'use strict'; oml.ui.appDialog = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, tabs = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.pages, 'app').parts.map(function(tab) { return { id: tab.id, title: tab.title.replace(/ Open Media Library$/, ''), selected: tab.id == ui.part.app }; }), $panel = Ox.TabPanel({ content: function(id) { var $content = Ox.Element(), $logo = Ox.Element(), $text = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxTextPage'), title = Ox._(Ox.getObjectById( Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.pages, 'app').parts, id ).title); $('') .attr({ src: '/static/png/oml.png' }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '16px', top: '16px', width: '192px', height: '192px' }) .appendTo($logo); if (id == 'update') { var titleHTML = '
+ Ox._('A newer version of Open Media Library is available in git.')
+ '
+ Ox._('To update run:')
+ ' ./ctl update
} else {
+ '
+ Ox._('You are running Open Media Library version {0}.', [response.data.current])
+ '
+ Ox._('A newer version is available.')
+ '
' + Ox._('You are up to date.') + '
' ); } else { $content.html( titleHTML + ''
+ Ox._('You are running Open Media Library version {0}.', [response.data.current])
+ '
+ Ox._('You are up to date.')
+ '
The lazy brown fox jumped over the lazy black fox, but otherwise not really much happened here since you last checked.'); } $('