2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
$ ( function ( ) {
2010-06-30 11:18:04 +00:00
Ox . theme ( "modern" ) ;
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
app = new Ox . App ( {
requestURL : "/api/"
} ) ;
var size = window . location . hash . substr ( 1 ) || "medium" ,
$body = $ ( "body" ) ,
$toolbars = [ ] ;
var sidePanel = new Ox . Panel ( ) ;
var mainPanel = new Ox . Panel ( ) . css ( {
//borderLeft: "1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160)"
} ) ;
var middleSplitPanel = Ox . SplitPanel ( {
elements : [
element : sidePanel ,
size : 256
} ,
element : mainPanel
] ,
orientation : "horizontal"
} ) / * . css ( {
borderTop : "1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160)" ,
borderBottom : "1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160)"
} ) * / ;
//FIXME: how to properly overwrite functions without replacing them
var super _launch = app . launch ;
app . launch = function ( ) {
app . request ( 'hello' , function ( result ) {
app . user = result . data . user ;
if ( app . user . group != 'guest' ) {
app . menu . getItem ( 'status' ) . options ( 'title' , "User: " + app . user . username ) ;
app . menu . getItem ( 'login' ) . options ( 'title' , 'Logout' ) ;
} ) ;
super _launch ( ) ;
} ;
var loadingIcon = new Ox . LoadingIcon ( {
size : "medium"
} )
. css ( {
marginLeft : "4px"
} ) ;
app . menu = new Ox . MainMenu ( {
extras : [
new Ox . Input ( {
autocomplete : function ( option , value , callback ) {
var field = option . substring ( 6 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
Ox . print ( 'app.menu.find.autocomplete: option: ' , option , 'value: ' , value , ', callback:' , callback ) ;
Ox . print ( 'app.menu.find.autocomplete: field: ' , field ) ;
if ( field == 'all' ) {
callback ( [ ] ) ;
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
} else {
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
value = value . toLowerCase ( ) ;
//var order = $.inArray(field, ['year', 'date'])?'-':'';
app . request ( 'find' , {
query : {
conditions : [
key : field ,
value : value ,
operator : '~'
} ,
list : 'all' ,
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
sort : [ { key : field , operator : '' } ] ,
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
keys : [ field ] ,
range : [ 0 , 10 ]
} , function ( result ) {
var items = $ . map (
result . data . items ,
function ( item , i ) { return item . title ; }
) ;
callback ( items ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
clear : true ,
highlight : false ,
id : "find" ,
label : [ "Find: Title" , "Find: All" , "Find: Director" , "Find: Country" , "Find: Cinematographer" ] ,
labelWidth : 96
} ) . width ( 320 ) ,
] ,
menus : [
2010-06-24 13:18:33 +00:00
id : "pandoraMM" ,
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
title : site . name ,
items : [
{ id : "about" , title : "About " + site . name } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "faq" , title : "Frequently Asked Questions" } ,
{ id : "tos" , title : "Terms of Service" } ,
{ id : "sas" , title : "Security Advisory System" } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "contact" , title : "Contact" } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "technology" , title : "Technology" } ,
{ id : "source" , title : "Source Code" } ,
{ id : "report" , title : "Report a Bug..." } ,
} ,
id : "user" ,
id : "user" ,
title : "User" ,
items : [
{ id : "status" , title : "User: not logged in" , disabled : true } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "accunt" , title : "Account" , disabled : true } ,
{ id : "preferences" , title : "Preferences" , disabled : true } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "login" , title : "Login" } ,
} ,
id : "file" ,
title : "File" ,
items : [
{ id : "load" , keyboard : "control o" , title : "Open" } ,
{ id : "save" , keyboard : "control a" , title : "Save" } ,
{ id : "save_ad" , keyboard : "shift control s" , title : "Save As..." }
} ,
id : "edit" ,
title : "Edit" ,
items : [
{ id : "undo" , keyboard : "control z" , title : "Undo" } ,
{ id : "redo" , keyboard : "shift control z" , title : "Redo" } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "cut" , keyboard : "control x" , title : "Cut" } ,
{ id : "copy" , keyboard : "control c" , title : "Copy" } ,
{ id : "paste" , keyboard : "control v" , title : "Paste" } ,
{ id : "delete" , keyboard : "delete" , title : "Delete" } ,
{ } ,
{ id : "select_all" , keyboard : "control a" , title : "Select All" } ,
{ id : "select_none" , keyboard : "shift control a" , title : "Select None" } ,
{ id : "invert_selection" , keyboard : "alt control a" , title : "Invert Selection" } ,
} ,
id : "sort" ,
title : "Sort" ,
items : [
{ id : "sort_movies" , title : "Sort Movies by" , items : [
{ checked : true , group : "sort_movies" , id : "title" , title : "Title" } ,
{ checked : false , group : "sort_movies" , id : "director" , title : "Director" } ,
] } ,
{ id : "order_movies" , title : "Order Movies" , items : [
{ checked : false , group : "order_movies" , id : "ascending" , title : "Ascending" } ,
{ checked : true , group : "order_movies" , id : "descending" , title : "Descending" } ,
] }
} ,
id : "help" ,
title : "Help" ,
items : [
{ id : "help" , keyboard : "control h" , title : "Help" }
] ,
size : "large"
} ) ;
var pageDialog = function ( title , page ) {
Ox . print ( title , page ) ;
var $dialog = new Ox . Dialog ( {
title : title ,
buttons : [
value : "Ok" ,
click : function ( ) { $dialog . close ( ) ; }
} )
. append ( page )
. open ( ) ;
} ;
//this should be: mainMenu.bind('click_about', function(event) {
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_about' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( 'About ' + site . name , site . pages . about ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_faq' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'faq' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . faq ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_tos' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'tos' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . tos ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_sas' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'sas' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . sas ) ;
} ) ;
OxForm = function ( options , self ) {
var self = self || { } ,
that = new Ox . Element ( { } , self )
. defaults ( {
elements : [ ] ,
} )
. options ( options || { } )
. addClass ( "OxForm" ) ,
length = self . options . elements . length ;
$ . each ( self . options . elements , function ( i , v ) {
that . append ( Ox . Container ( ) . css ( { 'margin' : '5px' } ) . append ( v ) ) ;
} ) ;
that . values = function ( ) {
var values = { } ;
$ . each ( self . options . elements , function ( i , v ) {
values [ v . $input . attr ( 'name' ) ] = v . $input . val ( ) ;
} ) ;
return values ;
return that ;
} ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_contact' , function ( ) {
var labelWidth = 64 ;
var inputWidth = 380 ;
var u = new Ox . Input ( {
label : "Your Email" ,
labelWidth : labelWidth ,
name : 'email' ,
size : 'medium'
} ) . width ( inputWidth ) . addClass ( "margin" ) ;
if ( app . user && app . user . preferences . email ) {
u . val ( app . user . preferences . email ) ;
var form = new OxForm ( {
elements : [
u ,
new Ox . Input ( {
label : "Subject" ,
labelWidth : labelWidth ,
name : "subject" ,
size : "medium"
} ) . width ( inputWidth ) . addClass ( "margin" ) ,
new Ox . Input ( {
label : "Message" ,
labelWidth : labelWidth ,
type : "textarea" ,
size : "medium" ,
name : "message"
} ) . width ( 380 ) . height ( 176 ) . addClass ( "margin" )
} ) ;
var $dialog = new Ox . Dialog ( {
title : "Contact" ,
width : 424 ,
height : 320 ,
buttons : [
value : "Cancel" ,
click : function ( ) { $dialog . close ( ) ; }
} ,
value : "Contact" ,
click : function ( ) {
app . request ( 'contact' , form . values ( ) ,
function ( result ) {
if ( result . status . code == 200 ) {
$dialog . close ( ) ;
} else {
$dialog . append ( result . status . text ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. append ( form )
. open ( ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_technology' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'technology' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . technology ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_source' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'source' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . source ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_report' , function ( ) {
pageDialog ( app . menu . getItem ( 'report' ) . options ( 'title' ) [ 0 ] ,
site . pages . report ) ;
} ) ;
app . logout = function ( ) {
this . request ( 'logout' ) ;
this . user = { } ;
this . menu . getItem ( 'logout' ) . toggle ( ) ;
this . menu . getItem ( 'status' ) . options ( 'title' , "User: not logged in" ) ;
} ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_logout' , function ( event , data ) {
app . logout ( ) ;
} ) ;
Ox . Event . bind ( app . menu . id , 'click_login' , function ( element ) {
var labelWidth = 64 ;
var inputWidth = labelWidth + 200 ;
var loginForm = new OxForm ( {
elements : [
new Ox . Input ( {
label : "Username" ,
labelWidth : labelWidth ,
name : 'username' ,
size : 'medium'
} ) . addClass ( "margin" ) . width ( inputWidth ) ,
new Ox . Input ( {
label : 'Password' ,
labelWidth : labelWidth ,
name : 'password' ,
type : 'password' ,
size : 'medium'
} ) . addClass ( "margin" ) . width ( inputWidth )
} ) . css ( {
'padding-top' : '48px' ,
} ) ;
var submit = function ( ) {
app . request ( 'login' , loginForm . values ( ) , function ( result ) {
if ( result . status . code == 200 ) {
$dialog . close ( ) ;
app . user = result . data . user ;
app . menu . getItem ( 'status' ) . options ( title , "User: " + app . user . username ) ;
app . menu . getItem ( 'login' ) . toggle ( ) ;
} else {
$dialog . append ( 'Login failed ' + result . status . text ) ;
} ) ;
var d = new Ox . Container ( ) ;
var registerInfo = new Ox . Panel ( ) ;
registerInfo . append ( Ox . Element ( ) . css ( { 'margin-left' : '4px' } ) . append ( '<br>Forgot your password? <a href="">Recover Password</a><br>Dont have an account? <a href="">Register Now</a>' ) ) ;
var panel = Ox . SplitPanel ( {
elements : [
element : loginForm ,
} ,
element : registerInfo ,
size : 80
] ,
orientation : "vertical"
} ) . appendTo ( d ) ;
var $dialog = new Ox . Dialog ( {
title : "Login" ,
width : inputWidth + 24 ,
height : 184 ,
buttons : [
[ ] , [
value : "Cancel" ,
click : function ( ) { $dialog . close ( ) ; }
} ,
value : "Login" ,
click : submit
} )
. append ( d )
. open ( ) ;
} ) ;
var bottomPanel = Ox . Toolbar ( { size : "small" } )
. css ( {
zIndex : 2 ,
MozBoxShadow : "0 0 4px rgb(0, 0, 0)" ,
WebkitBoxShadow : "0 0 4px rgb(0, 0, 0)"
} )
. append (
$ ( "<div/>" )
. addClass ( "bottom" )
. html ( site . url + " - a rather unique kind of movie database." )
) ;
var mainSplitPanel = Ox . SplitPanel ( {
elements : [
element : app . menu ,
size : 24
} ,
element : middleSplitPanel
} ,
element : bottomPanel ,
size : 24
] ,
orientation : "vertical"
} ) . appendTo ( $body ) ;
var listPanel = new Ox . CollapsePanel ( {
title : "Lists"
} ) . appendTo ( sidePanel ) ;
listPanel . $content . html ( "Nouvelle Vague<br/>Hollywood 40's<br/>Pirate Cinema Berlin" )
var historyPanel = new Ox . CollapsePanel ( {
title : "Search History"
} ) . appendTo ( sidePanel ) ;
historyPanel . $content . html ( "Paris<br/>Matirx<br/>Godard" )
/ *
var tabbar = new Ox . Tabbar ( {
values : [ "Info" , "Scenes" , "Timeline" , "Map" , "Admin" ] ,
selected : 0 ,
} ) . appendTo ( mainPanel )
* /
var content = new Ox . Container ( )
. appendTo ( mainPanel ) ;
/ *
tabbar . bind ( 'OxButtonToggle' , function ( event , data ) {
Ox . print ( 'tabbar selected' ) ;
Ox . print ( data . value ) ;
if ( data . value == 'Info' ) {
content . html ( 'this is for testing purposes only, lets get down to it...' ) ;
} else if ( data . value == 'Scenes' ) {
content . html ( 'what a wonderfull scene' ) ;
} else if ( data . value == 'Timeline' ) {
content . html ( 'here we will see a timeline' ) ;
} else if ( data . value == 'Map' ) {
content . html ( 'Here be a map of dragons' ) ;
} else if ( data . value == 'Admin' ) {
content . html ( 'Here be admin' ) ;
} ) ;
* /
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
var loadResult = function ( query ) {
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
var columns = [ {
align : "left" ,
id : "title" ,
operator : "+" ,
title : "Title" ,
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
visible : true ,
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
width : 160
} ,
align : "left" ,
id : "director" ,
operator : "+" ,
title : "Director" ,
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
visible : true ,
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
width : 160
} ,
align : "right" ,
id : "year" ,
operator : "-" ,
title : "Year" ,
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
visible : true ,
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
width : 80
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
] ;
return new Ox . TextList ( {
columns : columns ,
request : function ( options ) {
app . request ( "find" , $ . extend ( options , {
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
query : query
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
} ) , options . callback ) ;
} ,
2010-06-30 11:18:04 +00:00
id : "results" ,
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
sort : [ {
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
key : "year" ,
operator : "-"
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
} ]
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
} ) ;
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
var results = loadResult ( {
conditions : [ ] ,
operator : "&"
} ) . appendTo ( content ) ;
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
Ox . Event . bind ( false , 'submit_find' , function ( event , data ) {
var r = loadResult ( {
2010-06-30 08:44:26 +00:00
conditions : [
key : data . option . substr ( 6 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
value : data . value ,
operator : "~"
] ,
operator : "&"
2010-06-28 07:50:00 +00:00
} ) ;
results . replaceWith ( r ) ;
results = r ;
} ) ;
2010-06-24 13:11:46 +00:00
app . launch ( ) ;
} ) ;