# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 from datetime import datetime import os import shutil import stat import time import unicodedata import ox from changelog import add_record from item.models import File, Item from user.models import List from utils import remove_empty_folders, same_path from websocket import trigger_event import db import media import settings import state import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) extensions = ['epub', 'pdf', 'txt', 'cbr', 'cbz'] def remove_missing(books=None): dirty = False logger.debug('remove missing') prefix = get_prefix() if books is None: books = collect_books(prefix) with db.session(): if os.path.exists(prefix): logger.debug('scan for removed files') db_paths = [] items = {} for f in File.query: if state.shutdown: return path = f.fullpath() db_paths.append(path) if f.item: items[path] = f.sha1 else: state.db.session.delete(f) dirty = True if dirty: state.db.session.commit() dirty = False nfd_books = {unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) for path in books} removed = [ path for path in db_paths if unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) not in nfd_books ] if removed: logger.debug('%s files removed', len(removed)) ids = [items[path] for path in removed] orphaned = set(ids) for i in Item.query.filter(Item.id.in_(ids)): i.remove_file() orphaned.remove(i.id) dirty = True if orphaned: logger.debug('%s files orphaned', len(orphaned)) for f in File.query.filter(File.sha1.in_(orphaned)): state.db.session.delete(f) dirty = True if dirty: state.db.session.commit() state.cache.clear('group:') logger.debug('update filenames') for f in File.query: if state.shutdown: return f.move() logger.debug('remove empty folders') remove_empty_folders(prefix, True) logger.debug('remove missing done') def add_file(id, f, prefix, from_=None, commit=True): user = state.user() path = f[len(prefix):] logger.debug('%s extract metadata %s', id, path) data = media.metadata(f, from_) logger.debug('%s create file %s', id, path) file = File.get_or_create(id, data, path) item = file.item item.add_user(user) item.added = datetime.utcnow() logger.debug('%s load metadata %s', id, path) item.load_metadata() add_record('additem', item.id, file.info) add_record('edititem', item.id, item.meta) logger.debug('%s extract icons %s', id, path) item.update_icons() item.modified = datetime.utcnow() logger.debug('%s save item', id) item.update(commit=commit) logger.debug('%s added', id) return file def get_prefix(): prefs = settings.preferences prefix = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(prefs['libraryPath']), 'Books' + os.sep) if not prefix[-1] == os.sep: prefix += os.sep assert isinstance(prefix, str) return prefix def collect_books(prefix, status=None): logger.debug('collect books') books = [] count = 0 for root, folders, files in os.walk(prefix): for f in files: if state.shutdown: return [] if f.startswith('.'): continue f = os.path.join(root, f) ext = f.split('.')[-1].lower() if ext == 'kepub': ext = 'epub' if ext in extensions: books.append(os.path.normpath(f)) count += 1 if status and not status(count): return None logger.debug('found %s books', len(books)) return books def run_scan(): logger.debug('run_scan') prefix = get_prefix() books = collect_books(prefix) remove_missing(books) ids = set() added = 0 with db.session(): user = state.user() for f in ox.sorted_strings(books): if state.shutdown: break if os.path.exists(f): id = media.get_id(f) file = File.get(id) if file: f1 = file.fullpath() f2 = os.path.join(prefix, f) if not same_path(f1, f2) and os.path.exists(f1) and os.path.exists(f2): logger.debug('file exists in multiple locations %s', id) logger.debug('"%s" vs "%s"', f1, f2) os.chmod(f2, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(f2) continue if id in ids: logger.debug('file exists in multiple locations %s', id) if file: f1 = file.fullpath() f2 = os.path.join(prefix, f) if not same_path(f1, f2) and os.path.exists(f1) and os.path.exists(f2): logger.debug('"%s" vs "%s"', f1, f2) os.chmod(f2, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(f2) continue else: ids.add(id) if not file: file = add_file(id, f, prefix, f) added += 1 elif user not in file.item.users: item = file.item item.add_user(user) logger.debug('add %s to local user', id) add_record('additem', item.id, file.info) add_record('edititem', item.id, item.meta) item.update() added += 1 if file and not file.item.added: file.item.added = datetime.utcnow() if file.item.accessed: file.item.added = file.item.accessed file.item.save() library_items = len(user.library.items) if added: trigger_event('change', {}) logger.debug('imported %s unknown books', added) if len(ids) != len(books): logger.debug('number of books %s vs number of ids %s', len(books), len(ids)) if library_items != len(books): logger.debug('number of books %s vs number of items in library %s', len(books), library_items) library_items = set([str(i) for i in user.library.items]) gone = library_items - ids if gone: for id in gone: i = Item.get(id) path = i.get_path() if not path or not os.path.exists(path): logger.debug('cleaning orphaned record %s %s', i, path) i.remove_file() missing = ids - library_items if missing: logger.debug('%s items in library without a record', len(missing)) def change_path(old, new): new_books = os.path.join(new, 'Books') if not os.path.exists(new_books): ox.makedirs(new) shutil.move(os.path.join(old, 'Books'), new_books) remove_empty_folders(old) else: ox.makedirs(new_books) run_scan() trigger_event('change', {}) def run_import(options=None): options = options or {} logger.debug('run_import') if state.activity.get('cancel'): logger.debug('import canceled') state.activity = {} return state.activity = {} prefs = settings.preferences prefix = os.path.expanduser(options.get('path', prefs['importPath'])) if os.path.islink(prefix): prefix = os.path.realpath(prefix) if not prefix[-1] == os.sep: prefix += os.sep prefix_books = get_prefix() prefix_imported = os.path.join(prefix_books, '.import' + os.sep) if prefix_books.startswith(prefix) or prefix.startswith(prefix_books): error = 'invalid path' elif not os.path.exists(prefix): error = 'path not found' elif not os.path.isdir(prefix): error = 'path must be a folder' else: error = None if error: trigger_event('activity', { 'activity': 'import', 'progress': [0, 0], 'status': {'code': 404, 'text': error} }) state.activity = {} return listname = options.get('list') if listname: listitems = [] assert isinstance(prefix, str) books = [] def activity(count): if count % 100 == 0: state.activity = { 'activity': 'import', 'path': prefix, 'progress': [0, count], } trigger_event('activity', state.activity) if state.activity.get('cancel'): logger.debug('active import canceled') state.activity = {} return False return True books = collect_books(prefix, status=activity) if books is None: return state.activity = { 'activity': 'import', 'path': prefix, 'progress': [0, len(books)], } trigger_event('activity', state.activity) position = 0 added = 0 last = 0 for f in ox.sorted_strings(books): position += 1 if not os.path.exists(f): continue with db.session(): id = media.get_id(f) file = File.get(id) f_import = f if not file: f = f.replace(prefix, prefix_imported) ox.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f)) if options.get('mode') == 'move': try: shutil.move(f_import, f) except: shutil.copy2(f_import, f) else: shutil.copy2(f_import, f) file = add_file(id, f, prefix_books, f_import) file.move() added += 1 elif options.get('mode') == 'move': try: os.chmod(f_import, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(f_import) except: pass if listname: listitems.append(file.item.id) if state.activity.get('cancel'): state.activity = {} return if state.shutdown: return if time.time() - last > 5: last = time.time() state.activity = { 'activity': 'import', 'progress': [position, len(books)], 'path': prefix, 'added': added, } trigger_event('activity', state.activity) if listname and listitems: with db.session(): l = List.get(settings.USER_ID, listname) if l: l.add_items(listitems) trigger_event('activity', { 'activity': 'import', 'progress': [position, len(books)], 'path': prefix, 'status': {'code': 200, 'text': ''}, 'added': added, }) state.activity = {} remove_empty_folders(prefix_books) if options.get('mode') == 'move': remove_empty_folders(prefix, True) def import_folder(): if not (state.activity and state.activity.get('activity') == 'import'): import_path = settings.preferences['importPath'] import_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(import_path)) import_path_base = os.path.dirname(import_path) if not os.path.exists(import_path) and os.path.exists(import_path_base): os.makedirs(import_path) logger.debug('scan importPath %s', import_path) if os.path.exists(import_path): run_import({ 'path': import_path, 'mode': 'move' }) remove_empty_folders(import_path, True) if state.main: state.main.call_later(10*60, lambda: state.tasks.queue('scanimport'))