: function(value) {
return key == 'language'
? formatValue(splitValue(value), key)
: value;
placeholder: formatLight('unknown'),
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: data[key] ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(
Ox.contains(arrayKeys, key)
? data[key].join('; ') : data[key]
) : ''
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata(key, Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value));
// -------- Primary ID
if (data.primaryid) {
marginTop: '4px',
'<b>' + Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, data.primaryid[0]).title
+ ':</b> ' + data.primaryid[1]
// -------- Classification
if (data.classification || isEditable) {
marginTop: '8px',
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
placeholder: formatLight('No Classification'),
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: data.classification ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.classification) : '',
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('classification', Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value));
// -------- Description
if (data.description || isEditable) {
marginTop: '8px',
textAlign: 'justify'
clickLink: oml.clickLink,
editable: isEditable,
format: function(value) {
return value.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
placeholder: formatLight('No Description'),
tooltip: isEditable ? oml.getEditTooltip() : '',
type: 'textarea',
value: data.description ? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.description) : ''
submit: function(event) {
Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(event.value).replace(/<br>/g, '\n')
$('<div>').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($info);
} else if ($element == $data) {
marginTop: '10px',
Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B')
].join(', ')
['accessed', 'modified', 'added', 'created'].forEach(function(id) {
var title;
if (data[id]) {
title = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, id).title;
marginTop: '8px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
.text(Ox.formatDate(data[id], '%b %e, %Y'))
ids.forEach(function(id, index) {
var title;
if (data[id.key] && !Ox.isEmpty(data[id.key])) {
title = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, id.key).title;
marginTop: (index == 0 ? 10 : 6) + 'px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
Ox.makeArray(data[id.key]/*FIXME!*/).forEach(function(value) {
var isPrimary = data.primaryid && data.primaryid[0] == id.key
&& data.primaryid[1] == value;
value = Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value);
tooltip: isPrimary ? 'Primary ID' : ''
'<a href="' + Ox.formatString(id.url, [value])
+ '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a>'
+ (isPrimary ? ' (*)' : '')
$('<div>').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($data);
function editMetadata(key, value) {
if (value != data[key]) {
var edit = {id: data.id};
if (Ox.contains(arrayKeys, key)) {
edit[key] = value ? value.split('; ') : [];
} else {
edit[key] = value;
oml.api.edit(edit, function(result) {
if (Ox.contains(['title', 'author', 'description'], key)) {
result.data.id, key, result.data[key]
if (Ox.contains(['title', 'author'], key)) {
that.updateElement(result.data, [$data]);
if (!identifyData) {
ui.item && that.updateElement(ui.item);
} else {
that.updateElement(identifyData, [$icon, $info]);
transfer: function(data) {
if (data.id == ui.item && data.progress == 1) {
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // FIXME: too much
that.updateElement(ui.item, [$info, $data]);
mousedown: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
!Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() && that.gainFocus();
return that;