165 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
165 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file
import os
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import ox
import sacn
from .pi import random
from . import config
# Screen 1-5, Control, 6,7
_*10 patterns / cues that correspond to 10 digit:*_
0 = Cue list 1 = 1x flash (on, off)
1 = Cue list 2 = 2x flashes (on, off, on, off)
2 = Cue list 3 = 3x flashes (on, off, on, off, on, off)
...and so on...
8 = Cue list 9 = 9x flashes
9 = Cue list 10 = 10x flashes
The basic timing for 1x flash is:
- Flash on over 0s
- Hold on for 0.2s
- Flash off over 0s
- Hold off for 0.2s
def channels(screen, control):
screen = int(screen * 255)
control = int(control * 255)
return {'1': screen, '2': screen, '3': screen, '4': screen, '5': screen, '6': control, '7': control}
0: (channels(1, 0.0), 9),
1: (channels(0, 0.1), 8),
2: (channels(0, 0.2), 7),
3: (channels(0, 0.3), 6),
4: (channels(0, 0.4), 5),
5: (channels(0, 0.5), 4),
6: (channels(0, 0.6), 3),
7: (channels(0, 0.7), 2),
8: (channels(0, 0.8), 1),
9: (channels(0, 0.9), 0.1),
CURRENT_STATE = [0] * 16
# avoid overload and turn light on with a fade
def fade_to(sender, start, end, duration, channels=16, universe=1, lights=[]):
distance = end - start
steps = int(duration * 10)
if not steps:
steps = 2
step = duration/steps
delta = distance/steps
current = start
value = current
switch = 0
while steps:
switch += 1
value += delta
n = int(round(value))
if n != current:
current = n
old = sender[1].dmx_data[:channels]
target = [n] * channels
if switch % 2:
a = target
b = old
a = old
b = target
channel_data = [a[x] if x % 2 else b[x] for x in range(channels)]
sender[universe].dmx_data = channel_data + lights[channels:]
steps -= 1
channel_data = [end] * channels
sender[universe].dmx_data = channel_data + lights[channels:]
def dmx_base(letter):
lights = [0] * 512
letter_offset = 101 - 1
for offset in range(letter_offset, letter_offset+27):
lights[offset] = config.letter_base_light
if letter:
lights[letter_offset + string.ascii_lowercase.index(letter.lower())] = 255
lights[letter_offset + 26] = 255
return lights
def flash(sender, universe, flashes, letter):
step = 0.2
flash_duration = 0.02
base = 0
brightness = config.lights_brightness
channels = config.led_lights
sender[universe].dmx_data = [0] * channels
while flashes:
lights = dmx_base(letter)
fade_to(sender, base, brightness, flash_duration, channels, universe, lights)
lights = dmx_base(None)
channel_data = [0] * channels
sender[universe].dmx_data = channel_data + lights[channels:]
flashes -= 1
lights = dmx_base(None)
channel_data = [0] * channels
sender[universe].dmx_data = channel_data + lights[channels:]
def switch(state, seq):
import lanbox
lb = lanbox.Lanbox()
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = sys.argv[1]
no_sleep = len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == "no-sleep"
n = int(os.path.getctime(path) - 1495280000) % 1000
info = ox.avinfo(path)
duration = info.get('duration', 0)
seq = random(n * 100)
pos = 0
lights = []
letter_offset = 0
letter = path.split('/')[-1][0].lower()
if config.letter_offset:
if config.lanbox:
letter_offset = 11 + string.ascii_lowercase.index(letter) * 10
if not config.lanbox:
universe = 1
sender = sacn.sACNsender()
sender[universe].multicast = True
while pos < duration - 15:
sleep = seq() + 15
light = seq()
if pos + sleep > duration:
if not no_sleep:
print("letter", letter, "offset", letter_offset, "light", light, "cue", letter_offset + light)
if config.lanbox:
switch(light + letter_offset, seq)
flash(sender, universe, light + 1, letter)
pos += sleep
if not config.lanbox: