// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js pandora.ui.list = function(view) { // fixme: remove view argument var that, $map; //Ox.print('constructList', view); if (view == 'list') { /* keys = Ox.unique($.merge( $.map(app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].columns, function(id) { return Ox.getObjectById(app.site.sortKeys, id); }), app.site.sortKeys )); Ox.print('$$$$', keys) */ that = new Ox.TextList({ columns: $.map(app.ui.sortKeys, function(key, i) { var position = app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].columns.indexOf(key.id); return { align: ['string', 'text'].indexOf( Ox.isArray(key.type) ? key.type[0]: key.type ) > -1 ? 'left' : 'right', defaultWidth: key.columnWidth, format: key.format, id: key.id, operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id), position: position, removable: !key.columnRequired, title: key.title, type: key.type, unique: key.id == 'id', visible: position > -1, width: app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].columnWidth[key.id] || key.columnWidth }; }), columnsMovable: true, columnsRemovable: true, columnsResizable: true, columnsVisible: true, id: 'list', items: function(data, callback) { //Ox.print('data, pandora.Query.toObject', data, pandora.Query.toObject()) pandora.api.find($.extend(data, { query: pandora.Query.toObject() }), callback); }, scrollbarVisible: true, sort: app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].sort }) .bindEvent({ columnchange: function(event, data) { var columnWidth = {} pandora.UI.set(['lists', app.user.ui.list, 'columns'].join('|'), data.ids); /* data.ids.forEach(function(id) { columnWidth[id] = app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].columnWidth[id] || Ox.getObjectById(app.ui.sortKeys, id).width }); pandora.UI.set(['lists', app.user.ui.list, 'columnWidth'].join('|'), columnWidth); */ }, columnresize: function(event, data) { pandora.UI.set(['lists', app.user.ui.list, 'columnWidth', data.id].join('|'), data.width); }, resize: function(event, data) { // this is the resize event of the split panel that.size(); }, sort: function(event, data) { pandora.UI.set(['lists', app.user.ui.list, 'sort'].join('|'), [data]); } }); } else if (view == 'icons') { that = new Ox.IconList({ id: 'list', item: function(data, sort, size) { var ratio = data.poster.width / data.poster.height; size = size || 128; return { height: ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio, id: data['id'], info: data[['title', 'director'].indexOf(sort[0].key) > -1 ? 'year' : sort[0].key], title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''), url: data.poster.url.replace(/jpg/, size + '.jpg'), width: ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio }; }, items: function(data, callback) { //Ox.print('data, pandora.Query.toObject', data, pandora.Query.toObject()) pandora.api.find($.extend(data, { query: pandora.Query.toObject() }), callback); }, keys: ['director', 'id', 'poster', 'title', 'year'], size: 128, sort: app.user.ui.lists[app.user.ui.list].sort, unique: 'id' }) } else if (view == 'map') { that = new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: new Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: new Ox.Toolbar({ orientation: 'horizontal', size: 24 }) .append( app.$ui.findMapInput = new Ox.Input({ clear: true, id: 'findMapInput', placeholder: 'Find on Map', width: 192 }) .css({ float: 'right', margin: '4px' }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event, data) { app.$ui.map.find(data.value, function(data) { app.$ui.mapStatusbar.html(data.geoname + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data.points)) }); } }) ), size: 24 }, { element: app.$ui.map = new Ox.Map({ places: [ { geoname: 'Beirut, Lebanon', name: 'Beirut', points: { 'center': [33.8886284, 35.4954794], 'northeast': [33.8978909, 35.5114868], 'southwest': [33.8793659, 35.479472] } }, { geoname: 'Berlin, Germany', name: 'Berlin', points: { 'center': [52.506701, 13.4246065], 'northeast': [52.675323, 13.760909], 'southwest': [52.338079, 13.088304] } }, { geoname: 'Mumbai, Maharashtra, India', name: 'Bombay', points: { 'center': [19.07871865, 72.8778187], 'northeast': [19.2695223, 72.9806562], 'southwest': [18.887915, 72.7749812] } } ] }) .bindEvent({ select: function(event, data) { app.$ui.mapStatusbar.html(data.geoname + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data.points)) } }), id: 'map', size: 'auto' }, { element: app.$ui.mapStatusbar = new Ox.Toolbar({ orientation: 'horizontal', size: 16 }) .css({ fontSize: '9px', padding: '2px 4px 0 0', textAlign: 'right' }), size: 16 } ], orientation: 'vertical' }), }, { element: new Ox.Element(), id: 'place', size: 128 + 16 + 12 } ], orientation: 'horizontal' }) .bindEvent('resize', function() { app.$ui.map.resize(); }); } else { $list = new Ox.Element('
') .css({ width: '100px', height: '100px', background: 'red' }); } ['list', 'icons'].indexOf(view) > -1 && that.bind({ dragstart: function(e) { app.$ui.folderList.forEach(function($list, i) { $list.addClass('OxDrop'); }); }, dragend: function(e) { app.$ui.folderList.forEach(function($list, i) { $list.removeClass('OxDrop'); }); }, }).bindEvent({ closepreview: function(event, data) { app.$ui.previewDialog.close(); delete app.$ui.previewDialog; }, copy: function(event, data) { Ox.Clipboard.copy({ items: data.ids, text: $.map(data.ids, function(id) { return app.$ui.list.value(id, 'title'); }).join('\n') }); }, 'delete': function(event, data) { getListData().editable && pandora.api.removeListItems({ list: app.user.ui.list, items: data.ids }, reloadList); }, init: function(event, data) { app.$ui.total.html(pandora.ui.status('total', data)); data = []; $.each(app.site.totals, function(i, v) { data[v.id] = 0; }); app.$ui.selected.html(pandora.ui.status('selected', data)); }, open: function(event, data) { var id = data.ids[0], title = that.value(id, 'title'); pandora.URL.set(title, id); }, openpreview: function(event, data) { app.requests.preview && pandora.api.cancel(app.requests.preview); app.requests.preview = pandora.api.find({ keys: ['director', 'id', 'poster', 'title'], query: { conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) { return { key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=' } }), operator: '|' } }, function(result) { var documentHeight = app.$ui.document.height(), item = result.data.items[0], title = item.title + (item.director ? ' (' + item.director + ')' : ''), dialogHeight = documentHeight - 100, dialogWidth; app.ui.previewRatio = item.poster.width / item.poster.height, dialogWidth = parseInt((dialogHeight - 48) * app.ui.previewRatio); if ('previewDialog' in app.$ui) { app.$ui.previewDialog.options({ title: title }); app.$ui.previewImage.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100, function() { app.$ui.previewDialog.size(dialogWidth, dialogHeight, function() { app.$ui.previewImage .attr({ src: item.poster.url }) .one('load', function() { app.$ui.previewImage .css({ width: dialogWidth + 'px', height: (dialogHeight - 48 - 2) + 'px', // fixme: why -2 ? opacity: 0 }) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100); }); }); }); //Ox.print(app.$ui.document.height(), dialogWidth, 'x', dialogHeight, dialogWidth / (dialogHeight - 48), item.poster.width, 'x', item.poster.height, item.poster.width / item.poster.height) } else { app.$ui.previewImage = $('') .attr({ src: item.poster.url }) .css({ position: 'absolute', width: dialogWidth + 'px', height: (dialogHeight - 48 - 2) + 'px', // fixme: why -2 ? left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', }); app.$ui.previewDialog = new Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ new Ox.Button({ title: 'Close', }).bindEvent({ click: function() { app.$ui.previewDialog.close(); delete app.$ui.previewDialog; app.$ui.list.closePreview(); } }) ], content: app.$ui.previewImage, height: dialogHeight, id: 'previewDialog', minHeight: app.ui.previewRatio >= 1 ? 128 / app.ui.previewRatio + 48 : 176, minWidth: app.ui.previewRatio >= 1 ? 128 : 176 * app.ui.previewRatio, padding: 0, title: title, width: dialogWidth }) .bindEvent('resize', function(event, data) { var dialogRatio = data.width / (data.height - 48), height, width; if (dialogRatio < app.ui.previewRatio) { width = data.width; height = width / app.ui.previewRatio; } else { height = (data.height - 48 - 2); width = height * app.ui.previewRatio; } app.$ui.previewImage.css({ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', // fixme: why -2 ? }) }) .open(); //app.$ui.previewImage = $image; //Ox.print(app.$document.height(), dialogWidth, 'x', dialogHeight, dialogWidth / (dialogHeight - 48), item.poster.width, 'x', item.poster.height, item.poster.width / item.poster.height) } }); }, paste: function(event, data) { data.items && getListData().editable && pandora.api.addListItems({ list: app.user.ui.list, items: data.items }, reloadList); }, select: function(event, data) { var $still, $timeline; app.ui.selectedMovies = data.ids; if (data.ids.length) { app.$ui.mainMenu.enableItem('copy'); app.$ui.mainMenu.enableItem('openmovie'); } else { app.$ui.mainMenu.disableItem('copy'); app.$ui.mainMenu.disableItem('openmovie'); } if (data.ids.length == 1) { pandora.api.getItem(data.ids[0], function(result) { app.ui.infoRatio = result.data.item.stream.aspectRatio; var height = app.$ui.info.width() / app.ui.infoRatio + 16; if(app.$ui.infoStill) app.$ui.infoStill.removeElement(); app.$ui.infoStill = pandora.ui.flipbook(data.ids[0]) .appendTo(app.$ui.info.$element); app.$ui.infoStill.css({ 'height': (height - 16) + 'px' }); !app.user.ui.showInfo && app.$ui.leftPanel.css({bottom: -height}); app.$ui.leftPanel.size(2, height); app.$ui.info.animate({ height: height + 'px' }, 250, function() { pandora.resizeFolders(); }); }); app.$ui.infoTimeline.attr('src', '/'+data.ids[0]+'/timeline.16.png') } pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) { return { key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=' } }), operator: '|' } }, function(result) { app.$ui.selected.html(pandora.ui.status('selected', result.data)); }); }, sort: function(event, data) { /* some magic has already set user.ui.sort Ox.print(':', user.ui.sort[0]) if (data.key != user.ui.sort[0].key) { app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sort_sortmovies_' + data.key); } if (data.operator != user.ui.sort[0].operator) { app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sort_ordermovies_' + data.operator === '' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'); } user.ui.sort[0] = data; */ app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sortMenu_sortmovies_' + data.key); app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sortMenu_ordermovies_' + (data.operator === '' ? 'ascending' : 'descending')); } }); that.display = function() { // fixme: used? app.$ui.rightPanel.replaceElement(1, app.$ui.contentPanel = pandora.ui.contentPanel()); }; return that; };