
767 lines
28 KiB

2010 0x2620.org GPL v3
TODO: migrate to ox.js
(& sorry for the mess)
$(function() {
if ($.browser.msie) {
alert("Please use Firefox, Safari or Chrome.");
var $body = $("body"),
$document = $(document),
$window = $(window),
$album = $("#album"),
users = [],
albums = {},
split = location.hash.substr(1).replace("_", " ").split("/"),
user = split[0] || "S",
album = split[1] || "Beirut",
photoid = split[2] || "",
hash = photoid ? [user, album, photoid].join("/") : [user, album].join("/"),
windowWidth = $window.width(),
windowHeight = $window.height() - 24,
windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight,
photo = -1,
photos = [],
thumbnails = [],
location.hash = hash;
$.each(["Loading", "Close", "Previous", "Play", "Pause", "Next", "ZoomIn", "ZoomOut"], function(i, name) {
src: "png/symbol" + name + ".png"
function Album(username, albumname) {
var that = this,
data = json[username][albumname];
that.show = function() {
playInterval && $("#play").trigger("click");
$("#zoomin").attr("src") == "png/symbolZoomOut.png" && $("#zoomin").trigger("click");
$(".photo") && $("#close").trigger("click");
album = albumname;
photos = [];
photo = -1;
$.each(data, function(i, image) {
photos[i] = image,
thumbnails[i] = new Thumbnail(i).show();
$("<br/>").attr({clear: "all"}).appendTo($album);
height: "24px"
$interface = $("<div>")
id: "interface"
$layer = $("<div>")
id: "layer"
setTimeout(function() {
location.hash = [user, album.replace(" ", "_")].join("/");
}, 500);
return that;
return that;
function Button(photo, name, tooltip) {
var that = this,
$div = $("<div>")
.click(function() {
$img = $("<img>")
id: name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", ""),
src: "png/symbol" + name.replace(" ", "") + ".png",
function hideTooltip() {
opacity: 0
}, 50, function() {
function showTooltip() {
opacity: 1
}, 50);
that.tooltip = tooltip;
that.show = function() {
$tooltip = $("<div>")
left: ($div.offset().left - 52) + "px"
return that;
function Dialog(title, text, buttons) {
var that = this,
$div = $("<div>")
$dialog = $("<div>")
$title = $("<div>")
$text = $("<div>")
$buttons = $("<div>")
new Input("Close", function() {
}, $buttons).show();
that.close = function() {
opacity: 0
}, 250, function() {
opacity: 0
}, 250);
return that;
that.open = function() {
opacity: 1
}, 250);
opacity: 1
}, 250);
return that;
return that;
function Input(name, fn, $parent) {
var that = this,
$parent = $parent || $("#right"),
$div = $("<div>")
that.show = function() {
return that;
return that;
function Map() {
var that = this,
offset = $(".original").offset(), // fixme: needed?
thumbnailWidth = 90 * photos[photo].width / photos[photo].height,
thumbnailHeight = 90,
boxWidth = thumbnailWidth / photos[photo].width * windowWidth,
boxHeight = thumbnailHeight / photos[photo].height * windowHeight,
$div = $("<div>")
width: thumbnailWidth + "px"
$img = $("<img>")
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/90/IMG"),
width: thumbnailWidth + "px"
$interface = $("<div>")
width: thumbnailWidth + "px"
.click(function(e) {
var offset = $div.offset(),
left = Math.min(Math.max(e.clientX - offset.left - boxWidth / 2 - 2, 0), thumbnailWidth - boxWidth),
top = Math.min(Math.max(e.clientY - offset.top + $body.scrollTop() - boxHeight / 2 - 2, 0), thumbnailHeight - boxHeight);
left: -(left * photos[photo].width / thumbnailWidth) + "px",
top: -(top * photos[photo].height / thumbnailHeight) + "px"
}, 250, function() {
$box = $("<div>")
width: boxWidth + "px",
height: boxHeight + "px"
.mousedown(function(e) {
var left = parseInt($box.css("left")) + 2,
top = parseInt($box.css("top")) + 2,
x = e.clientX,
y = e.clientY;
$window.mousemove(function(e) {
left = Math.min(Math.max(left + e.clientX - x, 0), thumbnailWidth - boxWidth);
top = Math.min(Math.max(top + e.clientY - y, 0), thumbnailHeight - boxHeight);
x = e.clientX;
y = e.clientY;
left: -(left * photos[photo].width / thumbnailWidth) + "px",
top: -(top * photos[photo].height / thumbnailHeight) + "px"
$window.mouseup(function() {
that.show = function() {
return that;
that.update = function(animate) {
var left = -parseInt($(".original").css("left")) * thumbnailWidth / photos[photo].width - 2,
top = -parseInt($(".original").css("top")) * thumbnailHeight / photos[photo].height - 2;
if (animate) {
left: left + "px",
top: top + "px"
}, 250);
} else {
left: left + "px",
top: top + "px"
return that;
function Photo(i) {
var that = this,
image = photos[i],
id = image.file.substr(-8, 4),
title = image.file.substr(4, 8), // fixme: needed?
zoomedIn = false,
keepVisible = false,
$buttons = $("<div>")
id: "buttons"
.mouseenter(function() {
keepVisible = true;
.mouseleave(function() {
buttonTimeout = setTimeout(hideButtons, 2500);
keepVisible = false;
$img = $("<img>")
src: image.file.replace("/IMG", "/90/IMG"),
["Close", "CLOSE [ESCAPE]"],
["Previous", "PREVIOUS [LEFT]"],
["Play", "PLAY/PAUSE [SPACE]"],
["Next", "NEXT [RIGHT]"],
["Zoom In", "ZOOM [=/-]"]
], function(i, button) {
new Button(that, button[0], button[1]).show();
function getOriginalCSS(i) {
return {
width: photos[i].width + "px",
height: photos[i].height + "px"
function getPhotoCSS(i) {
var size = getSize(i);
return {
left: ((windowWidth - size.width) / 2) + "px",
top: ((windowHeight - size.height) / 2) + "px",
width: size.width + "px",
height: size.height + "px"
function getSize(i) {
var photoRatio = photos[i].width / photos[i].height;
return {
width: windowRatio > photoRatio ? windowHeight * photoRatio : windowWidth,
height: windowRatio > photoRatio ? windowHeight : windowWidth / photoRatio
function hideButtons() {
opacity: 0
}, 250);
function showButtons() {
opacity: 1
}, 250);
buttonTimeout = setTimeout(hideButtons, 2500);
that.click = function(button) {
//console.log("click " + button)
if (button == "Close") {
} else if (button == "Previous") {
photo = photo == 0 ? photos.length - 1 : photo - 1;
playInterval && updateInterval();
} else if (button == "Play") {
if (!playInterval) {
src: "png/symbolPause.png"
playInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
} else {
src: "png/symbolPlay.png"
playInterval = 0;
} else if (button == "Next") {
photo = photo == photos.length - 1 ? 0 : photo + 1;
playInterval && updateInterval();
} else if (button == "Zoom In") {
var left = (photos[photo].width - windowWidth) / -2,
top = (photos[photo].height - windowHeight) / -2,
x, y;
if (!zoomedIn) {
zoomedIn = true;
spinner = new Spinner().start();
var $img_ = $("<img>")
src: photos[photo].file
.load(function() {
src: photos[photo].file
width: photos[photo].width,
height: photos[photo].height,
left: left,
top: top
}, 250, function() {
src: "png/symbolZoomOut.png"
.mousedown(function(e) {
left = parseInt($img.css("left"));
top = parseInt($img.css("top"));
x = e.clientX;
y = e.clientY;
$window.mousemove(function(e) {
left = Math.max(Math.min(left + e.clientX - x, 0), windowWidth - photos[photo].width);
top = Math.max(Math.min(top + e.clientY - y, 0), windowHeight - photos[photo].height);
x = e.clientX;
y = e.clientY;
left: left + "px",
top: top + "px"
$window.mouseup(function() {
map = new Map().show();
} else {
zoomedIn = false;
spinner = new Spinner().start();
var $img_ = $("<img>")
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
.load(function() {
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
$img.animate(getPhotoCSS(photo), 250, function() {
src: "png/symbolZoomIn.png"
function updateInterval() {
playInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
return that;
that.close = function() {
var thumbnailPosition = thumbnails[photo].position();
if (playInterval) {
left: thumbnailPosition.left,
top: thumbnailPosition.top,
width: thumbnailPosition.width,
height: thumbnailPosition.height
}, 250, function() {
location.hash = [user, album].join("/");
opacity: 0
}, 250, function() {
return that;
that.open = function() {
var thumbnailPosition = thumbnails[i].position();
left: thumbnailPosition.left,
top: thumbnailPosition.top,
width: thumbnailPosition.width,
height: thumbnailPosition.height
.animate(getPhotoCSS(i), 250, function() {
location.hash = [user, album, id].join("/");
spinner = new Spinner().start();
var $img_ = $("<img>")
src: photos[i].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
.load(function() {
src: photos[i].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
.mousemove(function() {
if (!keepVisible) {
$document.keydown(function(e) {
var d = 0;
if (photo > -1) {
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 32) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 39) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 187) {
!zoomedIn && $("#zoomin").trigger("click");
} else if (e.keyCode == 189) {
zoomedIn && $("#zoomin").trigger("click");
opacity: 1
}, 250);
photo = i;
return that;
that.remove = function() {
return that;
that.show = function(i) {
var $imgOld = $img,
offset = $img.offset(),
size = {
width: $img.width(),
height: $img.height()
$img = $("<img>")
.addClass(zoomedIn ? "original" : "photo")
src: photos[i].file.replace("/IMG", "/90/IMG"),
.css(zoomedIn ? $.extend(getOriginalCSS(i), {
left: offset.left + "px",
top: offset.top + "px"
}) : getPhotoCSS(i))
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
}, playInterval ? 500 : 250, function() {
location.hash = [user, album, photos[i].file.substr(-8, 4)].join("/");
photo = i;
if (zoomedIn) {
if (photos[i].width / size.width == size.width && photos[i].height == size.height) {
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/90/IMG"),
} else {
left: offset.left * (photos[i].width - windowWidth) / (size.width - windowWidth),
top: offset.top * (photos[i].height - windowHeight) / (size.height - windowHeight)
map = new Map().show();
spinner = new Spinner().start();
var $img_ = $("<img>")
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
.load(function() {
src: photos[photo].file.replace("/IMG", "/720/IMG")
if (zoomedIn) {
$img_ = $("<img>")
src: photos[photo].file
.load(function() {
src: photos[photo].file
} else {
return that;
return that;
function Select(name, options, selected) {
var that = this,
$div = $("<div>")
$val = $("<div>")
.html(name + ": " + selected)
$select = $("<select>")
.change(function() {
var val = $select.val()
$val.html(name + ": " + val);
new Album(user, val).show();
$.each(options, function(i, option) {
var $option = $("<option>")
option == selected && $option.attr({
selected: "selected"
that.show = function() {
return that;
return that;
function Spinner() {
var that = this,
$div = $("<div>")
left: ((windowWidth - 16 - 24) / 2) + "px",
top: ((windowHeight - 24) / 2) + "px",
$img = $("<img>")
src: "png/symbolLoading.png"
deg = 0,
function update() {
MozTransform: "rotate(" + deg + "deg)",
WebkitTransform: "rotate(" + deg + "deg)"
that.start = function() {
var spinner_ = $(".spinner");
if (spinner_) {
deg = 0;
opacity: 1
}, 250);
interval = setInterval(function() {
deg = (deg + 30) % 360;
}, 83);
return that;
that.stop = function() {
opacity: 0
}, 250, function() {
deg = 0;
return that;
return that;
function Thumbnail(i) {
var that = this,
image = photos[i],
width = image.width * 90 / image.height,
marginLeft = 16 + Math.floor((135 - width) / 2),
marginRight = 16 + Math.ceil((135 - width) / 2),
$img = $("<img>")
.addClass("thumbnail loading")
id: image.file.substr(-8, 4),
src: image.file.replace("/IMG", "/90/IMG"),
width: width + "px",
marginLeft: marginLeft + "px",
marginRight: marginRight + "px"
.click(function() {
new Photo(i).open();
.load(function() {
that.position = function() {
var offset = $img.offset();
return {
left: offset.left + 4,
top: offset.top + 4 - $body.scrollTop(),
width: $img.width(),
height: $img.height()
that.show = function() {
return that;
return that;
$.getJSON("json/jpg.json", function(data) {
json = data;
$.each(data, function(username, albumnames) {
albums[username] = [];
$.each(albumnames, function(albumname, photos) {
new Select("User", users, user).show();
new Select("Album", albums[user], album).show();
new Input("About: Photos", function() {
new Dialog("About: Photos", "2005-2010 Robert Luxemburg<br/><br/>Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0").open();
new Input("About: Software", function() {
new Dialog("About: Software", "2010 Robert Luxemburg<br/><br/>GNU General Public License 3.0<br/><br/><a href=\"zip/jpg.zip\">Download</a> (0.1.0, 2010-05-05, 150 KB)").open();
new Album(user, album).show();
photoid && setTimeout(function() {
$("#" + photoid).trigger("click")
}, 500);
//$body.append("<br clear=\"all\"/>");
//$body.append("5DM2 - GPL V3 - <a href=\"5DM2.zip\">Download</a>");