").css({ float: "left", width: "40px", height: "14px", margin: "2px", textAlign: "right" }).html("23")
- )
- );
- $ui.lists.append(section);
- })
-// Info
- $ui.info = new Ox.Element()
- .append(
- $ui.infoStill = new Ox.Element("img")
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- })
- )
- .append(
- $ui.infoTimeline = new Ox.Element("img")
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- left: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- height: "16px",
- })
- );
-// Toolbar
- $ui.toolbar = new Ox.Bar({
- size: 24
- })
- .append(
- $ui.groupsButton = new Ox.Button({
- id: "groupsButton",
- value: ["Show Groups", "Hide Groups"]
- })
- .css({
- float: "left",
- margin: "4px"
- })
- .width(80)
- )
- .append(
- $ui.viewSelect = new Ox.Select({
- id: "viewSelect",
- items: $.map(config.listViews, function(view, i) {
- view.title = "View " + view.title
- return $.extend({
- checked: user.ui.listView == view.id,
- }, view);
- })
- })
- .css({
- float: "left",
- margin: "4px"
- })
- .width(120)
- )
- .append(
- $ui.findInput = new Ox.Input({
- autocomplete: function(key, value, callback) {
- var findKey = Ox.getObjectById(config.findKeys, key)
- Ox.print("autocomplete", key, value);
- value === "" && Ox.print("Warning: autocomplete function should never be called with empty value");
- if ("autocomplete" in findKey && findKey.autocomplete) {
- app.request("find", {
- keys: [key],
- query: {
- conditions: [
- {
- key: key,
- value: value,
- operator: ""
- }
- ],
- operator: ""
- },
- sort: [
- {
- key: key,
- operator: ""
- }
- ],
- range: [0, 10]
- }, function(result) {
- callback($.map(result.data.items, function(v) {
- return v.title;
- }));
- });
- } else {
- callback();
- }
- },
- clear: true,
- highlight: true,
- id: "findInput",
- label: $.map(config.findKeys, function(key, i) {
- return {
- id: key.id,
- title: "Find: " + key.title
- }
- }),
- labelWidth: 85
- })
- .css({
- float: "right",
- margin: "4px"
- })
- .width(300)
- );
-// Groups
- var panelWidth = $document.width() - user.ui.listsSize - 1,
- groups = $.map(config.groups, function(id, i) {
- var title = Ox.getObjectById(config.sortKeys, id).title,
- width = getGroupWidth(i, panelWidth);
- return {
- id: id,
- element: new Ox.TextList({
- columns: [
- {
- align: "left",
- id: "name",
- operator: id == "year" ? "-" : "+",
- title: title,
- unique: true,
- visible: true,
- width: width.column
- },
- {
- align: "right",
- id: "items",
- operator: "-",
- title: "#",
- visible: true,
- width: 40
- }
- ],
- id: "group_" + id,
- request: function(options) {
- delete options.keys;
- app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- group: id,
- query: Query.toObject()
- }), options.callback);
- },
- sort: [
- {
- key: id == "year" ? "name" : "items",
- operator: "-"
- }
- ]
- }),
- query: {
- conditions: [],
- operator: "|"
- },
- size: width.list,
- title: title
- };
- });
-// Statusbar
-$ui.statusbar = new Ox.Bar({
- size: 16
- })
- .css({
- textAlign: "center"
- })
- .append(
- new Ox.Element()
- .css({
- marginTop: "2px",
- fontSize: "9px"
- })
- .append(
- $ui.total = new Ox.Element("span")
- )
- .append(
- new Ox.Element("span").html(" — ")
- )
- .append(
- $ui.selected = new Ox.Element("span")
- )
- );
-// Interface
- $ui.app = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: $ui.mainMenu,
- size: 20
- },
- {
- element: $ui.mainPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- collapsible: true,
- element: $ui.leftPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: $ui.lists.options({
- id: "listsPanel"
- })
- },
- {
- collapsible: true,
- element: $ui.info.options({
- id: "infoPanel"
- }),
- size: user.ui.listsSize / ui.infoRatio + 16
- }
- ],
- id: "leftPanel",
- orientation: "vertical"
- }),
- resizable: true,
- resize: [128, 192, 256],
- size: user.ui.listsSize
- },
- {
- element: $ui.rightPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: $ui.toolbar.css({ zIndex: 2 }), // fixme: remove later
- size: 24
- },
- {
- element: $ui.contentPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- collapsible: true,
- element: $ui.groupsOuterPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: $ui.groups[0] = groups[0].element,
- size: groups[0].size
- },
- {
- element: $ui.groupsInnerPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: $ui.groups[1] = groups[1].element,
- size: groups[1].size
- },
- {
- element: $ui.groups[2] = groups[2].element,
- },
- {
- element: $ui.groups[3] = groups[3].element,
- size: groups[3].size
- }
- ],
- orientation: "horizontal"
- })
- },
- {
- element: $ui.groups[4] = groups[4].element,
- size: groups[4].size
- },
- ],
- orientation: "horizontal"
- }),
- resizable: true,
- resize: [96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176],
- size: user.ui.groupsSize
- },
- {
- element: $ui.list = constructList(user.ui.listView)
- }
- ],
- orientation: "vertical"
- })
- },
- {
- element: $ui.statusbar,
- size: 16
- }
- ],
- id: "rightPanel",
- orientation: "vertical"
- }),
- }
- ],
- orientation: "horizontal"
- })
+ });
- ],
- orientation: "vertical"
- }).appendTo($body);
+ if ('view' in query) {
+ app.user.ui.listView = query.view;
+ }
+ },
-// Events
+ toObject: function(groupId) {
+ Ox.print('tO', app.user.ui.findQuery.conditions)
+ // the inner $.merge() creates a clone
+ var conditions = $.merge($.merge([], app.user.ui.listQuery.conditions), app.user.ui.findQuery.conditions);
+ $.merge(conditions, app.ui.groups ? $.map(app.ui.groups, function(v, i) {
+ if (v.id != groupId && v.query.conditions.length) {
+ return v.query.conditions.length == 1 ?
+ v.query.conditions : v.query;
+ }
+ }) : []),
+ operator = conditions.length < 2 ? '' : ','; // fixme: should be &
+ Ox.print(groupId, app.user.ui.find, conditions);
+ return {
+ conditions: conditions,
+ operator: operator
+ };
+ },
- Ox.Request.requests() && $ui.loadingIcon.start();
- Ox.Event.bind("requestStart", function() {
- Ox.print("requestStart")
- $ui.loadingIcon.start();
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("requestStop", function() {
- Ox.print("requestStop")
- $ui.loadingIcon.stop();
- });
+ toString: function() {
+ Ox.print('tS', app.user.ui.find)
+ return Ox.serialize({
+ find: constructFind(Query.toObject()),
+ sort: app.user.ui.sort[0].operator + app.user.ui.sort[0].key,
+ view: app.user.ui.listView
+ });
+ }
+ };
// Menu
- Ox.Event.bind("click_about", function(event, data) {
+ Ox.Event.bind('change_viewmovies', function(event, data) {
+ app.$ui.viewSelect.selectItem(data.id);
+ });
+ Ox.Event.bind('change_find', function(event, data) {
+ app.$ui.findInput.changeLabel(data.id);
+ });
+ Ox.Event.bind('click_query', function(event, data) {
var $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
buttons: [
click: function() {
- id: "close",
- value: "Close"
+ id: 'close',
+ title: 'Close',
+ value: 'Close'
- id: "about",
- title: "About"
- }).open();
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("click_login", function(event, data) {
- /*
- var $form = $("
- $username = new Ox.Input({
- id: "username",
- label: "Username",
- labelWidth: 96,
- }).width(256).appendTo($form),
- $password = new Ox.Input({
- id: "password",
- label: "Password",
- labelWidth: 96,
- type: "password"
- }).width(256).css({ marginTop: "8px" }).appendTo($form),
- */
- var $form = new Ox.Form({
- error: "Unknown username or wrong password",
- items: [
- {
- element: new Ox.Input({
- id: "username",
- label: "Username",
- labelWidth: 96,
- }).width(256),
- regexp: /.+/
- },
- {
- element: new Ox.Input({
- id: "password",
- label: "Password",
- labelWidth: 96,
- type: "password"
- }).width(256),
- regexp: /.+/
- }
- ]
- }),
- $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- buttons: [
- [
- {
- click: function() {
- },
- id: "create",
- value: "Create Account..."
- },
- {
- click: function() {
- },
- id: "reset",
- value: "Reset Password..."
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- click: function() {
- $dialog.close();
- },
- id: "cancel",
- value: "Cancel"
- },
- {
- click: function() {
- },
- disabled: true,
- id: "login",
- value: "Login"
- }
- ]
- ],
- id: "login",
- title: "Login"
- }).append($form).open();
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("change_viewmovies", function(event, data) {
- $ui.viewSelect.selectItem(data.id);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("change_sortmovies", function(event, data) {
- var operator = Ox.getObjectById(config.sortKeys, data.id).operator;
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("sort_ordermovies_" + (operator === "" ? "ascending" : "descending"));
- $ui.list.sort(data.id, operator);
- Ox.print(user.ui.sort[0].key, user.ui.sort[0].operator);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("change_ordermovies", function(event, data) {
- $ui.list.sort(user.ui.sort[0].key, data.id == "ascending" ? "" : "-");
- Ox.print(user.ui.sort[0].key, user.ui.sort[0].operator);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("change_find", function(event, data) {
- $ui.findInput.changeLabel(data.id);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("click_query", function(event, data) {
- var $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- buttons: [
- {
- click: function() {
- $dialog.close();
- },
- id: "close",
- title: "Close",
- value: "Close"
- }
- ],
- id: "query",
- title: "Query"
- }).append(Query.toString() + "
" + JSON.stringify(Query.toObject())).open();
- });
- // Toolbar
- Ox.Event.bind("change_viewSelect", function(event, data) {
- $ui.list.replaceWith(constructList(data.id));
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("change_findInputLabel", function(event, data) {
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("find_find_" + data.id);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("submit_findInput", function(event, data) {
- var query;
- user.ui.findQuery.conditions = [
- {
- key: data.key == "all" ? "" : data.key,
- value: data.value,
- operator: ""
- }
- ];
- $.each(groups, function(i, group) {
- groups[i].query.conditions = [];
- $ui.groups[i].options({
- request: function(options) {
- delete options.keys;
- return app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- group: group.id,
- query: Query.toObject(group.id)
- }), options.callback);
- }
- });
- });
- $ui.list.options({
- request: function(options) {
- return app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: query = Query.toObject()
- }), options.callback);
- }
- });
- location.hash = Query.toString(query);
- });
- // Groups
- $.each(groups, function(i, group) {
- Ox.Event.bind("select_group_" + group.id, function(event, data) {
- var query;
- groups[i].query.conditions = $.map(data.ids, function(v) {
- return {
- key: group.id,
- value: v,
- operator: "="
- };
- });
- query = Query.toObject();
- $ui.list.options({
- request: function(options) {
- return app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: query
- }), options.callback);
- }
- });
- $.each(groups, function(i_, group_) {
- if (i_ != i) {
- $ui.groups[i_].options({
- request: function(options) {
- delete options.keys;
- return app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- group: group_.id,
- query: Query.toObject(group_.id)
- }), options.callback);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- location.hash = Query.toString(query);
- });
- });
- // List
- Ox.Event.bind("load_list", function(event, data) {
- $ui.total.html(constructStatus("total", data));
- data = [];
- $.each(config.totals, function(i, v) {
- data[v.id] = 0;
- });
- $ui.selected.html(constructStatus("selected", data));
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("sort_list", function(event, data) {
- /* some magic has already set user.ui.sort
- Ox.print(":", user.ui.sort[0])
- if (data.key != user.ui.sort[0].key) {
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("sort_sortmovies_" + data.key);
- }
- if (data.operator != user.ui.sort[0].operator) {
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("sort_ordermovies_" + data.operator === "" ? "ascending" : "descending");
- }
- user.ui.sort[0] = data;
- */
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("sort_sortmovies_" + data.key);
- $ui.mainMenu.checkItem("sort_ordermovies_" + (data.operator === "" ? "ascending" : "descending"));
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("select_list", function(event, data) {
- var $still, $timeline;
- ui.selectedMovies = data.ids;
- if (data.ids.length) {
- $ui.mainMenu.enableItem("copy");
- $ui.mainMenu.enableItem("openmovie");
- } else {
- $ui.mainMenu.disableItem("copy");
- $ui.mainMenu.disableItem("openmovie");
- }
- if (data.ids.length == 1) {
- $still = $("
- .attr({
- src: "http://0xdb.org/" + data.ids[0] + "/still.jpg"
- })
- .one("load", function() {
- if (data.ids[0] != ui.selectedMovies[0]) {
- Ox.print("cancel after load...")
- return;
- }
- var image = $still[0],
- imageWidth = image.width,
- imageHeight = image.height,
- width = $ui.info.width(),
- height = imageHeight * width / imageWidth;
- ui.infoRatio = width / height;
- $still.css({
- position: "absolute",
- left: 0,
- top: 0,
- //width: width + "px",
- //height: height + "px",
- width: "100%",
- opacity: 0
- })
- .appendTo($ui.info.$element)
- .animate({
- opacity: 1
- });
- $ui.infoStill.animate({
- opacity: 0
- }, 250);
- $ui.info.animate({
- height: (height + 16) + "px"
- }, 250, function() {
- $ui.infoStill.remove();
- $ui.infoStill = $still;
- });
- });
- /*
- $timeline = $("
- .attr({
- src: "http://0xdb.org/" + data.ids[0] + "/timeline/timeline.png"
- })
- .one("load", function() {
- $timeline.css({
- position: "absolute",
- left: 0,
- bottom: "16px",
- opacity: 0
- })
- .appendTo($ui.info.$element)
- .animate({
- opacity: 1
- });
- $ui.infoTimeline.animate({
- opacity: 0
- }, 250, function() {
- $ui.infoTimeline.remove();
- $ui.infoTimeline = $timeline;
- });
- });
- */
- }
- app.request("find", {
- query: {
- conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) {
- return {
- key: "id",
- value: id,
- operator: "="
- }
- }),
- operator: "|"
- }
- }, function(result) {
- $ui.selected.html(constructStatus("selected", result.data));
- });
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("openpreview_list", function(event, data) {
- app.request("find", {
- keys: ["director", "id", "posterHeight", "posterWidth", "posterURL", "title"],
- query: {
- conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) {
- return {
- key: "id",
- value: id,
- operator: "="
- }
- }),
- operator: "|"
- }
- }, function(result) {
- var item = result.data.items[0],
- title = item.title + (item.director ? " (" + item.director + ")" : ""),
- height = $window.height() - 40,
- width = height * 0.75,
- $image = $("
- .attr({
- src: "http://0xdb.org/" + item.id + "/poster.large.jpg"
- })
- .css({
- height: height + "px",
- width: width + "px",
- margin: "-16px -16px -16px -16px"
- })
- .one("load", function() {
- var image = $image[0],
- imageHeight = image.height,
- imageWidth = image.width;
- $image.css({
- height: imageHeight + "px",
- width: imageWidth + "px"
- });
- });
- if ("previewDialog" in $ui) {
- $ui.previewDialog.options({
- title: title
- });
- $ui.previewImage.animate({
- opacity: 0
- }, 250, function() {
- $ui.previewImage.replaceWith(
- $image.css({
- opacity: 0
- }).animate({
- opacity: 1
- }, 250));
- $ui.previewImage = $image;
- });
- } else {
- $ui.previewDialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- buttons: [
- {
- value: "Close",
- click: function() {
- $ui.previewDialog.close();
- delete $ui.previewDialog;
- $ui.list.closePreview();
- }
- }
- ],
- height: height,
- title: title,
- width: width
- })
- .append($image)
- .open();
- $ui.previewImage = $image;
- }
- });
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("closepreview_list", function(event, data) {
- $ui.previewDialog.close();
- delete $ui.previewDialog;
+ id: 'query',
+ title: 'Query'
+ }).append(Query.toString() + '
' + JSON.stringify(Query.toObject())).open();
// Resize
- Ox.Event.bind("resize_leftPanel", function(event, data) {
- $ui.leftPanel.resize("infoPanel", data / ui.infoRatio + 16);
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("resize_rightPanel", function(event, data) {
- var widths = $.map(groups, function(v, i) {
- return getGroupWidth(i, data);
- });
- Ox.print("widths", widths);
- $ui.groupsOuterPanel.resize(0, widths[0].list).resize(2, widths[4].list);
- $ui.groupsInnerPanel.resize(0, widths[1].list).resize(2, widths[3].list);
- $.each($ui.groups, function(i, list) {
- list.resizeColumn("name", widths[i].column);
- });
- });
- Ox.Event.bind("click_show_query", function(event, data) {
+ Ox.Event.bind('click_show_query', function(event, data) {
var query = constructQuery(),
- html = "Conditions
" + $.map(query.conditions, function(v) {
- return v.key + " " + v.operator + " " + v.value;
- }).join("
") + "
Operator: " + query.operator,
+ html = 'Conditions
' + $.map(query.conditions, function(v) {
+ return v.key + ' ' + v.operator + ' ' + v.value;
+ }).join('
') + '
Operator: ' + query.operator,
$dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
buttons: [
- value: "Close",
+ value: 'Close',
click: function() {
- title: "Show Query"
+ title: 'Show Query'
// Functions
- function constructList(view) {
- var $list;
- if (view == "list") {
- $list = new Ox.TextList({
- columns: $.map(config.sortKeys, function(key, i) {
- return $.extend({
- visible: $.inArray(key.id, user.ui.columns) > -1,
- unique: key.id == "id"
- }, key);
- }),
- id: "list",
- request: function(options) {
- Ox.print("options, Query.toObject", options, Query.toObject())
- app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: Query.toObject()
- }), options.callback);
- },
- sort: user.ui.sort
- });
- } else if (view == "icons") {
- $list = new Ox.IconList({
- id: "list",
- item: function(data, sort, size) {
- return {
- height: data.posterHeight,
- id: data["id"],
- info: data[$.inArray(sort[0].key, ["title", "director"]) > -1 ? "year" : sort[0].key],
- title: data.title + (data.director ? " (" + data.director + ")" : ""),
- url: "http://0xdb.org/" + data.id + "/poster." + size + "." + "jpg",
- width: data.posterWidth
- };
- },
- keys: ["director", "id", "posterHeight", "posterWidth", "posterURL", "title"],
- request: function(options) {
- app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: Query.toObject()
- }), options.callback);
- },
- size: 128,
- sort: [
- {
- key: "director",
- operator: ""
- }
- ],
- unique: "id"
- });
- }
- return $list;
- }
- function constructStatus(key, data) {
- return Ox.toTitleCase(key) + ": " + [
- Ox.formatNumber(data.items) + " movie" + (data.items != 1 ? "s" : ""),
- Ox.formatDuration(data.runtime, "medium"),
- data.files + " file" + (data.files != 1 ? "s" : ""),
- Ox.formatDuration(data.duration, "short"),
- Ox.formatValue(data.size, "B"),
- Ox.formatValue(data.pixels, "px")
- ].join(", ");
- }
- function getGroupWidth(pos, panelWidth) {
- var width = {};
- width.list = Math.floor(panelWidth / 5) + (panelWidth % 5 > pos);
- width.column = width.list - 40 - ($.browser.mozilla ? 16 : 12);
- return width;
- }
- //FIXME: how to properly overwrite functions without replacing them
- var super_launch = app.launch;
- app.launch = function() {
- app.request('hello', function(result) {
- app.user = result.data.user;
- if(app.user.group!='guest') {
- app.menu.getItem('status').options('title', "User: " + app.user.username);
- app.menu.getItem('login').options('title', 'Logout');
- }
- });
- super_launch();
- };
- return;
- var loadingIcon = new Ox.LoadingIcon({
- size: "medium"
- })
- .css({
- marginLeft: "4px"
- });
- app.menu = new Ox.MainMenu({
- extras: [
- new Ox.Input({
- autocomplete: function(option, value, callback) {
- var field = option.substring(6).toLowerCase();
- if(typeof(callback) == 'undefined') {
- callback = value;
- value = null;
- }
- Ox.debug('app.menu.find.autocomplete: option: ', option, 'value: ', value, ', callback:',callback);
- Ox.debug('app.menu.find.autocomplete: field: ', field);
- if(field == 'all') {
- callback([]);
- } else if (value) {
- value = value.toLowerCase();
- //var order = $.inArray(field, ['year', 'date'])?'-':'';
- app.request('find', {
- query: {
- conditions: [
- {
- key: field,
- value: value,
- operator: '~'
- }
- ]
- },
- list: 'all',
- sort: [{key:field, operator: ''}],
- keys: [field],
- range: [0, 10]
- }, function(result) {
- var items = $.map(
- result.data.items,
- function(item, i) { return item.title; }
- );
- callback(items);
- });
- }
- },
- clear: true,
- highlight: false,
- id: "find",
- label: [
- { id: "all", title: "Find: All" },
- { id: "title", title: "Find: Title" },
- { id: "director", title: "Find: Director" },
- { id: "country", title: "Find: Country" },
- { id: "year", title: "Find: Year" },
- { id: "language", title: "Find: Language" },
- { id: "writer", title: "Find: Writer" },
- { id: "producer", title: "Find: Producer" },
- { id: "cinematographer", title: "Find: Cinematographer" },
- { id: "editor", title: "Find: Editor" },
- { id: "actor", title: "Find: Actor" },
- { id: "character", title: "Find: Character" },
- { id: "name", title: "Find: Name" },
- { id: "genre", title: "Find: Genre" },
- { id: "keyword", title: "Find: Keyword" },
- { id: "summary", title: "Find: Summary" },
- { id: "dialog", title: "Find: Dialog" }
- ],
- labelWidth: 96
- }).width(320),
- loadingIcon
- ],
- menus: [
- {
- id: "pandoraMM",
- title: site.name,
- items: [
- { id: "about", title: "About " + site.name },
- {},
- { id: "faq", title: "Frequently Asked Questions"},
- { id: "tos", title: "Terms of Service"},
- { id: "sas", title: "Security Advisory System"},
- {},
- { id: "contact", title: "Contact"},
- {},
- { id: "technology", title: "Technology"},
- { id: "source", title: "Source Code"},
- { id: "report", title: "Report a Bug..."},
- ]
- },
- {
- id: "user",
- id: "user",
- title: "User",
- items: [
- { id: "status", title: "User: not logged in", disabled:true },
- {},
- { id: "accunt", title: "Account", disabled:true},
- { id: "preferences", title: "Preferences", disabled:true},
- {},
- {id: "login", title: "Login"},
- ]
- },
- {
- id: "file",
- title: "File",
- items: [
- { id: "load", keyboard: "control o", title: "Open" },
- { id: "save", keyboard: "control a", title: "Save" },
- { id: "save_ad", keyboard: "shift control s", title: "Save As..."}
- ]
- },
- {
- id: "edit",
- title: "Edit",
- items: [
- { id: "undo", keyboard: "control z", title: "Undo" },
- { id: "redo", keyboard: "shift control z", title: "Redo" },
- {},
- { id: "cut", keyboard: "control x", title: "Cut" },
- { id: "copy", keyboard: "control c", title: "Copy" },
- { id: "paste", keyboard: "control v", title: "Paste"},
- { id: "delete", keyboard: "delete", title: "Delete"},
- {},
- { id: "select_all", keyboard: "control a", title: "Select All" },
- { id: "select_none", keyboard: "shift control a", title: "Select None" },
- { id: "invert_selection", keyboard: "alt control a", title: "Invert Selection" },
- ]
- },
- {
- id: "sort",
- title: "Sort",
- items: [
- { id: "sort_movies", title: "Sort Movies by", items: [
- { checked: true, group: "sort_movies", id: "title", title: "Title"},
- { checked: false, group: "sort_movies", id: "director", title: "Director" },
- ] },
- { id: "order_movies", title: "Order Movies", items: [
- { checked: false, group: "order_movies", id: "ascending", title: "Ascending"},
- { checked: true, group: "order_movies", id: "descending", title: "Descending" },
- ] }
- ]
- },
- {
- id: "help",
- title: "Help",
- items: [
- { id: "help", keyboard: "control h", title: "Help" }
- ]
- }
- ],
- size: "large"
- });
- var pageDialog = function(title, page) {
- Ox.debug(title, page);
- var $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- title: title,
- buttons: [
- {
- value: "Ok",
- click: function() { $dialog.close(); }
- }
- ]
- })
- .append(page)
- .open();
- };
- //this should be: mainMenu.bind('click_about', function(event) {
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_about', function() {
- pageDialog('About ' + site.name, site.pages.about);
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_faq', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('faq').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.faq);
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_tos', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('tos').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.tos);
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_sas', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('sas').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.sas);
- });
- OxForm = function(options, self) {
- var self = self || {},
- that = new Ox.Element({}, self)
- .defaults({
- elements: [],
- })
- .options(options || {})
- .addClass("OxForm"),
- length = self.options.elements.length;
- $.each(self.options.elements, function(i, v) {
- that.append(Ox.Container().css({'margin': '5px'}).append(v));
- });
- that.values = function() {
- var values = {};
- $.each(self.options.elements, function(i, v) {
- values[v.$input.attr('name')] = v.$input.val();
- });
- return values;
- }
- return that;
- };
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_contact', function() {
- var labelWidth = 64;
- var inputWidth = 380;
- var u = new Ox.Input({
- label: "Your Email",
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- name:'email',
- size: 'medium'
- }).width(inputWidth).addClass("margin");
- if(app.user && app.user.preferences.email) {
- u.val(app.user.preferences.email);
- }
- var form = new OxForm({
- elements: [
- u,
- new Ox.Input({
- label: "Subject",
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- name: "subject",
- size: "medium"
- }).width(inputWidth).addClass("margin"),
- new Ox.Input({
- label: "Message",
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- type: "textarea",
- size: "medium",
- name: "message"
- }).width(380).height(176).addClass("margin")
- ]
- });
- var $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- title: "Contact",
- width: 424,
- height: 320,
- buttons: [
- {
- value: "Cancel",
- click: function() { $dialog.close(); }
- },
- {
- value: "Contact",
- click: function() {
- app.request('contact', form.values(),
- function(result) {
- if(result.status.code == 200) {
- $dialog.close();
- } else {
- $dialog.append(result.status.text);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- ]
- })
- .append(form)
- .open();
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_technology', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('technology').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.technology);
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_source', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('source').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.source);
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_report', function() {
- pageDialog(app.menu.getItem('report').options('title')[0],
- site.pages.report);
- });
- app.logout = function () {
- this.request('logout');
- this.user = {};
- this.menu.getItem('logout').toggle();
- this.menu.getItem('status').options('title', "User: not logged in");
- };
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_logout', function(event, data) {
- app.logout();
- });
- app.menu.bindEvent('click_login', function(element) {
- var labelWidth = 64;
- var inputWidth = labelWidth+200;
- var loginForm = new OxForm({
- elements: [
- new Ox.Input({
- label: "Username",
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- name:'username',
- size: 'medium'
- }).addClass("margin").width(inputWidth),
- new Ox.Input({
- label: 'Password',
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- name:'password',
- type: 'password',
- size: 'medium'
- }).addClass("margin").width(inputWidth)
- ]
- }).css({
- 'padding-top': '48px',
- });
- var submit = function() {
- app.request('login', loginForm.values(), function(result) {
- if(result.status.code == 200) {
- $dialog.close();
- app.user = result.data.user;
- app.menu.getItem('status').options(title, "User: " + app.user.username);
- app.menu.getItem('login').toggle();
- } else {
- $dialog.append('Login failed ' + result.status.text);
- }
- });
- }
- var d = new Ox.Container();
- var registerInfo = new Ox.Panel();
- registerInfo.append(Ox.Element().css({'margin-left': '4px'}).append('
Forgot your password?
Recover PasswordDont have an account?
Register Now'));
- var panel = Ox.SplitPanel({
- elements: [
- {
- element: loginForm,
- },
- {
- element: registerInfo,
- size: 80
- }
- ],
- orientation: "vertical"
- }).appendTo(d);
- var $dialog = new Ox.Dialog({
- title: "Login",
- width: inputWidth+24,
- height: 184,
- buttons: [
- [],[
- {
- value: "Cancel",
- click: function() { $dialog.close(); }
- },
- {
- value: "Login",
- click: submit
- }
- ]
- ]
- })
- .append(d)
- .open();
- });
- var bottomPanel = Ox.Toolbar({size: "small"})
- .css({
- zIndex: 2,
- MozBoxShadow: "0 0 4px rgb(0, 0, 0)",
- WebkitBoxShadow: "0 0 4px rgb(0, 0, 0)"
- })
- .append(
- $("
- .addClass("bottom")
- .html(site.url + " - a rather unique kind of movie database.")
- );
- var mainSplitPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({
+app.constructApp = function() {
+ return new Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
- element: app.menu,
- size: 24
+ element: app.$ui.mainMenu,
+ size: 20
- element: middleSplitPanel
- },
- {
- element: bottomPanel,
- size: 24
+ element: app.$ui.mainPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ collapsible: true,
+ element: app.$ui.leftPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.lists.options({
+ id: 'listsPanel'
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ collapsible: true,
+ element: app.$ui.info.options({
+ id: 'infoPanel'
+ }),
+ size: app.user.ui.listsSize / app.ui.infoRatio + 16
+ }
+ ],
+ id: 'leftPanel',
+ orientation: 'vertical'
+ })
+ .bindEvent('resize', function(event, data) {
+ Ox.print('resize', data, data / app.ui.infoRatio + 16);
+ app.$ui.leftPanel.resize('infoPanel', Math.round(data / app.ui.infoRatio) + 16);
+ }),
+ resizable: true,
+ resize: [128, 192, 256],
+ size: app.user.ui.listsSize
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.rightPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.toolbar.css({ zIndex: 2 }), // fixme: remove later
+ size: 24
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.contentPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ collapsible: true,
+ element: app.$ui.groupsOuterPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groups[0],
+ size: app.ui.groups[0].size
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groupsInnerPanel = new Ox.SplitPanel({
+ elements: [
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groups[1],
+ size: app.ui.groups[1].size
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groups[2],
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groups[3],
+ size: app.ui.groups[3].size
+ }
+ ],
+ orientation: 'horizontal'
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.groups[4],
+ size: app.ui.groups[4].size
+ },
+ ],
+ orientation: 'horizontal'
+ }),
+ resizable: true,
+ resize: [96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176],
+ size: app.user.ui.groupsSize
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.list = app.constructList(app.user.ui.listView)
+ }
+ ],
+ orientation: 'vertical'
+ })
+ },
+ {
+ element: app.$ui.statusbar,
+ size: 16
+ }
+ ],
+ id: 'rightPanel',
+ orientation: 'vertical'
+ })
+ .bindEvent('resize', function(event, data) {
+ var widths = $.map(app.ui.groups, function(v, i) {
+ return app.getGroupWidth(i, data);
+ });
+ Ox.print('widths', widths);
+ app.$ui.groupsOuterPanel.resize(0, widths[0].list).resize(2, widths[4].list);
+ app.$ui.groupsInnerPanel.resize(0, widths[1].list).resize(2, widths[3].list);
+ $.each(app.$ui.groups, function(i, list) {
+ list.resizeColumn('name', widths[i].column);
+ });
+ })
+ }
+ ],
+ orientation: 'horizontal'
+ })
- orientation: "vertical"
- }).appendTo($body);
- var listPanel = new Ox.CollapsePanel({
- title: "Lists"
- }).appendTo(sidePanel);
- listPanel.$content.html("Nouvelle Vague
Hollywood 40's
Pirate Cinema Berlin")
- var historyPanel = new Ox.CollapsePanel({
- title: "Search History"
- }).appendTo(sidePanel);
- historyPanel.$content.html("Paris
- /*
- var tabbar = new Ox.Tabbar({
- values: ["Info", "Scenes", "Timeline", "Map", "Admin"],
- selected: 0,
- }).appendTo(mainPanel)
- */
- var content = new Ox.Container()
- .appendTo(mainPanel);
- /*
- tabbar.bind('OxButtonToggle', function(event, data) {
- Ox.debug('tabbar selected');
- Ox.debug(data.value);
- if(data.value=='Info') {
- content.html('this is for testing purposes only, lets get down to it...');
- } else if(data.value=='Scenes') {
- content.html('what a wonderfull scene');
- } else if(data.value=='Timeline') {
- content.html('here we will see a timeline');
- } else if(data.value=='Map') {
- content.html('Here be a map of dragons');
- } else if(data.value=='Admin') {
- content.html('Here be admin');
- }
+ orientation: 'vertical'
- */
- app.results = new Ox.TextList({
- columns: [ {
- align: "left",
- id: "title",
- operator: "+",
- title: "Title",
- visible: true,
- width: 160
- },
- {
- align: "left",
- id: "director",
- operator: "+",
- title: "Director",
- visible: true,
- width: 160
- },
- {
- align: "right",
- id: "year",
- operator: "-",
- title: "Year",
- visible: true,
- width: 80
- }
- ],
- request: function(options) {
- app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: {
- conditions: [],
- operator: "," // fixme: should be &
- }
- }), options.callback);
- },
- id: "results",
- sort: [{
- key: "year",
- operator: "-"
- }]
- }).appendTo(content);
- app.menu.bindEvent('submit_find', function(event, data) {
- app.results.options({
+app.constructGroups = function() {
+ $groups = [];
+ var panelWidth = app.$document.width() - app.user.ui.listsSize - 1;
+ app.ui.groups = $.map(app.config.groups, function(id, i) {
+ var title = Ox.getObjectById(app.config.sortKeys, id).title,
+ width = app.getGroupWidth(i, panelWidth);
+ return {
+ id: id,
+ element: $groups[i] = new Ox.TextList({
+ columns: [
+ {
+ align: 'left',
+ id: 'name',
+ operator: id == 'year' ? '-' : '+',
+ title: title,
+ unique: true,
+ visible: true,
+ width: width.column
+ },
+ {
+ align: 'right',
+ id: 'items',
+ operator: '-',
+ title: '#',
+ visible: true,
+ width: 40
+ }
+ ],
+ id: 'group_' + id,
+ request: function(options) {
+ delete options.keys;
+ app.request('find', $.extend(options, {
+ group: id,
+ query: app.Query.toObject()
+ }), options.callback);
+ },
+ sort: [
+ {
+ key: id == 'year' ? 'name' : 'items',
+ operator: '-'
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+ .bindEvent('select', function(event, data) {
+ Ox.print('select', i)
+ var group = groups[i],
+ query;
+ groups[i].query.conditions = $.map(data.ids, function(v) {
+ return {
+ key: group.id,
+ value: v,
+ operator: '='
+ };
+ });
+ query = app.Query.toObject();
+ app.$ui.list.options({
+ request: function(options) {
+ return app.request('find', $.extend(options, {
+ query: query
+ }), options.callback);
+ }
+ });
+ $.each(groups, function(i_, group_) {
+ if (i_ != i) {
+ app.$ui.groups[i_].options({
+ request: function(options) {
+ delete options.keys;
+ return app.request('find', $.extend(options, {
+ group: group_.id,
+ query: app.Query.toObject(group_.id)
+ }), options.callback);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ location.hash = app.Query.toString(query);
+ }),
+ query: {
+ conditions: [],
+ operator: '|'
+ },
+ size: width.list,
+ title: title
+ };
+ });
+ return $groups;
+app.constructInfo = function() {
+ return new Ox.Element()
+ .append(
+ app.$ui.infoStill = new Ox.Element('img')
+ .css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ top: 0
+ })
+ )
+ .append(
+ app.$ui.infoTimeline = new Ox.Element('img')
+ .css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ height: '16px',
+ })
+ );
+app.constructList = function(view) {
+ var $list;
+ Ox.print('constructList', view);
+ if (view == 'list' || view == 'calendar') {
+ $list = new Ox.TextList({
+ columns: $.map(app.config.sortKeys, function(key, i) {
+ return $.extend({
+ visible: $.inArray(key.id, app.user.ui.columns) > -1,
+ unique: key.id == 'id'
+ }, key);
+ }),
+ columnsMovable: true,
+ columnsRemovable: true,
+ id: 'list',
request: function(options) {
- app.request("find", $.extend(options, {
- query: {
- key: data.option.substr(6).toLowerCase(),
- value: data.value,
- operator: "~"
- }
+ Ox.print('options, Query.toObject', options, app.Query.toObject())
+ app.request('find', $.extend(options, {
+ query: app.Query.toObject()
}), options.callback);
+ sort: app.user.ui.sort
+ } else if (view == 'icons') {
+ $list = new Ox.IconList({
+ id: 'list',
+ item: function(data, sort, size) {
+ return {
+ height: data.posterHeight,
+ id: data['id'],
+ info: data[$.inArray(sort[0].key, ['title', 'director']) > -1 ? 'year' : sort[0].key],
+ title: data.title + (data.director ? ' (' + data.director + ')' : ''),
+ url: 'http://0xdb.org/' + data.id + '/poster.' + size + '.' + 'jpg',
+ width: data.posterWidth
+ };
+ },
+ keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterHeight', 'posterWidth', 'posterURL', 'title'],
+ request: function(options) {
+ app.request('find', $.extend(options, {
+ query: Query.toObject()
+ }), options.callback);
+ },
+ size: 128,
+ sort: [
+ {
+ key: 'director',
+ operator: ''
+ }
+ ],
+ unique: 'id'
+ }).css('background', 'blue');
+ } else {
+ $list = new Ox.Element('
+ .css({
+ width: '100px',
+ height: '100px',
+ background: 'red'
+ })
+ }
+ $list.bindEvent({
+ closepreview: function(event, data) {
+ app.$ui.previewDialog.close();
+ delete app.$ui.previewDialog;
+ },
+ load: function(event, data) {
+ app.$ui.total.html(app.constructStatus('total', data));
+ data = [];
+ $.each(app.config.totals, function(i, v) {
+ data[v.id] = 0;
+ });
+ app.$ui.selected.html(app.constructStatus('selected', data));
+ },
+ openpreview: function(event, data) {
+ app.request('find', {
+ keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterHeight', 'posterWidth', 'posterURL', 'title'],
+ query: {
+ conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) {
+ return {
+ key: 'id',
+ value: id,
+ operator: '='
+ }
+ }),
+ operator: '|'
+ }
+ }, function(result) {
+ var item = result.data.items[0],
+ title = item.title + (item.director ? ' (' + item.director + ')' : ''),
+ documentHeight = app.$document.height(),
+ dialogHeight = documentHeight - 40,
+ dialogWidth = parseInt((dialogHeight - 48) * 0.75),
+ $image = $('
+ .attr({
+ src: 'http://0xdb.org/' + item.id + '/poster.large.jpg'
+ })
+ .css({
+ height: (dialogHeight - 48) + 'px',
+ width: dialogWidth + 'px'
+ })
+ .load(function() {
+ var image = $image[0],
+ imageHeight = Math.min(image.height, documentHeight - 88),
+ imageWidth = parseInt(image.width * imageHeight / image.height);
+ app.$ui.previewDialog.options({
+ height: imageHeight + 48,
+ width: imageWidth
+ });
+ $image.css({
+ height: imageHeight + 'px',
+ width: imageWidth + 'px'
+ });
+ });
+ if ('previewDialog' in app.$ui) {
+ app.$ui.previewDialog.options({
+ title: title
+ });
+ app.$ui.previewImage.animate({
+ opacity: 0
+ }, 250, function() {
+ app.$ui.previewImage.replaceWith(
+ $image.css({
+ opacity: 0
+ }).animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ }, 250));
+ app.$ui.previewImage = $image;
+ });
+ } else {
+ app.$ui.previewDialog = new Ox.Dialog({
+ buttons: [
+ {
+ title: 'Close',
+ click: function() {
+ app.$ui.previewDialog.close();
+ delete app.$ui.previewDialog;
+ app.$ui.list.closePreview();
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ height: dialogHeight,
+ padding: 0,
+ title: title,
+ width: dialogWidth
+ })
+ .append($image)
+ .open();
+ app.$ui.previewImage = $image;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ select: function(event, data) {
+ var $still, $timeline;
+ app.ui.selectedMovies = data.ids;
+ if (data.ids.length) {
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.enableItem('copy');
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.enableItem('openmovie');
+ } else {
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.disableItem('copy');
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.disableItem('openmovie');
+ }
+ if (data.ids.length == 1) {
+ $still = $('
+ .attr({
+ src: 'http://0xdb.org/' + data.ids[0] + '/still.jpg'
+ })
+ .one('load', function() {
+ if (data.ids[0] != app.ui.selectedMovies[0]) {
+ Ox.print('cancel after load...')
+ return;
+ }
+ var image = $still[0],
+ imageWidth = image.width,
+ imageHeight = image.height,
+ width = app.$ui.info.width(),
+ height = imageHeight * width / imageWidth;
+ app.ui.infoRatio = width / height;
+ $still.css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ //width: width + 'px',
+ //height: height + 'px',
+ width: '100%',
+ opacity: 0
+ })
+ .appendTo(app.$ui.info.$element)
+ .animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ });
+ app.$ui.infoStill.animate({
+ opacity: 0
+ }, 250);
+ app.$ui.info.animate({
+ height: (height + 16) + 'px'
+ }, 250, function() {
+ app.$ui.infoStill.remove();
+ app.$ui.infoStill = $still;
+ });
+ });
+ /*
+ $timeline = $('
+ .attr({
+ src: 'http://0xdb.org/' + data.ids[0] + '/timeline/timeline.png'
+ })
+ .one('load', function() {
+ $timeline.css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ bottom: '16px',
+ opacity: 0
+ })
+ .appendTo($ui.info.$element)
+ .animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ });
+ $ui.infoTimeline.animate({
+ opacity: 0
+ }, 250, function() {
+ $ui.infoTimeline.remove();
+ $ui.infoTimeline = $timeline;
+ });
+ });
+ */
+ }
+ app.request('find', {
+ query: {
+ conditions: $.map(data.ids, function(id, i) {
+ return {
+ key: 'id',
+ value: id,
+ operator: '='
+ }
+ }),
+ operator: '|'
+ }
+ }, function(result) {
+ app.$ui.selected.html(app.constructStatus('selected', result.data));
+ });
+ },
+ sort: function(event, data) {
+ /* some magic has already set user.ui.sort
+ Ox.print(':', user.ui.sort[0])
+ if (data.key != user.ui.sort[0].key) {
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sort_sortmovies_' + data.key);
+ }
+ if (data.operator != user.ui.sort[0].operator) {
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sort_ordermovies_' + data.operator === '' ? 'ascending' : 'descending');
+ }
+ user.ui.sort[0] = data;
+ */
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sortMenu_sortmovies_' + data.key);
+ app.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sortMenu_ordermovies_' + (data.operator === '' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'));
+ }
- app.launch();
+ return $list;
+app.constructLists = function() {
+ var $lists = new Ox.Element;
+ $.each(app.$ui.sections, function(i, $section) {
+ $lists.append($section);
+ });
+ return $lists;
+app.constructMainMenu = function() {
+ return new Ox.MainMenu({
+ extras: [
+ app.$ui.loadingIcon = new Ox.LoadingIcon({
+ size: 'medium'
+ })
+ ],
+ id: 'mainMenu',
+ menus: [
+ { id: app.options('id') + 'Menu', title: app.options('name'), items: [
+ { id: 'about', title: 'About' },
+ {},
+ { id: 'home', title: 'Home Screen' },
+ { id: 'faq', title: 'Frequently Asked Questions' },
+ { id: 'tos', title: 'Terms of Service' },
+ {},
+ { id: 'contact', title: 'Contact...' }
+ ] },
+ { id: 'userMenu', title: 'User', items: [
+ { id: 'username', title: 'User: not logged in', disabled: true },
+ {},
+ { id: 'preferences', title: 'Preferences...', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control ,' },
+ {},
+ { id: 'register', title: 'Create an Account...' },
+ { id: 'loginlogout', title: ['Login...', 'Logout...'] }
+ ] },
+ { id: 'listMenu', title: 'List', items: [
+ { id: 'history', title: 'History', items: [
+ { id: 'allmovies', title: 'All Movies' }
+ ] },
+ { id: 'lists', title: 'View List', items: [
+ { id: 'favorites', title: 'Favorites' }
+ ] },
+ { id: 'features', title: 'View Feature', items: [
+ { id: 'situationistfilm', title: 'Situationist Film' },
+ { id: 'timelines', title: 'Timelines' }
+ ] },
+ {},
+ { id: 'newlist', title: 'New List...', keyboard: 'control n' },
+ { id: 'newlistfromselection', title: 'New List from Selection...', disabled: true, keyboard: 'shift control n' },
+ { id: 'newsmartlist', title: 'New Smart List...', keyboard: 'alt control n' },
+ { id: 'newsmartlistfromresults', title: 'New Smart List from Results...', keyboard: 'shift alt control n' },
+ {},
+ { id: 'addmovietolist', title: ['Add Selected Movie to List...', 'Add Selected Movies to List...'], disabled: true },
+ {},
+ { id: 'setposterframe', title: 'Set Poster Frame', disabled: true }
+ ]},
+ { id: 'editMenu', title: 'Edit', items: [
+ { id: 'undo', title: 'Undo', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control z' },
+ { id: 'redo', title: 'Redo', disabled: true, keyboard: 'shift control z' },
+ {},
+ { id: 'cut', title: 'Cut', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control x' },
+ { id: 'copy', title: 'Copy', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control c
\ No newline at end of file
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+ {"id": "keyword", "title": "Keyword", "autocomplete": true},
+ {"id": "summary", "title": "Summary"},
+ {"id": "dialog", "title": "Dialog"}
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+ {"key": "director", "operator": ""}
+ ],
+ "theme": "classic"
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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