<!doctype html>{% load sass_tags static %}
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover">
		    {% block title %}
			Phantas.ma/polis - Looking Back to the Future
            {% endblock title %}
        <link href="{% sass_src 'css/style.scss' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
		{% block head %}{% endblock head %}
	<body class="{% block body_class%}{% endblock %}">
		<div class="topnav">
		  <a href="/polis" class="title animated-title">
				<div class="title-text text">
				Phantas.ma/polis<span class="hide-mobile">: Looking Back to the Future</span>
				<div class="text">
					未至之城<span class="hide-mobile">:回顧未來</span>
			  <a href="{% url 'films'%}" class="animated-title"><span class="text">films <span class="hide-mobile">-</span> 影片</span></a>
			  <a href="{% url 'texts' %}" class="animated-title"><span class="text">assemblies <span class="hide-mobile">-</span> 選集</span></a>
			  <a href="{% url 'about' %}" class="animated-title"><span class="text">about <span class="hide-mobile">-</span> 關於</span></a>
		{% block main %}{% endblock main %}
		{% block end %}{% endblock end %}
		<script src="{% static 'js/animation.js' %}"></script>