'use strict'; oml.ui.removeAnnotationsDialog = function() { var ui = oml.user.ui, annotations = oml.$ui.viewer.getAnnotations().filter(function(a) { return a.user == oml.user.id }), annotationsName = Ox._(annotations.length == 1 ? 'Annotation' : 'Annotations'), theseAnnotationsName = annotations.length == 1 ? Ox._('this annotation') : Ox._('these {0} annotations', [Ox.formatNumber(annotations.length)]), that = oml.ui.confirmDialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ style: 'squared', title: Ox._('No, Keep {0}', [annotationsName]) }), Ox.Button({ style: 'squared', title: Ox._('Yes, Delete {0}', [annotationsName]) }) ], content: Ox._( 'Are you sure that you want to permanently delete {0}?', [theseAnnotationsName] ), title: Ox._('Delete {0}', [annotationsName]) }, function() { Ox.serialForEach(annotations, function(a, index, annotations, next) { oml.api.removeAnnotation({ item: ui.item, annotation: a.id }, function(result) { next() }) }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); oml.$ui.viewer.renderAnnotations(true); }) }); return that; };