// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript pandora.enableDragAndDrop = function($list, canMove) { var drag = {}, $tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({ animate: false }); $list.bindEvent({ draganddropstart: function(data) { Ox.print('DRAGSTART', pandora.getListData()); drag.action = 'copy'; drag.ids = $list.options('selected'), drag.item = drag.ids.length == 1 ? $list.value(drag.ids[0], 'title') : drag.ids.length; drag.source = pandora.getListData(), drag.targets = {}; Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list) { $list.addClass('OxDroppable').find('.OxItem').each(function() { var $item = $(this), id = $item.data('id'), data = $list.value(id); drag.targets[id] = Ox.extend({ editable: data.user == pandora.user.username && data.type == 'static', selected: $item.is('.OxSelected') }, data); if (!drag.targets[id].selected && drag.targets[id].editable) { $item.addClass('OxDroppable'); } }); }); $tooltip.options({ title: getTitle(data._event) }).show(data._event); canMove && Ox.UI.$window.bind({ keydown: keydown, keyup: keyup }); }, draganddrop: function(data) { $tooltip.options({ title: getTitle(data._event) }).show(data._event); }, draganddropenter: function(data) { var $parent = $(data._event.target).parent(), $item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent(), $list = $item.parent().parent().parent().parent(); if ($list.is('.OxDroppable')) { $item.addClass('OxDrop'); drag.target = drag.targets[$item.data('id')]; } else { drag.target = null; } }, draganddropleave: function(data) { var $parent = $(data._event.target).parent(), $item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent(); if ($item.is('.OxDroppable')) { $item.removeClass('OxDrop'); drag.target = null; } }, draganddropend: function(data) { Ox.print(data, drag, '------------'); canMove && Ox.UI.$window.unbind({ keydown: keydown, keyup: keyup }); if (drag.target && drag.target.editable && !drag.target.selected) { if (drag.action == 'copy' || ( drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.editable )) { if (drag.action == 'move') { pandora.api.removeListItems({ list: pandora.user.ui.list, items: data.ids }, pandora.reloadList); } pandora.api.addListItems({ list: drag.target.id, items: data.ids }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'list', value: drag.target.id, operator: '='}], operator: '' } }, function(result) { var folder = drag.target.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured'; //Ox.print(drag.source.status, '//////', drag.target.status) pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value( drag.target.id, 'items', result.data.items ); cleanup(250); }); }); } } else { cleanup(0); } function cleanup(ms) { drag = {}; setTimeout(function() { $('.OxDroppable').removeClass('OxDroppable'); $('.OxDrop').removeClass('OxDrop'); $tooltip.hide(); }, ms); } } }); function getTitle(e) { var image, text; if (drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.user != pandora.user.username) { image = 'symbolClose' text = 'You can only remove ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase() + '
from your own lists.'; } else if (drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.type == 'smart') { image = 'symbolClose'; text = 'You can\'t remove ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase() + '
from smart lists.'; } else if (drag.target && drag.target.user != pandora.user.username) { image = 'symbolClose' text = 'You can only ' + drag.action + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase() + '
to your own lists'; } else if (drag.target && drag.target.type == 'smart') { image = 'symbolClose' text = 'You can\'t ' + drag.action + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase() + '
to smart lists'; } else { image = drag.action == 'copy' ? 'symbolAdd' : 'symbolRemove'; text = Ox.toTitleCase(drag.action) + ' ' + ( Ox.isString(drag.item) ? '"' + drag.item + '"' : drag.item + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName[ drag.item == 1 ? 'singular' : 'plural' ].toLowerCase() ) + '
to ' + ( drag.target && !drag.target.selected ? 'the list "' + drag.target.name + '"' : 'another list' ); } return $('
') .append( $('
') .css({ float: 'left', width: '16px', height: '16px', padding: '2px', border: '2px solid rgb(192, 192, 192)', borderRadius: '12px', margin: '3px 2px 2px 2px' }) .append( $('') .attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(image)}) .css({width: '16px', height: '16px'}) ) ) .append( $('
') .css({ float: 'left', margin: '1px 2px 2px 2px', fontSize: '11px', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }) .html(text) ) } function keydown(e) { if (e.metaKey) { drag.action = 'move'; $tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(); } } function keyup(e) { if (drag.action == 'move') { drag.action = 'copy'; $tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(); } } }; pandora.enterFullscreen = function() { pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 0); pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, 0); pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 0).size(2, 0); !pandora.user.ui.showMovies && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({ top: (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser }); pandora.user.ui.showMovies && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 0); pandora.$ui.player.options({ height: pandora.$document.height() - 2, width: pandora.$document.width() - 2 }); }; pandora.exitFullscreen = function() { pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 20); pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize); pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 24).size(2, 16); !pandora.user.ui.showMovies && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({ top: 24 + (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser }); pandora.user.ui.showMovies && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 112 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE); }; pandora.getFoldersHeight = function() { var height = 0; pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section].forEach(function(folder, i) { height += 16 + pandora.user.ui.showFolder[pandora.user.ui.section][folder.id] * ( !!folder.showBrowser * 40 + folder.items * 16 ); Ox.print('h', height); }); /* $.each(pandora.user.ui.showFolder[pandora.user.ui.section], function(id, show) { var i = Ox.getPositionById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section], id); height += show * ( pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section][i].showBrowser * 40 + pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section][i].items * 16 ); }); */ return height; }; pandora.getFoldersWidth = function() { var width = pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize; // fixme: don't use height(), look up in splitpanels Ox.print(pandora.getFoldersHeight(), '>', pandora.$ui.leftPanel.height() - 24 - 1 - pandora.$ui.info.height()); if (pandora.getFoldersHeight() > pandora.$ui.leftPanel.height() - 24 - 1 - pandora.$ui.info.height()) { width -= Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; } return width; }; pandora.getGroupsSizes = function() { return Ox.divideInt( window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1, 5 ) }; pandora.getListData = function() { var data = {}, folder; if (pandora.user.ui.list) { Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function(list, key) { if (list.options('selected').length) { folder = key; return false; } }); // the one case where folder is undefinded is when on page load // the folderLists call getListData to determine which list is selected if (folder) { Ox.print('gLD f', folder) data = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(pandora.user.ui.list); data.editable = data.user == pandora.user.username && data.type == 'static'; data.folder = folder; } } return data; }; pandora.getSortOperator = function(key) { // fixme: make static var type = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key).type; return ['hue', 'string', 'text'].indexOf( Ox.isArray(type) ? type[0] : type ) > -1 ? '+' : '-'; }; pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints = function(durations, points) { var parts = durations.length, offsets = Ox.range(parts).map(function(i) { return Ox.sum(Ox.sub(durations, 0, i)); }), ret = { parts: [], points: [] }; points.forEach(function(point, i) { Ox.loop(parts - 1, -1, -1, function(i) { if (offsets[i] <= point) { ret.parts[i] = i; return false; } }); }); ret.parts = Ox.unique(ret.parts); ret.points = points.map(function(point) { return point - offsets[ret.parts[0]]; }); return ret; }; pandora.signin = function(data) { pandora.user = data.user; pandora.Query.updateGroups(); Ox.Theme(pandora.user.ui.theme); pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload(); }; pandora.signout = function(data) { pandora.user = data.user; pandora.Query.updateGroups(); Ox.Theme(pandora.site.user.ui.theme); pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload(); }; pandora.reloadGroups = function(i) { var query = pandora.user.ui.query, view = pandora.user.ui.lists[pandora.user.ui.list].listView; if (view == 'clip') { pandora.$ui.list.options({ items: function(data, callback) { return pandora.api.findAnnotations(Ox.extend(data, { itemQuery: query }), callback); } }); } else if (view == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map.options({ places: function(data, callback) { return pandora.api.findPlaces(Ox.extend(data, { itemQuery: query }), callback); } }); } else if (view == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.list.options({ items: function(data, callback) { return pandora.api.findEvents(Ox.extend(data, { itemQuery: query }), callback); } }); } else { pandora.$ui.list.options({ items: function(data, callback) { return pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, { query: query }), callback); } }); } $.each(pandora.user.ui.groups, function(i_, id) { if (i_ != i) { //Ox.print('setting groups request', i, i_) pandora.$ui.groups[i_].options({ items: function(data, callback) { delete data.keys; return pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, { group: id, query: pandora.user.ui.groupsData[i_].query }), callback); } }); } }); }; pandora.reloadList = function() { Ox.print('reloadList') var listData = pandora.getListData(); Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove pandora.$ui.groups.forEach(function($group) { $group.reloadList(); }); pandora.$ui.list.bindEvent({ init: function(event, data) { // fixme: this will not work for lists in the favorites folder // (but then it's also unlikely they'll have to be reloaded) var folder = listData.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured'; pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(listData.id, 'items', data.items); } }) .bindEventOnce({ load: function(event, data) { pandora.$ui.list.gainFocus(); if (data) pandora.$ui.list.options({selected: [data.items]}); } }) .reloadList(); }; pandora.resizeGroups = function(width) { pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes = pandora.getGroupsSizes(); Ox.print('{}{}{}', window.innerWidth, window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes) pandora.$ui.browser .size(0, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[0]) .size(2, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[4]); pandora.$ui.groupsInnerPanel .size(0, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[1]) .size(2, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[3]); pandora.$ui.groups.forEach(function(list, i) { list.resizeColumn('name', pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[i] - 40 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE); }); }; pandora.resizeFolders = function() { var width = pandora.getFoldersWidth(), columnWidth = {}; if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { columnWidth = {user: parseInt((width - 96) * 0.4)}; columnWidth.name = (width - 96) - columnWidth.user; } //Ox.print('sectionsWidth', width) $.each(pandora.$ui.folderList, function(id, $list) { var i = Ox.getPositionById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section], id); pandora.$ui.folder[i].css({width: width + 'px'}); $list.css({width: width + 'px'}); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section][i].showBrowser) { Ox.print('ID', id) pandora.$ui.findListInput[id].options({ width: width - 24 }); $list.resizeColumn('user', columnWidth.user) .resizeColumn('name', columnWidth.name); } else { $list.resizeColumn(id == 'favorite' ? 'id' : 'name', width - 96); } } if (!pandora.user.ui.showFolder[pandora.user.ui.section][id]) { pandora.$ui.folder[i].update(); } }); }; pandora.saveVideoPosition = function() { //alert(JSON.stringify(['videoPosition|' + old.user.ui.item, pandora.$ui[old.user.ui.itemView == 'player' ? 'player' : 'editor'].options('position')])); }; pandora.selectList = function() { if (pandora.user.ui.list) { pandora.api.findLists({ keys: ['status', 'user'], query: { conditions: [{key: 'id', value: pandora.user.ui.list, operator: '='}], operator: '' }, range: [0, 1] }, function(result) { var folder, list; if (result.data.items.length) { list = result.data.items[0]; folder = list.status == 'featured' ? 'featured' : ( list.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite' ); pandora.$ui.folderList[folder] .options('selected', [pandora.user.ui.list]) .gainFocus(); } else { pandora.user.ui.list = ''; //pandora.user.ui.listQuery.conditions = []; // fixme: Query should read from pandora.ui.list, and not need pandora.ui.listQuery to be reset //pandora.URL.set(pandora.Query.toString()); } }); } };