inital google books and amazon parser

This commit is contained in:
j 2016-01-05 12:58:30 +05:30
parent 75fbb88a78
commit c3de15587c
2 changed files with 130 additions and 0 deletions

oml/meta/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
from ox.cache import read_url
from ox import decode_html, strip_tags, find_re
import json
import re
from urllib.parse import unquote
import lxml.html
import stdnum.isbn
def info(key, value):
if key not in ('isbn',):
raise IOError('unknwon key %s' % key)
if len(value) == 13:
value = stdnum.isbn.to_isbn10(value)
if len(value) != 10:
raise IOError('invalid isbn %s' % value)
url = '' + value
data = read_url(url).decode()
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(data)
info = {}
if '<title>404 - Document Not Found</title>' in data:
return info
for l in doc.xpath('//link[@rel="canonical" and @href]'):
info['asin'] = [l.get('href').rpartition('/')[-1]]
info['title'] = strip_tags(decode_html(doc.xpath('//span[@id="productTitle"]')[0].text))
info['description'] = strip_tags(decode_html(unquote(re.compile('encodedDescription\' : "(.*?)",').findall(data)[0])))
content = doc.xpath('//div[@class="content"]')[0]
content_info = {}
for li in content.xpath('.//li'):
v = li.text_content()
if ': ' in v:
k, v = li.text_content().split(': ', 1)
content_info[k.strip()] = v.strip()
if 'Language' in content_info:
info['language'] = content_info['Language']
if 'Publisher' in content_info:
if ' (' in content_info['Publisher']:
info['date'] = find_re(content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[-1], '\d{4}')
info['publisher'] = content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[0]
if '; ' in info['publisher']:
info['publisher'], info['edition'] = info['publisher'].split('; ', 1)
if 'ISBN-13' in content_info:
if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []
info['isbn'].append(content_info['ISBN-13'].replace('-', ''))
if 'ISBN-10' in content_info:
if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []
a = doc.xpath('//span[@class="a-size-medium"]')
if a:
for span in a:
r = span.getchildren()[0].text.strip()
if 'Translator' in r:
role = 'translator'
role = 'author'
if not role in info: info[role] = []
for span in doc.xpath('//span[@class="author notFaded"]'):
author = [x.strip() for x in span.text_content().strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]
if 'Translator' in author[-1]:
role = 'translator'
role = 'author'
if not role in info: info[role] = []
covers = re.compile('data-a-dynamic-image="({.+?})"').findall(data)[0]
covers = json.loads(decode_html(covers))
last = [0,0]
for url in covers:
if covers[url] > last:
last = covers[url]
info['cover'] = re.sub('(\._SX.+?_\.)', '.', url)
return info

View File

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from ox.cache import get_json, store
import stdnum.isbn
from utils import get_language
from .utils import find_isbns
import logging
@ -33,3 +35,53 @@ def find(query):
if len(isbn) == 13 and isbn.startswith('978'):
return results
def info(key, value):
if key not in ('isbn', 'lccn', 'oclc'):
raise IOError('unknwon key %s' % key)
url = '' % (key, value)
r = get_json(url, timeout=-1)
if 'error' in r:
raise IOError(url, r)
if not 'items' in r:
print('unkown %s: %s [%s]' % (key, value, r))
return {}
_data = r['items'][0]['volumeInfo']
data = {}
for key in [
if key in _data:
'authors': 'author',
'pageCount': 'pages',
'publishedDate': 'date',
}.get(key,key)] = _data[key]
if 'subtitle' in _data:
data['title'] = '{title}: {subtitle}'.format(**_data)
if r['items'][0]['accessInfo']['viewability'] != 'NO_PAGES':
data['cover'] = '' % r['items'][0]['id']
elif 'imageLinks' in _data:
for size in ('extraLarge', 'large', 'medium', 'small', 'thumbnail', 'smallThumbnail'):
if size in _data['imageLinks']:
data['cover'] = _data['imageLinks'][size]
if 'industryIdentifiers' in _data:
for k in _data['industryIdentifiers']:
if k['type'].startswith('ISBN'):
if not 'isbn' in data:
data['isbn'] = []
print('unknown identifier', k)
if 'language' in _data:
data['language'] = get_language(_data['language'])
return data