2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
'use strict';
oml.ui.infoView = function() {
var ui = oml.user.ui,
that = Ox.Element()
.css({overflowY: 'auto'})
oml_item: function() {
if (ui.item) {
oml_listselection: function(data) {
if (data.value && data.value.length) {
$identifyPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
{element: Ox.Element(), size: 120},
{element: Ox.Element()}
orientation: 'vertical'
$identifyDialog = Ox.Dialog({
buttons: [
id: 'dontupdate',
title: Ox._('No, Don\'t Update')
click: function() {
disabled: true,
id: 'update',
title: Ox._('Yes, Update')
click: function() {
closeButton: true,
content: $identifyPanel,
fixedSize: true,
height: 384,
//removeOnClose: true,
title: Ox._('Identify Book'),
width: 768
$cover = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: '16px',
top: '16px',
width: '256px'
$info = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: '288px',
right: '176px',
top: '16px'
$data = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
right: '16px',
top: '16px',
width: '128px'
function identify(data) {
var $form = Ox.Form({
items: [
'title', 'author', 'publisher', 'date'
].map(function(key) {
return Ox.Input({
id: key,
labelWidth: 128,
label: Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, key).title,
value: key == 'author' ? (data[key] || []).join(', ') : data[key],
width: 736
.css({padding: '16px'})
change: function(data) {
Ox.print('FORM CHANGE', data);
$list = Ox.TableList({
columns: [
id: 'index'
id: 'title',
visible: true,
width: 288,
id: 'author',
visible: true,
width: 224
id: 'publisher',
visible: true,
width: 160
id: 'date',
visible: true,
width: 96
items: [],
max: 1,
sort: [{key: 'index', operator: '+'}],
unique: 'index'
select: function(data) {
disabled: data.ids.length == 0
$identifyPanel.replaceElement(0, $form);
$identifyPanel.replaceElement(1, $list);
function identify(data) {
oml.api.identify(data, function(result) {
items: result.data.items.map(function(item, index) {
return Ox.extend(item, {index: index});
function renderMediaButton(data) {
2014-05-12 12:57:47 +00:00
return data.mediastate == 'unavailable'
? Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
title: Ox._('Download Book'),
width: 112
click: function() {
data.mediastate = 'transferring';
that.update(data, $data);
oml.api.download({id: ui.item}, function(result) {
// ...
items: [
{id: '', title: Ox._('Library')}
overlap: 'left',
title: 'list',
tooltip: Ox._('Download Book to a List'),
type: 'image'
click: function() {
// ...
float: 'right'
: data.mediastate == 'transferring'
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
? Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
title: Ox._('Transferring...'),
width: 112
click: function() {
oml.UI.set({page: 'transfers'});
overlap: 'left',
title: 'close',
tooltip: Ox._('Cancel Transfer'),
type: 'image'
click: function() {
data.mediastate = 'unavailable';
that.update(data, $data);
oml.api.cancelDownload({id: ui.item}, function() {
that.update(ui.item, $data);
float: 'right'
: Ox.Button({
2014-05-12 12:57:47 +00:00
title: Ox._('Read Book'),
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
width: 128
click: function() {
2014-05-12 12:57:47 +00:00
oml.UI.set({itemView: 'book'});
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
that.update = function(idOrData, $elements) {
var data = Ox.isObject(idOrData) ? idOrData : null,
id = data ? null : idOrData;
$elements = $elements
? Ox.makeArray($elements)
: [$cover, $info, $data];
(data ? Ox.noop : oml.api.get)({
id: id,
keys: []
}, function(result) {
if (result) {
data = result.data;
Ox.print('BOOK DATA', data)
var $reflection, $mediaButton,
ratio = data.coverRatio || 0.75,
size = 256,
width = Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio),
height = Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
left = Math.floor((size - width) / 2),
src = '/' + data.id + '/cover256.jpg',
reflectionSize = Math.round(size / 2);
$elements.forEach(function($element) {
if ($element == $cover) {
.attr({src: src})
position: 'absolute',
left: left + 'px',
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
$reflection = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
top: height + 'px',
width: size + 'px',
height: reflectionSize + 'px',
overflow: 'hidden'
.attr({src: src})
position: 'absolute',
left: left + 'px',
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
position: 'absolute',
width: size + 'px',
height: reflectionSize + 'px'
} else if ($element == $info) {
marginTop: '-4px',
fontSize: '13px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
.text(data.title || '')
marginTop: '4px',
fontSize: '13px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
.text((data.author || []).join(', '))
marginTop: '8px'
(data.place || '')
+ (data.place && (data.publisher || data.date) ? ' : ' : '')
+ (data.publisher || '')
+ (data.publisher && data.date ? ', ' : '')
+ (data.date || '')
marginTop: '8px',
textAlign: 'justify'
? Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(data.description)
: '<span class="OxLight">No description</span>'
} else if ($element == $data) {
2014-05-12 12:57:47 +00:00
$mediaButton = renderMediaButton(data)
marginTop: '8px',
Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B')
].join(', ')
['accessed', 'modified', 'added', 'created'].forEach(function(id) {
var title;
if (data[id]) {
title = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, id).title;
marginTop: '8px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
editable: false,
format: function(value) {
return value ? Ox.formatDate(value, '%b %e, %Y') : '';
placeholder: Ox._('unknown'),
value: data[id] || ''
2014-05-12 23:43:27 +00:00
if (data.mediastate == 'available') {
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
2014-05-12 23:43:27 +00:00
title: Ox._('Identify Book...'),
width: 128
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
2014-05-12 23:43:27 +00:00
.css({marginTop: '16px'})
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
2014-05-12 23:43:27 +00:00
click: function() {
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
2014-05-12 23:43:27 +00:00
'isbn10', 'isbn13', 'lccn', 'olid', 'oclc', 'mainid'
].forEach(function(id, index) {
var title = Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, id).title,
placeholder = id == 'mainid' ? 'none' : 'unknown';
marginTop: (index == 0 ? 10 : 6) + 'px',
fontWeight: 'bold'
editable: true,
format: function(value) {
return id == 'mainid'
? Ox.getObjectById(oml.config.itemKeys, value).title
: value;
placeholder: placeholder,
tooltip: Ox._('Doubleclick to edit'),
value: data[id] || ''
submit: function(data) {
editMetadata(id, data.value);
2014-05-04 17:26:43 +00:00
$('<div>').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($data);
function editMetadata(key, value) {
var edit;
if (value != data[key]) {
edit = Ox.extend({id: ui.item}, key, value);
oml.api.edit(edit, function(result) {
that.update(result.data, $data);
ui.item && that.update(ui.item);
transfer: function(data) {
if (data.id == ui.item && data.progress == 1) {
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // FIXME: too much
that.update(ui.item, $data);
return that;