'use strict'; oml.ui.identifyDialog = function(data) { var ui = oml.user.ui, ids = [ 'isbn10', 'isbn13', 'asin', 'lccn', 'oclc', 'olid' ].map(function(id) { return { id: id, title: Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, id).title }; }), keys = [ 'title', 'author', 'publisher', 'date' ].map(function(id) { var key = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.sortKeys, id); return { format: key.format, id: id, operator: key.operator, width: { title: 288, author: 224, publisher: 160, date: 96 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }[id], title: key.title, visible: true }; }), originalData = Ox.clone(data, true), selected = data.mainid ? 'id' : 'title', idValue, titleValue, $idInputs, $idButtons = {}, $idForm = renderIdForm(data), $idPreview = data.mainid ? oml.ui.infoView(data) : Ox.Element(), $idPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: Ox.Element().append($idForm), size: 96}, {element: $idPreview} ], orientation: 'vertical' }), $titleInputs, $titleButtons = {}, $titleForm = renderTitleForm(), $titlePanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $titleForm, size: 96}, {element: Ox.Element()} ], orientation: 'vertical' }), $bar = Ox.Bar({size: 24}), $buttons = Ox.ButtonGroup({ buttons: [ {id: 'id', title: Ox._('Look Up by ID')}, {id: 'title', title: Ox._('Find by Title')} ], selectable: true, value: selected }) .css({ width: '768px', padding: '4px 0', textAlign: 'center' }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { selected = data.value; $innerPanel.options({selected: selected}); } }) .appendTo($bar), $innerPanel = Ox.SlidePanel({ elements: [ {id: 'id', element: $idPanel}, {id: 'title', element: $titlePanel} ], orientation: 'horizontal', selected: selected, size: 768 }), $outerPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $bar, size: 24}, {element: $innerPanel} ], orientation: 'vertical' }), that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'dontupdate', title: Ox._('No, Don\'t Update') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }), Ox.Button({ disabled: true, id: 'update', title: Ox._('Yes, Update') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { Ox.print('$$$', idValue); var edit = Ox.extend( {id: data.id}, $innerPanel.options('selected') == 'id' ? idValue || {mainid: ''} : titleValue ); that.options({content: Ox.LoadingScreen().start()}); that.disableButtons(); oml.api.edit(edit, function(result) { that.close(); Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); oml.$ui.browser.reloadList(true); Ox.Request.clearCache(data.id); oml.$ui.infoView.updateElement(result.data); }); } }) ], closeButton: true, content: $outerPanel, fixedSize: true, height: 384, removeOnClose: true, title: Ox._('Identify Book'), width: 768 }); function disableButtons() { Ox.forEach(selected == 'id' ? $idButtons : $titleButtons, function($button) { $button.options({disabled: true}); }); } function findMetadata(data) { disableButtons(); $titlePanel.replaceElement(1, Ox.LoadingScreen().start()); oml.api.findMetadata(data, function(result) { // FIXME: CONCAT HERE var items = result.data.items.map(function(item, index) { return Ox.extend({index: (index + 1).toString()}, item); }); updateTitleButtons(); $titlePanel.replaceElement(1, renderResults(items)); }); } function getMetadata(key, value) { disableButtons(); $idPanel.replaceElement(1, Ox.LoadingScreen().start()); oml.api.getMetadata(Ox.extend({}, key, value), function(result) { $idForm = renderIdForm(result.data); $idPreview = Ox.isEmpty(data) ? Ox.Element() : oml.ui.infoView(result.data); $idPanel .replaceElement(0, $idForm) .replaceElement(1, $idPreview); }); } function idInputValues(key, values) { var $input = $idInputs[ids.map(function(id) { return id.id; }).indexOf(key)]; if (Ox.isUndefined(values)) { values = $input.options('elements').map(function($element) { return $element.value(); }); } else { $input.options('elements').forEach(function($element, index) { $element.value(values[index]); }); } return values; } function isEmpty(data) { return Ox.every(data, Ox.isEmpty); } function isOriginal(data) { return Ox.every(Object.keys(data), function(key) { return data[key] == originalData[key]; }); } function renderIdForm(data) { var $element = Ox.Element(); $idInputs = ids.map(function(id, index) { return Ox.FormElementGroup({ elements: [ Ox.Checkbox({ overlap: 'right', title: Ox._(id.title), value: id.id == data.mainid, width: 80 }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var value = $idInputs[index].options('elements')[1].value(); if (data.value) { if (value) { idValue = Ox.extend({}, id.id, value); $idInputs.forEach(function($input, i) { if (i != index) { $input.options('elements')[0].value(false); } }); getMetadata(id.id, value, function() { // ... }); } else { this.value(false); } } else { this.value(true); } } }), Ox.Input({ value: data[id.id] || '', width: 160 }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { if (data.value) { idValue = Ox.extend({}, id.id, data.value); $idInputs.forEach(function($input, i) { $input.options('elements')[0].options({ disabled: true, value: i == index }); $input.options('elements')[1].options({ disabled: true }); }); getMetadata(id.id, data.value, function() { Ox.print('GOT METADATA'); updateIdButtons(); }); } } }) ], float: 'left' }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 16 + Math.floor(index / 2) * 248 + 'px', top: 16 + (index % 2) * 24 + 'px' }) .appendTo($element); }); $idButtons.clear = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Clear'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '160px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { ids.forEach(function(id) { idInputValues(id.id, [false, '']); }); updateIdButtons(); } }) .appendTo($element); $idButtons.reset = Ox.Button({ disabled: true, title: Ox._('Reset'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '88px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { ids.forEach(function(id) { idInputValues(id.id, [ id.id == originalData.mainid, originalData[id.id] ]); }); updateIdButtons(); } }) .appendTo($element); $idButtons.find = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Look Up'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '16px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { var key, value; Ox.forEach(ids, function(id) { var values = idInputValues(id.id); if (values[0]) { key = id.id; value = values[1]; return false; } }); getMetadata(key, value, function() { // ... }) Ox.print('NOT IMPLEMENTED') } }) .appendTo($element); updateIdButtons(); return $element; } function renderResults(items) { var $list = Ox.TableList({ columns: [ { format: function(value) { return Ox.getObjectById(ids, value).title; }, id: 'mainid', visible: true, width: 64 }, { format: function(value, data) { return data[data.mainid]; }, id: 'index', visible: true, width: 128 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE } ], items: items, keys: ['mainid', 'isbn10', 'isbn13'], min: 1, max: 1, scrollbarVisible: true, sort: [{key: 'mainid', operator: '+'}], unique: 'index' }) .bindEvent({ select: function(data) { var index = data.ids[0], mainid; mainid = $list.value(index, 'mainid'); titleValue = Ox.extend({}, mainid, $list.value(index, mainid)); $results.replaceElement(1, Ox.LoadingScreen().start()); oml.api.getMetadata(titleValue, function(result) { if (index == $list.options('selected')[0]) { $results.replaceElement(1, oml.ui.infoView(result.data)); that.options('buttons')[1].options({disabled: false}); } }); } }), $results = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $list, size: 192}, {element: Ox.Element()} ], orientation: 'horizontal' }); return $results; } function renderTitleForm() { var $element = Ox.Element(); $titleInputs = keys.map(function(key, index) { return Ox.Input({ label: Ox._(key.title), labelWidth: 64, value: data[key.id], width: 360 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: index < 2 ? '16px' : '392px', top: index % 2 == 0 ? '16px' : '40px' }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { $titleButtons.find.triggerEvent('click'); } }) .appendTo($element); }); $titleButtons.clear = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Clear'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '160px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { keys.forEach(function(key) { titleInputValue(key.id, ''); }); updateTitleButtons(); } }) .appendTo($element); $titleButtons.reset = Ox.Button({ disabled: true, title: Ox._('Reset'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '88px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { keys.forEach(function(key) { titleInputValue(key.id, originalData[key.id]); }); updateTitleButtons(); } }) .appendTo($element); $titleButtons.find = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Find'), width: 64 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', right: '16px', top: '64px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { var data = {}; keys.forEach(function(key) { data[key.id] = titleInputValue(key.id); }); findMetadata(data); } }) .appendTo($element); return $element; } function titleInputValue(key, value) { var $input = $titleInputs[keys.map(function(key) { return key.id; }).indexOf(key)]; if (Ox.isUndefined(value)) { value = $input.value(); if (key == 'author') { value = value ? value.split(', ') : []; } } else { $input.value( key == 'author' ? (value || []).join(', ') : value ); } return value; } function updateIdButtons() { var data = {}, empty, original; ids.forEach(function(id) { data[id.id] = idInputValues(id.id)[1]; }); empty = isEmpty(data); original = isOriginal(data); $idButtons.clear.options({disabled: empty}); $idButtons.reset.options({disabled: original}); $idButtons.find.options({disabled: empty}); that && that[original ? 'disableButton' : 'enableButton']('update'); } function updateTitleButtons() { var data = {}, empty, original; keys.forEach(function(key) { data[key.id] = titleInputValue(key.id); }); empty = isEmpty(data); original = isOriginal(data); $titleButtons.clear.options({disabled: empty}); $titleButtons.reset.options({disabled: original}); $titleButtons.find.options({disabled: empty}); that[original ? 'disableButton' : 'enableButton']('update'); } return that; };