    "name": "English",
    "lang": "en",
    "date": {
        "month_abbr": [
        "day_abbr": [
        "day": [
        "month": [
    "api": {
        "wikipedia": "en" // the two letter code at the beginning of the Wikipedia subdomain for this language
    "messages": {
        "loading": "Loading",
        "error": "Error",
        "contract_timeline": "Contract Timeline",
        "return_to_title": "Return to Title",
        "wikipedia": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia",
        "loading_content": "Loading Content",
        "expand_timeline": "Expand Timeline",
        "loading_timeline": "Loading Timeline... ",
        "swipe_to_navigate": "Swipe to Navigate<br><span class='tl-button'>OK</span>",
        "unknown_read_err": "An unexpected error occurred trying to read your spreadsheet data",
        "invalid_url_err": "Unable to read Timeline data. Make sure your URL is for a Google Spreadsheet or a Timeline JSON file.",
        "network_err": "Unable to read your Google Spreadsheet. Make sure you have published it to the web.",
        "empty_feed_err": "No data entries found",
        "missing_start_date_err": "Missing start_date",
        "invalid_data_format_err": "Header row has been modified.",
        "date_compare_err": "Can't compare TL.Dates on different scales",
        "invalid_scale_err": "Invalid scale",
        "invalid_date_err": "Invalid date: month, day and year must be numbers.",
        "invalid_separator_error": "Invalid time: misuse of : or . as separator.",
        "invalid_hour_err": "Invalid time (hour)",
        "invalid_minute_err": "Invalid time (minute)",
        "invalid_second_err": "Invalid time (second)",
        "invalid_fractional_err": "Invalid time (fractional seconds)",
        "invalid_second_fractional_err": "Invalid time (seconds and fractional seconds)",
        "invalid_year_err": "Invalid year",
        "flickr_notfound_err": "Photo not found or private",
        "flickr_invalidurl_err": "Invalid Flickr URL",
        "imgur_invalidurl_err": "Invalid Imgur URL",
        "twitter_invalidurl_err": "Invalid Twitter URL",
        "twitter_load_err": "Unable to load Tweet",
        "twitterembed_invalidurl_err": "Invalid Twitter Embed url",
        "wikipedia_load_err": "Unable to load Wikipedia entry",
        "youtube_invalidurl_err": "Invalid YouTube URL",
        "spotify_invalid_url": "Invalid Spotify URL",
        "template_value_err": "No value provided for variable",
        "invalid_rgb_err": "Invalid RGB argument",
        "time_scale_scale_err": "Don't know how to get date from time for scale",
        "axis_helper_no_options_err": "Axis helper must be configured with options",
        "axis_helper_scale_err": "No AxisHelper available for scale",
        "invalid_integer_option": 				"Invalid option value—must be a whole number."
    "dateformats": {
        "full_long": "mmm d',' yyyy 'at' h:MM TT",
        "full_short": "mmm d",
        "full": "mmmm d',' yyyy",
        "month_short": "mmm",
        "time_no_seconds_small_date": "h:MM TT'<br/><small>'mmmm d',' yyyy'</small>'",
        "month": "mmmm yyyy",
        "time_no_seconds_short": "h:MM TT",
        "time_short": "h:MM:ss TT",
        "year": "yyyy",
        "full_long_small_date": "h:MM TT'<br/><small>mmm d',' yyyy'</small>'"
    "era_labels": { // specify prefix or suffix to apply to formatted date. Blanks mean no change.
        "positive_year": {
            "prefix": "",
            "suffix": ""
        "negative_year": { // if either of these is specified, the year will be converted to positive before they are applied
            "prefix": "",
            "suffix": "BCE"
    "period_labels": {  // use of t/tt/T/TT is a legacy of original Timeline date format
        "t": ["a", "p"],
        "tt": ["am", "pm"],
        "T": ["A", "P"],
        "TT": ["AM", "PM"]