'use strict'; oml.ui.list = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, that = oml.ui[ui.listView + 'View']() .bindEvent({ closepreview: function() { oml.$ui.previewButton.options({value: false}); oml.$ui.previewDialog.close(); delete oml.$ui.previewDialog; }, init: function(data) { oml.$ui.statusbar.set('total', data); }, open: function(data) { oml.UI.set({ item: data.ids[0], itemView: 'info' }); }, openpreview: function() { if (!oml.$ui.previewDialog) { oml.$ui.previewButton.options({value: true}); oml.$ui.previewDialog = oml.ui.previewDialog() .open() .bindEvent({ close: function() { that.closePreview(); delete oml.$ui.previewDialog; } }); } else { oml.$ui.previewDialog.update(); } }, resize: function(data) { // this is the resize event of the split panel that.size(); }, select: function(data) { oml.UI.set({listSelection: data.ids}); }, oml_find: function() { that.reloadList(); }, oml_item: function() { if (!ui.item) { that.gainFocus(); } else { that.options({selected: [ui.item]}); } }, oml_listselection: function(data) { that.options({selected: data.value}); }, oml_listsort: function(data) { that.options({sort: data.value}); }, oml_sidebarsize: function(data) { that.size(); } }); oml.enableDragAndDrop(that); return that; };