'use strict'; (function() { window.onerror = function(error, url, line, column, errorObj) { if (error == 'TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.') { return; } try { var stack = (errorObj && errorObj.stack) || "(no stack trace available)"; !/^resource:/.test(url) && oml.api.logError({ text: error + "\n\n" + stack, url: document.location.pathname + ' at ' + url, line: line }); } catch(e) {} }; var animationInterval, enableDebugMode = getLocalStorage('oml.enableDebugMode'), omlVersion = getOMLVersion(), oxjsPath = '/static/oxjs/' + (enableDebugMode ? 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'name' : 'items', operator: '-' }], title: key.title, type: Ox.isArray(key.type) ? key.type[0] : key.type }; }), findKeys: oml.config.itemKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.find; }), sortKeys: oml.config.itemKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.sort && key.columnWidth; }).map(function(key) { return Ox.extend({ operator: oml.getSortOperator(key.id) }, key, { format: function(value) { return key.format ? Ox['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(key.format.type)].apply( this, [value].concat(key.format.args || []) ) : Ox.isArray(key.type) ? 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