'use strict'; oml.ui.browser = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, that = Ox.IconList({ centered: true, defaultRatio: oml.config.iconRatio, draggable: true, item: function(data, sort, size) { var color = oml.getIconInfoColor(ui.iconInfo, data).map(function(rgb) { return rgb.concat(0.8); }), ratio = (ui.icons == 'cover' ? data.coverRatio : data.previewRatio) || oml.config.iconRatio, width = Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio), height = Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio), sortKey = sort[0].key, info = Ox.isNull(data[sortKey]) ? '' : Ox.contains(['title', 'random'], sortKey) ? (data.author || []).join(', ') : Ox.getObjectById( oml.config.sortKeys, sortKey ).format(data[sortKey]); size = size || 64; return { extra: ui.showIconInfo ? $('
') .css({ width: width + 'px', height: Math.round(size / 12.8) + 'px', borderWidth: Math.round(size / 64) + 'px 0', borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: 'rgba(' + color[2].join(', ') + ')', margin: Math.round(size / 18) + 'px ' + Math.round(width / 2 - 8) + 'px', fontSize: Math.round(size / 16) + 'px', textAlign: 'center', color: 'rgba(' + color[2].join(', ') + ')', backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, ' + color.slice(0, 2).map(function(rgba) { return 'rgba(' + rgba.join(', ') + ')'; }).join(', ') + ')', WebkitTransform: 'rotate(45deg)' }) .text( ui.iconInfo == 'extension' ? data.extension.toUpperCase() : Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B') ) : null, height: height, id: data.id, info: Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(info), title: Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.title || ''), url: '/' + data.id + '/' + ui.icons + '128.jpg?' + data.modified, width: width }; }, items: function(data, callback) { oml.api.find(Ox.extend(data, { query: ui.find }), callback); }, keys: [ 'author', 'coverRatio', 'extension', 'id', 'mediastate', 'modified', 'previewRatio', 'size', 'textsize', 'title' ], max: 1, min: 1, orientation: 'horizontal', // FIXME: is this correct?: selected: ui.item ? [ui.item] : ui.listSelection.length ? [ui.listSelection[0]] : [], size: 64, sort: ui.listSort, unique: 'id' }) .css({ 'overflow-y': 'hidden' }) .bindEvent({ key_control_delete: function() { if (that.value( that.options('selected')[0], 'mediastate' ) == 'available') { oml.ui.deleteItemsDialog().open(); } }, open: function(data) { if (that.value(data.ids[0], 'mediastate') == 'available') { oml.UI.set({itemView: 'book'}); } }, select: function(data) { if (ui.item && data.ids.length) { oml.UI.set({ item: data.ids[0], itemView: 'info', listSelection: data.ids }); } }, toggle: function(data) { oml.UI.set({showBrowser: !data.collapsed}); }, oml_find: function() { that.reloadList(); }, oml_iconinfo: function() { that.reloadList(true); }, oml_icons: function() { that.reloadList(true); }, oml_showiconinfo: function() { that.reloadList(true); }, oml_item: function(data) { if (data.value && !data.previousValue) { that.gainFocus(); } }, oml_listselection: function(data) { if (data.value.length) { that.options({selected: [data.value[0]]}); } else { // no longer in context after edit Ox.print('OUT OF CONTEXT') oml.api.find({ query: {conditions: [], operator: '&'}, positions: [ui.item] }, function(result) { if (result.data.positions[ui.item] === void 0) { // no longer in libraries after delete oml.UI.set({ find: {conditions: [], operator: '&'}, item: '', listSelection: [] }); } else { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); oml.stayInItemView = true; oml.UI.set({ find: {conditions: [], operator: '&'}, item: ui.item, listSelection: [ui.item] }); oml.stayInItemView = false; } }); } }, oml_listsort: function(data) { that.options({sort: data.value}); }, oml_sidebarsize: function(data) { that.size(); // FIXME: DOESN'T CENTER } }); oml.enableDragAndDrop(that); return that; };