'use strict'; oml.ui.folders = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, username = oml.user.preferences.username, userIndex, users, $lists, that = Ox.Element() .css({ overflowX: 'hidden', //overflowY: 'auto', }) .bindEvent({ oml_find: selectList, oml_showfolder: function() { oml.resizeListFolders(); } }); function getFind(list) { return { conditions: list ? [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: list }] : [], operator: '&' }; } function getFolderList(list) { var index = users.map(function(user) { return user.nickname; }).indexOf(list.user); return list.id == '' ? oml.$ui.librariesList : Ox.endsWith(list.id, ':') ? oml.$ui.libraryList[index] : oml.$ui.folderList[index]; } function getUsersAndLists(callback) { oml.getUsers(function() { users = arguments[0]; oml.getLists(function(lists) { callback(users, lists); }); }); } function selectList() { var split = ui._list.split(':'), index = userIndex[split[0] || oml.user.preferences.username], list = split[1], $selectedList = !ui._list ? oml.$ui.librariesList : !list ? oml.$ui[!list ? 'libraryList' : 'folderList'][index] : oml.$ui.folderList[index]; $lists.forEach(function($list) { if ($list == $selectedList) { $list.options({selected: [ui._list]}).gainFocus(); } else { $list.options({selected: []}) } }); } that.updateElement = function() { that.empty(); $lists = []; oml.$ui.folder = []; oml.$ui.libraryList = []; oml.$ui.folderList = []; getUsersAndLists(function(users, lists) { Ox.print('GOT USERS AND LISTS', users, lists); userIndex = {}; $lists.push( oml.$ui.librariesList = oml.ui.folderList({ items: [ { id: '', name: Ox._('All Libraries'), type: 'libraries', items: Ox.getObjectById(lists, '').items } ] }) .bindEvent({ select: function() { oml.UI.set({find: getFind('')}); oml.$ui.librariesList.options({selected: ['']}); }, selectnext: function() { oml.UI.set(Ox.extend( {find: getFind(':')}, 'showFolder.' + username, true )); }, }) .css({height: '16px'}) .appendTo(that) ); oml.$ui.librariesList.$body.css({height: '16px'}); // FIXME! users.forEach(function(user, index) { var $content, items = lists.filter(function(list) { return list.user == user.nickname && list.type != 'library'; }), libraryId = (!index ? '' : user.nickname) + ':' userIndex[user.nickname] = index; oml.$ui.folder[index] = Ox.CollapsePanel({ collapsed: !ui.showFolder[user.nickname], extras: [ oml.ui.statusIcon(user, index), {}, Ox.Button({ style: 'symbol', title: 'info', tooltip: Ox._(!index ? 'Preferences...' : 'Profile...'), type: 'image' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { if (!index) { oml.UI.set({ page: 'preferences', 'part.preferences': 'account' }); } else { oml.UI.set({page: 'users'}) } } }) ], title: Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(user.nickname) }) .css({ width: ui.sidebarSize }) .bindEvent({ toggle: function(data) { oml.UI.set('showFolder.' + user.nickname, !data.collapsed); } }) .bindEvent( 'oml_showfolder.' + user.nickname.toLowerCase(), function(data) { oml.$ui.folder[index].options({collapsed: !data.value}); } ) .appendTo(that); $content = oml.$ui.folder[index].$content .css({ height: (1 + items.length) * 16 + 'px' }); $lists.push( oml.$ui.libraryList[index] = oml.ui.folderList({ items: [ { id: libraryId, name: Ox._('Library'), type: 'library', items: Ox.getObjectById(lists, libraryId).items } ] }) .bindEvent({ add: function() { !index && oml.addList(); }, select: function(data) { oml.UI.set({find: getFind(data.ids[0])}); }, selectnext: function() { oml.UI.set({find: getFind(items[0].id)}); }, selectprevious: function() { // FIXME: ugly var set, user, userLists; if (!index) { set = {find: getFind('')}; } else { user = users[index - 1].nickname; userLists = lists.filter(function(list) { return list.user == user; }); set = {find: getFind( !userLists.length ? (user == oml.user.preferences.username ? '' : user) + ':' : Ox.last(userLists).id )}; Ox.extend(set, 'showFolder.' + user, true); } oml.UI.set(set); } }) .appendTo($content) ); $lists.push( oml.$ui.folderList[index] = oml.ui.folderList({ draggable: !!index, items: items, sortable: !index }) .bindEvent({ add: function() { !index && oml.addList(); }, 'delete': function() { !index && oml.ui.deleteListDialog().open(); }, key_control_d: function() { oml.addList(ui._list); }, move: function(data) { lists[user.id] = data.ids.map(function(listId) { return Ox.getObjectById(items, listId); }); oml.api.sortLists({ ids: data.ids, user: user.id }, function(result) { // ... }); }, open: function() { !index && oml.ui.listDialog().open(); }, select: function(data) { oml.UI.set({find: getFind(data.ids[0])}); }, selectnext: function() { if (index < users.length - 1) { oml.UI.set(Ox.extend( {find: getFind(users[index + 1].nickname + ':')}, 'showFolder.' + users[index + 1].nickname, true )); } }, selectprevious: function() { oml.UI.set({find: getFind(libraryId)}); } }) .css({height: items.length * 16 + 'px'}) .appendTo($content) ); oml.$ui.folderList[index].$body.css({top: '16px'}); }); oml.resizeListFolders(); // FIXME: DOESN'T WORK selectList(); }); return that; }; that.updateItems = function(items) { var $list; if (arguments.length == 0) { oml.getLists(function(lists) { lists.forEach(function(list) { $list = getFolderList(list); if ($list) { $list.value(list.id, 'items', list.items); } }); }); } else { $list = $lists.filter(function($list) { return $list.options('selected').length; })[0]; if ($list && !Ox.isEmpty($list.value(ui._list))) { $list.value(ui._list, 'items', items); } } }; that.updateOwnLists = function(callback) { oml.getLists(function(lists) { var items = lists.filter(function(list) { return list.user == oml.user.preferences.username && list.type != 'library'; }); oml.$ui.folder[0].$content .css({height: 16 + items.length * 16 + 'px'}); oml.$ui.folderList[0].options({ items: items }) .css({height: items.length * 16 + 'px'}) .size(); oml.resizeListFolders(); callback && callback(); }); }; oml.bindEvent({ activity: function(data) { if (data.activity == 'import') { that.updateItems(); } }, change: function(data) { Ox.print('got change event') }, 'peering.accept': function(data) { Ox.print('peering.accept reload list') Ox.Request.clearCache('getUsers'); that.updateElement(); }, 'peering.remove': function(data) { Ox.print('peering.remove reload list') Ox.Request.clearCache('getUsers'); that.updateElement(); } }); return that.updateElement(); };