'use strict'; oml.ui.findElement = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, findIndex = ui._findState.index, findKey = ui._findState.key, findValue = ui._findState.value, hasPressedClear = false, previousFindKey = findKey, that = Ox.FormElementGroup({ elements: [ oml.$ui.findInSelect = renderFindInSelect(), oml.$ui.findSelect = Ox.Select({ id: 'select', items: [].concat( oml.config.findKeys.map(function(key) { return { id: key.id, title: Ox._('Find: {0}', [Ox._(key.title)]) }; }), [{}, { id: 'advanced', title: Ox._('Find: Advanced...') }] ), overlap: 'right', style: 'squared', value: findKey, width: 160 }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var menu = 'findMenu_finditems_' + data.value, previousMenu = 'findMenu_finditems_' + previousFindKey; oml.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem(menu); oml.$ui.mainMenu.setItemKeyboard(previousMenu, ''); oml.$ui.mainMenu.setItemKeyboard(menu, 'control f'); if (data.value == 'advanced') { // FIXME: control f when advanced that.updateElement(); oml.$ui.findDialog = oml.ui.findDialog().open(); } else { oml.$ui.findInput.options({ autocomplete: getAutocomplete(), placeholder: '' }).focusInput(true); previousFindKey = data.value; } } }), oml.$ui.findInput = Ox.Input({ autocomplete: getAutocomplete(), autocompleteSelect: true, autocompleteSelectHighlight: true, autocompleteSelectMaxWidth: 256, autocompleteSelectSubmit: true, clear: true, clearTooltip: Ox._('Click to clear or doubleclick to reset query'), id: 'input', placeholder: findKey == 'advanced' ? Ox._('Edit Query...') : '', style: 'squared', value: findValue, width: 240 }) .bindEvent({ clear: function() { hasPressedClear = true; }, focus: function(data) { if (oml.$ui.findSelect.value() == 'advanced') { if (hasPressedClear) { oml.UI.set({find: oml.site.user.ui.find}); that.updateElement(); hasPressedClear = false; } oml.$ui.findInput.blurInput(); oml.$ui.findDialog = oml.ui.findDialog().open(); } }, submit: function(data) { var scope = oml.$ui.findInSelect.value(), key = oml.$ui.findSelect.value(), conditions = [].concat( scope == 'list' ? [{ key: 'list', value: ui._list, operator: '==' }] : [], scope == 'user' ? [{ key: 'list', value: ui._list.split(':')[0], operator: '==' }] : [], data.value ? [{ key: key, value: data.value, operator: '=' }] : [] ); oml.UI.set({ find: { conditions: conditions, operator: '&' } }); } }) ] }) .css({ float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px' }) .bindEvent({ oml_find: function() { that.replaceElement( 0, oml.$ui.findInSelect = renderFindInSelect() ); } }); function getAutocomplete() { var key = !that ? ui._findState.key : that.value()[ui._list ? 1 : 0], findKey = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.findKeys, key); return findKey && findKey.autocomplete ? function(value, callback) { oml.api.autocomplete({ key: key, query: { conditions: ui._list && oml.$ui.findInSelect.value() == 'list' ? [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: ui._list }] : [], operator: '&' }, range: [0, 20], sort: findKey.autocompleteSort, value: value }, function(result) { callback(result.data.items.map(function(item) { return Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(item); })); }); } : null; } function renderFindInSelect() { var scope = !ui._list ? 'all' : Ox.endsWith(ui._list, ':') ? 'user' : 'list'; var $select = Ox.Select({ items: [ {id: 'all', title: Ox._('Find In: All Libraries')}, ].concat(scope != 'all' ? [ {id: 'user', title: Ox._('Find In: This Library')}, ] : []).concat(scope == 'list' ? [ {id: 'list', title: Ox._('Find In: This List')} ] : []), overlap: 'right', style: 'squared', title: scope == 'all' ? 'data' : scope, type: 'image', tooltip: Ox._('Find: FIXME'), value: scope }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { oml.$ui.findInSelect.options({ title: data.value == 'all' ? 'data' : data.value, tooltip: data.title }); oml.$ui.findInput.focusInput(true); } }); $select.superValue = $select.value; $select.value = function(value) { if (arguments.length == 1) { Ox.print('I AM HERE') $select.options({title: value == 'all' ? 'data' : value}); } $select.superValue.apply($select, arguments); } return $select; } that.updateElement = function() { var findState = ui._findState; oml.$ui.findSelect.value(findState.key); oml.$ui.findInput.options( findState.key == 'advanced' ? { placeholder: Ox._('Edit Query...'), value: '' } : { autocomplete: getAutocomplete(), placeholder: '', value: findState.value } ); }; return that; };