'use strict'; oml.ui.mainMenu = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, findState = oml.getFindState(ui.find), fromMenu = false, appItems = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.pages, 'app').parts, that = Ox.MainMenu({ extras: [ oml.$ui.connectionButton = oml.ui.connectionButton(), oml.$ui.notificationsButton = oml.ui.notificationsButton(), oml.$ui.loadingIcon = oml.ui.loadingIcon() ], menus: [ { id: 'appMenu', title: '<img src="/static/png/oml.png" style="width: 14px; height: 14px">', items: [ appItems[0], {} ].concat( appItems.slice(1, -1) ).concat([ {}, Ox.last(appItems) ]) }, { id: 'userMenu', title: Ox._('User'), items: [ { id: 'preferences', title: Ox._('Preferences...'), keyboard: 'control ,' }, {}, { id: 'users', title: Ox._('Users...') }, { id: 'devices', title: Ox._('Devices...') } ] }, getListMenu(), getEditMenu(), { id: 'viewMenu', title: Ox._('View'), items: [ { id: 'section', title: Ox._('Section'), items: [ { group: 'section', min: 1, max: 1, items: [ { id: 'books', title: Ox._('Books'), checked: true }, { id: 'music', title: Ox._('Music'), disabled: true }, { id: 'movies', title: Ox._('Movies'), disabled: true } ] } ] }, {}, { id: 'iconsSubmenu', title: 'Icons', items: [ { group: 'icons', min: 1, max: 1, items: [ { id: 'cover', title: Ox._('Cover'), checked: ui.icons == 'cover' }, { id: 'preview', title: Ox._('Preview'), checked: ui.icons == 'preview' } ] }, {}, { id: 'showiconinfo', title: 'Show Icon Info', checked: ui.showIconInfo }, {}, { group: 'iconinfo', min: 1, max: 1, items: [ { id: 'extension', title: Ox._('Show Extension'), checked: ui.iconInfo == 'extension', disabled: !ui.showIconInfo }, { id: 'size', title: Ox._('Show Size'), checked: ui.iconInfo == 'size', disabled: !ui.showIconInfo } ] } ] }, {}, { id: 'showsidebar', title: Ox._((ui.showSidebar ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Sidebar'), keyboard: 'shift s' }, { id: 'showinfo', title: Ox._((ui.showInfo ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Info'), keyboard: 'shift i', disabled: !ui.showSidebar }, { id: 'showfilters', title: Ox._((ui.showFilters ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Filters'), keyboard: 'shift f', disabled: !!ui.item }, { id: 'showbrowser', title: Ox._((ui.showBrowser ? 'Hide': 'Show') + ' Browser'), keyboard: 'shift b', disabled: !ui.item }, {}, { id: 'notifications', title: Ox._('Notifications...') }, { id: 'transfers', title: Ox._('Transfers...') }, { id: 'activity', title: Ox._('Activity...') } ] }, { id: 'sortMenu', title: Ox._('Sort'), items: [ { id: 'sortitems', title: Ox._('Sort Books by'), items: [ { group: 'sort', title: Ox._('Sort Books by'), min: 1, max: 1, items: oml.config.sortKeys.map(function(key) { return { id: key.id, title: Ox._(key.title), checked: key.id == ui.listSort[0].key }; }) } ] }, { id: 'orderitems', title: Ox._('Order Books'), items: [ { group: 'order', min: 1, max: 1, items: [ { id: 'ascending', title: Ox._('Ascending'), checked: ui.listSort[0].operator == '+' }, { id: 'descending', title: Ox._('Descending'), checked: ui.listSort[0].operator == '-' } ], } ] }, { id: 'advancedsort', title: Ox._('Advanced Sort'), keyboard: 'shift control s', disabled: true }, {}, { id: 'sorttitles', title: Ox._('Sort Titles...') }, { id: 'sortnames', title: Ox._('Sort Names...') } ] }, getFindMenu(), { id: 'helpMenu', title: Ox._('Help'), items: [ { id: 'gettingstarted', title: 'Getting Started...' }, { id: 'help', title: Ox._('{0} Help...', ['Open Media Library']), keyboard: 'control ?' }, { id: 'documentation', title: Ox._('Documentation...'), keyboard: 'shift control ?' } ] }, { id: 'debugMenu', title: Ox._('Debug'), items: [ { id: 'debugmode', title: Ox._(( oml.localStorage('enableDebugMode') ? 'Disable' : 'Enable' ) + ' Debug Mode'), }, { id: 'eventlogging', title: Ox._(( oml.localStorage('enableEventLogging') ? 'Disable' : 'Enable' ) + ' Event Logging'), }, {}, { id: 'changelog', title: Ox._('Change Log...') }, { id: 'errorlog', title: Ox._('Error Log...') } ] } ] }) .bindKeyboard() .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var id = data.id, value = Ox.isBoolean(data.checked) ? data.checked : data.checked[0].id; if (id == 'icons') { oml.UI.set({icons: value}); } else if (id == 'icons') { oml.UI.set({icons: value}); } else if (id == 'showiconinfo') { oml.UI.set({showIconInfo: value}); } else if (id == 'iconinfo') { oml.UI.set({iconInfo: value}); } else if (id == 'sort') { oml.UI.set({ listSort: [{ key: value, operator: oml.getSortOperator(value) }] }); } else if (id == 'order') { oml.UI.set({ listSort: [{ key: ui.listSort[0].key, operator: value == 'ascending' ? '+' : '-' }] }); } else if (id == 'findin') { oml.$ui.findInSelect.value(value); if (ui._findState.key == 'advanced') { // ... } else { oml.$ui.findInput.focusInput(true); } } else if (id == 'find') { if (value) { oml.$ui.findSelect.value(value); if (ui._findState.key == 'advanced') { // fixme: autocomplete function doesn't get updated oml.$ui.findInput.options({placeholder: ''}); } else { oml.$ui.findInput.focusInput(true); } } } else { Ox.print('MAIN MENU DOES NOT YET HANDLE', id, data); } }, click: function(data) { var id = data.id; if (Ox.contains([ 'about', 'faq', 'terms', 'development', 'contact', 'update' ], id)) { oml.UI.set({'part.app': id}); oml.UI.set({page: 'app'}); } else if (id == 'preferences') { oml.UI.set({page: 'preferences'}); } else if (id == 'users') { oml.UI.set({page: 'users'}); } else if (id == 'alllibraries') { if (!ui._list) { oml.UI.set({item: ''}); } else { oml.UI.set({find: { conditions: [], operator: '&' }}); } } else if (id == 'thislibrary') { if (Ox.endsWith(ui._list, ':')) { oml.UI.set({item: ''}); } else { oml.UI.set({find: { conditions: [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: ui._list.split(':')[0] + ':' }], operator: '&' }}); } } else if (id == 'thislist') { oml.UI.set({item: ''}); } else if (Ox.contains([ 'newlist', 'newlistfromselection', 'newsmartlist', 'newsmartlistfromresults' ], id)) { oml.addList(Ox.contains(id, 'smart'), Ox.contains(id, 'from')); } else if (id == 'duplicatelist') { oml.addList(ui._list); } else if (id == 'editlist') { oml.ui.listDialog.open(); } else if (id == 'deletelist') { oml.ui.deleteListDialog().open(); } else if (id == 'import') { oml.UI.set({page: 'import'}); } else if (id == 'export') { oml.UI.set({page: 'export'}); } else if (id == 'selectall') { oml.$ui.list.selectAll(); } else if (id == 'selectnone') { oml.UI.set({listSelection: []}); } else if (id == 'invertselection') { oml.$ui.list.invertSelection(); } else if (Ox.contains(['cut', 'cutadd'], id)) { var action = data.id == 'cut' ? 'copy' : 'add'; fromMenu = true; oml.clipboard[action](ui.listSelection, 'item'); oml.doHistory('cut', ui.listSelection, ui._list, function() { oml.UI.set({listSelection: []}); oml.reloadList(); }); } else if (Ox.contains(['copy', 'copyadd'], id)) { var action = data.id == 'copy' ? 'copy' : 'add'; fromMenu = true; oml.clipboard[action](ui.listSelection, 'item'); } else if (id == 'paste') { var items = oml.clipboard.paste(); oml.doHistory('paste', items, ui._list, function() { oml.UI.set({listSelection: items}); oml.reloadList(); }); } else if (data.id == 'clearclipboard') { oml.clipboard.clear(); } else if (data.id == 'delete') { oml.doHistory('delete', ui.listSelection, ui._list, function() { oml.UI.set({listSelection: []}); oml.reloadList(); }); } else if (data.id == 'undo') { fromMenu = true; oml.undoHistory(); } else if (data.id == 'redo') { fromMenu = true; oml.redoHistory(); } else if (id == 'clearhistory') { fromMenu = true; oml.history.clear(); } else if (id == 'showsidebar') { oml.UI.set({showSidebar: !ui.showSidebar}); } else if (id == 'showinfo') { oml.UI.set({showInfo: !ui.showInfo}); } else if (id == 'showfilters') { oml.UI.set({showFilters: !ui.showFilters}); } else if (id == 'showbrowser') { oml.UI.set({showBrowser: !ui.showBrowser}); } else if (id == 'transfers') { oml.UI.set({page: 'transfers'}); } else if (id == 'debugmode') { if (oml.localStorage('enableDebugMode')) { oml.localStorage['delete']('enableDebugMode'); } else { oml.localStorage('enableDebugMode', true); } window.location.reload(); } else { Ox.print('MAIN MENU DOES NOT YET HANDLE', id); } }, key_backtick: function() { changeFocus(1); }, key_control_comma: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen()) { oml.UI.set({page: 'preferences'}); } }, key_control_f: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen()) { if (ui._findState.key != 'advanced') { setTimeout(function() { oml.$ui.findInput.focusInput(true); }); } else { oml.$ui.filterDialog = oml.ui.filterDialog().open(); } } }, key_control_m: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen() && !that.isSelected()) { that.options('menus')[0].element.trigger('click'); } }, key_control_shift_f: function() { Ox.print('FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED') }, key_control_shift_w: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen()) { oml.UI.set({ find: oml.config.user.ui.find, item: '' }); } }, key_control_shift_z: function() { oml.redoHistory(); }, key_control_slash: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen()) { oml.UI.set({page: 'help'}); } }, key_control_w: function() { if (!oml.hasDialogOrScreen()) { oml.UI.set({item: ''}); } }, key_control_z: function() { oml.undoHistory(); }, key_shift_b: function() { ui.item && oml.UI.set({showBrowser: !ui.showBrowser}); }, key_shift_f: function() { !ui.item && oml.UI.set({showFilters: !ui.showFilters}); }, key_shift_i: function() { ui.showSidebar && oml.UI.set({showInfo: !ui.showInfo}); }, key_shift_s: function() { oml.UI.set({showSidebar: !ui.showSidebar}); }, oml_find: function() { that.replaceMenu('listMenu', getListMenu()); that.replaceMenu('editMenu', getEditMenu()); that.replaceMenu('findMenu', getFindMenu()); /* var action = Ox.startsWith(ui._list, ':') && ui._list != ':' ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'; that[ ui._list && !Ox.endsWith(ui._list, ':') ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem' ]('duplicatelist'); that[action]('editlist'); that[action]('deletelist'); */ }, oml_iconinfo: function(data) { // ... }, oml_icons: function(data) { that.checkItem('viewMenu_iconsSubmenu_' + data.value); }, oml_item: function(data) { if (!!data.value != !!data.previousValue) { that[data.value ? 'disableItem' : 'enableItem']('showfilters'); that[data.value ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('showbrowser'); } }, oml_listselection: function(data) { that.replaceMenu('editMenu', getEditMenu()); }, oml_listsort: function(data) { that.checkItem('sortMenu_sortitems_' + data.value[0].key); that.checkItem('sortMenu_orderitems_' + ( data.value[0].operator == '+' ? 'ascending' : 'descending') ); }, oml_showbrowser: function(data) { that.setItemTitle('showbrowser', Ox._((data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Browser')); }, oml_showfilters: function(data) { that.setItemTitle('showfilters', Ox._((data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Filters')); }, oml_showiconinfo: function(data) { var action = data.value ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'; that[action]('viewMenu_iconsSubmenu_extension'); that[action]('viewMenu_iconsSubmenu_size'); }, oml_showinfo: function(data) { that.setItemTitle('showinfo', Ox._((data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Info')); }, oml_showsidebar: function(data) { that.setItemTitle('showsidebar', Ox._((data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Sidebar')); that[data.value ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('showinfo'); }, }); function getEditMenu() { var listData = oml.getListData(), username = oml.user.preferences.username, selectionItems = ui.listSelection.length, selectionItemName = ( selectionItems > 1 ? Ox.formatNumber(selectionItems) + ' ' : '' ) + Ox._(selectionItems == 1 ? 'Book' : 'Books'), clipboardItems = oml.clipboard.items(), clipboardType = oml.clipboard.type(), clipboardItemName = !clipboardItems ? '' : ( clipboardItems > 1 ? Ox.formatNumber(clipboardItems) + ' ' : '' ) + Ox._(clipboardItems == 1 ? 'Book' : 'Books'), canSelect = !ui.item, canDownload = listData.user != username && selectionItems, canCopy = canSelect && selectionItems, canCut = canCopy && listData.editable, canPaste = listData.editable && clipboardItems, canAdd = canCopy && clipboardItems && clipboardType == 'book', canDelete = listData.user == username && selectionItems, historyItems = oml.history.items(), undoText = oml.history.undoText(), redoText = oml.history.redoText(); return { id: 'editMenu', title: Ox._('Edit'), items: [ { id: 'import', title: Ox._(oml.user.importing ? 'Importing Books...' : 'Import Books...') // FIXME }, { id: 'export', title: Ox._(oml.user.exporting ? 'Exporting Books...' : 'Export Books...') // FIXME }, {}, { id: 'selectall', title: Ox._('Select All'), disabled: !canSelect, keyboard: 'control a' }, { id: 'selectnone', title: Ox._('Select None'), disabled: !canSelect, keyboard: 'shift control a' }, { id: 'invertselection', title: Ox._('Invert Selection'), disabled: !canSelect, keyboard: 'alt control a' }, {}, { id: 'download', title: Ox._('Download {0}', [selectionItemName]), disabled: !canDownload, keyboard: 'control d' }, { id: 'cut', title: Ox._('Cut {0}', [selectionItemName]), disabled: !canCut, keyboard: 'control x' }, { id: 'cutadd', title: Ox._('Cut and Add to Clipboard'), disabled: !canCut || !canAdd, keyboard: 'shift control x' }, { id: 'copy', title: Ox._('Copy {0}', [selectionItemName]), disabled: !canCopy, keyboard: 'control c' }, { id: 'copyadd', title: Ox._('Copy and Add to Clipboard'), disabled: !canCopy || !canAdd, keyboard: 'shift control c' }, { id: 'paste', title: !clipboardItems ? Ox._('Paste') : Ox._('Paste {0}', [clipboardItemName]), disabled: !canPaste, keyboard: 'control v' }, { id: 'clearclipboard', title: Ox._('Clear Clipboard'), disabled: !clipboardItems }, {}, { id: 'delete', title: Ox._('Delete {0} from List', [selectionItemName]), disabled: !canCut, keyboard: 'delete' }, { id: 'deletefromlibrary', title: Ox._('Delete {0} from Library...', [selectionItemName]), disabled: !canDelete, keyboard: 'control delete' }, {}, { id: 'undo', title: undoText ? Ox._('Undo {0}', [undoText]) : Ox._('Undo'), disabled: !undoText, keyboard: 'control z' }, { id: 'redo', title: redoText ? Ox._('Redo {0}', [redoText]) : Ox._('Redo'), disabled: !redoText, keyboard: 'shift control z' }, { id: 'clearhistory', title: Ox._('Clear History'), disabled: !historyItems, } ] }; } function getFindMenu() { var isLibraries = !ui._list, isLibrary = Ox.endsWith(ui._list, ':'), isList = !isLibraries && !isLibrary; return { id: 'findMenu', title: Ox._('Find'), items: [ { id: 'findlists', title: Ox._('Find In'), items: [ { group: 'findin', min: 1, max: 1, items: [ {id: 'all', title: Ox._('All Libraries'), checked: isLibraries} ].concat(!isLibraries ? [ {id: 'user', title: Ox._('This Library'), checked: isLibrary} ] : []).concat(isList ? [ {id: 'list', title: Ox._('This List'), checked: isList} ] : []) } ] }, { id: 'finditems', title: Ox._('Find'), items: [ { group: 'find', min: 1, max: 1, items: oml.config.findKeys.map(function(key) { var checked = key.id == findState.key; return { id: key.id, title: Ox._(key.title), checked: checked, keyboard: checked ? 'control f' : '' }; }) }, ] }, { id: 'advancedfind', title: Ox._('Advanced Find'), keyboard: 'shift control f' } ] }; } function getListMenu() { var isLibraries = !ui._list, isLibrary = Ox.endsWith(ui._list, ':'), isList = !isLibraries && !isLibrary, isOwnList = ui._list[0] == ':'; return { id: 'listMenu', title: Ox._('List'), items: [].concat(!isLibraries || ui.item ? [ { id: 'alllibraries', title: Ox._('All Libraries'), keyboard: 'shift control w' } ] : []).concat(isList || (isLibrary && ui.item) ? [ { id: 'thislibrary', title: Ox._('This Library'), keyboard: isLibrary ? 'control w' : '' } ] : []).concat(isList && ui.item ? [ { id: 'thislist', title: Ox._('This List'), keyboard: isList ? 'control w' : '' } ] : []).concat(!isLibraries || ui.item ? [ {}, ] : []).concat([ { id: 'newlist', title: Ox._('New List...'), keyboard: 'control n' }, { id: 'newlistfromselection', title: Ox._('New List from Selection...'), keyboard: 'shift control n', disabled: !ui.listSelection.length }, { id: 'newsmartlist', title: Ox._('New Smart List...'), keyboard: 'alt control n' }, { id: 'newsmartlistfromresults', title: Ox._('New Smart List from Results...'), keyboard: 'shift alt control n' }, {}, { id: 'duplicatelist', title: Ox._('Duplicate List...'), disabled: !isList }, { id: 'editlist', title: Ox._('Edit List...'), keyboard: 'return', disabled: !isList || !isOwnList }, { id: 'deletelist', title: Ox._('Delete List...'), keyboard: 'delete', disabled: !isList || !isOwnList } ]) }; } oml.clipboard.bindEvent(function(data, event) { if (Ox.contains(['add', 'copy', 'clear'], event)) { that.replaceMenu('editMenu', getEditMenu()); } if (Ox.contains(['add', 'copy', 'paste'], event) && !fromMenu) { that.highlightMenu('editMenu'); } fromMenu = false; }); oml.history.bindEvent(function(data, event) { that.replaceMenu('editMenu', getEditMenu()); if (Ox.contains(['undo', 'redo'], event) && !fromMenu) { that.highlightMenu('editMenu'); } fromMenu = false; }); that.updateElement = function(menu) { ( menu ? Ox.makeArray(menu) : ['listMenu', 'editMenu', 'findMenu'] ).forEach(function(menu) { that.updateMenu( menu, menu == 'listMenu' ? getListMenu() : menu == 'editMenu' ? getEditMenu() : getFindMenu() ); }); return that; }; return that; };