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img.src = url; aspectRatio = img.width / img.height; var width = $sideBrowser.$element.width() + 4; resizePlayer(width); $sideBrowserPlayer.children().eq(0).attr({ src: url }).data("width", img.width).data("height", img.height); }) } var $topMenu = new Ox.MenuBar({ id: "topmenu", size: "large", menus: m }); var b = [ ["login", function(data) { Ox.print("username:", data.username, "this:", this); $topMenu.toggleChecked("user/login"); }], ["sort", function(data) { if (data.list == "movies") { $topMenu.checkItem("sort/sortMovies/" + data.sort); $topMenu.checkItem("sort/orderMovies/" + data.order); } }], ["order", function(data) { if (data.list == "movies") { $topMenu.checkItem("sort/orderMovies/" + data.order); } }], ["toggle", function(data) { if (data.id == "sideView") { $topMenu.toggleTitle("view/toggleSidebar"); $topMenu.toggleDisabled("view/toggleInfo"); } else if (data.id == "sideBrowser") { $topMenu.toggleTitle("view/toggleInfo"); } else if (data.id == "groups") { $topMenu.toggleTitle("view/toggleGroups"); } }], ["space", function(data) { var height = $(document).height() - 96, width = height * 5/8; pandora.$dialog = new Ox.Dialog({ title: data.items[0].title, buttons: [ new Ox.Button() .val("Close") .click(function() { pandora.$dialog.close(); }) ], width: width, height: height }).append( $("<img/>").attr({ src: "http://0xdb.org/" + data.items[0].id + "/poster.large.jpg" }).css({ display: "block", width: width + "px", height: height + "px" }) ).open(); }] ]; $.each(b, function(i, v) { Ox.Event.bind(v[0], function(data) { v[1](data); }); }); var $statusBar = new Ox.Bar({ orientation: "horizontal", size: 24 }).attr({ id: "statusBar" }); var loadingInterval; $loading = $("<img/>").attr({ id: "loading", src: Ox.baseUrl + "png/themes/ox/loading0.png" }).ajaxStart(function() { Ox.print("start") $(this).attr({ src: Ox.baseUrl + "png/themes/ox/loading0.png" }); $(this).show(); var loadingStep = 1; loadingInterval = setInterval(function() { $loading.attr({ src: Ox.baseUrl + "png/themes/ox/loading" + (loadingStep % 12) + ".png" }); loadingStep++; }, 83); /* $("body").css({ cursor: "wait" }); */ }).ajaxStop(function() { Ox.print("stop") clearInterval(loadingInterval); $(this).hide(); /* $("body").css({ cursor: "default" }); */ }).appendTo($topMenu.$element).trigger("ajaxStart"); var $view = new Ox.SplitView({ orientation: "vertical", elements: [ { element: $topMenu, size: 24 }, { element: $middleView }, { element: $statusBar, size: 24 } ] }).appendTo($body); /* for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { $main.$container.append("Item #" + (i + 1) + "<br/>"); } */ $find = new Ox.Input({ placeholder: "Find: All" }).attr({ id: "find" }).appendTo($topMenu.$element).trigger("blur"); $find.change(function(that) { var q = $(this).val(); $main.setUrl("/json/find", {q:q}); $mainBrowser.setUrl("/json/find", {g:"country", q:q}); }); /* $find = $("<input/>") .attr({ id: "find", type: "text", placeholder: "Find: All" }) .focus(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("OxPlaceholder")) { $(this) .val("") .removeClass("OxPlaceholder"); } }) .blur(function() { if ($(this).val() === "") { $(this) .addClass("OxPlaceholder") .val($(this).attr("placeholder")); } }) .appendTo($topMenu.$element) .trigger("blur"); function focusFind() { Ox.print("!!!") $find.focus(); $find.select(); } var keyboard = Ox.KeyboardController.setup({ "CONTROL F": focusFind }, true); Ox.KeyboardController.enable(keyboard); */ //Ox.print($topMenu); function loadDialog() {} function loadPage() {} function setPref(key, value) { if (key == "sort") { $topMenu.checkItem("sort/sort/" + value); } } $("<select/>").css({ position: "absolute", right: "4px", bottom: "4px", }).append( $("<option/>").val("foo").html("Foo") ).append( $("<option/>").val("bar").html("Bar") ).append( $("<option/>").val("bar").html($main.$body.width()) ).appendTo($statusBar.$element); });