'use strict'; oml.ui.helpDialog = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, $panel = Ox.TabPanel({ content: function(id) { return Ox.Element() .addClass('OxTextPage OxSelectable') .css({margin: '16px'}) .html( '<p>The lazy brown fox and the lazy black fox ' + 'were observed singing "Loret ipsum", ' + 'but other than that not really much happened here ' + 'since you last checked.</p>' ); }, style: 'squared', tabs: [ { id: 'help', title: Ox._('Help'), selected: ui.page == 'help' }, { id: 'documentation', title: Ox._('API Documentation'), selected: ui.page == 'documentation' } ] }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { oml.UI.set({page: data.selected}); } }), that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'close', style: 'squared', title: Ox._('Close') }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }) ], closeButton: true, content: $panel, height: 384, keys: {escape: 'close'}, maximizeButton: true, minHeight: 256, minWidth: 544 + 2 * Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, removeOnClose: true, title: 'Open Media Libary', width: 672 + 2 * Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }) .bindEvent({ close: function() { if (Ox.contains(['help', 'documentation'], ui.page)) { oml.UI.set({page: ''}); } } }); return that; };