(function(global) {
var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;

(function() {
  var registry = {}, seen = {};

  define = function(name, deps, callback) {
    registry[name] = { deps: deps, callback: callback };

  requirejs = require = requireModule = function(name) {
  requirejs._eak_seen = registry;

    if (seen[name]) { return seen[name]; }
    seen[name] = {};

    if (!registry[name]) {
      throw new Error("Could not find module " + name);

    var mod = registry[name],
        deps = mod.deps,
        callback = mod.callback,
        reified = [],

    for (var i=0, l=deps.length; i<l; i++) {
      if (deps[i] === 'exports') {
        reified.push(exports = {});
      } else {

    var value = callback.apply(this, reified);
    return seen[name] = exports || value;

    function resolve(child) {
      if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; }
      var parts = child.split("/");
      var parentBase = name.split("/").slice(0, -1);

      for (var i=0, l=parts.length; i<l; i++) {
        var part = parts[i];

        if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); }
        else if (part === '.') { continue; }
        else { parentBase.push(part); }

      return parentBase.join("/");

  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

    __exports__["default"] = function all(array, label) {
      return Promise.all(array, label);
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
    __exports__["default"] = function asap(callback, arg) {
      var length = queue.push([callback, arg]);
      if (length === 1) {
        // If length is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.
        // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they
        // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.

    var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : {};
    var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;

    // node
    function useNextTick() {
      return function() {

    function useMutationObserver() {
      var iterations = 0;
      var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush);
      var node = document.createTextNode('');
      observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });

      return function() {
        node.data = (iterations = ++iterations % 2);

    function useSetTimeout() {
      return function() {
        setTimeout(flush, 1);

    var queue = [];
    function flush() {
      for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
        var tuple = queue[i];
        var callback = tuple[0], arg = tuple[1];
      queue = [];

    var scheduleFlush;

    // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:
    if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {}.toString.call(process) === '[object process]') {
      scheduleFlush = useNextTick();
    } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) {
      scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver();
    } else {
      scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var EventTarget = __dependency1__["default"];

    var config = {
      instrument: false


    function configure(name, value) {
      if (name === 'onerror') {
        // handle for legacy users that expect the actual
        // error to be passed to their function added via
        // `RSVP.configure('onerror', someFunctionHere);`
        config.on('error', value);

      if (arguments.length === 2) {
        config[name] = value;
      } else {
        return config[name];

    __exports__.config = config;
    __exports__.configure = configure;
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

      `RSVP.defer` returns an object similar to jQuery's `$.Deferred` objects.
      `RSVP.defer` should be used when porting over code reliant on `$.Deferred`'s
      interface. New code should use the `RSVP.Promise` constructor instead.

      The object returned from `RSVP.defer` is a plain object with three properties:

      * promise - an `RSVP.Promise`.
      * reject - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to
        become rejected
      * resolve - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to
        become fulfilled.


       var deferred = RSVP.defer();


         // value here is "Success!"

      @method defer
      @for RSVP
      @param {String} -
      @return {Object}

    __exports__["default"] = function defer(label) {
      var deferred = { };

      deferred.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        deferred.resolve = resolve;
        deferred.reject = reject;
      }, label);

      return deferred;
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var indexOf = function(callbacks, callback) {
      for (var i=0, l=callbacks.length; i<l; i++) {
        if (callbacks[i] === callback) { return i; }

      return -1;

    var callbacksFor = function(object) {
      var callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks;

      if (!callbacks) {
        callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks = {};

      return callbacks;

      //@module RSVP
      //@class EventTarget
    __exports__["default"] = {

        `RSVP.EventTarget.mixin` extends an object with EventTarget methods. For

        var object = {};


        object.on("finished", function(event) {
          // handle event

        object.trigger("finished", { detail: value });

        `EventTarget.mixin` also works with prototypes:

        var Person = function() {};

        var yehuda = new Person();
        var tom = new Person();

        yehuda.on("poke", function(event) {
          console.log("Yehuda says OW");

        tom.on("poke", function(event) {
          console.log("Tom says OW");


        @method mixin
        @param {Object} object object to extend with EventTarget methods
      mixin: function(object) {
        object.on = this.on;
        object.off = this.off;
        object.trigger = this.trigger;
        object._promiseCallbacks = undefined;
        return object;


        Registers a callback to be executed when `eventName` is triggered

        object.on('event', function(eventInfo){
          // handle the event


        @method on
        @param {String} eventName name of the event to listen for
        @param {Function} callback function to be called when the event is triggered.
      on: function(eventName, callback) {
        var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks;

        callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName];

        if (!callbacks) {
          callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName] = [];

        if (indexOf(callbacks, callback) === -1) {


        You can use `off` to stop firing a particular callback for an event:

        function doStuff() { // do stuff! }
        object.on('stuff', doStuff);

        object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will be called

        // Unregister ONLY the doStuff callback
        object.off('stuff', doStuff);
        object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will NOT be called

        If you don't pass a `callback` argument to `off`, ALL callbacks for the
        event will not be executed when the event fires. For example:

        var callback1 = function(){};
        var callback2 = function(){};

        object.on('stuff', callback1);
        object.on('stuff', callback2);

        object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will be executed.

        object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will not be executed!

        @method off
        @param {String} eventName event to stop listening to
        @param {Function} callback optional argument. If given, only the function
        given will be removed from the event's callback queue. If no `callback`
        argument is given, all callbacks will be removed from the event's callback
      off: function(eventName, callback) {
        var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks, index;

        if (!callback) {
          allCallbacks[eventName] = [];

        callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName];

        index = indexOf(callbacks, callback);

        if (index !== -1) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); }


        Use `trigger` to fire custom events. For example:

        object.on('foo', function(){
          console.log('foo event happened!');
        // 'foo event happened!' logged to the console

        You can also pass a value as a second argument to `trigger` that will be
        passed as an argument to all event listeners for the event:

        object.on('foo', function(value){

        object.trigger('foo', { name: 'bar' });
        // 'bar' logged to the console

        @method trigger
        @param {String} eventName name of the event to be triggered
        @param {Any} options optional value to be passed to any event handlers for
        the given `eventName`
      trigger: function(eventName, options) {
        var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this),
            callbacks, callbackTuple, callback, binding;

        if (callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName]) {
          // Don't cache the callbacks.length since it may grow
          for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {
            callback = callbacks[i];

  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var all = __dependency1__["default"];
    var map = __dependency2__["default"];
    var isFunction = __dependency3__.isFunction;
    var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;

     `RSVP.filter` is similar to JavaScript's native `filter` method, except that it
      waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `filterFn` on
      each item in given to `promises`. `RSVP.filterFn` returns a promise that will
      become fulfilled with the result of running `filterFn` on the values the
      promises become fulfilled with.

      For example:


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
      var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);

      var filterFn = function(item){
        return item > 1;

      RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(result){
        // result is [ 2, 3 ]

      If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.filter` are rejected, the first promise
      that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
      rejection handler. For example:

      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2"));
      var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3"));
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

      var filterFn = function(item){
        return item > 1;

      RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(array){
        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(reason) {
        // reason.message === "2"

      `RSVP.filter` will also wait for any promises returned from `filterFn`.
      For instance, you may want to fetch a list of users then return a subset
      of those users based on some asynchronous operation:


      var alice = { name: 'alice' };
      var bob   = { name: 'bob' };
      var users = [ alice, bob ];

      var promises = users.map(function(user){
        return RSVP.resolve(user);

      var filterFn = function(user){
        // Here, Alice has permissions to create a blog post, but Bob does not.
        return getPrivilegesForUser(user).then(function(privs){
          return privs.can_create_blog_post === true;
      RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(users){
        // true, because the server told us only Alice can create a blog post.
        users.length === 1;
        // false, because Alice is the only user present in `users`
        users[0] === bob;

      @method filter
      @for RSVP
      @param {Array} promises
      @param {Function} filterFn - function to be called on each resolved value to
      filter the final results.
      @param {String} label optional string describing the promise. Useful for
      @return {Promise}
    function filter(promises, filterFn, label) {
      if (!isArray(promises)) {
        throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to filter.');

      if (!isFunction(filterFn)){
        throw new TypeError("You must pass a function to filter's second argument.");

      return all(promises, label).then(function(values){
        return map(promises, filterFn, label).then(function(filterResults){
           var i,
               valuesLen = values.length,
               filtered = [];

           for (i = 0; i < valuesLen; i++){
             if(filterResults[i]) filtered.push(values[i]);
           return filtered;

    __exports__["default"] = filter;
  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
    var isNonThenable = __dependency2__.isNonThenable;
    var keysOf = __dependency2__.keysOf;

      `RSVP.hash` is similar to `RSVP.all`, but takes an object instead of an array
      for its `promises` argument.

      Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
      fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The returned promise
      is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as the `promises` object
      argument. If any of the values in the object are not promises, they will
      simply be copied over to the fulfilled object.


      var promises = {
        myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1),
        yourPromise: RSVP.resolve(2),
        theirPromise: RSVP.resolve(3),
        notAPromise: 4

        // hash here is an object that looks like:
        // {
        //   myPromise: 1,
        //   yourPromise: 2,
        //   theirPromise: 3,
        //   notAPromise: 4
        // }

      If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.hash` are rejected, the first promise
      that is rejected will be given as as the first argument, or as the reason to
      the rejection handler. For example:

      var promises = {
        myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1),
        rejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error("rejectedPromise")),
        anotherRejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error("anotherRejectedPromise")),

        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(reason) {
        // reason.message === "rejectedPromise"

      An important note: `RSVP.hash` is intended for plain JavaScript objects that
      are just a set of keys and values. `RSVP.hash` will NOT preserve prototype


      function MyConstructor(){
        this.example = RSVP.resolve("Example");

      MyConstructor.prototype = {
        protoProperty: RSVP.resolve("Proto Property")

      var myObject = new MyConstructor();

        // protoProperty will not be present, instead you will just have an
        // object that looks like:
        // {
        //   example: "Example"
        // }
        // hash.hasOwnProperty('protoProperty'); // false
        // 'undefined' === typeof hash.protoProperty

      @method hash
      @for RSVP
      @param {Object} promises
      @param {String} label - optional string that describes the promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all properties of `promises`
      have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
    __exports__["default"] = function hash(object, label) {
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        var results = {};
        var keys = keysOf(object);
        var remaining = keys.length;
        var entry, property;

        if (remaining === 0) {

       function fulfilledTo(property) {
          return function(value) {
            results[property] = value;
            if (--remaining === 0) {

        function onRejection(reason) {
          remaining = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          property = keys[i];
          entry = object[property];

          if (isNonThenable(entry)) {
            results[property] = entry;
            if (--remaining === 0) {
          } else {
            Promise.cast(entry).then(fulfilledTo(property), onRejection);
  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var config = __dependency1__.config;
    var now = __dependency2__.now;

    __exports__["default"] = function instrument(eventName, promise, child) {
      // instrumentation should not disrupt normal usage.
      try {
        config.trigger(eventName, {
          guid: promise._guidKey + promise._id,
          eventName: eventName,
          detail: promise._detail,
          childGuid: child && promise._guidKey + child._id,
          label: promise._label,
          timeStamp: now(),
          stack: new Error(promise._label).stack
      } catch(error) {
          throw error;
        }, 0);
  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
    var all = __dependency2__["default"];
    var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
    var isFunction = __dependency3__.isFunction;


     `RSVP.map` is similar to JavaScript's native `map` method, except that it
      waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `mapFn` on
      each item in given to `promises`. `RSVP.map` returns a promise that will
      become fulfilled with the result of running `mapFn` on the values the promises
      become fulfilled with.

      For example:


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
      var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

      var mapFn = function(item){
        return item + 1;

      RSVP.map(promises, mapFn).then(function(result){
        // result is [ 2, 3, 4 ]

      If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.map` are rejected, the first promise
      that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
      rejection handler. For example:

      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2"));
      var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3"));
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

      var mapFn = function(item){
        return item + 1;

      RSVP.map(promises, mapFn).then(function(array){
        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(reason) {
        // reason.message === "2"

      `RSVP.map` will also wait if a promise is returned from `mapFn`. For example,
      say you want to get all comments from a set of blog posts, but you need
      the blog posts first becuase they contain a url to those comments.


      var mapFn = function(blogPost){
        // getComments does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled
        // with some comments data
        return getComments(blogPost.comments_url);

      // getBlogPosts does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled
      // with some blog post data
      RSVP.map(getBlogPosts(), mapFn).then(function(comments){
        // comments is the result of asking the server for the comments
        // of all blog posts returned from getBlogPosts()

      @method map
      @for RSVP
      @param {Array} promises
      @param {Function} mapFn function to be called on each fulfilled promise.
      @param {String} label optional string for labelling the promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled with the result of calling
      `mapFn` on each fulfilled promise or value when they become fulfilled.
       The promise will be rejected if any of the given `promises` become rejected.
    __exports__["default"] = function map(promises, mapFn, label) {

      if (!isArray(promises)) {
        throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to map.');

      if (!isFunction(mapFn)){
        throw new TypeError("You must pass a function to map's second argument.");

      return all(promises, label).then(function(results){
        var resultLen = results.length,
            mappedResults = [],

        for (i = 0; i < resultLen; i++){

        return all(mappedResults, label);
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

    var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

    function makeNodeCallbackFor(resolve, reject) {
      return function (error, value) {
        if (error) {
        } else if (arguments.length > 2) {
          resolve(slice.call(arguments, 1));
        } else {

      `RSVP.denodeify` takes a "node-style" function and returns a function that
      will return an `RSVP.Promise`. You can use `denodeify` in Node.js or the
      browser when you'd prefer to use promises over using callbacks. For example,
      `denodeify` transforms the following:

      var fs = require('fs');

      fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){
        if (err) return handleError(err);


      var fs = require('fs');

      var readFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.readFile);

      readFile('myfile.txt').then(handleData, handleError);

      Using `denodeify` makes it easier to compose asynchronous operations instead
      of using callbacks. For example, instead of:

      var fs = require('fs');
      var log = require('some-async-logger');

      fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){
        if (err) return handleError(err);
        fs.writeFile('myfile2.txt', data, function(err){
          if (err) throw err;
          log('success', function(err) {
            if (err) throw err;

      You can chain the operations together using `then` from the returned promise:

      var fs = require('fs');
      var denodeify = RSVP.denodeify;
      var readFile = denodeify(fs.readFile);
      var writeFile = denodeify(fs.writeFile);
      var log = denodeify(require('some-async-logger'));

        return writeFile('myfile2.txt', data);
        return log('SUCCESS');
        // success handler
      }, function(reason){
        // rejection handler

      @method denodeify
      @for RSVP
      @param {Function} nodeFunc a "node-style" function that takes a callback as
      its last argument. The callback expects an error to be passed as its first
      argument (if an error occurred, otherwise null), and the value from the
      operation as its second argument ("function(err, value){ }").
      @param {Any} binding optional argument for binding the "this" value when
      calling the `nodeFunc` function.
      @return {Function} a function that wraps `nodeFunc` to return an
    __exports__["default"] = function denodeify(nodeFunc, binding) {
      return function()  {
        var nodeArgs = slice.call(arguments), resolve, reject;
        var thisArg = this || binding;

        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          Promise.all(nodeArgs).then(function(nodeArgs) {
            try {
              nodeArgs.push(makeNodeCallbackFor(resolve, reject));
              nodeFunc.apply(thisArg, nodeArgs);
            } catch(e) {
  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var config = __dependency1__.config;
    var EventTarget = __dependency2__["default"];
    var instrument = __dependency3__["default"];
    var objectOrFunction = __dependency4__.objectOrFunction;
    var isFunction = __dependency4__.isFunction;
    var now = __dependency4__.now;
    var cast = __dependency5__["default"];
    var all = __dependency6__["default"];
    var race = __dependency7__["default"];
    var Resolve = __dependency8__["default"];
    var Reject = __dependency9__["default"];

    var guidKey = 'rsvp_' + now() + '-';
    var counter = 0;

    function noop() {}

    __exports__["default"] = Promise;
    function Promise(resolver, label) {
      if (!isFunction(resolver)) {
        throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');

      if (!(this instanceof Promise)) {
        throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");

      this._id = counter++;
      this._label = label;
      this._subscribers = [];

      if (config.instrument) {
        instrument('created', this);

      if (noop !== resolver) {
        invokeResolver(resolver, this);

    function invokeResolver(resolver, promise) {
      function resolvePromise(value) {
        resolve(promise, value);

      function rejectPromise(reason) {
        reject(promise, reason);

      try {
        resolver(resolvePromise, rejectPromise);
      } catch(e) {

    Promise.cast = cast;
    Promise.all = all;
    Promise.race = race;
    Promise.resolve = Resolve;
    Promise.reject = Reject;

    var PENDING   = void 0;
    var SEALED    = 0;
    var FULFILLED = 1;
    var REJECTED  = 2;

    function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
      var subscribers = parent._subscribers;
      var length = subscribers.length;

      subscribers[length] = child;
      subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
      subscribers[length + REJECTED]  = onRejection;

    function publish(promise, settled) {
      var child, callback, subscribers = promise._subscribers, detail = promise._detail;

      if (config.instrument) {
        instrument(settled === FULFILLED ? 'fulfilled' : 'rejected', promise);

      for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
        child = subscribers[i];
        callback = subscribers[i + settled];

        invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);

      promise._subscribers = null;

    Promise.prototype = {
      constructor: Promise,

      _id: undefined,
      _guidKey: guidKey,
      _label: undefined,

      _state: undefined,
      _detail: undefined,
      _subscribers: undefined,

      _onerror: function (reason) {
        config.trigger('error', reason);

      then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection, label) {
        var promise = this;
        this._onerror = null;

        var thenPromise = new this.constructor(noop, label);

        if (this._state) {
          var callbacks = arguments;
          config.async(function invokePromiseCallback() {
            invokeCallback(promise._state, thenPromise, callbacks[promise._state - 1], promise._detail);
        } else {
          subscribe(this, thenPromise, onFulfillment, onRejection);

        if (config.instrument) {
          instrument('chained', promise, thenPromise);

        return thenPromise;

      'catch': function(onRejection, label) {
        return this.then(null, onRejection, label);

      'finally': function(callback, label) {
        var constructor = this.constructor;

        return this.then(function(value) {
          return constructor.cast(callback()).then(function(){
            return value;
        }, function(reason) {
          return constructor.cast(callback()).then(function(){
            throw reason;
        }, label);

    function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
      var hasCallback = isFunction(callback),
          value, error, succeeded, failed;

      if (hasCallback) {
        try {
          value = callback(detail);
          succeeded = true;
        } catch(e) {
          failed = true;
          error = e;
      } else {
        value = detail;
        succeeded = true;

      if (handleThenable(promise, value)) {
      } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
        resolve(promise, value);
      } else if (failed) {
        reject(promise, error);
      } else if (settled === FULFILLED) {
        resolve(promise, value);
      } else if (settled === REJECTED) {
        reject(promise, value);

    function handleThenable(promise, value) {
      var then = null,

      try {
        if (promise === value) {
          throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");

        if (objectOrFunction(value)) {
          then = value.then;

          if (isFunction(then)) {
            then.call(value, function(val) {
              if (resolved) { return true; }
              resolved = true;

              if (value !== val) {
                resolve(promise, val);
              } else {
                fulfill(promise, val);
            }, function(val) {
              if (resolved) { return true; }
              resolved = true;

              reject(promise, val);
            }, 'derived from: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise'));

            return true;
      } catch (error) {
        if (resolved) { return true; }
        reject(promise, error);
        return true;

      return false;

    function resolve(promise, value) {
      if (promise === value) {
        fulfill(promise, value);
      } else if (!handleThenable(promise, value)) {
        fulfill(promise, value);

    function fulfill(promise, value) {
      if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; }
      promise._state = SEALED;
      promise._detail = value;

      config.async(publishFulfillment, promise);

    function reject(promise, reason) {
      if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; }
      promise._state = SEALED;
      promise._detail = reason;

      config.async(publishRejection, promise);

    function publishFulfillment(promise) {
      publish(promise, promise._state = FULFILLED);

    function publishRejection(promise) {
      if (promise._onerror) {

      publish(promise, promise._state = REJECTED);
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;
    var isNonThenable = __dependency1__.isNonThenable;

      Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
      fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The return promise
      is fulfilled with an array that gives all the values in the order they were
      passed in the `promises` array argument.


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
      var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

        // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ];

      If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise
      that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
      rejection handler. For example:


      var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2"));
      var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3"));
      var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];

        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(error) {
        // error.message === "2"

      @method all
      @for RSVP.Promise
      @param {Array} promises
      @param {String} label
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been
      fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
    __exports__["default"] = function all(entries, label) {
      if (!isArray(entries)) {
        throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to all.');

      /*jshint validthis:true */
      var Constructor = this;

      return new Constructor(function(resolve, reject) {
        var remaining = entries.length;
        var results = new Array(remaining);
        var entry, pending = true;

        if (remaining === 0) {

        function fulfillmentAt(index) {
          return function(value) {
            results[index] = value;
            if (--remaining === 0) {

        function onRejection(reason) {
          remaining = 0;

        for (var index = 0; index < entries.length; index++) {
          entry = entries[index];
          if (isNonThenable(entry)) {
            results[index] = entry;
            if (--remaining === 0) {
          } else {
            Constructor.cast(entry).then(fulfillmentAt(index), onRejection);
      }, label);
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
      `RSVP.Promise.cast` returns the same promise if that promise shares a constructor
      with the promise being casted.


      var promise = RSVP.resolve(1);
      var casted = RSVP.Promise.cast(promise);

      console.log(promise === casted); // true

      In the case of a promise whose constructor does not match, it is assimilated.
      The resulting promise will fulfill or reject based on the outcome of the
      promise being casted.

      In the case of a non-promise, a promise which will fulfill with that value is


      var value = 1; // could be a number, boolean, string, undefined...
      var casted = RSVP.Promise.cast(value);

      console.log(value === casted); // false
      console.log(casted instanceof RSVP.Promise) // true

      casted.then(function(val) {
        val === value // => true

      `RSVP.Promise.cast` is similar to `RSVP.resolve`, but `RSVP.Promise.cast` differs in the
      following ways:
      * `RSVP.Promise.cast` serves as a memory-efficient way of getting a promise, when you
      have something that could either be a promise or a value. RSVP.resolve
      will have the same effect but will create a new promise wrapper if the
      argument is a promise.
      * `RSVP.Promise.cast` is a way of casting incoming thenables or promise subclasses to
      promises of the exact class specified, so that the resulting object's `then` is
      ensured to have the behavior of the constructor you are calling cast on (i.e., RSVP.Promise).

      @method cast
      @for RSVP.Promise
      @param {Object} object to be casted
      @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all properties of `promises`
      have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.

    __exports__["default"] = function cast(object) {
      /*jshint validthis:true */
      var Constructor = this;

      if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) {
        return object;

      return new Constructor(function(resolve) {
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    /* global toString */

    var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;
    var isFunction = __dependency1__.isFunction;
    var isNonThenable = __dependency1__.isNonThenable;

      `RSVP.Promise.race` allows you to watch a series of promises and act as soon as the
      first promise given to the `promises` argument fulfills or rejects.


      var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 1");
        }, 200);

      var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 2");
        }, 100);

      RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
        // result === "promise 2" because it was resolved before promise1
        // was resolved.

      `RSVP.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first completed
      promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the `promises`
      array argument are resolved, but the first completed promise has become
      rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned promise
      will become rejected:

      var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          resolve("promise 1");
        }, 200);

      var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
          reject(new Error("promise 2"));
        }, 100);

      RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
        // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === "promise2" because promise 2 became rejected before
        // promise 1 became fulfilled

      @method race
      @for RSVP.Promise
      @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe
      @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that becomes fulfilled with the value the first
      completed promises is resolved with if the first completed promise was
      fulfilled, or rejected with the reason that the first completed promise
      was rejected with.
    __exports__["default"] = function race(entries, label) {
      if (!isArray(entries)) {
        throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.');

      /*jshint validthis:true */
      var Constructor = this, entry;

      return new Constructor(function(resolve, reject) {
        var pending = true;

        function onFulfillment(value) { if (pending) { pending = false; resolve(value); } }
        function onRejection(reason)  { if (pending) { pending = false; reject(reason); } }

        for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
          entry = entries[i];
          if (isNonThenable(entry)) {
            pending = false;
          } else {
            Constructor.cast(entry).then(onFulfillment, onRejection);
      }, label);
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
      `RSVP.reject` returns a promise that will become rejected with the passed
      `reason`. `RSVP.reject` is essentially shorthand for the following:

      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));

        // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'

      Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:

      var promise = RSVP.reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));

        // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
      }, function(reason){
        // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'

      @method reject
      @for RSVP.Promise
      @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with.
      @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that will become rejected with the given
    __exports__["default"] = function reject(reason, label) {
      /*jshint validthis:true */
      var Constructor = this;

      return new Constructor(function (resolve, reject) {
      }, label);
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
      `RSVP.resolve` returns a promise that will become fulfilled with the passed
      `value`. `RSVP.resolve` is essentially shorthand for the following:

      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){

        // value === 1

      Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:

      var promise = RSVP.resolve(1);

        // value === 1

      @method resolve
      @for RSVP.Promise
      @param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with
      @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
      Useful for tooling.
      @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given
    __exports__["default"] = function resolve(value, label) {
      /*jshint validthis:true */
      var Constructor = this;

      return new Constructor(function(resolve, reject) {
      }, label);
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

    __exports__["default"] = function race(array, label) {
      return Promise.race(array, label);
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

    __exports__["default"] = function reject(reason, label) {
      return Promise.reject(reason, label);
  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];

    __exports__["default"] = function resolve(value, label) {
      return Promise.resolve(value, label);
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
      `RSVP.rethrow` will rethrow an error on the next turn of the JavaScript event
      loop in order to aid debugging.

      Promises A+ specifies that any exceptions that occur with a promise must be
      caught by the promises implementation and bubbled to the last handler. For
      this reason, it is recommended that you always specify a second rejection
      handler function to `then`. However, `RSVP.rethrow` will throw the exception
      outside of the promise, so it bubbles up to your console if in the browser,
      or domain/cause uncaught exception in Node. `rethrow` will throw the error
      again so the error can be handled by the promise.

      function throws(){
        throw new Error('Whoops!');

      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){

        // Code here doesn't run because the promise became rejected due to an
        // error!
      }, function (err){
        // handle the error here

      The 'Whoops' error will be thrown on the next turn of the event loop
      and you can watch for it in your console. You can also handle it using a
      rejection handler given to `.then` or `.fail` on the returned promise.

      @method rethrow
      @for RSVP
      @param {Error} reason reason the promise became rejected.
      @throws Error
    __exports__["default"] = function rethrow(reason) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        throw reason;
      throw reason;
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
    function objectOrFunction(x) {
      return typeof x === "function" || (typeof x === "object" && x !== null);

    __exports__.objectOrFunction = objectOrFunction;function isFunction(x) {
      return typeof x === "function";

    __exports__.isFunction = isFunction;function isNonThenable(x) {
      return !objectOrFunction(x);

    __exports__.isNonThenable = isNonThenable;function isArray(x) {
      return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Array]";

    __exports__.isArray = isArray;// Date.now is not available in browsers < IE9
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/now#Compatibility
    var now = Date.now || function() { return new Date().getTime(); };
    __exports__.now = now;
    var keysOf = Object.keys || function(object) {
      var result = [];

      for (var prop in object) {

      return result;
    __exports__.keysOf = keysOf;
  function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
    var EventTarget = __dependency2__["default"];
    var denodeify = __dependency3__["default"];
    var all = __dependency4__["default"];
    var race = __dependency5__["default"];
    var hash = __dependency6__["default"];
    var rethrow = __dependency7__["default"];
    var defer = __dependency8__["default"];
    var config = __dependency9__.config;
    var configure = __dependency9__.configure;
    var map = __dependency10__["default"];
    var resolve = __dependency11__["default"];
    var reject = __dependency12__["default"];
    var asap = __dependency13__["default"];
    var filter = __dependency14__["default"];

    config.async = asap; // default async is asap;

    function async(callback, arg) {
      config.async(callback, arg);

    function on() {
      config.on.apply(config, arguments);

    function off() {
      config.off.apply(config, arguments);

    // Set up instrumentation through `window.__PROMISE_INTRUMENTATION__`
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__ === 'object') {
      var callbacks = window.__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__;
      configure('instrument', true);
      for (var eventName in callbacks) {
        if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
          on(eventName, callbacks[eventName]);

    __exports__.Promise = Promise;
    __exports__.EventTarget = EventTarget;
    __exports__.all = all;
    __exports__.race = race;
    __exports__.hash = hash;
    __exports__.rethrow = rethrow;
    __exports__.defer = defer;
    __exports__.denodeify = denodeify;
    __exports__.configure = configure;
    __exports__.on = on;
    __exports__.off = off;
    __exports__.resolve = resolve;
    __exports__.reject = reject;
    __exports__.async = async;
    __exports__.map = map;
    __exports__.filter = filter;
global.RSVP = requireModule('rsvp');
'use strict';

var EPUBJS = EPUBJS || {};

EPUBJS.plugins = EPUBJS.plugins || {};

EPUBJS.filePath = EPUBJS.filePath || "/epubjs/";

EPUBJS.Render = {};

(function(root) {

	var previousEpub = root.ePub || {};
	var ePub = root.ePub = function() {
		var bookPath, options;

		//-- var book = ePub("path/to/book.epub", { restore: true })
		if(typeof(arguments[0]) != 'undefined' &&
			typeof arguments[0] === 'string') {

			bookPath = arguments[0];

			if( arguments[1] && typeof arguments[1] === 'object' ) {
				options = arguments[1];
				options.bookPath = bookPath;
			} else {
				options = { 'bookPath' : bookPath };


		*   var book = ePub({ bookPath: "path/to/book.epub", restore: true });
		*   - OR -
		*   var book = ePub({ restore: true });
		*   book.open("path/to/book.epub");

		if( arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === 'object' ) {
			options = arguments[0];
		return new EPUBJS.Book(options);

	_.extend(ePub, {
		noConflict : function() {
			root.ePub = previousEpub;
			return this;

	//exports to multiple environments
	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
	define(function(){ return ePub; });
	else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports)
	module.exports = ePub;

EPUBJS.Book = function(options){

	var book = this;

	this.settings = _.defaults(options || {}, {
		bookPath : null,
		bookKey : null,
		packageUrl : null,
		storage: false, //-- true (auto) or false (none) | override: 'ram', 'websqldatabase', 'indexeddb', 'filesystem'
		fromStorage : false,
		saved : false,
		online : true,
		contained : false,
		width : null,
		height: null,
		layoutOveride : null, // Default: { spread: 'reflowable', layout: 'auto', orientation: 'auto'}
		orientation : null,
		minSpreadWidth: 800, //-- overridden by spread: none (never) / both (always)
		version: 1,
		restore: false,
		reload : false,
		goto : false,
		styles : {},
		headTags : {},
		withCredentials: false,
		render_method: "Iframe"

	this.spinePos = 0;
	this.stored = false;

	//-- All Book events for listening
	//-- Adds Hook methods to the Book prototype
	//   Hooks will all return before triggering the callback.
	// EPUBJS.Hooks.mixin(this);
	//-- Get pre-registered hooks for events
	// this.getHooks("beforeChapterDisplay");
	this.online = this.settings.online || navigator.onLine;
	this.store = false; //-- False if not using storage;

	//-- Determine storage method
	//-- Override options: none | ram | websqldatabase | indexeddb | filesystem
	if(this.settings.storage !== false){
		this.storage = new fileStorage.storage(this.settings.storage);
	this.ready = {
		manifest: new RSVP.defer(),
		spine: new RSVP.defer(),
		metadata: new RSVP.defer(),
		cover: new RSVP.defer(),
		toc: new RSVP.defer(),
		pageList: new RSVP.defer()
	this.readyPromises = [
	this.pageList = [];
	this.pagination = new EPUBJS.Pagination();
	this.pageListReady = this.ready.pageList.promise;
	this.ready.all = RSVP.all(this.readyPromises);

	// Queue for methods used before rendering
	this.isRendered = false;
	this._q = EPUBJS.core.queue(this);
	// Queue for rendering
	this._rendering = false;
	this._displayQ = EPUBJS.core.queue(this);
	// Queue for going to another location
	this._moving = false;
	this._gotoQ = EPUBJS.core.queue(this);

	* Creates a new renderer. 
	* The renderer will handle displaying the content using the method provided in the settings
	this.renderer = new EPUBJS.Renderer(this.settings.render_method);
	//-- Set the width at which to switch from spreads to single pages
	//-- Pass through the renderer events
	this.defer_opened = new RSVP.defer();
	this.opened = this.defer_opened.promise;
	// BookUrl is optional, but if present start loading process
	if(typeof this.settings.bookPath === 'string') {
		this.open(this.settings.bookPath, this.settings.reload);
	window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.unload.bind(this), false);

	//-- Listen for these promises:
	//-- book.opened.then()
	//-- book.rendered.then()

//-- Check bookUrl and start parsing book Assets or load them from storage 
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.open = function(bookPath, forceReload){
	var book = this,
			opened = new RSVP.defer();

	this.settings.bookPath = bookPath;

	//-- Get a absolute URL from the book path
	this.bookUrl = this.urlFrom(bookPath);

	if(this.settings.contained || this.isContained(bookPath)){

		this.settings.contained = this.contained = true;

		this.bookUrl = '';

		epubpackage = this.unarchive(bookPath).
				return book.loadPackage();

	}	else {
		epubpackage = this.loadPackage();

	if(this.settings.restore && !forceReload && localStorage){
		//-- Will load previous package json, or re-unpack if error
		epubpackage.then(function(packageXml) {
			var identifier = book.packageIdentifier(packageXml);
			var restored = book.restore(identifier);

			if(!restored) {
		//-- Get package information from epub opf
		epubpackage.then(function(packageXml) {
	//-- If there is network connection, store the books contents
	if(this.online && this.settings.storage && !this.settings.contained){
		if(!this.settings.stored) opened.then(book.storeOffline());


	return opened.promise;


EPUBJS.Book.prototype.loadPackage = function(_containerPath){
	var book = this,
			parse = new EPUBJS.Parser(),
			containerPath = _containerPath || "META-INF/container.xml",
	if(!this.settings.packageUrl) { //-- provide the packageUrl to skip this step
		packageXml = book.loadXml(book.bookUrl + containerPath).
				return parse.container(containerXml); // Container has path to content
				book.settings.contentsPath = book.bookUrl + paths.basePath;
				book.settings.packageUrl = book.bookUrl + paths.packagePath;
				book.settings.encoding = paths.encoding;
				return book.loadXml(book.settings.packageUrl); // Containes manifest, spine and metadata 
	} else {
		packageXml = book.loadXml(book.settings.packageUrl);

	return packageXml;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.packageIdentifier = function(packageXml){
	var book = this,
			parse = new EPUBJS.Parser();

	return parse.identifier(packageXml);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.unpack = function(packageXml){
	var book = this,
			parse = new EPUBJS.Parser();
	book.contents = parse.packageContents(packageXml, book.settings.contentsPath); // Extract info from contents

	book.manifest = book.contents.manifest;
	book.spine = book.contents.spine;
	book.spineIndexByURL = book.contents.spineIndexByURL;
	book.metadata = book.contents.metadata;
	if(!book.settings.bookKey) {
		book.settings.bookKey = book.generateBookKey(book.metadata.identifier);

	//-- Set Globbal Layout setting based on metadata
	book.globalLayoutProperties = book.parseLayoutProperties(book.metadata);

	book.cover = book.contents.cover = book.settings.contentsPath + book.contents.coverPath;
	book.spineNodeIndex = book.contents.spineNodeIndex;

	//-- Load the TOC, optional; either the EPUB3 XHTML Navigation file or the EPUB2 NCX file
	if(book.contents.navPath) {
		book.settings.navUrl = book.settings.contentsPath + book.contents.navPath;

				return parse.nav(navHtml, book.spineIndexByURL, book.spine); // Grab Table of Contents
				book.toc = book.contents.toc = toc;
			}, function(error) {
		// Load the optional pageList
				return parse.pageList(navHtml, book.spineIndexByURL, book.spine);
				var epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI();
				var wait = 0; // need to generate a cfi

				// No pageList found
				if(pageList.length === 0) {

				book.pageList = book.contents.pageList = pageList;

				// Replace HREFs with CFI
					if(!pg.cfi) {
						wait += 1;
						epubcfi.generateCfiFromHref(pg.href, book).then(function(cfi){
							pg.cfi = cfi;
							pg.packageUrl = book.settings.packageUrl;

							wait -= 1;
							if(wait === 0) {
				if(!wait) {

			}, function(error) {
	} else if(book.contents.tocPath) {
		book.settings.tocUrl = book.settings.contentsPath + book.contents.tocPath;

					return parse.toc(tocXml, book.spineIndexByURL, book.spine); // Grab Table of Contents
				book.toc = book.contents.toc = toc;
			}, function(error) {

	} else {


EPUBJS.Book.prototype.createHiddenRender = function(renderer, _width, _height) {
	var box = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
	var width = _width || this.settings.width || box.width;
	var height = _height || this.settings.height || box.height;
	var hiddenEl;
	hiddenEl = document.createElement("div");
	hiddenEl.style.visibility = "hidden";
	hiddenEl.style.overflow = "hidden";
	hiddenEl.style.width = "0";
	hiddenEl.style.height = "0";
	renderer.initialize(hiddenEl, width, height);
	return hiddenEl;

// Generates the pageList array by loading every chapter and paging through them
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.generatePageList = function(width, height){
	var pageList = [];
	var pager = new EPUBJS.Renderer(this.settings.render_method);
	var hiddenElement = this.createHiddenRender(pager, width, height);
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var spinePos = -1;
	var spineLength = this.spine.length;
	var totalPages = 0;
	var currentPage = 0;
	var nextChapter = function(deferred){
		var chapter;
		var next = spinePos + 1;
		var done = deferred || new RSVP.defer();
		var loaded;
		if(next >= spineLength) {
		} else {
			spinePos = next;
			chapter = new EPUBJS.Chapter(this.spine[spinePos], this.store);

			pager.displayChapter(chapter, this.globalLayoutProperties).then(function(chap){
				var nextPage = true;

				// Page though the entire chapter
				while (nextPage) {
					nextPage = pager.nextPage();
				// Load up the next chapter
		return done.promise;
	var finished = nextChapter().then(function(){

	pager.on("renderer:locationChanged", function(cfi){
		currentPage += 1;
			"cfi" : cfi,
			"page" : currentPage

	return deferred.promise;

// Render out entire book and generate the pagination
// Width and Height are optional and will default to the current dimensions
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.generatePagination = function(width, height) {
	var book = this;
		book.generatePageList(width, height).then(function(pageList){
			book.pageList = book.contents.pageList = pageList;
	return this.pageListReady;

// Process the pagination from a JSON array containing the pagelist
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.loadPagination = function(pagelistJSON) {
	var pageList = JSON.parse(pagelistJSON);

	if(pageList && pageList.length) {
		this.pageList = pageList;
	return this.pageList;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.getPageList = function() {
	return this.ready.pageList.promise;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
	return this.ready.metadata.promise;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.getToc = function() {
	return this.ready.toc.promise;

/* Private Helpers */

//-- Listeners for browser events
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.networkListeners = function(){
	var book = this;

	window.addEventListener("offline", function(e) {
		book.online = false;
	}, false);

	window.addEventListener("online", function(e) {
		book.online = true;
	}, false);

// Listen to all events the renderer triggers and pass them as book events
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.listenToRenderer = function(renderer){
	var book = this;
		renderer.on(eventName, function(e){
			book.trigger(eventName, e);
	renderer.on("renderer:locationChanged", function(cfi) {
		var page, percent;
		if(this.pageList.length > 0) {
			page = this.pagination.pageFromCfi(cfi);
			percent = this.pagination.percentageFromPage(page);
			this.trigger("book:pageChanged", {
				"page": page,
				"percentage": percent
			// TODO: Add event for first and last page. 
			// (though last is going to be hard, since it could be several reflowed pages long)
	renderer.on("render:loaded", this.loadChange.bind(this));

// Listens for load events from the Renderer and checks against the current chapter
// Prevents the Render from loading a different chapter when back button is pressed
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.loadChange = function(url){
	var uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(url);
	if(this.currentChapter && uri.path != this.currentChapter.absolute){
		// console.warn("Miss Match", uri.path, this.currentChapter.absolute);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.unlistenToRenderer = function(renderer){
	}	);

//-- Choose between a request from store or a request from network
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.loadXml = function(url){
	if(this.settings.fromStorage) {
		return this.storage.getXml(url, this.settings.encoding);
	} else if(this.settings.contained) {
		return this.zip.getXml(url, this.settings.encoding);
		return EPUBJS.core.request(url, 'xml', this.settings.withCredentials);

//-- Turns a url into a absolute url
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.urlFrom = function(bookPath){
	var uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(bookPath),
		absolute = uri.protocol,
		fromRoot = uri.path[0] == "/",
		location = window.location,
		//-- Get URL orgin, try for native or combine 
		origin = location.origin || location.protocol + "//" + location.host,
		baseTag = document.getElementsByTagName('base'),

	//-- Check is Base tag is set

	if(baseTag.length) {
		base = baseTag[0].href;
	//-- 1. Check if url is absolute
		return uri.origin + uri.path;

	//-- 2. Check if url starts with /, add base url
	if(!absolute && fromRoot){
		return (base || origin) + uri.path;

	//-- 3. Or find full path to url and add that
	if(!absolute && !fromRoot){
		return EPUBJS.core.resolveUrl(base || location.pathname, uri.path);


EPUBJS.Book.prototype.unarchive = function(bookPath){
	var book = this,
	//-- Must use storage
	// if(this.settings.storage == false ){
		// this.settings.storage = true;
		// this.storage = new fileStorage.storage();
	// }
	this.zip = new EPUBJS.Unarchiver();
	this.store = this.zip; // Use zip storaged in ram
	return this.zip.openZip(bookPath);

//-- Checks if url has a .epub or .zip extension
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.isContained = function(bookUrl){
	var uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(bookUrl);

	if(uri.extension && (uri.extension == "epub" || uri.extension == "zip")){
		return true;

	return false;

//-- Checks if the book can be retrieved from localStorage
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.isSaved = function(bookKey) {
	var storedSettings;

	if(!localStorage) {
		return false;

	storedSettings = localStorage.getItem(bookKey);

	if( !localStorage ||
		storedSettings === null) {
		return false;
	} else {
		return true;

// Generates the Book Key using the identifer in the manifest or other string provided
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.generateBookKey = function(identifier){
	return "epubjs:" + EPUBJS.VERSION + ":" + window.location.host + ":" + identifier;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.saveContents = function(){
	if(!localStorage) {
		return false;
	localStorage.setItem(this.settings.bookKey, JSON.stringify(this.contents));

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.removeSavedContents = function() {
	if(!localStorage) {
		return false;

//-- Takes a string or a element
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.renderTo = function(elem){
	var book = this,
	if(_.isElement(elem)) {
		this.element = elem;
	} else if (typeof elem == "string") {
		this.element = EPUBJS.core.getEl(elem);
	} else {
		console.error("Not an Element");
	rendered = this.opened.
					// book.render = new EPUBJS.Renderer[this.settings.renderer](book);
					book.renderer.initialize(book.element, book.settings.width, book.settings.height);
					return book.startDisplay();

	// rendered.then(null, function(error) { console.error(error); });

	return rendered;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.startDisplay = function(){
	var display;

	if(this.settings.goto) {
		display = this.goto(this.settings.goto);
	}else if(this.settings.previousLocationCfi) {
		display = this.gotoCfi(this.settings.previousLocationCfi);
		display = this.displayChapter(this.spinePos);

	return display;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.restore = function(identifier){

	var book = this,
			fetch = ['manifest', 'spine', 'metadata', 'cover', 'toc', 'spineNodeIndex', 'spineIndexByURL', 'globalLayoutProperties'],
			reject = false,
			bookKey = this.generateBookKey(identifier),
			fromStore = localStorage.getItem(bookKey),
			len = fetch.length,

	if(this.settings.clearSaved) reject = true;

	if(!reject && fromStore != 'undefined' && fromStore !== null){
		book.contents = JSON.parse(fromStore);

		for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			var item = fetch[i];

			if(!book.contents[item]) {
				reject = true;
			book[item] = book.contents[item];

	if(reject || !fromStore || !this.contents || !this.settings.contentsPath){
		return false;
		this.settings.bookKey = bookKey;
		return true;


EPUBJS.Book.prototype.displayChapter = function(chap, end, deferred){
	var book = this,
		defer = deferred || new RSVP.defer();
	if(!this.isRendered) {
		this._q.enqueue("displayChapter", arguments);
		// Reject for now. TODO: pass promise to queue
				message : "Rendering",
				stack : new Error().stack
		return defer.promise;

	if(this._rendering) {
		// Pass along the current defer
		this._displayQ.enqueue("displayChapter", [chap, end, defer]);
		return defer.promise;

		pos = chap;
		cfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(chap);
		pos = cfi.spinePos;
	if(pos < 0 || pos >= this.spine.length){
		console.warn("Not A Valid Location");
		pos = 0;
		end = false;
		cfi = false;
	//-- Set the book's spine position
	this.spinePos = pos;

	//-- Create a new chapter	
	this.currentChapter = new EPUBJS.Chapter(this.spine[pos], this.store);
	this._rendering = true;
	render = book.renderer.displayChapter(this.currentChapter, this.globalLayoutProperties);
	if(cfi) {
			// chapter.currentLocationCfi = chap;
	} else if(end) {
	} else {

	if(!this.settings.fromStorage &&
		!this.settings.contained) {
	//-- Clear render queue
		var inwait;
		book._rendering = false;
	return defer.promise;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.nextPage = function(){
	var next;

	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("nextPage", arguments);
	next = this.renderer.nextPage();

		return this.nextChapter();

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.prevPage = function() {
	var prev;

	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("prevPage", arguments);

	prev = this.renderer.prevPage();
		return this.prevChapter();

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.nextChapter = function() {
	if (this.spinePos < this.spine.length - 1) {
		var next = this.spinePos + 1;
		while (this.spine[next] && this.spine[next].linear && this.spine[next].linear == 'no') {
		if (next < this.spine.length - 1) {
			this.spinePos = next;
			return this.displayChapter(this.spinePos);
		} else {

	} else {

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.prevChapter = function() {
	if (this.spinePos > 0) {
		var prev = this.spinePos - 1;
		while (this.spine[prev] && this.spine[prev].linear && this.spine[prev].linear == 'no') {
		if (prev >= 0) {
			this.spinePos = prev;
			return this.displayChapter(this.spinePos, true);
		} else {

	} else {

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.getCurrentLocationCfi = function() {
	if(!this.isRendered) return false;
	return this.renderer.currentLocationCfi;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.goto = function(target){

	if(target.indexOf("epubcfi(") === 0) {
		return this.gotoCfi(target);
	} else if(target.indexOf("%") === target.length-1) {
		return this.gotoPercentage(parseInt(target.substring(0, target.length-1))/100);
	} else if(typeof target === "number" || isNaN(target) === false){
		return this.gotoPage(target);
	} else {
		return this.gotoHref(target);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.gotoCfi = function(cfiString, defer){
	var cfi,
			deferred = defer || new RSVP.defer();
	if(!this.isRendered) {
		this.settings.previousLocationCfi = cfiString;
		return false;

	// Currently going to a chapter
	if(this._moving) {
		this._gotoQ.enqueue("gotoCfi", [cfiString, deferred]);
		return false;
	cfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(cfiString);
	spinePos = cfi.spinePos;
	if(spinePos == -1) {
		return false;

	spineItem = this.spine[spinePos];
	promise = deferred.promise;
	this._moving = true;
	//-- If same chapter only stay on current chapter
	if(this.currentChapter && this.spinePos === spinePos){
		this._moving = false;
	} else {
		if(!spineItem || spinePos == -1) {
			spinePos = 0;
			spineItem = this.spine[spinePos];
		this.currentChapter = new EPUBJS.Chapter(spineItem, this.store);
		if(this.currentChapter) {
			this.spinePos = spinePos;
			render = this.renderer.displayChapter(this.currentChapter, this.globalLayoutProperties);
					this._moving = false;


	return promise;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.gotoHref = function(url, defer){
	var split, chapter, section, absoluteURL, spinePos;
	var deferred = defer || new RSVP.defer();

	if(!this.isRendered) {
		this.settings.goto = url;
		return false;

	// Currently going to a chapter
	if(this._moving) {
		this._gotoQ.enqueue("gotoHref", [url, deferred]);
		return false;

	split = url.split("#");
	chapter = split[0];
	section = split[1] || false;
	// absoluteURL = (chapter.search("://") === -1) ? (this.settings.contentsPath + chapter) : chapter;
	spinePos = this.spineIndexByURL[chapter];

	//-- If link fragment only stay on current chapter
		spinePos = this.currentChapter ? this.currentChapter.spinePos : 0;

	//-- Check that URL is present in the index, or stop
	if(typeof(spinePos) != "number") return false;
	if(!this.currentChapter || spinePos != this.currentChapter.spinePos){
		//-- Load new chapter if different than current
		return this.displayChapter(spinePos).then(function(){
		//-- Only goto section
		if(section) {


	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.gotoPage = function(pg){
	var cfi = this.pagination.cfiFromPage(pg);
	return this.gotoCfi(cfi);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.gotoPercentage = function(percent){
	var pg = this.pagination.pageFromPercentage(percent);
	return this.gotoPage(pg);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.preloadNextChapter = function() {
	var next;
	var chap = this.spinePos + 1;
	if(chap >= this.spine.length){
		return false;
	next = new EPUBJS.Chapter(this.spine[chap]);
	if(next) {

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.storeOffline = function() {
	var book = this,
		assets = _.values(this.manifest);
	//-- Creates a queue of all items to load
	return EPUBJS.storage.batch(assets).
				book.settings.stored = true;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.availableOffline = function() {
	return this.settings.stored > 0 ? true : false;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.fromStorage = function(stored) {
	if(this.contained) return;
		this.online = true;
			//-- If book hasn't been cached yet, store offline
				this.online = false;
			this.online = false;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.setStyle = function(style, val, prefixed) {
	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("setStyle", arguments);
	this.settings.styles[style] = val;

	this.renderer.setStyle(style, val, prefixed);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.removeStyle = function(style) {
	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("removeStyle", arguments);
	delete this.settings.styles[style];

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.addHeadTag = function(tag, attrs) {
	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("addHeadTag", arguments);
    this.settings.headTags[tag] = attrs;

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.useSpreads = function(use) {
	console.warn("useSpreads is deprecated, use forceSingle or set a layoutOveride instead");
	if(use === false) {
	} else {

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.forceSingle = function(use) {
	if(this.isRendered) {

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.unload = function(){
	if(this.settings.restore && localStorage) {



EPUBJS.Book.prototype.destroy = function() {

	window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.unload);

	if(this.currentChapter) this.currentChapter.unload();


	if(this.render) this.render.remove();


EPUBJS.Book.prototype._ready = function() {



EPUBJS.Book.prototype._rendered = function(err) {
	var book = this;

	this.isRendered = true;


EPUBJS.Book.prototype.applyStyles = function(callback){
	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("applyStyles", arguments);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype.applyHeadTags = function(callback){
	if(!this.isRendered) return this._q.enqueue("applyHeadTags", arguments);

EPUBJS.Book.prototype._registerReplacements = function(renderer){
	renderer.registerHook("beforeChapterDisplay", this.applyStyles.bind(this), true);
	renderer.registerHook("beforeChapterDisplay", this.applyHeadTags.bind(this), true);
	renderer.registerHook("beforeChapterDisplay", EPUBJS.replace.hrefs.bind(this), true);

	if(this._needsAssetReplacement()) {

		renderer.registerHook("beforeChapterDisplay", [
		], true);



EPUBJS.Book.prototype._needsAssetReplacement = function(){
	if(this.settings.fromStorage) {

		//-- Filesystem api links are relative, so no need to replace them
		if(this.storage.getStorageType() == "filesystem") {
			return false;

		return true;

	} else if(this.settings.contained) {

		return true;

	} else {

		return false;


//-- http://www.idpf.org/epub/fxl/
EPUBJS.Book.prototype.parseLayoutProperties = function(metadata){
	var layout = (this.layoutOveride && this.layoutOveride.layout) || metadata.layout || "reflowable";
	var spread = (this.layoutOveride && this.layoutOveride.spread) || metadata.spread || "auto";
	var orientation = (this.layoutOveride && this.layoutOveride.orientation) || metadata.orientation || "auto";
	return {
		layout : layout,
		spread : spread,
		orientation : orientation

//-- Enable binding events to book

//-- Handle RSVP Errors
RSVP.on('error', function(event) {
	//console.error(event, event.detail);

RSVP.configure('instrument', true); //-- true | will logging out all RSVP rejections
// RSVP.on('created', listener);
// RSVP.on('chained', listener);
// RSVP.on('fulfilled', listener);
RSVP.on('rejected', function(event){
	console.error(event.detail.message, event.detail.stack);

EPUBJS.Chapter = function(spineObject, store){
	this.href = spineObject.href;
	this.absolute = spineObject.url;
	this.id = spineObject.id;
	this.spinePos = spineObject.index;
	this.cfiBase = spineObject.cfiBase;
	this.properties = spineObject.properties;
	this.manifestProperties = spineObject.manifestProperties;
	this.linear = spineObject.linear;
	this.pages = 1;
	this.store = store;

EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.contents = function(_store){
	var store = _store || this.store;
	// if(this.store && (!this.book.online || this.book.contained))
		return store.get(href);
		return EPUBJS.core.request(href, 'xml');


EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.url = function(_store){
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var store = _store || this.store;
		if(!this.tempUrl) {
			this.tempUrl = store.getUrl(this.absolute);
		return this.tempUrl;
		deferred.resolve(this.absolute); //-- this is less than ideal but keeps it a promise
		return deferred.promise;


EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.setPages = function(num){
	this.pages = num;

EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.getPages = function(num){
	return this.pages;

EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.getID = function(){
	return this.ID;

EPUBJS.Chapter.prototype.unload = function(store){
	if(this.tempUrl && store) {
		this.tempUrl = false;

var EPUBJS = EPUBJS || {};
EPUBJS.core = {};

//-- Get a element for an id
EPUBJS.core.getEl = function(elem) {
	return document.getElementById(elem);

//-- Get all elements for a class
EPUBJS.core.getEls = function(classes) {
	return document.getElementsByClassName(classes);

EPUBJS.core.request = function(url, type, withCredentials) {
	var supportsURL = window.URL;
	var BLOB_RESPONSE = supportsURL ? "blob" : "arraybuffer";

	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();

	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

	//-- Check from PDF.js: 
	//   https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/web/compatibility.js
	var xhrPrototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
	if (!('overrideMimeType' in xhrPrototype)) {
		// IE10 might have response, but not overrideMimeType
		Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'overrideMimeType', {
			value: function xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType(mimeType) {}
	if(withCredentials) {
		xhr.withCredentials = true;
	xhr.open("GET", url, true);
	xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;
	if(type == 'blob'){
		xhr.responseType = BLOB_RESPONSE;
	if(type == "json") {
		xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	if(type == 'xml') {
	function handler() {
		if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
			if (this.status === 200 || this.responseXML ) { //-- Firefox is reporting 0 for blob urls
				var r;
				if(type == 'xml'){
					r = this.responseXML;
				if(type == 'json'){
					r = JSON.parse(this.response);
				if(type == 'blob'){
					if(supportsURL) {
						r = this.response;
					} else {
						//-- Safari doesn't support responseType blob, so create a blob from arraybuffer
						r = new Blob([this.response]);
					r = this.response;
			} else {
					message : this.response,
					stack : new Error().stack

	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.core.toArray = function(obj) {
	var arr = [];

	for (var member in obj) {
		var newitm;
		if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(member) ) {
			newitm = obj[member];
			newitm.ident = member;

	return arr;

//-- Parse the different parts of a url, returning a object
EPUBJS.core.uri = function(url){
	var uri = {
				protocol : '',
				host : '',
				path : '',
				origin : '',
				directory : '',
				base : '',
				filename : '',
				extension : '',
				fragment : '',
				href : url
			doubleSlash = url.indexOf('://'),
			search = url.indexOf('?'),
			fragment = url.indexOf("#"),

	if(fragment != -1) {
		uri.fragment = url.slice(fragment + 1);
		url = url.slice(0, fragment);

	if(search != -1) {
		uri.search = url.slice(search + 1);
		url = url.slice(0, search);
	if(doubleSlash != -1) {
		uri.protocol = url.slice(0, doubleSlash);
		withoutProtocol = url.slice(doubleSlash+3);
		firstSlash = withoutProtocol.indexOf('/');
		if(firstSlash === -1) {
			uri.host = uri.path;
			uri.path = "";
		} else {
			uri.host = withoutProtocol.slice(0, firstSlash);
			uri.path = withoutProtocol.slice(firstSlash);
		uri.origin = uri.protocol + "://" + uri.host;
		uri.directory = EPUBJS.core.folder(uri.path);
		uri.base = uri.origin + uri.directory;
		// return origin;
	} else {
		uri.path = url;
		uri.directory = EPUBJS.core.folder(url);
		uri.base = uri.directory;
	//-- Filename
	uri.filename = url.replace(uri.base, '');
	dot = uri.filename.lastIndexOf('.');
	if(dot != -1) {
		uri.extension = uri.filename.slice(dot+1);
	return uri;

//-- Parse out the folder, will return everything before the last slash

EPUBJS.core.folder = function(url){
	var lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf('/');
	if(lastSlash == -1) var folder = '';
	folder = url.slice(0, lastSlash + 1);
	return folder;


//-- https://github.com/ebidel/filer.js/blob/master/src/filer.js#L128
EPUBJS.core.dataURLToBlob = function(dataURL) {
	var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,',
		parts, contentType, raw, rawLength, uInt8Array;

	if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) {
		parts = dataURL.split(',');
		contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
		raw = parts[1];

		return new Blob([raw], {type: contentType});

	parts = dataURL.split(BASE64_MARKER);
	contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
	raw = window.atob(parts[1]);
	rawLength = raw.length;

	uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength);

	for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) {
		uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);

	return new Blob([uInt8Array], {type: contentType});

//-- Load scripts async: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7718935/load-scripts-asynchronously 
EPUBJS.core.addScript = function(src, callback, target) {
	var s, r;
	r = false;
	s = document.createElement('script');
	s.type = 'text/javascript';
	s.async = false;
	s.src = src;
	s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if ( !r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete') ) {
			r = true;
			if(callback) callback();
	target = target || document.body;

EPUBJS.core.addScripts = function(srcArr, callback, target) {
	var total = srcArr.length,
		curr = 0,
		cb = function(){
			if(total == curr){
				if(callback) callback();
				EPUBJS.core.addScript(srcArr[curr], cb, target);

	EPUBJS.core.addScript(srcArr[curr], cb, target);

EPUBJS.core.addCss = function(src, callback, target) {
	var s, r;
	r = false;
	s = document.createElement('link');
	s.type = 'text/css';
	s.rel = "stylesheet";
	s.href = src;
	s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if ( !r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'complete') ) {
			r = true;
			if(callback) callback();
	target = target || document.body;

EPUBJS.core.prefixed = function(unprefixed) {
	var vendors = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms" ],
		prefixes = ['-Webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-ms-'],
		upper = unprefixed[0].toUpperCase() + unprefixed.slice(1),
		length = vendors.length;
	if (typeof(document.body.style[unprefixed]) != 'undefined') {
		return unprefixed;

	for ( var i=0; i < length; i++ ) {
		if (typeof(document.body.style[vendors[i] + upper]) != 'undefined') {
			return vendors[i] + upper;

	return unprefixed;

EPUBJS.core.resolveUrl = function(base, path) {
	var url,
		segments = [],
		uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(path),
		folders = base.split("/"),
	if(uri.host) {
		return path;

	paths = path.split("/");
		if(p === ".."){

	url = folders.concat(segments);

	return url.join("/");

// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript
EPUBJS.core.uuid = function() {
	var d = new Date().getTime();
	var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
			var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0;
			d = Math.floor(d/16);
			return (c=='x' ? r : (r&0x7|0x8)).toString(16);
	return uuid;

// Fast quicksort insert for sorted array -- based on:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344500/efficient-way-to-insert-a-number-into-a-sorted-array-of-numbers 
EPUBJS.core.insert = function(item, array, compareFunction) {
	var location = EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction);
	array.splice(location, 0, item);
	return location;

EPUBJS.core.locationOf = function(item, array, compareFunction, _start, _end) {
	var start = _start || 0;
	var end = _end || array.length;
	var pivot = parseInt(start + (end - start) / 2);
	var compared;
		compareFunction = function(a, b) {
			if(a > b) return 1;
			if(a < b) return -1;
			if(a = b) return 0;
	if(end-start <= 0) {
		return pivot;
	compared = compareFunction(array[pivot], item);
	if(end-start === 1) {
		return compared > 0 ? pivot : pivot + 1;
	if(compared === 0) {
		return pivot;
	if(compared === -1) {
		return EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction, pivot, end);
	} else{
		return EPUBJS.core.locationOf(item, array, compareFunction, start, pivot);

EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted = function(item, array, compareFunction, _start, _end) {
	var start = _start || 0;
	var end = _end || array.length;
	var pivot = parseInt(start + (end - start) / 2);
	var compared;
		compareFunction = function(a, b) {
			if(a > b) return 1;
			if(a < b) return -1;
			if(a = b) return 0;
	if(end-start <= 0) {
		return -1; // Not found

	compared = compareFunction(array[pivot], item);
	if(end-start === 1) {
		return compared === 0 ? pivot : -1;
	if(compared === 0) {
		return pivot; // Found
	if(compared === -1) {
		return EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted(item, array, compareFunction, pivot, end);
	} else{
		return EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted(item, array, compareFunction, start, pivot);

EPUBJS.core.queue = function(_scope){
	var _q = [];
	var scope = _scope;
	// Add an item to the queue
	var enqueue = function(funcName, args, context) {
			"funcName" : funcName,
			"args"     : args,
			"context"  : context
		return _q;
	// Run one item
	var dequeue = function(){
		var inwait;
		if(_q.length) {
			inwait = _q.shift();
			// Defer to any current tasks
				scope[inwait.funcName].apply(inwait.context || scope, inwait.args);
			}, 0);
	// Run All
	var flush = function(){
		while(_q.length) {
	// Clear all items in wait
	var clear = function(){
		_q = [];
	return {
		"enqueue" : enqueue,
		"dequeue" : dequeue,
		"flush" : flush,
		"clear" : clear
EPUBJS.EpubCFI = function(cfiStr){
	if(cfiStr) return this.parse(cfiStr);

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generateChapterComponent = function(_spineNodeIndex, _pos, id) {
	var pos = parseInt(_pos),
		spineNodeIndex = _spineNodeIndex + 1,
		cfi = '/'+spineNodeIndex+'/';

	cfi += (pos + 1) * 2;

	if(id) cfi += "[" + id + "]";

	//cfi += "!";

	return cfi;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generatePathComponent = function(steps) {
	var parts = [];

		var segment = '';
		segment += (part.index + 1) * 2;

		if(part.id) {
			segment += "[" + part.id + "]";


	return parts.join('/');

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generateCfiFromElement = function(element, chapter) {
	var steps = this.pathTo(element);
	var path = this.generatePathComponent(steps);
	if(!path.length) {
		// Start of Chapter
		return "epubcfi(" + chapter + "!/4/)";
	} else {
		// First Text Node
		return "epubcfi(" + chapter + "!" + path + "/1:0)";

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.pathTo = function(node) {
	var stack = [],

	while(node && node.parentNode !== null && node.parentNode.nodeType != 9) {
		children = node.parentNode.children;

			'id' : node.id,
			// 'classList' : node.classList,
			'tagName' : node.tagName,
			'index' : children ? Array.prototype.indexOf.call(children, node) : 0
		node = node.parentNode;
	return stack;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.getChapterComponent = function(cfiStr) {

	var splitStr = cfiStr.split("!");

	return splitStr[0];

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.getPathComponent = function(cfiStr) {

	var splitStr = cfiStr.split("!");
	var pathComponent = splitStr[1] ? splitStr[1].split(":") : '';

	return pathComponent[0];

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.getCharecterOffsetComponent = function(cfiStr) {
	var splitStr = cfiStr.split(":");
	return splitStr[1] || '';

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.parse = function(cfiStr) {
	var cfi = {},
		parseStep = function(part){
			var type, index, has_brackets, id;
			type = "element";
			index = parseInt(part) / 2 - 1;
			has_brackets = part.match(/\[(.*)\]/);
			if(has_brackets && has_brackets[1]){
				id = has_brackets[1];
			return {
				"type" : type,
				'index' : index,
				'id' : id || false
	if(typeof cfiStr !== "string") {
		return {spinePos: -1};

	cfi.str = cfiStr;

	if(cfiStr.indexOf("epubcfi(") === 0) {
		// Remove intial epubcfi( and ending )
		cfiStr = cfiStr.slice(8, cfiStr.length-1);

	chapterComponent = this.getChapterComponent(cfiStr);
	pathComponent = this.getPathComponent(cfiStr) || '';
	charecterOffsetComponent = this.getCharecterOffsetComponent(cfiStr);
	// Make sure this is a valid cfi or return
	if(!chapterComponent) {
		return {spinePos: -1};
	// Chapter segment is always the second one
	chapSegment = chapterComponent.split("/")[2] || '';
	if(!chapSegment) return {spinePos:-1};

	cfi.spinePos = (parseInt(chapSegment) / 2 - 1 ) || 0;

	chapId = chapSegment.match(/\[(.*)\]/);

	cfi.spineId = chapId ? chapId[1] : false;

	if(pathComponent.indexOf(',') != -1) {
		// Handle ranges -- not supported yet
		console.warn("CFI Ranges are not supported");

	path = pathComponent.split('/');
	end = path.pop();

	cfi.steps = [];

		var step;
		if(part) {
			step = parseStep(part);

	//-- Check if END is a text node or element
	endInt = parseInt(end);
	if(!isNaN(endInt)) {
		if(endInt % 2 === 0) { // Even = is an element
		} else {
				"type" : "text",
				'index' : parseInt(end) - 1,


	assertion = charecterOffsetComponent.match(/\[(.*)\]/);
	if(assertion && assertion[1]){
		cfi.characterOffset = parseInt(charecterOffsetComponent.split('[')[0]);
		// We arent handling these assertions yet
		cfi.textLocationAssertion = assertion[1];
	} else {
		cfi.characterOffset = parseInt(charecterOffsetComponent);
	return cfi;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.addMarker = function(cfi, _doc, _marker) {
	var doc = _doc || document;
	var marker = _marker || this.createMarker(doc);
	var parent;
	var lastStep;
	var text;
	var split;
	if(typeof cfi === 'string') {
		cfi = this.parse(cfi);
	// Get the terminal step
	lastStep = cfi.steps[cfi.steps.length-1];

	// check spinePos
	if(cfi.spinePos === -1) {
		// Not a valid CFI
		return false;

	// Find the CFI elements parent
	parent = this.findParent(cfi, doc);
	if(!parent) {
		// CFI didn't return an element
		// Maybe it isnt in the current chapter?
		return false;
	if(lastStep && lastStep.type === "text") {
		text = parent.childNodes[lastStep.index];
			split = text.splitText(cfi.characterOffset);
			parent.insertBefore(marker, split);
		} else {
			parent.insertBefore(marker, text);
	} else {
		parent.insertBefore(marker, parent.firstChild);
	return marker;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.createMarker = function(_doc) {
	var doc = _doc || document;
	var element = doc.createElement('span');
	element.id = "EPUBJS-CFI-MARKER:"+ EPUBJS.core.uuid();
	return element;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.removeMarker = function(marker, _doc) {
	var doc = _doc || document;
	// var id = marker.id;

	// Cleanup textnodes if they were split
		nextSib = marker.nextSibling;
		prevSib = marker.previousSibling;
		if(nextSib &&
				prevSib &&
				nextSib.nodeType === 3 &&
				prevSib.nodeType === 3){

			prevSib.textContent += nextSib.textContent;
	} else if(marker.classList.contains("EPUBJS-CFI-MARKER")) {
		// Remove only elements added as markers


EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.findParent = function(cfi, _doc) {
	var doc = _doc || document,
			element = doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0],
			children = Array.prototype.slice.call(element.children),
			num, index, part, sections,
			text, textBegin, textEnd;

	if(typeof cfi === 'string') {
		cfi = this.parse(cfi);
	sections = cfi.steps.slice(0); // Clone steps array
	if(!sections.length) {
		return doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

	while(sections && sections.length > 0) {
		part = sections.shift();
		// Find textNodes Parent
		if(part.type === "text") {
			text = element.childNodes[part.index];
			element = text.parentNode || element;
		// Find element by id if present
		} else if(part.id){
			element = doc.getElementById(part.id);
		// Find element in parent
			element = children[part.index];
		// Element can't be found
		if(typeof element === "undefined") {
			console.error("No Element For", part, cfi.str);
			return false;
		// Get current element children and continue through steps
		children = Array.prototype.slice.call(element.children);

	return element;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.compare = function(cfiOne, cfiTwo) {
	if(typeof cfiOne === 'string') {
		cfiOne = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(cfiOne);
	if(typeof cfiTwo === 'string') {
		cfiTwo = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI(cfiTwo);
	// Compare Spine Positions
	if(cfiOne.spinePos > cfiTwo.spinePos) {
		return 1;
	if(cfiOne.spinePos < cfiTwo.spinePos) {
		return -1;
	// Compare Each Step in the First item
	for (var i = 0; i < cfiOne.steps.length; i++) {
		if(!cfiTwo.steps[i]) {
			return 1;
		if(cfiOne.steps[i].index > cfiTwo.steps[i].index) {
			return 1;
		if(cfiOne.steps[i].index < cfiTwo.steps[i].index) {
			return -1;
		// Otherwise continue checking
	// All steps in First present in Second
	if(cfiOne.steps.length < cfiTwo.steps.length) {
		return -1;

	// Compare the charecter offset of the text node
	if(cfiOne.characterOffset > cfiTwo.characterOffset) {
		return 1;
	if(cfiOne.characterOffset < cfiTwo.characterOffset) {
		return -1;

	// CFI's are equal
	return 0;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generateCfiFromHref = function(href, book) {
	var uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(href);
	var path = uri.path;
	var fragment = uri.fragment;
	var spinePos = book.spineIndexByURL[path];
	var loaded;
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI();
	var spineItem;
	if(typeof spinePos !== "undefined"){
		spineItem = book.spine[spinePos];
		loaded = book.loadXml(spineItem.url);
			var element = doc.getElementById(fragment);
			var cfi;
			cfi = epubcfi.generateCfiFromElement(element, spineItem.cfiBase);
	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generateCfiFromTextNode = function(anchor, offset, base) {
	var parent = anchor.parentElement;
	var steps = this.pathTo(parent);
	var path = this.generatePathComponent(steps);
	var index = [].slice.apply(parent.childNodes).indexOf(anchor) + 1;
	return "epubcfi(" + base + "!" + path + "/"+index+":"+(offset || 0)+")";

EPUBJS.EpubCFI.prototype.generateCfiFromRangeAnchor = function(range, base) {
	var anchor = range.anchorNode;
	var offset = range.anchorOffset;
	return this.generateCfiFromTextNode(anchor, offset, base);

EPUBJS.Events = function(obj, el){
	this.events = {};
		this.el = document.createElement('div');
		this.el = el;
	obj.createEvent = this.createEvent;
	obj.tell = this.tell;
	obj.listen = this.listen;
	obj.deafen = this.deafen;
	obj.listenUntil = this.listenUntil;
	return this;

EPUBJS.Events.prototype.createEvent = function(evt){
	var e = new CustomEvent(evt);
	this.events[evt] = e;
	return e;

EPUBJS.Events.prototype.tell = function(evt, msg){
	var e;

		console.warn("No event:", evt, "defined yet, creating.");
		e = this.createEvent(evt);
		e = this.events[evt];

	if(msg) e.msg = msg;


EPUBJS.Events.prototype.listen = function(evt, func, bindto){
		console.warn("No event:", evt, "defined yet, creating.");

		this.el.addEventListener(evt, func.bind(bindto), false);
		this.el.addEventListener(evt, func, false);


EPUBJS.Events.prototype.deafen = function(evt, func){
	this.el.removeEventListener(evt, func, false);

EPUBJS.Events.prototype.listenUntil = function(OnEvt, OffEvt, func, bindto){
	this.listen(OnEvt, func, bindto);
	function unlisten(){
		this.deafen(OnEvt, func);
		this.deafen(OffEvt, unlisten);
	this.listen(OffEvt, unlisten, this);
EPUBJS.hooks = {};
EPUBJS.Hooks = (function(){
	function hooks(){}
	//-- Get pre-registered hooks
	hooks.prototype.getHooks = function(){
		var plugs;
		this.hooks = {};
			this.hooks[arg] = [];
		}, this);

		for (var plugType in this.hooks) {
			plugs = _.values(EPUBJS.hooks[plugType]);
				this.registerHook(plugType, hook);
			}, this);
	//-- Hooks allow for injecting async functions that must all complete before continuing 
	//   Functions must have a callback as their first argument.
	hooks.prototype.registerHook = function(type, toAdd, toFront){
		if(typeof(this.hooks[type]) != "undefined"){
			if(typeof(toAdd) === "function"){
				if(toFront) {
			}else if(Array.isArray(toAdd)){
					if(toFront) {
				}, this);
			//-- Allows for undefined hooks, but maybe this should error?
			this.hooks[type] = [func];
	hooks.prototype.triggerHooks = function(type, callback, passed){
		var hooks, count;
		if(typeof(this.hooks[type]) == "undefined") return false;
		hooks = this.hooks[type];
		count = hooks.length;
		if(count === 0 && callback) {

		function countdown(){
			if(count <= 0 && callback) callback();
			hook(countdown, passed);
	return {
		register: function(name) {
			if(EPUBJS.hooks[name] === undefined) { EPUBJS.hooks[name] = {}; }
			if(typeof EPUBJS.hooks[name] !== 'object') { throw "Already registered: "+name; }
			return EPUBJS.hooks[name];
		mixin: function(object) {
			for (var prop in hooks.prototype) {
				object[prop] = hooks.prototype[prop];

EPUBJS.Layout = EPUBJS.Layout || {};

EPUBJS.Layout.Reflowable = function(){
	this.documentElement = null;
	this.spreadWidth = null;

EPUBJS.Layout.Reflowable.prototype.format = function(documentElement, _width, _height){
	// Get the prefixed CSS commands
	var columnAxis = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnAxis');
	var columnGap = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnGap');
	var columnWidth = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnWidth');
	//-- Check the width and create even width columns
	var fullWidth = Math.floor(_width);
	var width = (fullWidth % 2 === 0) ? fullWidth : fullWidth - 1;
	var section = Math.floor(width / 8);
	var gap = (section % 2 === 0) ? section : section - 1;
	this.documentElement = documentElement;
	//-- Single Page
	this.spreadWidth = (width + gap);
	documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden";
	// Must be set to the new calculated width or the columns will be off
	documentElement.style.width = width + "px";
	//-- Adjust height
	documentElement.style.height = _height + "px";
	//-- Add columns
	documentElement.style[columnAxis] = "horizontal";
	documentElement.style[columnGap] = gap+"px";
	documentElement.style[columnWidth] = width+"px";

	return {
		pageWidth : this.spreadWidth,
		pageHeight : _height

EPUBJS.Layout.Reflowable.prototype.calculatePages = function() {
	var totalWidth, displayedPages;
	this.documentElement.style.width = "auto"; //-- reset width for calculations
	totalWidth = this.documentElement.scrollWidth;
	displayedPages = Math.ceil(totalWidth / this.spreadWidth);

	return {
		displayedPages : displayedPages,
		pageCount : displayedPages

EPUBJS.Layout.ReflowableSpreads = function(){
	this.documentElement = null;
	this.spreadWidth = null;

EPUBJS.Layout.ReflowableSpreads.prototype.format = function(documentElement, _width, _height){
	var columnAxis = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnAxis');
	var columnGap = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnGap');
	var columnWidth = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnWidth');
	var divisor = 2,
			cutoff = 800;

	//-- Check the width and create even width columns
	var fullWidth = Math.floor(_width);
	var width = (fullWidth % 2 === 0) ? fullWidth : fullWidth - 1;
	var section = Math.floor(width / 8);
	var gap = (section % 2 === 0) ? section : section - 1;
	//-- Double Page
	var colWidth = Math.floor((width - gap) / divisor);

	this.documentElement = documentElement;
	this.spreadWidth = (colWidth + gap) * divisor;
	documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden";

	// Must be set to the new calculated width or the columns will be off
	documentElement.style.width = width + "px";

	//-- Adjust height
	documentElement.style.height = _height + "px";

	//-- Add columns
	documentElement.style[columnAxis] = "horizontal";
	documentElement.style[columnGap] = gap+"px";
	documentElement.style[columnWidth] = colWidth+"px";

	return {
		pageWidth : this.spreadWidth,
		pageHeight : _height

EPUBJS.Layout.ReflowableSpreads.prototype.calculatePages = function() {
	var totalWidth = this.documentElement.scrollWidth;
	var displayedPages = Math.ceil(totalWidth / this.spreadWidth);

	//-- Add a page to the width of the document to account an for odd number of pages
	this.documentElement.style.width = totalWidth + this.spreadWidth + "px";
	return {
		displayedPages : displayedPages,
		pageCount : displayedPages * 2

EPUBJS.Layout.Fixed = function(){
	this.documentElement = null;

EPUBJS.Layout.Fixed = function(documentElement, _width, _height){
	var columnWidth = EPUBJS.core.prefixed('columnWidth');
	var viewport = documentElement.querySelector("[name=viewport");
	var content;
	var contents;
	var width, height;
	this.documentElement = documentElement;
	* check for the viewport size
	* <meta name="viewport" content="width=1024,height=697" />
	if(viewport && viewport.hasAttribute("content")) {
		content = viewport.getAttribute("content");
		contents = content.split(',');
			width = contents[0].replace("width=", '');
			height = contents[1].replace("height=", '');
	//-- Adjust width and height
	documentElement.style.width =  width + "px" || "auto";
	documentElement.style.height =  height + "px" || "auto";

	//-- Remove columns
	documentElement.style[columnWidth] = "auto";

	//-- Scroll
	documentElement.style.overflow = "auto";

	return {
		pageWidth : width,
		pageHeight : height

EPUBJS.Layout.Fixed.prototype.calculatePages = function(){
	return {
		displayedPages : 1,
		pageCount : 1
EPUBJS.Pagination = function(pageList) {
	this.pages = [];
	this.locations = [];
	this.epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI();
	if(pageList && pageList.length) {

EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.process = function(pageList){
	}, this);
	this.pageList = pageList;
	this.firstPage = parseInt(this.pages[0]);
	this.lastPage = parseInt(this.pages[this.pages.length-1]);
	this.totalPages = this.lastPage - this.firstPage;

EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.pageFromCfi = function(cfi){
	var pg = -1;
	// Check if the pageList has not been set yet
	if(this.locations.length === 0) {
		return -1;
	// TODO: check if CFI is valid?

	// check if the cfi is in the location list
	// var index = this.locations.indexOf(cfi);
	var index = EPUBJS.core.indexOfSorted(cfi, this.locations, this.epubcfi.compare);
	if(index != -1 && index < (this.pages.length-1) ) {
		pg = this.pages[index];
	} else {
		// Otherwise add it to the list of locations
		// Insert it in the correct position in the locations page
		index = EPUBJS.core.insert(cfi, this.locations, this.epubcfi.compare);
		// Get the page at the location just before the new one, or return the first
		pg = index-1 >= 0 ? this.pages[index-1] : this.pages[0];
		if(pg !== undefined) {
			// Add the new page in so that the locations and page array match up
			this.pages.splice(index, 0, pg);
		} else {
			pg = -1;

	return pg;

EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.cfiFromPage = function(pg){
	var cfi = -1;
	// check that pg is an int
	if(typeof pg != "number"){
		pg = parseInt(pg);

	// check if the cfi is in the page list
	// Pages could be unsorted.
	var index = this.pages.indexOf(pg);
	if(index != -1) {
		cfi = this.locations[index];
	// TODO: handle pages not in the list
	return cfi;

EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.pageFromPercentage = function(percent){
	var pg = Math.round(this.totalPages * percent);
	return pg;

// Returns a value between 0 - 1 corresponding to the location of a page
EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.percentageFromPage = function(pg){
	var percentage = (pg - this.firstPage) / this.totalPages;
	return Math.round(percentage * 1000) / 1000;

// Returns a value between 0 - 1 corresponding to the location of a cfi
EPUBJS.Pagination.prototype.percentageFromCfi = function(cfi){
	var pg = this.pageFromCfi(cfi);
	var percentage = this.percentageFromPage(pg);
	return percentage;
EPUBJS.Parser = function(baseUrl){
	this.baseUrl = baseUrl || '';

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.container = function(containerXml){
		//-- <rootfile full-path="OPS/package.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>
		var rootfile, fullpath, folder, encoding;
		if(!containerXml) {
			console.error("Container File Not Found");
		rootfile = containerXml.querySelector("rootfile");
		if(!rootfile) {
			console.error("No RootFile Found");
		fullpath = rootfile.getAttribute('full-path');
		folder = EPUBJS.core.uri(fullpath).directory;
		encoding = containerXml.xmlEncoding;

		//-- Now that we have the path we can parse the contents
		return {
			'packagePath' : fullpath,
			'basePath' : folder,
			'encoding' : encoding

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.identifier = function(packageXml){
	var metadataNode;
	if(!packageXml) {
		console.error("Package File Not Found");
	metadataNode = packageXml.querySelector("metadata");
	if(!metadataNode) {
		console.error("No Metadata Found");
	return this.getElementText(metadataNode, "identifier");

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.packageContents = function(packageXml, baseUrl){
	var parse = this;
	var metadataNode, manifestNode, spineNode;
	var manifest, navPath, tocPath, coverPath;
	var spineNodeIndex;
	var spine;
	var spineIndexByURL;
	if(baseUrl) this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
	if(!packageXml) {
		console.error("Package File Not Found");
	metadataNode = packageXml.querySelector("metadata");
	if(!metadataNode) {
		console.error("No Metadata Found");
	manifestNode = packageXml.querySelector("manifest");
	if(!manifestNode) {
		console.error("No Manifest Found");
	spineNode = packageXml.querySelector("spine");
	if(!spineNode) {
		console.error("No Spine Found");
	manifest = parse.manifest(manifestNode);
	navPath = parse.findNavPath(manifestNode);
	tocPath = parse.findTocPath(manifestNode);
	coverPath = parse.findCoverPath(manifestNode);

	spineNodeIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(spineNode.parentNode.childNodes, spineNode);
	spine = parse.spine(spineNode, manifest);
	spineIndexByURL = {};
		spineIndexByURL[item.href] = item.index;

	return {
		'metadata' : parse.metadata(metadataNode),
		'spine'    : spine,
		'manifest' : manifest,
		'navPath'  : navPath,
		'tocPath'  : tocPath,
		'coverPath': coverPath,
		'spineNodeIndex' : spineNodeIndex,
		'spineIndexByURL' : spineIndexByURL

//-- Find TOC NAV: media-type="application/xhtml+xml" href="toc.ncx"
EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.findNavPath = function(manifestNode){
  var node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[properties^='nav']");
  return node ? node.getAttribute('href') : false;

//-- Find TOC NCX: media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" href="toc.ncx"
EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.findTocPath = function(manifestNode){
	var node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[media-type='application/x-dtbncx+xml']");
	return node ? node.getAttribute('href') : false;

//-- Find Cover: <item properties="cover-image" id="ci" href="cover.svg" media-type="image/svg+xml" />
EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.findCoverPath = function(manifestNode){
	var node = manifestNode.querySelector("item[properties='cover-image']");
	return node ? node.getAttribute('href') : false;

//-- Expanded to match Readium web components
EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.metadata = function(xml){
	var metadata = {},
			p = this;
	metadata.bookTitle = p.getElementText(xml, 'title');
	metadata.creator = p.getElementText(xml, 'creator');
	metadata.description = p.getElementText(xml, 'description');
	metadata.pubdate = p.getElementText(xml, 'date');
	metadata.publisher = p.getElementText(xml, 'publisher');
	metadata.identifier = p.getElementText(xml, "identifier");
	metadata.language = p.getElementText(xml, "language");
	metadata.rights = p.getElementText(xml, "rights");
	metadata.modified_date = p.querySelectorText(xml, "meta[property='dcterms:modified']");
	metadata.layout = p.querySelectorText(xml, "meta[property='rendition:layout']");
	metadata.orientation = p.querySelectorText(xml, "meta[property='rendition:orientation']");
	metadata.spread = p.querySelectorText(xml, "meta[property='rendition:spread']");
	// metadata.page_prog_dir = packageXml.querySelector("spine").getAttribute("page-progression-direction");
	return metadata;

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.getElementText = function(xml, tag){
	var found = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", tag),

	if(!found || found.length === 0) return '';
	el = found[0];

		return el.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

	return '';

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.querySelectorText = function(xml, q){
	var el = xml.querySelector(q);

	if(el && el.childNodes.length){
		return el.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

	return '';

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.manifest = function(manifestXml){
	var baseUrl = this.baseUrl,
			manifest = {};
	//-- Turn items into an array
	var selected = manifestXml.querySelectorAll("item"),
		items = Array.prototype.slice.call(selected);
	//-- Create an object with the id as key
		var id = item.getAttribute('id'),
				href = item.getAttribute('href') || '',
				type = item.getAttribute('media-type') || '',
				properties = item.getAttribute('properties') || '';
		manifest[id] = {
			'href' : href,
			'url' : baseUrl + href, //-- Absolute URL for loading with a web worker
			'type' : type,
      'properties' : properties
	return manifest;


EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.spine = function(spineXml, manifest){
	var spine = [];
	var selected = spineXml.getElementsByTagName("itemref"),
			items = Array.prototype.slice.call(selected);

	var spineNodeIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(spineXml.parentNode.childNodes, spineXml);

	var epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI();

	//-- Add to array to mantain ordering and cross reference with manifest
	items.forEach(function(item, index){
		var Id = item.getAttribute('idref');
		var cfiBase = epubcfi.generateChapterComponent(spineNodeIndex, index, Id);
		var props = item.getAttribute('properties') || '';
		var propArray = props.length ? props.split(' ') : [];
		var manifestProps = manifest[Id].properties;
		var manifestPropArray = manifestProps.length ? manifestProps.split(' ') : [];
		var vert = {
			'id' : Id,
			'linear' : item.getAttribute('linear') || '',
			'properties' : propArray,
			'manifestProperties' : manifestPropArray,
			'href' : manifest[Id].href,
			'url' :  manifest[Id].url,
			'index' : index,
			'cfiBase' : cfiBase
	return spine;

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.nav = function(navHtml, spineIndexByURL, bookSpine){
	var navEl = navHtml.querySelector('nav[*|type="toc"]'), //-- [*|type="toc"] * Doesn't seem to work
			idCounter = 0;
	if(!navEl) return [];
	// Implements `> ol > li`
	function findListItems(parent){
		var items = [];
			if('ol' == node.tagName){
					if('li' == item.tagName){
		return items;
	// Implements `> a, > span`
	function findAnchorOrSpan(parent){
		var item = null;
			if('a' == node.tagName || 'span' == node.tagName){
				item = node;
		return item;
	function getTOC(parent){
		var list = [],
				nodes = findListItems(parent),
				items = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes),
				length = items.length,
		if(length === 0) return false;
			var id = item.getAttribute('id') || false,
				content = findAnchorOrSpan(item),
				href = content.getAttribute('href') || '',
				text = content.textContent || "",
				split = href.split("#"),
				baseUrl = split[0],
				subitems = getTOC(item),
				spinePos = spineIndexByURL[baseUrl],
			if(!id) {
				if(spinePos) {
					spineItem = bookSpine[spinePos];
					id = spineItem.id;
				} else {
					id = 'epubjs-autogen-toc-id-' + (idCounter++);
			item.setAttribute('id', id); // Ensure all elements have an id
				"id": id,
				"href": href,
				"label": text,
				"subitems" : subitems,
				"parent" : parent ? parent.getAttribute('id') : null
		return list;
	return getTOC(navEl);

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.toc = function(tocXml, spineIndexByURL, bookSpine){
	var navMap = tocXml.querySelector("navMap");
	if(!navMap) return [];
	function getTOC(parent){
		var list = [],
				nodes = parent.querySelectorAll("navPoint"),
				items = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes).reverse(),
				length = items.length,
				iter = length,
		if(length === 0) return [];

			var id = item.getAttribute('id') || false,
					content = item.querySelector("content"),
					src = content.getAttribute('src'),
					navLabel = item.querySelector("navLabel"),
					text = navLabel.textContent ? navLabel.textContent : "",
					split = src.split("#"),
					baseUrl = split[0],
					spinePos = spineIndexByURL[baseUrl],
					subitems = getTOC(item);

			if(!id) {
				if(spinePos) {
					spineItem = bookSpine[spinePos];
					id = spineItem.id;
				} else {
					id = 'epubjs-autogen-toc-id-' + (idCounter++);
						"id": id,
						"href": src,
						"label": text,
						"spinePos": spinePos,
						"subitems" : subitems,
						"parent" : parent ? parent.getAttribute('id') : null


		return list;

	return getTOC(navMap);

EPUBJS.Parser.prototype.pageList = function(navHtml, spineIndexByURL, bookSpine){
	var navEl = navHtml.querySelector('nav[*|type="page-list"]'),
			idCounter = 0;

	if(!navEl) return [];
	// Implements `> ol > li`
	function findListItems(parent){
		var items = [];
			if('ol' == node.tagName){
					if('li' == item.tagName){
		return items;
	// Implements `> a, > span`
	function findAnchorOrSpan(parent){
		var item = null;
			if('a' == node.tagName || 'span' == node.tagName){
				item = node;
		return item;
	function getPages(parent){
		var list = [],
				nodes = findListItems(parent),
				items = Array.prototype.slice.call(nodes),
				length = items.length,
		if(length === 0) return false;
			var id = item.getAttribute('id') || false,
				content = findAnchorOrSpan(item),
				href = content.getAttribute('href') || '',
				text = content.textContent || "",
				page = parseInt(text),
				isCfi = href.indexOf("epubcfi"),
			if(isCfi != -1) {
				split = href.split("#");
				packageUrl = split[0];
				cfi = split.length > 1 ? split[1] : false;
					"cfi" : cfi,
					"href" : href,
					"packageUrl" : packageUrl,
					"page" : page
			} else {
					"href" : href,
					"page" : page

		return list;
	return getPages(navEl);

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe = function() {
	this.iframe = null;
	this.document = null;
	this.window = null;
	this.docEl = null;
	this.bodyEl = null;

	this.leftPos = 0;
	this.pageWidth = 0;

//-- Build up any html needed
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.create = function(){
	this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
	this.iframe.id = "epubjs-iframe:" + EPUBJS.core.uuid();
	this.iframe.scrolling = "no";
	this.iframe.seamless = "seamless";
	// Back up if seamless isn't supported
	this.iframe.style.border = "none";
	this.iframe.addEventListener("load", this.loaded.bind(this), false);
	return this.iframe;

* Sets the source of the iframe with the given URL string
* Takes:  URL string
* Returns: promise with document element
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.load = function(url){
	var render = this,
			deferred = new RSVP.defer();

	this.iframe.src = url;

	// Reset the scroll position
	render.leftPos = 0;

	if(this.window) {
	this.iframe.onload = function() {
		render.document = render.iframe.contentDocument;
		render.docEl = render.document.documentElement;
		render.headEl = render.document.head;
		render.bodyEl = render.document.body;
		render.window = render.iframe.contentWindow;
		render.window.addEventListener("resize", render.resized.bind(render), false);
		//-- Clear Margins
		if(render.bodyEl) {
			render.bodyEl.style.margin = "0";
	this.iframe.onerror = function(e) {
		//console.error("Error Loading Contents", e);
				message : "Error Loading Contents: " + e,
				stack : new Error().stack
	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.loaded = function(v){
	var url = this.iframe.contentWindow.location.href;
	this.trigger("render:loaded", url);

// Resize the iframe to the given width and height
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.resize = function(width, height){
	var iframeBox;
	if(!this.iframe) return;
	this.iframe.height = height;

	if(!isNaN(width) && width % 2 !== 0){
		width += 1; //-- Prevent cutting off edges of text in columns

	this.iframe.width = width;
	// Get the fractional height and width of the iframe
	// Default to orginal if bounding rect is 0
	this.width = this.iframe.getBoundingClientRect().width || width;
	this.height = this.iframe.getBoundingClientRect().height || height;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.resized = function(e){
	// Get the fractional height and width of the iframe
	this.width = this.iframe.getBoundingClientRect().width;
	this.height = this.iframe.getBoundingClientRect().height;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.totalWidth = function(){
	return this.docEl.scrollWidth;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.totalHeight = function(){
	return this.docEl.scrollHeight;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.setPageDimensions = function(pageWidth, pageHeight){
	this.pageWidth = pageWidth;
	this.pageHeight = pageHeight;
	//-- Add a page to the width of the document to account an for odd number of pages
	// this.docEl.style.width = this.docEl.scrollWidth + pageWidth + "px";

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.setLeft = function(leftPos){
	// this.bodyEl.style.marginLeft = -leftPos + "px";
	// this.docEl.style.marginLeft = -leftPos + "px";
	// this.docEl.style[EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.transform] = 'translate('+ (-leftPos) + 'px, 0)';
	this.document.defaultView.scrollTo(leftPos, 0);

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.setStyle = function(style, val, prefixed){
	if(prefixed) {
		style = EPUBJS.core.prefixed(style);

	if(this.bodyEl) this.bodyEl.style[style] = val;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.removeStyle = function(style){

	if(this.bodyEl) this.bodyEl.style[style] = '';


EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.addHeadTag = function(tag, attrs) {
	var tagEl = document.createElement(tag);

	for(var attr in attrs) {
		tagEl[attr] = attrs[attr];

	if(this.headEl) this.headEl.appendChild(tagEl);

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.page = function(pg){
	this.leftPos = this.pageWidth * (pg-1); //-- pages start at 1

//-- Show the page containing an Element
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.getPageNumberByElement = function(el){
	var left, pg;
	if(!el) return;

	left = this.leftPos + el.getBoundingClientRect().left; //-- Calculate left offset compaired to scrolled position
	pg = Math.floor(left / this.pageWidth) + 1; //-- pages start at 1
	return pg;

// Return the root element of the content
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.getBaseElement = function(){
	return this.bodyEl;

// Checks if an element is on the screen
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.isElementVisible = function(el){
	var rect;
	var left;

	if(el && typeof el.getBoundingClientRect === 'function'){
		rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
		left = rect.left; //+ rect.width;
		if( rect.width !== 0 &&
				rect.height !== 0 && // Element not visible
				left >= 0 &&
				left < this.pageWidth ) {
			return true;

	return false;

EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.scroll = function(bool){
	if(bool) {
		this.iframe.scrolling = "yes";
	} else {
		this.iframe.scrolling = "no";

// Cleanup event listeners
EPUBJS.Render.Iframe.prototype.unload = function(){
	this.window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resized);

//-- Enable binding events to Render
EPUBJS.Renderer = function(renderMethod) {
	// Dom events to listen for
	this.listenedEvents = ["keydown", "keyup", "keypressed", "mouseup", "mousedown", "click"];
	* Setup a render method.
	* Options are: Iframe
	if(renderMethod && typeof(EPUBJS.Render[renderMethod]) != "undefined"){
		this.render = new EPUBJS.Render[renderMethod]();
	} else {
		console.error("Not a Valid Rendering Method");

	// Listen for load events
	this.render.on("render:loaded", this.loaded.bind(this));
	// Cached for replacement urls from storage
	this.caches = {};
	// Blank Cfi for Parsing
	this.epubcfi = new EPUBJS.EpubCFI();
	this.spreads = true;
	this.isForcedSingle = false;
	this.resized = _.throttle(this.onResized.bind(this), 10);

	this.layoutSettings = {};

	//-- Adds Hook methods to the Book prototype
	//   Hooks will all return before triggering the callback.
	//-- Get pre-registered hooks for events

//-- Renderer events for listening
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.Events = [

* Creates an element to render to.
* Resizes to passed width and height or to the elements size 
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.initialize = function(element, width, height){
	this.container = element;
	this.element = this.render.create();
	this.initWidth = width;
	this.initHeight = height;
	this.width = width || this.container.clientWidth;
	this.height = height || this.container.clientHeight;


	if(width && height){
		this.render.resize(this.width, this.height);
	} else {
		this.render.resize('100%', '100%');


* Display a chapter
* Takes: chapter object, global layout settings
* Returns: Promise with passed Renderer after pages has loaded
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.displayChapter = function(chapter, globalLayout){
	var renderer = this,
			store = false;

	// Unload the previous chapter listener
	if(this.currentChapter) {
		this.currentChapter.unload(); // Remove stored blobs
		this.render.window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resized);

	this.currentChapter = chapter;
	this.chapterPos = 1;

	this.currentChapterCfiBase = chapter.cfiBase;

	this.layoutSettings = this.reconcileLayoutSettings(globalLayout, chapter.properties);

	// Get the url string from the chapter (may be from storage)
	return chapter.url().
		then(function(url) {
			return renderer.load(url);


* Loads a url (string) and renders it,
* attaching event listeners and triggering hooks.
* Returns: Promise with the rendered contents.

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.load = function(url){
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var loaded;

	// Switch to the required layout method for the settings
	this.layoutMethod = this.determineLayout(this.layoutSettings);
	this.layout = new EPUBJS.Layout[this.layoutMethod]();


	render = this.render.load(url);

	render.then(function(contents) {
		var formated;
		this.contents = contents;
		this.doc = this.render.document;

		// Format the contents using the current layout method
		formated = this.layout.format(contents, this.render.width, this.render.height);
		this.render.setPageDimensions(formated.pageWidth, formated.pageHeight);

		if(!this.initWidth && !this.initHeight){
			this.render.window.addEventListener("resize", this.resized, false);


		//-- Trigger registered hooks before displaying
			var pages = this.layout.calculatePages();
			var msg = this.currentChapter;

			msg.cfi = this.currentLocationCfi = this.getPageCfi();

			this.trigger("renderer:chapterDisplayed", msg);
			this.trigger("renderer:locationChanged", this.currentLocationCfi);


			deferred.resolve(this); //-- why does this return the renderer?

	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.loaded = function(url){
	this.trigger("render:loaded", url);
	// var uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(url);
	// var relative = uri.path.replace(book.bookUrl, '');
	// console.log(url, uri, relative);

* Reconciles the current chapters layout properies with
* the global layout properities.
* Takes: global layout settings object, chapter properties string
* Returns: Object with layout properties
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.reconcileLayoutSettings = function(global, chapter){
	var settings = {};

	//-- Get the global defaults
	for (var attr in global) {
		if (global.hasOwnProperty(attr)){
			settings[attr] = global[attr];
	//-- Get the chapter's display type
		var rendition = prop.replace("rendition:", '');
		var split = rendition.indexOf("-");
		var property, value;
		if(split != -1){
			property = rendition.slice(0, split);
			value = rendition.slice(split+1);
			settings[property] = value;
 return settings;

* Uses the settings to determine which Layout Method is needed
* Triggers events based on the method choosen
* Takes: Layout settings object
* Returns: String of appropriate for EPUBJS.Layout function
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.determineLayout = function(settings){
	// Default is layout: reflowable & spread: auto
	var spreads = this.determineSpreads(this.minSpreadWidth);
	var layoutMethod = spreads ? "ReflowableSpreads" : "Reflowable";
	var scroll = false;
	if(settings.layout === "pre-paginated") {
		layoutMethod = "Fixed";
		scroll = true;
		spreads = false;

	if(settings.layout === "reflowable" && settings.spread === "none") {
		layoutMethod = "Reflowable";
		scroll = false;
		spreads = false;
	if(settings.layout === "reflowable" && settings.spread === "both") {
		layoutMethod = "ReflowableSpreads";
		scroll = false;
		spreads = true;

	this.spreads = spreads;
	this.trigger("renderer:spreads", spreads);
	return layoutMethod;

// Shortcut to trigger the hook before displaying the chapter
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.beforeDisplay = function(callback, renderer){
	this.triggerHooks("beforeChapterDisplay", callback, this);

// Update the renderer with the information passed by the layout
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.updatePages = function(layout){
	this.displayedPages = layout.displayedPages;
	this.currentChapter.pages = layout.pageCount;

// Apply the layout again and jump back to the previous cfi position
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.reformat = function(){
	var renderer = this;
	var formated, pages;
	if(!this.contents) return;
	formated = this.layout.format(this.contents, this.render.width, this.render.height);
	this.render.setPageDimensions(formated.pageWidth, formated.pageHeight);

	pages = renderer.layout.calculatePages();

	// Give the css styles time to update
	this.timeoutTillCfi = setTimeout(function(){
		//-- Go to current page after formating
		this.timeoutTillCfi = null;
	}, 10);


// Hide and show the render's container .
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.visible = function(bool){
	if(typeof(bool) === "undefined") {
		return this.container.style.visibility;

	if(bool === true){
		this.container.style.visibility = "visible";
	}else if(bool === false){
		this.container.style.visibility = "hidden";

// Remove the render element and clean up listeners
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.remove = function() {
	if(this.render.window) {
		this.render.window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resized);


EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.applyStyles = function(styles) {
	for (var style in styles) {
		this.render.setStyle(style, styles[style]);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.setStyle = function(style, val, prefixed){
	this.render.setStyle(style, val, prefixed);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.removeStyle = function(style){

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.applyHeadTags = function(headTags) {
	for ( var headTag in headTags ) {
		this.render.addHeadTag(headTag, headTags[headTag]);


EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.page = function(pg){
	if(pg >= 1 && pg <= this.displayedPages){
		this.chapterPos = pg;


		this.currentLocationCfi = this.getPageCfi();
		this.trigger("renderer:locationChanged", this.currentLocationCfi);
		return true;
	//-- Return false if page is greater than the total
	return false;

// Short cut to find next page's cfi starting at the last visible element
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.nextPage = function(){
	var pg = this.chapterPos + 1;
	if(pg <= this.displayedPages){
		this.chapterPos = pg;
		this.currentLocationCfi = this.getPageCfi(this.visibileEl);
		this.trigger("renderer:locationChanged", this.currentLocationCfi);

		return true;
	//-- Return false if page is greater than the total
	return false;

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.prevPage = function(){
	return this.page(this.chapterPos - 1);

//-- Show the page containing an Element
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.pageByElement = function(el){
	var pg;
	if(!el) return;

	pg = this.render.getPageNumberByElement(el);

// Jump to the last page of the chapter
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.lastPage = function(){

//-- Find a section by fragement id
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.section = function(fragment){
	var el = this.doc.getElementById(fragment),
		left, pg;



EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.firstElementisTextNode = function(node) {
	var children = node.childNodes;
	var leng = children.length;
	if(leng &&
		children[0] && // First Child
		children[0].nodeType === 3 && // This is a textNodes
		children[0].textContent.trim().length) { // With non whitespace or return charecters
		return true;
	return false;

// Walk the node tree from a start element to next visible element
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.walk = function(node) {
	var r, children, leng,
		startNode = node,
		stack = [startNode];

	var STOP = 10000, ITER=0;

	while(!r && stack.length) {

		node = stack.shift();
		if( this.render.isElementVisible(node) && this.firstElementisTextNode(node)) {
			r = node;

		if(!r && node && node.childElementCount > 0){
			children = node.children;
			if (children && children.length) {
				leng = children.length ? children.length : 0;
			} else {
				return r;
			for (var i = leng-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if(children[i] != prevNode) stack.unshift(children[i]);

		if(!r && stack.length === 0 && startNode && startNode.parentNode !== null){
			prevNode = startNode;
			startNode = startNode.parentNode;

		if(ITER > STOP) {
			console.error("ENDLESS LOOP");


	return r;

// Get the cfi of the current page
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.getPageCfi = function(prevEl){
	this.visibileEl = this.findFirstVisible(prevEl);

	return this.epubcfi.generateCfiFromElement(this.visibileEl, this.currentChapter.cfiBase);

// Goto a cfi position in the current chapter
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.gotoCfi = function(cfi){
	var element;
	var pg;

		cfi = this.epubcfi.parse(cfi);

	marker = this.epubcfi.addMarker(cfi, this.doc);
	if(marker) {
		pg = this.render.getPageNumberByElement(marker);
		// Must Clean up Marker before going to page
		this.epubcfi.removeMarker(marker, this.doc);

//  Walk nodes until a visible element is found
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.findFirstVisible = function(startEl){
	var el = startEl || this.render.getBaseElement();
	var	found;
	found = this.walk(el);

	if(found) {
		return found;
		return startEl;


EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.route = function(hash, callback){
	var location = window.location.hash.replace('#/', '');
	if(this.useHash && location.length && location != this.prevLocation){
		this.show(location, callback);
		this.prevLocation = location;
		return true;
	return false;

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.hideHashChanges = function(){
	this.useHash = false;


//-- Listeners for events in the frame

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.onResized = function(e){
	var spreads;
	this.width = this.container.clientWidth;
	this.height = this.container.clientHeight;

	spreads = this.determineSpreads(this.minSpreadWidth);
	// Only re-layout if the spreads have switched
	if(spreads != this.spreads){
		this.spreads = spreads;
		this.layoutMethod = this.determineLayout(this.layoutSettings);
		this.layout = new EPUBJS.Layout[this.layoutMethod]();


	this.trigger("renderer:resized", {
		width: this.width,
		height: this.height


EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.addEventListeners = function(){

		this.render.document.addEventListener(eventName, this.triggerEvent.bind(this), false);
	}, this);


EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.removeEventListeners = function(){

		this.render.document.removeEventListener(eventName, this.triggerEvent, false);
	}, this);


// Pass browser events
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.triggerEvent = function(e){
	this.trigger("renderer:"+e.type, e);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.addSelectionListeners = function(){
	this.render.document.addEventListener("selectionchange", this.onSelectionChange.bind(this), false);
	this.render.window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp.bind(this), false);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.removeSelectionListeners = function(){
	this.doc.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this.onSelectionChange, false);
	this.render.window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, false);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.onSelectionChange = function(e){
	this.highlighted = true;

//  only pass selection on mouse up
EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e){
	var selection;
	if(this.highlighted) {
		selection = this.render.window.getSelection();
		this.trigger("renderer:selected", selection);
		this.highlighted = false;

//-- Spreads

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.setMinSpreadWidth = function(width){
	this.minSpreadWidth = width;
	this.spreads = this.determineSpreads(width);

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.determineSpreads = function(cutoff){
	if(this.isForcedSingle || !cutoff || this.width < cutoff) {
		return false; //-- Single Page
		return true; //-- Double Page

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.forceSingle = function(bool){
	if(bool) {
		this.isForcedSingle = true;
		this.spreads = false;
	} else {
		this.isForcedSingle = false;
		this.spreads = this.determineSpreads(width);

//-- Content Replacements

EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.replace = function(query, func, finished, progress){
	var items = this.contents.querySelectorAll(query),
		resources = Array.prototype.slice.call(items),
		count = resources.length,
		after = function(result, full){
			if(progress) progress(result, full, count);
			if(count <= 0 && finished) finished(true);

	if(count === 0) {

		func(item, after);



EPUBJS.Renderer.prototype.replaceWithStored = function(query, attr, func, callback) {
	var _oldUrls,
			_newUrls = {},
			_store = this.currentChapter.store,
			_cache = this.caches[query],
			_uri = EPUBJS.core.uri(this.currentChapter.absolute),
			_chapterBase = _uri.base,
			_attr = attr,
			_wait = 2000,
			progress = function(url, full, count) {
				_newUrls[full] = url;
			finished = function(notempty) {
				if(callback) callback();

				_.each(_oldUrls, function(url){

				_cache = _newUrls;

	if(!_store) return;

	if(!_cache) _cache = {};
	_oldUrls = _.clone(_cache);

	this.replace(query, function(link, done){
		var src = link.getAttribute(_attr),
				full = EPUBJS.core.resolveUrl(_chapterBase, src);

		var replaceUrl = function(url) {
				var timeout;

				link.onload = function(){
					done(url, full);

				link.onerror = function(e){
					done(url, full);

				if(query == "image") {
					//-- SVG needs this to trigger a load event
					link.setAttribute("externalResourcesRequired", "true");

				if(query == "link[href]") {
					//-- Only Stylesheet links seem to have a load events, just continue others
					done(url, full);

				link.setAttribute(_attr, url);

				//-- If elements never fire Load Event, should continue anyways
				timeout = setTimeout(function(){
					done(url, full);
				}, _wait);


		if(full in _oldUrls){
			_newUrls[full] = _oldUrls[full];
			delete _oldUrls[full];
			func(_store, full, replaceUrl, link);

	}, finished, progress);

//-- Enable binding events to Renderer
var EPUBJS = EPUBJS || {};
EPUBJS.replace = {};

//-- Replaces the relative links within the book to use our internal page changer
EPUBJS.replace.hrefs = function(callback, renderer){
	var book = this;
	var replacments = function(link, done){
		var href = link.getAttribute("href"),
				relative = href.search("://"),
				fragment = href[0] == "#";

		if(relative != -1){

			link.setAttribute("target", "_blank");


			link.onclick = function(){
				return false;


	renderer.replace("a[href]", replacments, callback);


EPUBJS.replace.head = function(callback, renderer) {

	renderer.replaceWithStored("link[href]", "href", EPUBJS.replace.links, callback);


//-- Replaces assets src's to point to stored version if browser is offline
EPUBJS.replace.resources = function(callback, renderer){
	//srcs = this.doc.querySelectorAll('[src]');
	renderer.replaceWithStored("[src]", "src", EPUBJS.replace.srcs, callback);


EPUBJS.replace.svg = function(callback, renderer) {
	renderer.replaceWithStored("image", "xlink:href", function(_store, full, done){
	}, callback);


EPUBJS.replace.srcs = function(_store, full, done){


//-- Replaces links in head, such as stylesheets - link[href]
EPUBJS.replace.links = function(_store, full, done, link){
	//-- Handle replacing urls in CSS
	if(link.getAttribute("rel") === "stylesheet") {
		EPUBJS.replace.stylesheets(_store, full).then(function(url, full){
			// done
				done(url, full);
			}, 5); //-- Allow for css to apply before displaying chapter

EPUBJS.replace.stylesheets = function(_store, full) {
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();

	if(!_store) return;

		var url;

		EPUBJS.replace.cssUrls(_store, full, text).then(function(newText){
			var _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL;

			var blob = new Blob([newText], { "type" : "text\/css" }),
					url = _URL.createObjectURL(blob);


		}, function(e) {

	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.replace.cssUrls = function(_store, base, text){
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer(),
		promises = [],
		matches = text.match(/url\(\'?\"?([^\'|^\"^\)]*)\'?\"?\)/g);
	if(!_store) return;

		return deferred.promise;

		var full = EPUBJS.core.resolveUrl(base, str.replace(/url\(|[|\)|\'|\"]/g, ''));
		var replaced = _store.getUrl(full).then(function(url){
				text = text.replace(str, 'url("'+url+'")');
	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Unarchiver = function(url){
	this.libPath = EPUBJS.filePath;
	this.zipUrl = url;
	this.urlCache = {};
	this.zipFs = new zip.fs.FS();
	return this.promise;

//-- Load the zip lib and set the workerScriptsPath
EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.loadLib = function(callback){
	if(typeof(zip) == "undefined") console.error("Zip lib not loaded");
	//-- load script
	EPUBJS.core.loadScript(this.libPath+"zip.js", function(){
		//-- Tell zip where it is located
		zip.workerScriptsPath = this.libPath;
	// console.log(this.libPath)
	zip.workerScriptsPath = this.libPath;

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.openZip = function(zipUrl, callback){
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var zipFs = this.zipFs;
	zipFs.importHttpContent(zipUrl, false, function() {
	}, this.failed);
	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.getXml = function(url, encoding){
	return this.getText(url, encoding).
				var parser = new DOMParser();
				return parser.parseFromString(text, "application/xml");


EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.getUrl = function(url, mime){
	var unarchiver = this;
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var decodededUrl = window.decodeURIComponent(url);
	var entry = this.zipFs.find(decodededUrl);
	var _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL;
	if(!entry) {
			message : "File not found in the epub: " + url,
			stack : new Error().stack
		return deferred.promise;
	if(url in this.urlCache) {
		return deferred.promise;

	entry.getBlob(mime || zip.getMimeType(entry.name), function(blob){
		var tempUrl = _URL.createObjectURL(blob);
		unarchiver.urlCache[url] = tempUrl;

	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.getText = function(url, encoding){
	var unarchiver = this;
	var deferred = new RSVP.defer();
	var decodededUrl = window.decodeURIComponent(url);
	var entry = this.zipFs.find(decodededUrl);
	var _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL;

	if(!entry) {
		console.warn("File not found in the contained epub:", url);
		return deferred.promise;

	}, null, null, encoding || 'UTF-8');

	return deferred.promise;

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.revokeUrl = function(url){
	var _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL;
	var fromCache = unarchiver.urlCache[url];
	if(fromCache) _URL.revokeObjectURL(fromCache);

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.failed = function(error){

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.afterSaved = function(error){

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.toStorage = function(entries){
	var timeout = 0,
		delay = 20,
		that = this,
		count = entries.length;

	function callback(){
		if(count === 0) that.afterSaved();
			that.saveEntryFileToStorage(entry, callback);
		}, timeout, entry);
		timeout += delay;
	console.log("time", timeout);

EPUBJS.Unarchiver.prototype.saveEntryFileToStorage = function(entry, callback){
	var that = this;
	entry.getData(new zip.BlobWriter(), function(blob) {
		EPUBJS.storage.save(entry.filename, blob, callback);

//# sourceMappingURL=epub_no_underscore.js.map